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OpenSocial2 vocabulary

Revision as of 18:07, 17 September 2011 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (BodyType)

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RDF/OWL representation of the OpenSocial Social Data Specification 2.0. Approximately 600 triples from Benjamin Nowak's "opensocial.rdf" were imported from the 2008-12-16 version of his file as a great jump-start to creating this updated vocabulary. Part of the Persona Data Model 2.0.


SVN source: opensocial2.owl

UML Overview

Opensocial2 2.0.103.png




  • 0..1 appUrl
  • 0..1 body
  • 0..1 id
  • 0..1 senderId
  • 1..1 messageStatus
  • 1..1 timeSent
  • 1..1 title


Allowed values of messageStatus attribute.

  • one of {"NEW" , "READ" , "DELETED"}



The following regular attributes are used by p:Person objects:

  • 0..1 aboutMe
  • 0..1 contacPreference
  • 0..1 dn
  • 0..1 networkPresence
  • 0..1 published
  • 0..1 status
  • 0..1 updated
  • 0..1 utcOffset

The following socially-oriented attributes are used by p:Person objects:

  • 0..N activities
  • 0..1 anniversary
  • 0..1 bodyType
  • 0..N books
  • 0..N cars
  • 0..1 drinker
  • 0..1 ethnicity
  • 0..1 fashion - Person's thoughts on fashion
  • 0..N food - Person's favorite food
  • 0..1 happiestWhen
  • 0..N heroes
  • 0..1 humor
  • 0..N jobInterests
  • 0..N languagesSpoken - values are ISO 639-1 codes (e.g. "en" for English)
  • 0..1 livingArrangement
  • 0..1 lookingFor
  • 0..1 movies
  • 0..1 music
  • 0..1 note
  • 0..1 orgIdentifier - NOTE: max of 1 only (and is the id "at" the vcard:org of the p:Person in question)
  • 0..N pets
  • 0..N politicalViews
  • 0..1 profileSong
  • 0..1 profileVideo
  • 0..N quotes
  • 0..1 relationshipStatus - NOTE instead of strig, we constrain values to one of {"cohabiting" , "divorced" , "married" , "<unspecified>" , "other" , "separated" , "single" , "to be married" , "widowed"}
  • 0..1 religion
  • 0..1 romance
  • 0..1 scaredOf
  • 0..1 sexualOrientation
  • 0..1 smoker
  • 0..N sports
  • 0..N turnOffs
  • 0..N turnOns
  • 0..N tvShows

OS 2.0 Person attributes Not Used


  • accounts - see Proxy vocabulary
  • addresses - use vcard:adr
  • appData
  • connected
  • displayName - use skos:prefLabel
  • emails - use foaf:mbox
  • hasApp
  • id - the URI of the Person is its id
  • ims - use foaf:aimChatID, skypeChatID, etc. TODO: add qq, xmpp and gtalk to persona.owl
  • location
  • name - use vcard:n
  • organizations - use vcard:org, but max of one per p:Person
  • phoneNumbers - use vcard:tel, but max of one per p:Person
  • photos
  • preferredName
  • profileURL
  • relationships - use h:relation, h:correlation, h:indeterminate and sub-attributes
  • tags
  • thumbnailUrl - use vcard:logo
  • urls - use foaf:page


  • age - compute/use vcard:bday or use fp:age
  • birthday - use vcard:bday
  • children - use p:child
  • gender - use foaf:gender
  • interests - use online-behavior:interest
  • nickname - use card:nickname

  • currentAddress - use vcard:Pref
  • dateOfBirth - use vcard:bday
  • hasApp - n/a
  • id - n/a
  • latitude - use fp:latitude
  • locality - use vcard:locality
  • longitude - use fp:longitude
  • movies - use media:TBD
  • name - use vcard:full-name
  • phoneNumbers - use vcard:tel
  • profileSong - use media:TBD
  • profileUrl - use media:TBD
  • profileVideo - use media:TBD
  • relationshipStatus - use p:relationshipStatus instead
  • tags - n/a
  • thumbnailUrl - use foaf:thumbnail
  • address - use vcard:adr


  • 0..1 build
  • 0..1 eyeColor
  • 0..1 hairColor
  • 0..1 height
  • 0..1 weight


  • 0..1 name
  • 0..1 title
  • 0..1 description
  • 0..1 field
  • 0..1 subField
  • 0..1 webPage


OpenSocial 1.0/2.0 Classes Not Used

  • Person - use p:Person
  • Name - use vcard:Name
    • givenName, familyName, etc.
  • Phone - use vcard:Tel
    • number
  • Address - use vcard:Address
    • streetAddress, locality, country ...

Message Attributes


Identifies the application that generated this message.

  • domain: Message
  • value: xsd:anyURI


Id of entity (person or organization) who sent the message. If this is an email message, then sender id is the sender's email address (e.g.

  • domain: Message
  • value: xsd:string


Human friendly name of sender. E.g. Tom Carroll vs.

  • domain: Message
  • value: xsd:string


Status of the message. (NEW, READ, DELETED).

  • domain: Message
  • value: MessageStatusValues


UTC time message was received.

  • domain: Message
  • value: xsd:dateTime


UTC time message was sent.

  • domain: Message
  • value: xsd:dateTime


The title of the Activity, Message or Organization. HTML attributes are allowed and are sanitized by the container.

  • domain: Message
  • value: xsd:string

OpenSocial 2.0 Message attributes not used

  • bodyId
  • collectionIds
  • inReplyTo
  • recipients
  • replies
  • titleId - The title of the message as a message template. Specifies the message ID to use in the gadget xml.
  • type
  • updated
  • urls - List of related URLs for this message. Supported URL types include 'alternate', alternate for for this mailbox (text/html being the most common).


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