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Eclipse Day Rhone Alpes 2014

Revision as of 05:07, 3 December 2014 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Engineering Embedded Systems with MindEd)

After the success on positive feedback of Eclipse day 2013 in Grenoble, we are pleased to group together a Rhone-Alpes Eclipse Day event, this time in Lyon, to gather all Eclipse enthusiast in the area around technical presentations, discussions and code.

Suite au succès de l'Eclipse day 2013 à Grenoble, nous sommes heureux d'organiser de nouveau, mais cette fois à Lyon, une édition Rhone-Alpes d'Eclipse day, à seule fin de fédérer tous les pratiquants d'Eclipse autour de présentations techniques, de discussions et de sessions de codage.

Les présentations peuvent être proposées et données en français ou en anglais, selon la préférence des intervenants.

Location, date and Time

December 18 2014, all day long.

                       Nautibus, INSA Lyon
23 Avenue Pierre de Coubertin, 69100 Villeurbanne


This event is free but registration is mandatory. Place is limited so please register here!

Cette journée est gratuite, mais vous devez vous inscrire ici car le nombre de places est limité!


Hosting and Funding


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  • Mathilde Gradfort & Patrick Emin - Cluster Edit
  • Thierry Jacquin - Xerox Research
  • Antoine THOMAS & Aurélien PUPIER - Bonitasoft
  • ..

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The day will feature informal demos, presentations and discussions about cool Eclipse projects, ranging from research prototypes to fully-featured open-source and commercial offerings. Each presentation should be 20 minutes + 5 minutes of questions, doing the transition with next presentation. If you want to make something shorter, then we'll plan quickies (5 minutes). This tentative agenda is subject to change depending on the proposed talks.

Time Theme Presentation Presenter
9h30 Introduction::
  • About the event
  • Organizers & sponsors
  • Agenda
  • ClusterEdit
9h45 Eclipse Ecosystem What's new and sexy at Eclipse

Au rayon nouveautés d'Eclipse

G. Blondelle - Eclipse Foundation
10h10 Eclipse IDE usability Making IDE better at handling real-life projects

Rendre l'IDE plus adapté à nos projets de tous les jours

M. Istria - Red Hat
10h35 Eclipse IDE usability Ready-to-use development environment for internal dev and external contributors with Oomph

Le support de Oomph pour un environnement de développement distribué clé-en-main

A. Pupier - Bonitasoft
11h00 - Coffee break


11h10 Cool stuff with Eclipse An Open source Agile Planner inside Eclipse with Tuleap

Un planificateur agile en Open-Source avec Tuleap

M. Vacelet - Enalean
11h35 Appli - WEB Security The OWASP project, CSRF threat and solutions

Le projet OWASP, les menaces CSRF et leur solutions

F. Lombardi - Bonitasoft
12h00 Appli - Privacy Engineering XPfff, a privacy Framework thanks to Eclipse MDA and XText

La protection de la vie privée grâce au MDA d'Eclipse et à XText

T. Jacquin - Xerox
12h25 Open Discussions :-) Lunch All
13h30 Hands-on Codons ensemble

Coding together

14h30 Internet of Things IoT BPM P. Ozil - Bonitasoft
14h55 Internet of Things Zero config transport abstraction layer for OSGi remote services

Des services distants OSGi pour une configuration minimale

O. Gattaz - Sandlatech
15h20 Techno - Modelling How to make Sirius shine?

Comment faire briller Sirius ?

S. Monnier - Obeo
15h45 Appli - Modelling Engineering Embedded Systems with MindEd

Le developpement de systèmes embarqués avec MindEd

S. Seyvoz - Assystem / Schneider-Electric
16h10 Open slots

Plages libres

Register your talk please

Inscrivez votre presentation



Proposed talks

Submissions and deadline

Submit your talk proposal before December 10, 2014! Consolidated program on December 15

Soumettez votre présentation avant le 10 Decembre 2014! Programme définitif le 15 Decembre

You can submit simply by adding a paragraph there (please respect follow title conventions so we can easy use the page outline). We are looking for talks that show:

  • Cool stuff in Eclipse (Eclipse insight)
  • Cool stuff with Eclipse (how you use Eclipse)
  • Cool stuff for Eclipse (what plugins you develop)

All technologies/projects/organizations/... are good for a presentation, while it relates to Eclipse. Good topics of presentations can either be: innovative projects, new technologies, best practices with Eclipse IDE, showcase of a nice RCP application...

You proposal should also includes the possible formats. You can select either one, or both of them if you talk can suit to both standard and quicky format.

