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Dali 3.0.1

Revision as of 11:29, 9 August 2011 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk)

Dali QA Testing

Dali 3.0.1 Manual Testing

Manual Testing for 3.0.1 Release
Bug No. Description Test Steps Test Step Results
316022 NPE refreshing out of sync entity Create JPA Project, Create Entity for the project Project and Entity are created successfully
... ... Close the project and open the entity (ex. in a text editor outside of eclipse and change something (ex. @Column(name="MANAGER_ID") to @Column(name="MANAGERID") ) Save the file File is updated and saved
... ... Go back to Eclipse and open the project, open the edited entity by using the Project Explorer>JPA Content tree and double clicking the entity Verify no errors appear in log and message states you need to refresh
... ... Hit F5 to refresh
338413 NPE moving orm.xml to a subfolder in META-INF Create a new JPA 2.0, Generic 2.0 project Project is created successfully
... ... R-Click on project and Add JPA orm.xml mapping file JPA orm.xml mapping file is added successfully in the META-INF


... ... Create a new subfolder in META-INF Subfolder is created successfully
... ... Drag the orm.xml file to the subfolder (move) Verify orm.xml is moved into the subfolder without error
... ... Move orm.xml out of subfolder and back into META-INF folder orm.xml is moved back successfully without error
... ... R-Click on orm.xml and select Move Move Resources dialog appears
... ... Select the subfolder and click on OK button Verify orm.xml is moved into subfolder without error
344645 IllegalStateException when clicking Daily expiry radio button more than once Create a JPA 2.0 EclipseLink 2.2.x Project, create 2 or 3 entities from tables JPA project and entities are created successfully
... ... Select an entity in JPA Structure Pane and in JPA Details Pane expand caching section Caching information appears
... ... Expand Advanced section and click on Daily Expiry radio button twice Verify no errors appear and the radio button is selected
345293 Add JPA entity - Create new mapping file (orm.xml) cannot continue Create New > JPA Project using all default values JPA Project is created successfully
... ... Select New > JPA Entity, Enter package, Enter Name, Check the Add to entity mappings in XML checkbox and Click on Browse button Mapping File dialog appears
... ... Click on the New button New Mapping File dialog appears
... ... Leave the default location and file name (orm.xml), Click on Finish Verify orm.xml appears for Choose mapping file
... ... Click on OK button Verify META-INF/orm.xml appears in the mapping file text field, Verify the Next button is enabled.
... ... Remove the text from the mapping file field Verify Next button is disabled, Verify message states The mapping file does not exist.
... ... Add META-INF/orm.xml back into the mapping file text field Verify Next button is enabled.
... ... Click on Next button, Add 2 or 3 fields to the Entity and click on Finish Verify JPA Entity is created successfully without error
347219 NullPointerException: Change a mapping to element collection mapping Create JPA Project, create Entities from tables, Create orm mapping file Project, entities and mapping file are created successfully
... ... R-click on the mapping file in the JPA Structure tab and select Add Class Add Class dialog appears
... ... Select an entity that you created (ex. Employee) and click on OK Class appears in the orm mapping file
... ... R-click on an attribute in the JPA Structure tab, select Add Attribute to XML and Map... Add Attribute dialog appears
... ... Click on ok button Attribute is added to xml and mapping file
... ... R-Click on the added attribute and select Map As > Element Collection Verify xml and mapping is updated without any errors
347814 NullPointerException: Change a mapping to many-to-one or one-to-one mapping Create JPA project, create Entities from tables, create orm mapping file Project, entities and mapping file are created successfully
... ... Add Class (ex. Employee) to the mapping file via the JPA Structure Pane Class is added successfully
... ... In the JPA structure pane, right-click an attribute and add it to the XML Attribute is added to orm mapping file without error
... ... Again right-click the added attribute and try to change the type of it to

many-to-one or one-to-one

Verify the orm mapping file is updated with the selected type and no errors appear
348143 NullPointerException: Add entity to XML Create a brand new JPA project with a mapping xml created along with it

(selecting "Create mapping file (orm.xml) checkbox" when creating the JPA project)

Project is created successfully
... ... Right-click the created JPA project and select New -> JPA Entity to create

an entity, select "Add to entity mappings in XML" checkbox when it shows, create a couple of fields for the entity (make at least 1 of them an ID, Key), and hit Finish.

Verify the Entity is created without any errors and the fields appear correctly as you entered them.
349071 [EclipseLink] eclipselink 2.3 schemas not up to date Get latest Dali build and install, open eclipse>plugins>org.eclipse.jpt.common.eclipselink.cor_1.0.0.jar file Verify the latest files exist - eclipselink_orm_2_3.xsd file from 7/25/11, eclipselink_oxm_2_3.xsd from 6/24/11, eclipselink_persistence_map_2_3.xsd from 6/24/11
... ... For workaround, go to an older install, launch Eclipse, Select Window>Preferences Preferences dialog appears
... ... Select XML Catalog, Select User Specified Entries, click on Add button Add XML Catalog Element dialog appears
... ... Click on File system and browse to the latest version of the eclipselink_orm_2_3.xsd file, select open, for the Key enter the same value as the key for the .xsd file you are replacing in the plugin entries and click on ok button Verify the entry appears under the User Specified Entries and no errors appear.
349337 [API] CCE generating metamodel classes Create a Generic 2.0 JPA project with an orm.xml file JPA project is created successfully
... ... R-Click on the JPA Project and select properties, Properties dialog appears
... ... Set a canonical metamodel source folder and click on OK Properties dialog closes successfully
... ... Add the following JPA entity - @Entity

public class Bar {

   private int id;


Entity is created successfully
... ... Go to the orm.xml file in the JPA Structure pane and Add the entity to the orm.xml mapping file Verify the entity is added to the orm.xml without error
353146 Make Persistent Wizard: Cannot select mapping file from the folder other than META-INF Create JPA project JPA Project is created successfully
... ... Create a new folder under the src folder New folder is created under src folder
... ... R-Click on the new folder and select New>JPA orm mapping file New Mapping File dialog appears
... ... Click on Next and then Finish Verify orm.xml exists under the new folder in the src folder
... ...

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