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< Scout
Revision as of 06:36, 2 July 2013 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Step 6: Commit changes to local feature branch and push to remote repository)


The Eclipse wiki gives a good detailed overview of the various ways you can contribute to a project:

The typical contributor will go through the following steps:

  1. You use Scout, i.e. The Scout documentation has been moved to it, go through The Scout documentation has been moved to, build your own Scout apps
  2. You will find bugs, or have ideas for your great feature.
  3. You provide some public feedback
    1. Read/ask questions on the Scout Scout Forum
    2. Report these bugs/enhancements via Scout bugzilla
  4. Eventually, you might want to speed up bug fixing by providing patches
  5. Getting enthusiastic enough, you will contribute many valuable, high quality patches for Scout bugs/enhancements
  6. Now is the time to start the committer election process :-)

Opening new Bugs

1) Before you do anything related to bugs please have a look at the Eclipse Bugzilla FAQ.

2) Before you open a new Scout bug, please try to scan through the known bugs to verify that you are not reporting a bug that is already known for Eclipse Scout. See next section.

Find Existing Scout Bugs

For your convenience a number of links are provided below:

Bug Report Quality Matters

High quality bug reports help to quickly understand/analyze/fix bugs. Bad quality bug reports lead to poor developer morale and slow down everything.

Good quality bug reports often feature many of the following things:

  • Well organized description
  • Clear distinction between observed behaviour and expected behaviour
  • Steps to reproduce
  • Stack traces
  • Screenshots
  • Source file and line numbers from attempts to locate the source of the bug

Lack of any of the above characteristics is considered poor quality. A drastic example (taken from [1]) reads as follows:

I wand to create a new plugin in Eclipse using CDT. Shall it possible.
I had made a R&D in eclipse documentation. I had get an idea about create a
plugin using Java. But i wand to create a new plugin ( user defined plugin )
using CDT. After that I wand to impliment it in my programe. If it possible?.
Any one can help me please...

[1] Nicolas Bettenburg et al. "Quality of bug reports in Eclipse", Proceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA workshop on eclipse technology eXchange, 2007

Good guidelines on how to write a bug may be found here:

Open a Scout bug

When you cannot find an existing bug, feel free to open a new bug:

Please also read the text below that introduces some Scout specific aspects of bug writing

Choose the proper Component

Select the component according to the following criteria

  • Scout: Scout Runtime bugs, or anyting else that you are not sure what component to choose
  • Scout SDK: Bugs in the Scout SDK, e.g. wizards that create code that won't compile
  • Scout Docs: Bugs on,, and any other public communication regarding Scout

Choose the proper Version

Choose the Scout version that you are having the issue with. Next the Scout release coming with Kepler (june 2013) this would be 3.9.0.

If you are using an older version of Eclipse Scout, there is no more release planned, but relevant bugs will still be fixed on these branches.

Choose the proper Severity

Severity is assigned by a user and describes the level of impact the bug is having on them, the Eclipse Scout project has defined following meanings:

Severity Definition Used when
Blocker Prevents function from being used, no work-around, blocking progress on multiple fronts The bug prevents use or testing of the build
Critical Prevents function from being used, no work-around frequent crashes, “loss of data”
Major Prevents function from being used, but a work-around is possible “loss of function”
Normal A problem making a function difficult to use but no special work-around is required default value, typically the correct setting unless one of the other levels fit
Minor A problem not affecting the actual function, but the behavior is not natural (or it is not important). something's wrong, but it doesn't affect the function significantly
Trivial A problem not affecting the actual function, a typo would be an example feature requests, nice to have (also when the new feature is “major”)

Use a decent Summary line

Helps a lot to identify the bug in a large list of bugs. Good example: SWT: Columns with an active filter should be identifiable. Bad example: Layout.

In case the bug relates to a specific Scout runtime UI please use one of the following prefixes:

  • Swing:: For bugs specific to the Scout Swing UI
  • SWT:: For bugs specific to the Scout SWT UI

Bug Life Cycle

Consult the Eclipse wiki for a diagram showing the possible bug live cycles.

