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Manage Decorators On Papyrus

Revision as of 04:18, 20 October 2015 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Application Example)



To manage decorator on Edit Part two solutions are are provided by Papyrus:

  • Decoration Service Framework
  • Shape Service Framework

The purpose of this documentation is to give the minimum information to deploy your own decorator for Papyrus elements as EditPart.

...TODO differences...

shape= if already using an svg file as shape of the edit part, using of shape provider can be problematic. decoration=icons
shape: shapeCompartment+position
... ...

Decoration Service Framework


The decoration service architecture has already been described on a document (here). You will find a description of main interfaces or classes to be implemented or to be called in order to use the framework and add specific decoration.



Decoration service permits to manage decoration on EObject. Decorations are added through this service. It provides listener to observe changes. This service can be retrieved with:

DecorationService decorationService = ServiceUtilsForEditPart.getInstance().getService(DecorationService.class, editPart);

Main methods

addDecorations(IPapyrusMarker marker, EObject element)

Add a new Decoration to a decorations Map with an IPapyrusMarker associated to an element.

addDecoration(String id, String type, EObject element, ImageDescriptor decorationImageForGE, ImageDescriptor decorationImageForME, PreferedPosition position, String message, int priority)

Add a new decoration without passing by a marker.

removeDecoration(String id)

Remove a decoration from the decorations Map,

getDecorations(EObject element):List<IPapyrusDecoration>

Return an Interface of decoration (IDecoration) for the element



IPapyrusMarker provides a protocol for markers that annotates elements with information, often used for problems. It is an analogy of the Eclipse IMarker API for resources in the workspace, to be implemented in order to create its own marker used for custom decoration.

Main methods


Return the type of the concret Papyrus marker. Is also used to link a decorator to the marker(see Decoration Image Extension Point).


Return true if the marker exists on the view.



This interface allows to access a set of functions that depends on the decorator type. The objective is that plug-ins for a specific decoration type can implement this interface (via an extension point) to provide the information that depends on the decoration type, notably the used icons, their position, the way how messages are calculated and how decoration might propagate from children to parents. To be implemented in order to create its own decoration.It Is related to a marker through decorationImage extension point.

Main methods

getImageDescriptorForGE(IPapyrusMarker marker):ImageDescriptor

Get the image descriptor for a graphical editor.

getImageDescriptorForME(IPapyrusMarker marker):ImageDescriptor

Get the image descriptor for model explorer. May be identical to the image for a graphical editor.

getPreferedPosition(IPapyrusMarker marker):PreferedPosition

Return the preferred position for markers within the model explorer.

getMessage(IPapyrusMarker marker):String

Return a textual information for the marker (used for fixing messages that do not need to be stored in each marker).

getPriority(IPapyrusMarker marker):int

Return the priority of a decoration. This enables selecting a marker with a high priority, if multiple markers for the same model element and the same position exist.


Does the decoration type support a propagation from child to parent, e.g. in case of a problem on a parents' marker (package) might be marked as containing warnings or errors.

markerPropagation(EList<IPapyrusDecoration> childDecorations):IPapyrusDecoration

Calculate a propagated marker for the parent, given the set of child decorations. Return the calculated decoration for the parent depending on a set of decorations on children.

Decoration Image Extension Point

Provide an ImageDescription for a decoration marker. It allows to link a IDecorationSpecificFunction class to a Papyrus marker through his type.



Shape Service Framework

The shape service framework permits to be display svg document on the symbol compartment or in a chosen position on the edit part.



The framework provide a simple abstract provider class in order to add svg shape to edit parts. Only few methods have to be implemented.


Main methods

getShapes(EObject view):List<RenderedImage>

Returns the list of shapes proposed by this provider or null if no shapes have to be displayed by this provider.

getSVGDocument(EObject view):List<SVGDocument>

Return the list of SVG DOCUMENT or null if no shapes have to be displayed by this provider.

providesShapes(EObject view):Boolean

Returns true if the provider can display shapes. This methods allows to compute if shapes can be displayed instead of computing the whole list of shapes to be displayed.

ShapeProvider Extension Point

To be load, implemented shape providers have to be linked throw a specific extension point.


Appearence tab

To display the shape on the edit parts and to choose the position visibility and the position, attributes have to be set on the appearance tab of the properties view.


Application Example

This part will provide a simple example using decorator service. This example illustrates how to display decoration on edit part according to the conditions described above.


SysML profile will be used as allocation profile. An "allocation table" affects the call behavior to nodes. Nodes can be stereotyped with NodeA and NodeB stereotypes. Depending on the node on which the callBehavior is allocated, the decorator of the callBehavior should change.


