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Eclipse DemoCamps November 2013/Grenoble

< Eclipse DemoCamps November 2013
Revision as of 05:32, 12 November 2013 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Building Eclipse Plug-ins and RCP Applications with Tycho)

Eclipse DemoCamp Old.jpg

After the success on positive feedback of previous Demo Camp in Grenoble and the recent emulation shown at Cluster Edit, we are pleased to group together a demo camp and a hackathon in a full day Eclipse event in Grenoble to gather all Eclipse enthusiast in the area around technical presentations, discussions and code.

Please register at our EventBrite page

Location, date and Time

November 25th 2013, all day long.

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Xerox Research Centre Europe
6 chemin de Maupertuis
38240 Meylan, France

LatLong: 45.2173989, 5.7921349
Travel Information


If you're interesting in promoting the event in your organisation, please the following flyer and put it where your colleagues will see it:



Hosting and Funding

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  • Thierry Jacquin - Xerox Research
  • Mickael Istria - Red Hat
  • Mathilde Gradfort & Patrick Emin - Cluster Edit

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The day will feature informal demos, presentations and discussions about cool Eclipse projects, ranging from research prototypes to fully-featured open-source and commercial offerings. Each presentation should be 20 minutes + 5 minutes of questions, doing the transition with next presentation. If you want to make something shorter, then we'll plan quickies (5 minutes). This tentative agenda is subject to change depending on the proposed talks.

Time Activity
9h30 Introduction, event, sponsors, who you are
10h Talk 1 (TBD)
10h30 Talk 2 (TBD)
11h Coffee break and chat
11h15 Talk 3 (TBD)
11h45 Talk 4 (TBD)
12h15 Talk 5 (TBD)
12h45 Lunch and chat
14h 8 quickies (TBD)
14h40 Talk 6 (TBD)
15h10 Coffee break and chat
15h25 Talk 7 (TBD)
15h55 Talk 8 (TBD)
16h25 Talk 9 (TBD)
16h55 Code together: need help on a piece of code, on a project, to contribute your first patch ot an Eclipse-related project ? Let's work all together to make progress together!

Proposed talks

Submissions and deadline

Submit your talk proposal before November 12th!

You can submit simply by adding a paragraph there (please respect follow title conventions so we can easy use the page outline). We are looking for talks that show:

  • Cool stuff in Eclipse (Eclipse insight)
  • Cool stuff with Eclipse (how you use Eclipse)
  • Cool stuff for Eclipse (what plugins you develop)

All technologies/projects/organizations/... are good for a presentation, while it relates to Eclipse. Good topics of presentations can either be: innovative projects, new technologies, best practices with Eclipse IDE, showcase of a nice RCP application...

You proposal should also includes the possible formats. You can select either one, or both of them if you talk can suit to both standard and quicky format.

  • Standard talk (20 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of questions)
  • Quicky (5 minutes to use as you want)

Note that as the schedule is quite tight, we can't allow any talks to be longer than announced. So make sure your presentation fits in the timeframe! It's better to make something shorter and have more time for questions than having something too long that you can't finish.

A speaker is allowed to present several talks. Presentations my be submitted either in French or in English.

Maximize cost/value rate of your Eclipse tests with SWTBot test recorder
By Mickael Istria
Category Cool stuff for Eclipse
Fornat Quicky (5 minutes)
Abstract SWTBot recently integrated a test recorder and generator that speeds up the process of developing a functional test. This will be a quick demo.
XText : an example of modelling with respect to a legacy application
By T Jacquin
Category Cool stuff with Eclipse
Format Standard (20min)
Abstract There are easy ways in XText for linking a model with applicative java structures such as classes, methods or attributes. Few slides / short demo ?
XText/Xtend : A winning couple for building your DSL
By N. Palix
Category Cool stuff with Eclipse
Format Standard (20min)
Abstract XText eases the building of your DSL frontend. XTend helps you building your DSL backend. This presentation will illustrate

how to use them together in your project. Few slides / short demo ?