Typical Life Cycle

  1. New
  2. Assigned
  3. Resolved (Fixed)
  4. Verified
  5. Closed

Some notes:

  • Status 'Assigned' may be skipped
  • For a bug in status 'Resolved' the 'Target Milestone' must be specified
  • If a patch contributed by a non-committer is applied, set the iplog flag to '+' (on the individual patch file, not on the bug!) and follow the guidelines in section below
  • Ideally, the implementation/Fix is verified by the person opening the bug
  • If bug and implementation is from the same person, someone else should verify the bug
  • Bugs are closed by Scout project leads after a release is shipped

Checklist for setting status to Resolved (Fixed)

  • Iplog is set, if necessary (on patch not ticket, if a patch is available)
  • Milestone is correct
  • Ticket contains migration notes, if necessary
  • Whiteboard contains migration text, if necessary
  • Ticket is assigned to person that is supposed to test it
  • News entry is written in Scout/NewAndNoteworthy, if necessary (for enhancements and other important changes)

Verifying a ticket

  • Test, if the original problem was solved and it is save to close it. Test on all branches where the ticket was applied.
  • If the ticket is ok set the status to "VERIFIED" and reassign it to the default assignee
  • If the ticket was not ok, set the status to "REOPENED" and reassign to the person who solved the ticket.

Contributions for Non-Scout Committers

Contributing patches

Please create a Bugzilla entry with a patch attached. Some guidelines on how to create such a patch can be found in the following Eclipse article (specifically the sections 'Fixing the Bug' and 'Submitting a Patch').

Contribution to the Eclipse Scout project needs to follow the coding guidelines.

To successfully contribute you also have to follow the Eclipse legal guidelines.

Specifically, you need to:

  1. make sure the patch doesn't contain cryptography
  2. make sure the patch is written from scratch
  3. make sure the patch is submitted under the EPL
  4. make sure the change is less than 250 lines of code

Special cases

  • If you're employed outside of bsi, you will need to explicitly confirm all above points in the gerrit change or in the bugzilla ticket
  • If your contribution is larger than 250 lines of code we need to fill in a contribution questionnaire and open a corresponding IPZilla bug
  • If the licence is not EPL we will need to have this verified (e.g GPL is a no-go)

I have provided a Patch. Now What?

If you have attached a patch to a bugzilla ticket and are not satisfied with it's progress (read: nobody seems to notice after a week or so): Nudge us in the Scout forum, and please allow for some more days. We will then find a committer for your bug and figure out the next steps together.

To list the currently pending patches you may use this query

Contributions for Scout Committers

Contributing a patch or feature


Contributing a patch or a new feature to Eclipse Scout Kepler or Luna is done by creating a new feature branch that will be merged into the corresponding develop (currently Luna) or release branch (release/3.9.1 is Kepler SR1). In this chapter all necessary steps are shown to contribute a patch or a feature. This example requires EGIT to be installed in the Eclipse IDE.

Step 1: Clone GIT repository

All Eclipse Scout GIT repositories are listed here. In this example, we'll provide a new feature to the Scout Runtime. Therefore, we clone the Scout RT repository is cloned.

In your Eclipse IDE click on Windows -> Open Perspective -> Others... and select Git Repository Exploring.

In the GIT perspective, click on Clone a Git repository and select URI as a repository source in the next dialog.


For the Scout RT repository we use the SSH URL ssh:// Please fill in your Eclipse Scout committer credentials in the Username and Password field.


Since we are interested in the develop and release/3.9.1 (Kepler SR1) branches, we only select these two branches.

The Scout RT GIT repository will be cloned to a local destination. Select the directory and location to which the GIT repository should be cloned. Choose develop as the initial branch and enter origin to reference the remote GIT repository.


Finally, click on Finish to clone the Scout RT repository.

Step 2: Import Plugins into Workspace

After having cloned the Scout RT Git repository, we are going to import all plugins from the repository into our workspace. Double-click on the cloned repository org.eclipse.scout.rt and right-click on the Working Directory and select Import Projects...


In the next step, we will import all plugins into our workspace.


Click on the Next button and select all plugins.

Click on Finish to start the import process.

