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Architecture Council/Meetings/June 14 2012

Meeting Title: Architecture Council Monthly Meeting
Date & Time: Thursday June 14, 2012 at 1500 UTC / 0800 SFO / 1100 Ottawa / 1600 London / 1700 Berlin attention DST change
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  • Ottawa (local call in Ottawa) 1-613-454-1403
  • North America (toll free) 1-877-369-7806
  • Germany (local call anywhere in Germany) 49-692-2224-6059
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Participant conference extension: 701 then enter pin: 51968

  • SIP clients can call, then enter pin 51968.


All AC Members are invited.

  • PMC Reps please confirm attendance or list your delegate below. Every PMC is required to name a primary and backup delegate, and to ensure that one delegate attends the meeting.
BIRT: Wenfeng Li Wenbin He
DTP: Brian Payton Linda Chan
Eclipse: Mike Wilson John Arthorne
Boris Bokowski
Modeling: Ed Merks Cédric Brun
Sven Efftinge
Mylyn: Steffen Pingel Mik Kersten
RT: Christian Campo Tom Watson
SOA: Mark Duto for Adrian Mos Sebastien Gandon
Technology: Gunnar Wagenknecht Wayne Beaton
Tools: Doug Schaefer
WTP: Chuck Bridgham Dave Carver
Neil Hauge
  • Signed-up: John Arthorne, Wayne Beaton, Christian Campo, Linda Chan, Mark Duto (SOA, replacing Adrian Mos), Igor Fedorenko, Markus Knauer, Kim Moir, Martin O, Steffen Pingel, Doug Schaefer
  • Regrets: Oliver Cole (standing conflict), Sebastien Gandon, Wenfeng Li (standing conflict), Achim Loerke, Adrian Mos, Andrew Overholt
  • No-Show: Chris Aniszczyk, Boris Bokowski, Nick Boldt, Chuck Bridgham, Cédric Brun, Dave Carver, Doug Clarke, Neil Hauge, Oisin Hurley, Kenn Hussey, Mik Kersten, Bernd Kolb, Jeff McAffer, Ed Merks, Mike Milinkovich, Brian Payton, Pascal Rapicault, Mary Ruddy, Michael Scharf, Tom Schindl, Darin Swanson, Gunnar Wagenknecht, Tom Watson, David Williams, Mike Wilson, Oliver Wolf, Gary Xue

Agenda / Notes

  • Feel free to edit, but not during the call!

Review of Last Meeting

New Topics

Improving IP process (John A)

  • Part of John's engagement as committer rep on the board
    • bug 381105 How to improve the process for contributors doing just a one-line fix
      • Today, 3 statements are needed on bugzilla (wrote myself, did not reference other code, have the right to contribute)
      • We now have bugzilla, and gerrit
    • "signed-off-by" Field in git commit: contributor confirms to the 3 statements
      • Concern: How to ensure the 3 statements have actually been read and understood? Better Web Interface for contribution ?
      • Idea: Adding 3 statements into the commit message - having to type the text is better than just signing off on something unknown
  • Example: Google Summer of Code Student
    • Multiple / Frequent contributions
    • Wayne: Why not clone the git repo, work in the clone, then contribute all in one ? (Want to test in between)

Logging and third party libraries (John A)

  • 2 areas, (a) error loging, (b) tracing.
    • Some 3rd parties use slf4j, logback, ...
    • Igor: slf4j (or its configuration) should be part of the Platform
      • Today, projects (like m2e) have to ship a logging configuration, but that may conflict with others trying the same
      • logback seems to be the most common configuration
      • There should be a way allowing projects contribute to the configuration
    • bug 358968 - suggestion to link other bugs from that bug
    • Logback implementation not really designed for OSGi ?
  • Martin: Related discussion - Eclipse Standard tracing API's (brought up by Tim a while back)
    • John: Eclipse Platform added dynamic tracing API like 2 years ago (dynamically turn on/off tracing, new Prefpage for users as of Juno)
    • Igor: slf4j is not a logging framework - just a thin adaption layer; logback is one particular back-end
    • What API's being used is not so much of an issue - the question is how to properly wire up back-ends

General Topics

  • Juno: Wayne: Related to Juno, a number of things that people apparently don't know ... how to properly educate ?
    • Will send out E-Mail later
    • Push back any projects into incubation? - Might approach AC mentors (just a heads up)
    • Lots of things that projects need to do - much documentation that people don't like to read
      • Some hope in CBI auto-detecting missing pieces as part of the build
      • Or take another iteration for docs improvement
    • Mentorship experience ... hard to be pro-active with projects, typically wait for project to ask
  • CBI/Platform build
    • Currently working on native bits - today, standard Platform build must run first, then CBI can pick up the bits
    • SWT can now compile native
  • git, gerrit, maven, hudson
    • No updates

Action Items

  • Cleaned up old action items, see Architecture Council/Meetings/February 10 2011 for old stuff
  • (old) Martin to add Eclipsecon meeting notes onto the wiki
  • (old) Tim write up an initial wiki page with information for people to standardize on the tracing API
  • (old) Martin revise the AC Wiki to make it easier to find the New Member Process. More links on homepage. More usage of categories.
  • (old) Martin bug 315210 Make the AC mailing list open / moderated
  • Martin contact / propose potential new AC members

Next Meeting

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