  • Standard talk (20 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of questions)
  • Quicky (5 minutes to use as you want)

Note that as the schedule is quite tight, we can't allow any talks to be longer than announced. So make sure your presentation fits in the timeframe! It's better to make something shorter and have more time for questions than having something too long that you can't finish.

Some themes will structure the program and we foresee the following ones. If they really don't match with the proposed talks, use other. If some new themes seem to arise, we will add them on demand.

  • Techno - Modelling
  • Techno - Web dev
  • Techno - Continuous integration
  • Techno - Visualisation
  • Appli - Enterprise architecture
  • Appli - web
  • Appli - Mobile
  • Appli - Privacy
  • Appli - Big Data
  • Appli - IoT
  • ecosystem - Contribution
  • ecosystem - Community
  • ecosystem - business models
  • other

A speaker is allowed to present several talks. Presentations my be submitted either in French or in English.

TEMPLATE: Title of your candidate talk
By Name - organization
Category see list of categories
Theme see list of themes
Format Standard (20') / Quicky (5 minutes)
Abstract Give here a quick description of the talk. motivation, steps and the expected output for attendees
TEMPLATE: Titre de votre proposition de présentation
Par nom - organisation
Catégorie voir les catégories listées ci-dessus
Thème voir les thèmes listés ci-dessus
Format Standard (20') / Quickly (5')
Résumé Indiquer ici la motivation du travail, les étapes et le but souhaité de la présentation
MDA et XText au service de la protection de données personnelles
Par Thierry Jacquin - XRCE
Catégorie cool stuff with eclipse
Thème Appli - privacy
Format Standard (20')
Résumé XPfff, un framework de protection de la vie privee grace au MDA et a XText
Making Eclipse IDE better at handling real-life projects
Par Mickael Istria (Red Hat Inc.)
Catégorie cool stuff with eclipse
Thème Eclipse IDE usability
Format Standard (20' with implementation details), or Quicky (5 min for functional demo)
Résumé Have you ever tried to pick up a random multi-module project you didn’t know much about and to import it in Eclipse IDE ? Which folder should you actually import as projects? Which ones of the dozens of import wizards should you use to achieve that?... You’ll need a lot of patience before getting a viable workspace for your project.

Then, when you’re done importing, your Eclipse IDE shows you a flat list of modules without presenting how they are actually organized with one another. Therefore, most of the project structure is lost and you have to figure it out by yourself and remember how it looks on your filesystem or on the SCM browser. These 2 issues can’t last forever. A real-life project is much more than what Eclipse IDE calls a project. In order to remain productive and helpful, Eclipse IDE has to adapt to the complexity of current projects, embrace the modularity and diversity of technologies and languages across the various modules of a same project.

This presentation will showcase simple, non-intrusive and elegant extensions to the Eclipse IDE making it easier to import projects (simple or complex) and honouring modularity in the Project Explorer. We will demonstrate these new features, show how a smarter import mechanism can also be extended to support any kind of project, and will get into the implementation details in order to highlight once again how the Eclipse Platform is still a very powerful framework that allows to integrate new concepts smoothly. The presented extensions are available under EPL at and are aimed at being part of Platform UI as soon as they’ve reached the necessary level of quality.

What's new and sexy at Eclipse?
Par Gaël Blondelle (Eclipse Foundation)
Catégorie community
Thème Eclipse Ecosystem
Format Standard
Résumé The Eclipse project was born in 2001, and the Eclipse Foundation just turned 10. In the digital era, it looks old, but instead of resting on one's laurels, the Eclipse ecosystem innovates in new domains like IoT, Location aware technologies, Embedded Systems and more. This talk will present 10 projects you would not expect to find inside the Eclipse community if you still identify Eclipse mainly with the Java IDE.

Open you eyes and your ears, and be ready to learn more about open innovation "à la" Eclipse.

An Open Source Agile Planner inside Eclipse with Tuleap
By Manuel Vacelet - Enalean
Category Cool stuff for Eclipse
Theme Agile
Format Standard (20')
Abstract In july 2014 Ericsson, Obeo and Enalean announced the availability of the first Open Source Agile Planner for Eclipse. I propose to present what was done and to explore what is possible with this plugin and it's interaction with Tuleap.
Web security: OWASP project, CSRF threat and solutions.
Par Fabio Lombardi - Bonitasoft
Catégorie Cool stuff with Eclipse
Thème Appli - web
Format Standard (20')
Résumé In a society in where we can all see an exponential growth in hacking attacks, this presentation raises awareness of web security vulnerabilities, what web developers can do to protect their web applications and which tools are available to ease the task.