Step 3: Create a local feature branch

For every new feature a separate branch is created. Assume we want to provide an implementation for bug 412011. We will create a local branch first based on the latest commit of the develop branch. Then we apply some initial changes for the bug, commit them to the local branch and will push the local feature branch to the remote Git repository (origin). Afterwards, we will do some further changes, commit them locally and push these changes to the recently created remote branch.

First, we will have a look at the history. In the Git perspective expand your local branches and right click on the develop branch and choose Show In -> History.

The History view should be opened and it should like something look this


We can see that our local develop branch (marked in green) refers to the same last commit as the remote develop branch shown as origin/develop in grey. Right-click on the commit where the origin/develop branch is pointing to and select Create Branch....


As Source ref or commit we select refs/remotes/origin/develop and call the local feature branch luna_target_bug412011. Select None as pull strategy and check Checkout new branch.

Click on Finish. The feature branch should now be created locally.


The check icon on the left and the bold font in the History view indicate that the feature branch is currently active.

Step 4: Change Push URL

In the previous step we cloned our Scout RT repository from read-only URL. To be able to push our feature branches and patches, we have to configure the Push URL to use Gerrit where write access is granted. Expand the Remotes directory, right-click on origin and select Gerrit Configuration...


For Scout RT, we add the URL ssh://[username] where [username] should be replaced with your committer ID.


Click on Finish. Your Push URL should now look similar like


Step 5: Push feature branch to remote repository

Now we push the recently created local feature branch to the remote repository. Right-click on the local feature branch luna_target_bug412011 and select Push Branch....

Select the remote repository which correspond to the Gerrit Push URL we've just added in the previous step. Press Next.

Now we choose the target ref name for the feature branch. The convention is as follow: refs/heads/features/[committerID]/shortDescription_bug[ID], where [committerID] and [ID] should be replaced by the actual value.

Press Finish and the feature branch should now be pushed onto the remote repository.


The feature branch is visible in the Remote Tracking directory.


Step 6: Commit changes to local feature branch and push to remote repository

In our example we made some initial changes for bug 412011 and are now about to commit a new file into the local branch. Switch to the view Git Staging.

In the Unstaged Changes area all new and modified files are listed. We move the new to the Staged Changes area by using drag-and-drop and enter a commit message.


Now we press the button Commit so that the target file will be committed into the local feature branch (Note: If we pressed the button Commit and Push, we would commit the target file into the local feature branch and also push those changes to the feature branch on the remote repository. However, we will do this step manually in this example).

If we look at the Commit History, we see that the local feature branch luna_target_bug412011 is 1 commit ahead of the remote feature branch origin/features/klee1/lunaTarget_bug412011.


Next, we push to local feature branch into the feature branch of the remote repository. Right-click on the Scout RT Git repository and select Push to Gerrit...

In the URI field select Gerrit (the one containing and in the field Gerrit branch select refs/for/ and hit Ctrl+Space in the text field to open a pop-up dialog. Select your remote feature branch and press Finish.

The prefix refs/for indicates a special branch for Gerrit code review. The changes in the local feature branch will not directly be pushed into the feature branch of the remote repository. Instead, the changes are made available in Gerrit where code review can be done. In our example, the URL for code review is displayed Message Details box.

This URL can be opened in a browser for example. The changes will be verified by a Sandbox Hudson that builds the changes.

Before we push our changes in the local feature branch to the remote repository, we make some further changes in the target file. As described above we commit this change into the local feature branch first by moving the changes to the Staged Changes, entering a commit message and finally pressing the Commit button.

Development IDE Configuration

Scout has Java 6.0 and Eclipse Platform 3.5 as minimum requirements, so dependencies to newer Java and platform versions must be avoided.

In order to minimize the inadvertent introduction of dependencies to Java 7.0, add both a Java6 and a Java 7 SDK to your workspace. Do this in Window/Preferences -> Java/Installed JREs. Then configure your Execution Environments so that J2SE-1.6 refer to a Java 6 SDK and JavaSE-1.7 refer to a Java 7 installation.