With this profile:


Applied on these two nodes:


And with this allocation Table:


The expected result is:


Implementation architecture

On this example, we have used 2 markers and one decoration specific function for each marker. The association between markers and decoration are done thanks to a specific extension point. An Edit policy is used to add markers to the decoration Service according to the model context. The edit policy is installed to the right edit parts through an edit policy provider, which is loaded by extension point.


The markers

For each type of stereotype NodeA and NodeB, a marker have been implemented with a specific markerType:

public class NodeAMarker implements IPapyrusMarker {
	public static final String MARKER_TYPE = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String NODE_A_STEREOTYPE = "DecorationExampleProfile::NodeA";//$NON-NLS-1$
	protected View notationElement;
	public NodeAMarker(final View notationElement) {
		this.notationElement = notationElement;
	public boolean exists() {
		return ExampleUtils.isAllocatedTo((CallBehaviorAction) notationElement, NODE_A_STEREOTYPE);
	public String getType() throws CoreException {
		return MARKER_TYPE;
	public String getTypeLabel() throws CoreException {
		return "Node A marker example";

The NodeDecoration EditPolicy

These markers are added to the DecorationService thanks to an editPolicy applied to the CallBehavoir edit part.

The DecorationService is called in the Activate() method:

	public void activate() {
		// TODO install listener
		try {
			decorationService = ServiceUtilsForEditPart.getInstance().getService(DecorationService.class, getHost());
		} catch (final ServiceException ex) {
			// Ignored; do nothing

The refresh method adds or removes markers according to the allocated element on the UML element of the edit part:

	public void refresh() {
		// If the marker already set for nodeA have to be changed.
		if (ExampleUtils.isAllocatedTo((CallBehaviorAction) view.getElement(), NodeAMarker.NODE_A_STEREOTYPE) != isNodeAMarked) {
			isNodeAMarked = !isNodeAMarked;
			if (isNodeAMarked) {
				decorationService.addDecoration(getMarkerA(), getView());
			} else {
		// If the marker for nodeB already set have to be changed
		if (ExampleUtils.isAllocatedTo((CallBehaviorAction) view.getElement(), NodeBMarker.NODE_B_STEREOTYPE) != isNodeBMarked) {
			isNodeBMarked = !isNodeBMarked;
			if (isNodeBMarked) {
				decorationService.addDecoration(getMarkerB(), getView());
			} else {

The CustomEditPolicy Provider

An edit policy provider is used to install the NodeDecorationEditPolicy to the right edit parts.

public class CustomEditPolicyProvider implements IEditPolicyProvider {
	protected String diagramType =;
	public void addProviderChangeListener(final IProviderChangeListener listener) {
	public boolean provides(final IOperation operation) {
		boolean provide = false;
		String currentDiagramType;
		// get the element
		final EObject referenceElement = ((View) ((CreateEditPoliciesOperation) operation).getEditPart().getModel()).getElement();
		// Test if it's a creation operation and the element is a CallBehavoirActino
		if ((operation instanceof CreateEditPoliciesOperation) && (referenceElement instanceof CallBehaviorAction)) {
			// Get The current diagram type
			currentDiagramType = ((View) ((CreateEditPoliciesOperation) operation).getEditPart().getModel()).getDiagram().getType();
			// Test if we are on an Activity Diagram
			if ((diagramType != null) && (diagramType.equals(currentDiagramType))) {
				provide = true;
			} else {
				provide = false;
		return provide;
	public void removeProviderChangeListener(final IProviderChangeListener listener) {
	public void createEditPolicies(final EditPart editPart) {
		editPart.installEditPolicy(NodeDecoratorEditPolicy.EDIT_POLICY_ROLE, new NodeDecoratorEditPolicy());

This edit policy provider is installed with the editpolicyProviders extension point:


The Decoration Specific Function

The decoration specific function specifies the decoration to be applied on a marked element. It defines the image, the position, the context message of the decoration etc...

public class NodeADecoration implements IDecorationSpecificFunctions {
	public MarkChildren supportsMarkerPropagation() {
		// This marker should not be propagated
		return null;
	public ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptorForGE(final IPapyrusMarker marker) {
		return org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.widgets.Activator.getDefault().getImageDescriptor(Activator.ID, "icons/NodeA.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
	public PreferedPosition getPreferedPosition(final IPapyrusMarker marker) {
		return PreferedPosition.NORTH_EAST;
	public String getMessage(final IPapyrusMarker marker) {
		return "Node A decoration example";
	public int getPriority(final IPapyrusMarker marker) {
		return 0;

To associate decoration specific function to a marker, an extension point can be used. In the image below the decoration NodeAdecoration is linked to the marker type defined on the marker NodeAMarker.MARKER_TYPE



The plugin of this example can be retrieved in the Papyrus git code repository here.

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