Open Innovation @ Eclipse, extending the ecosystem to embrace new technology domains
By G Blondelle
Category Cool stuff with Eclipse or Eclipse ecosystem
Format Standard (20min)
Abstract After a short reminder of the Eclipse Foundation story, I give the vision of Eclipse hosting new technologies in the domain of Embedded Systems, Location aware software, m2m, ... This move extends the Eclipse ecosystem beyond its natural borders and opens new opportunities for the community.
Dataflow programming
By X Raynaud
Category Cool stuff with Eclipse
Format Quicky
Abstract This presentation may be split in two parts: (1) Dataflow programming requires support of a new C-like language in eclipse: difficulties and achievements. (2) Visualization and profiling of a dataflow application, focusing on Eclipse technologies used.
Trace and Monitoring Framework - a concrete usage for multicore application
By X Raynaud
Category Cool stuff with Eclipse
Format Quicky
Abstract Tracing and Monitoring Framework (TMF) started as a collection of Eclipse plugins to analyze LTTng traces. Since then, it has evolved into a generic trace analysis framework. The presentation will provides an overview of the framework, as well as a concrete usage of this framework for embedded multicore applications.
Building Eclipse Plug-ins and RCP Applications with Tycho
By Xavier Raynaud, or somebody else if any volunteer
Category Cool stuff for Eclipse
Format To be discussed
Abstract Tycho is a maven extension for building Eclipse artifacts (plug-ins, products, update-sites...). Idea is to exchange around this practice, perhaps using
Example of model driven tools integration in HW/SW development
By Sebastien Revol
Category Cool stuff for Eclipse
Format To be discussed
Abstract EMF Model driven tools provide fantastic ways to structure and reuse information with model transformation and code or doc generation. However the development and the deployment of such tools require eclipse and java skills which prevent non-expert people to integrate those tools in their development flow. We present here a set of plugins we have developped on top of EMF tools to allow HW developers to easily write, deploy and execute their generators in a command-line based unix environment.
How to contribute to an Eclipse project?
By Mickael Istria (other welcome)
Category Cool stuff for Eclipse
Format Standard (20 minutes)
Abstract Everybody uses or have used Eclipse for various purpose. As a consequence, everybody has an idea of something to improve in Eclipse. Eclipse is community-driven, and your feedback and your contributions are actually what make Eclipse what it is, and what it's going to be. But the process of giving feedback and contributing code is not trivial.
This talk will present the standard process of contributing anything to an Eclipse project: what are the entry points? How to be explicit? How to convince people of the value of your request? How to contribute code? How to become a project committer?...
Case-study: an IDE for Web, Mobile and Cloud applications
By Mickael Istria
Category Cool stuff with Eclipse
Format Standard (case-study) or Quicky (demo only)
Abstract JBoss Developer Studio is an IDE dedicated to JBoss technologies and focusing on very high productivity of developers doing Java for Web, Mobile and Cloud applications. This presentation will feature a small demonstration, and can be extended to a case-study explaining how such an IDE leverages pieces of Eclipse.
AutoRefactor : automatically refactor entire Java code bases!
By JN Rouvignac
Category Cool stuff for Eclipse
Format Quicky or Standard (French or English)
Abstract Was your code base written in majority with Java 1.4?

Does running SonarQube expose 10000+ violations on your code base?
Were Code Monkeys unleashed on your code base?
AutoRefactor aim to solve most of these problems for you... automatically!

Projets Eclipse pour l'IoT, le M2M et le SOHO
By Didier Donsez
Category Cool stuff for Eclipse
Format French
Abstract L'Internet des choses (IoT) devient désormais une réalité avec la disponibilité de dispositifs enfouis communicants (étiquettes RFID, capteurs sans fil, téléphonie mobile …) de faible coût. L'Internet des choses offre aux entreprises de nouvelles opportunités de modèles économiques (ie pay as you use), d’amélioration de la qualité du service rendu à leurs clients (particuliers ou entreprises) et de satisfaction de leurs obligations légales ou contractuelles. Il s’impose comme le nouvel outil d’efficacité (ie just-in-time) et de productivité pour les entreprises et organisations e-agiles. Les services nécessaires sont appelés Machine à Machine (M2M) car ils sont à la convergence des dispositifs enfouis et des systèmes d'information des entreprises via des moyens de communication ubiquitaires. Cependant une grande majorité des services M2M sont actuellement conçus de manière ad-hoc en adressant spécifiquement un domaine sectoriel (santé, énergie, agriculture, distribution, transports, …). Ces services M2M sont généralement incompatibles entre eux et de ce fait, ils ne permettent pas de « croiser » les applications inter-secteurs.

Les intergiciels pour M2M jouent un rôle crucial dans la livraison et l'évolution rapides d'infrastructures matérielles et des suites logicielles flexibles et adaptées aux besoins des entreprises et des organisations, et de leurs clients et de leurs usagers pour l'exploitation de l'Internet des Choses. Cette présentation introduira 3 projets de la fondation Eclipse qui développent des intergiciels et des environnements de développement pour l'IoT, le M2M et le SOHO (Smart Office Home Office).

Who Is Attending

There are only 50 seats available, so please register quickly to have your seat at this democamp.Insciption is mandatory. Attendees will be required to confirm their presence a few days before the event.

Registration page is here on EventBrite.


Eclipse DemoCamp Grenoble is a Green event. If you plan to use your car to go to this event, and have some seats to share, please add you to this list:

Driver Departure from Seats
John Doe Minatec ou Gare
  1. Joe
  2. Jack
  3. ...
  4. ...

After the conference

To be filled later


  • Twitter: Follow @EclipseGre for more news about Eclipse-related news in Grenoble and its area.
  • Mailing-list: Organizers can also be reached on the france-ec mailing-list. Feel free to come to ask questions, make suggestions, anything...

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