Getting the Scout Sources

Starting with Scout 3.9.0 (Kepler) we are using git. See:

The Scout documentation has been moved to


Runtime: git://
SDK: git://

The sources for earlier releases are still available on SVN (see section Juno or Indigo). You may browse the SVN repository online.


 Eclipse Scout 3.10.0 (upcoming Luna Release)
 Branch: develop


 Eclipse Scout 3.9.1 (upcoming Kepler SR1)
 Branch: release/kepler_sr1

 Eclipse Scout 3.9.0 (Kepler)
 Branch: master


The most current state of the Juno release of Eclipse Scout is

 Eclipse Scout 3.8.x (Juno)

To get access to the sources of the Juno release you may access the repository through the tags provided below.

 Eclipse Scout 3.8.1 (Juno SR1) 
 Eclipse Scout 3.8.0 (Juno) 


The most current state of the Indigo branch of Eclipse Scout is

 Eclipse Scout 3.7.x (Indigo)

To get access to the sources of the Indigo release you may access the repository through the tags provided below.

 Eclipse Scout 3.7.2 (Indigo SR2)
 Eclipse Scout 3.7.1 (Indigo SR1)
 Eclipse Scout 3.7.0 (Indigo) 

Wiki Contribution

We encourage Eclipse Scout developers and contributors to take the "better to ask for forgiveness than permission" approach to adding and updating wiki documentation.

Create links

Forum to Wiki

A forum thread has a very short life time (sometimes some user use the search engine, but it is not always the case). As forum threads As a wiki page has a much longer lifetime than a forum thread, it is a good practice to increase the value of the information accumulated in a forum thread by condensing it into a wiki page. Its value is further growing over time because – in contrast to information in a forum thread - it is much more likely that the information in the wiki is kept up to date. When a Forum Topic is summarized into a wiki page or pages, it is a good practice to let the forum readers know about it. (This helps people that find an old forum thread via search engines). The above recommendation does not apply to all forum threads, but often it’s already clear from the first question in a new thread if the asked for information would be a valuable addition to the wiki. To make the process more efficient we like to suggest the following approach. Once it’s clear that the question is of a conceptual nature and it will take some time to compile a good answer consider to first create the answer as a how-to entry or a concept entry in the wiki. Then answer the forum’s question by adding a link to the newly created wiki page.

Wiki to Forum

Sometime there is a very good discussion in the forum (example, how to, architecture description, advanced topic explanations). Such valuable know how belongs to the wiki, but it is sometimes not possible to control where the discussion takes place. If there is/are (roughly) matching existing wiki pages but the person responding the forum thread does not have the necessary time to amend this existing wiki at least add a link from the wiki page to the forum thread.

What you type What you see
{{note|TODO|Merge the content of this post:
build your own fragment containing the MySql jdbc driver 
Merge the content of this post:

build your own fragment containing the MySql jdbc driver

Wiki to Wiki

A wiki is not a book, it is not linear. It is not possible to assume where a reader will start reading (he might land on a page with a search engine). Therefore it is important to link the pages together. We try to add a “see also” section on each page. It is the default solution to link pages with each other.

It is possible to check how many other wiki pages contain a link to a page. Link “What links here” from the Toolbox section. At list 2-3 pages should reference a new page.

Use MediaWiki Features

Java Syntax highlighting

Tag the code blocks with source tag

What you type What you see
<source lang="java">
protected IPage execCreateChildPage(final ITableRow row)
    throws ProcessingException {
      MyNodePage childPage = new MyNodePage();
      return childPage;
protected IPage execCreateChildPage(final ITableRow row)
    throws ProcessingException {
      MyNodePage childPage = new MyNodePage();
      return childPage;
<source lang="xml">
<source lang="sql">
select language_id, name
from languages
SELECT language_id, name
FROM languages

Committer Nominations

Nominations for committer status can be created in the committer portal. Nominations should follow the according to the Eclipse wiki guidlines. A good starting point for nominations is a significant number (8-15) of well written patches, meaningful posts on the Scout forum and other community activities. To count patches we typically use the Scout IP Log.

Preparing Nominations

Current Nominations

Past Nominations

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