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LDT/Developer Area/Development

Revision as of 06:46, 29 January 2013 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Bugzilla severity and priority)

Git repositories

Koneki source code is available on the Git repositories of the Eclipse Foundation. There are several repositories:

org.eclipse.koneki.commons.git Contains plug-ins that aim at being re-used by other Koneki projects (generic UI components, helpers, ...)
org.eclipse.koneki.ldt.git Contains the Lua Development Tools source code
org.eclipse.koneki.protocols.git Contains different sub-projects providing the core components enabling protocols (OMA-DM, ...) manipulation in the tools
org.eclipse.koneki.simulators.git Contains different sub-projects providing the components enabling protocols (OMA-DM, ...) simulation in the tools

Bugzilla severity and priority

Severity Definition
blocker A problem preventing a function from being used, no work around, blocking progress on multiple fronts
critical A problem preventing a function from being used, no work around
major A problem preventing a function from being used, but a work around is possible
normal A problem making a function difficult to use but no special work around is required
minor A problem not affecting the actual function, but the behavior is not natural
trivial A problem not affecting the actual function, a typo would be an example
enhancement A new feature

Update sites organization

The active Hudson jobs perform the continuous integration of Koneki projects and deploy signed p2 repos to the nightly update sites.

There are 2 kind of nightly updates sites (repositories) :

  • nightly: /home/data/httpd/, which is a composite repo of the last successful builds of the 'master' branch of each Koneki projects.
  • nightly-maintenance: /home/data/httpd/, which is the same one but for the active maintenance branch.

All the last releases are stored in /home/data/httpd/ repository which is composed of :

  • stable: /home/data/httpd/ which contains all the last stable releases.
  • milestones: /home/data/httpd/ which contains all the last milestones.

All the old releases can be found in /home/data/httpd/ (with the same structure)

Delivery Process

All the path in this section are relative to /home/data/httpd/ on

Maintenance version

  • "Commit freeze" on all maintenance branches.
  • Be sure the last version build corresponds to the last commit wanted.
  • Test the last nightly-maintenance build.

If tests are ok:

  • Copy all directories from updates-nightly-maintenance/ to releases/stables/${NUM.VERSION}.
    • mkdir releases/stable/${NUM.VERSION}/
    • cp -r updates-nightly-maintenance/* releases/stable/${NUM.VERSION}/
  • Rename the repository name in compositeArtifacts.xml and compositeContent.xml in releases/stables/${NUM.VERSION} (increment timestamp too)
    • sed -i -e "s/(nightly-maintenance)/(${NUM.VERSION})/g" releases/stable/${NUM.VERSION}/compositeArtifacts.xml
    • sed -i -e "s/(nightly-maintenance)/(${NUM.VERSION})/g" releases/stable/${NUM.VERSION}/compositeContent.xml
    • (increment timestamp)
  • Modify repo to enable statistic
  • Add child ${NUM.VERSION} in the repository name in compositeArtifacts.xml and compositeContent.xml in releases/stables/ (increment timestamp too)
  • Check the files permissions. (all repo should have directory with right drwxrwsr-x and artifacts.jar and content.jar in -rw-rw-r--)
  • Tag the last commit of the maintance branches.
    • name ${NUM.VERSION}, description : Releases ${NUM.VERSION} version
  • Increment version to the next maintenance version then commit it.
    • commit comment : Increment version (${OLD.VERSION} => ${NUM.VERSION})
  • Deliver new products.
    • archive current version : cp products/stable/* /home/data/httpd/${CURRENT.NUM.VERSION}/
    • deliver new version : cp /shared/jobs/koneki-ldt-maintenance/lastSuccessful/archive/product/target/products/* products/stable

Milestones versions

  • "Commit freeze" on all master branches.
  • Be sure the last version build corresponds to the last commit wanted.
  • Test the last nightly build.

If tests are ok:

  • execute script releases:

python m -mv 0.9RC2

which do :

 Deliver repo.
 Deliver new products.

If script execution is ok:

  • Tag the last commit of the master branches.

Major versions

  • Test the milestones version which is the releases candidate.

If tests are ok :

  • execute script releases:

python s -mv 0.9RC2 -sv 0.9

which do :

 Archive stable repo.
 Deliver stable repo.
 Archive milestones repo.
 Archive stable products.
 Deliver stable products.
 Archive milestones products.

If script execution is ok:

  • Tag the master branches.
  • Create maintenance branches.
  • Increment version on master branches then commit it.
  • Increment version to the next maintenance version then commit it.
  • Change hudson configuration of maintenance builds to build the new one.

Simultaneous Release

Simultaneous Release migration

  • Update target platform (.target)
  • Add the new plaform profile in root pom.xml
  • Change the default repo use to build in root pom.xml (<eclipse-site> property)

Increment version Process

  • Increment feature version (+ pom.xml)
  • Increment product feature version (+ pom.xml)
  • Increment product version and its dependencies version
  • Increment feature version includes in category.xml
  • Increment documentation version (org.eclipse.koneki.ldt.doc.user/build-help.xml and org/eclipse/koneki/ldt/debug/ui/
  • deploy User guide (wiki)
  • Update Koneki website links to the wiki user guide.

Enable Statistic

Done automatically now by the release script.

  • Move in repo
    • cd releases/stable/${NUM.VERSION}/${repo}
  • Unzip artifacts.jar
    • unzip artifacts.jar
  • Modify artifacts.xml (add p2.statsURI and download.stats property)
<properties size="3">
    <property name="p2.timestamp" value="1339531652273"/>
    <property name="p2.compressed" value="true"/>
    <property name="p2.statsURI" value=""/>


<artifact classifier="org.eclipse.update.feature" id="org.eclipse.koneki.ldt" version="">
      <properties size="6">
        <property name="artifact.size" value="20464"/>
        <property name="download.size" value="20464"/>
        <property name="maven-groupId" value="org.eclipse.koneki.ldt-features"/>
        <property name="maven-artifactId" value="org.eclipse.koneki.ldt"/>
        <property name="maven-version" value="0.8.0-SNAPSHOT"/>
        <property name="download.contentType" value="application/zip"/>
        <property name='download.stats' value='org.eclipse.koneki.ldt_0.8.0.201206122001'/>
  • Zip it
    • zip artifacts.jar artifacts.xml
  • remove artifacts.xml
    • rm artifacts.xml

(see :

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