In particular, I'm going to provide an overview on the OWASP top ten vulnerabilities, then focusing on CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attack, showing how it works, the impacts it can have, and how it is possible to prevent it. Finally, I will briefly describe the OWASP LAPSE project, a useful Eclipse plugin for detecting vulnerabilities in Java EE applications.

Par Philippe Ozil - Bonitasoft
Catégorie Cool stuff with Eclipse
Thème Appli - IoT
Format Standard (20')
Résumé The Internet of Things will generate a lot of data and a lot of possible interactions. How can you manage that, create alerts and drive your connected things? We will show how to do that with a BPMS, and finish the presentation with a demonstration of connected objects running through a process.
Ready-to-use development environment for internal development and external contributors with Oomph for Bonita BPM products
By Aurélien Pupier - Bonitasoft S.A.
Category Cool stuff with Eclipse
Theme other - IDE
Format Standard (20')
Abstract Tired of configuring your Eclipse from version to version? From one component to another? From one machine to another?

Tired of setting up the environment to contribute to a new Open Source project? Personally, almost all my recent code contributions to Eclipse projects were done only if they provide an Oomph configuration. No more need to search for the correct Git/Gerrit repository, install the correct plugins, modify the Code Formatter, setup the Target Platform and more. It saves so much time!

Hum, wait... We are using the Eclipse IDE in my company - I'm sure you too ;). Why not provide an installer for our own product?

At Bonitasoft, we have two distributions, one Open Source and one commercial. Some resources are available only internally such as a platform to manage code quality (Sonar), a Continuous Integration (Jenkins) server or a specific Bug Tracker (Jira). I decided to provide an installer for both products and for two different targets, the Bonitasoft developers and all the potential new contributors.

In this talk, the following topics will be covered: - Structure used to provide installer for Company Environment and Community Environment - Tips, tricks and feedback on the implementation - Analysis of gain (time, contributions, quality)

How to make Sirius shine?
Par Steve Monnier - Obeo
Catégorie Cool stuff with Eclipse
Thème Techno - Modelling
Format Standard (20')
Résumé Sirius is an official Eclipse Project based on a mature, field-proven technology. It allows the easy and rapid development of custom graphical modeling workbenches (diagrams, tables and trees) by leveraging the Eclipse Modeling technologies, including EMF and GMF.

This talk gives an overview of the main Sirius features and shows how it can be used to create custom tooling for your own business or engineering domain.

Cohorte-Herald : the zero config transport abstraction layer allowing OSGi remote services over the NATs
Par Olivier Gattaz - Sandlatech
Catégorie Cool stuff with Eclipse
Thème Appli - IoT
Format Standard (20')
Résumé Il s’agit de décrire nos travaux sur le projet open source « Cohorte-Herald » :
   protocoles (préconisation du Broadband Forum)
   aspect zéro conf
Engineering Embedded Systems with MindEd
Par Stéphane Seyvoz - Assystem, for Schneider-Electric
Catégorie Cool stuff with Eclipse
Thème Appli - Modelling Embedded Systems
Format Standard (20')
Résumé MindEd is an Eclipse plugin, part of the OW2/Minalogic MIND project. This project started in 2008, and consists of Component-Based Software Engineering tools based on the OW2 Fractal component model. Our toolchain uses an Architecture Description Language, an Interface language, and C/C++ for components implementations, targeting embedded systems.

The MindEd Eclipse plugin aims to provide assistance to the MIND applications developer, featuring ADL and IDL support through Xtext and EMF, C/C++ integration with CDT, and a new Sirius-based graphical editor prototype that will hopefully replace the former GMF-based one.

In this talk, we will show an overview of the tool, provide feedback on the frameworks we used along the project, and our perpectives for the next releases.

Multi-platform hybrid Mobile applications with Apache Cordova and Eclipse THyM
Par Mickael Istria - Red Hat
Catégorie Cool stuff with Eclipse
Thème Appli - Mobile
Format Standard (20')
Résumé With the amount of different mobile platforms and the diversity of languages and concepts they use, it has become expensive to develop one application for each platform. Apache Cordova solves this by allowing developers to use HTML5 & JavaScript as programming language, adding bridges to some native features, and packaging it as regular packages that you can put on your favorite Mobile applications market. Apache Cordova only provides a CLI, and such Hybrid projects can quickly become complex to manage and require some good tools. That's why the team behing JBoss Developer Studio developed and contributed Eclipse THyM (The Hybrid Mobile) which aims at providing easier development experience for Cordova projects inside Eclipse IDE.

This talk will show a basic introduction to development of Mobile applications with Apache Cordova by leveraging the Eclipse THyM tools in your favorite IDE (in case you're not sure, it's Eclipse IDE).

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