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Flat Persona vocabulary

Revision as of 12:38, 27 April 2011 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Birth)

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A vocabulary that flattens (hides) some of the deep structure of Persona vocabulary. It imports Persona vocabulary.



The purpose of the Flat Persona vocabulary is to shield developers from having to understand the deeper structure of the PDM. For example, the developer simply chooses from this vocabulary the attribute they would like to get, and then calls one of the "getAttribute" APIs, passing this attribute. The getAttribute method sees that the attribute is in the flat persona namespace, looks up the associated rule, and uses this rule to traverse the PDM structure to retrieve the desired attribute value.

Flat Persona vocabulary uses mapping functions that get values of attributes in PDM object graphs. The inverse of these functions can set these values (although not all functions have inverses). The Persona Data Model 2.0 includes a vocabulary (see Mapping vocabulary), that defines these functions.


To reduce somewhat the explosion of attributes in this namespace we parameterize the getAttribute APIs using a role[] parameter. This parameter contains one or more role strings as described below. Since a single natural person is represented in PDM as multiple p:Person entities (usually in different contexts), the role parameter is used to bias the selection of which source p:Person entities will be used to answer a getAttribute() query.

Internal roles

  • Recipient - often called "shipping" (e.g. a "shipping address")
  • Home - attributes about the user's home life, (e.g. house where they live, or home telephone number)
  • Recipient, Home - a combination of the above
  • Work - information about the person's work life
  • Buyer - information about a person in their role as a buyer (e.g. a "billing" address)
  • DayTime - information about a person that is relevant during the day time (e.g. a daytime phone number)

External roles

The get attribute APIs can also be passed external role values to add sensitivity to the interaction context.

Depending on the interaction context a different "source" p:Person entity might be more appropriate. For example if the context was a virtual world like Second Life, the person's given name is almost always not their "real world" given name. Person entities may carry one or more "role" tags that indicate appropriateness/use in one of these overall contexts. (We're using the word context generically here, we are not referring to Higgins Contexts).

External role values include:

  • Ecommerce - an interaction within an eCommerce context
  • Gaming - an interaction with a gaming context
  • SocialNetworking - an interaction within a social networking or chat context
  • ..other instances of class "External" (a subclass of "Role") within the Persona vocabulary

Attribute URI parameter

To specify one or more roles, we use the URI query parameter "r". For example to request a person's home telephone number we construct:


An Example: Given Name

In the flat persona vocabulary we define the attribute fp:givenName as follows:

     rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
     rdfs:domain :FlatPersonaPerson ;
     rdfs:range xsd:string .

The flat persona vocabulary associates this attribute with the mapping rule rolePathLiteral (role[], v:n, v:given-name) by including the following map:nameRule attribute of FlatPersonaPerson class:

             [ rdf:type map:rolePathLiteral ;
               map:mappedAtt <> ;
               map:path <> ;
               map:predicate :givenName ;
               map:role map:roleParam
             ] ;

If the developer wanted to retrieve the value of the user's given name as that user would use in interactions with gaming websites they would call one of the getAttribute APIs passing the value of fp:givenName for the attribute desired parameter and passing a role parameter of Gaming (i.e. fp:givenName?r=Gaming).

The getAttribute method would invoke the rolePathLiteral function. This is determined by looking for a mapping rule whose map:predicate attribute is of value ":givenName" and taking the value of the rdf:type attribute (which is "map:rolePathLiteral" as shown above).

The rolePathLiteral function traverses a path (or in rare cases a set of paths) through a PDM graph. Its name is a hint as to how it operates. This particular function takes three arguments (role[], v:n, v:given-name). These arguments are specified in the block above as the values of map:role, map:path, and map:mappAtt respectively. Note that different functions take different arguments.

The rolePathLiteral function starts at the root of the p:Person graph (i.e. the RootMe node) and searches breadth-first following p:subCorrelation links for the p:Person node that has the required attribute and best matches the roles in the role[] parameter.

In this case it would find the p:Person node that

  • has a complex-valued attribute (aka link) of type v:n (from the vcard vocabulary) whose value is the vcard:Address instance A1
  • has an A1 that has a simple-valued attribute of type v:given-name
  • (and in case there are multiple candidates) is the one whose role(s) best matches the value(s) of role[] (which in this case is the single value Gaming)

The value of this literal attribute is the result of mapping the concept of "given name."


NOTE-1: this section of this wiki page contains an incomplete list of all of the fp attributes. Having to update this page manually is proving too tedious. What we really need to do is write a script that will auto-generate the contents of the rest of this wiki page section from the contents of the "fp.n3" file listed in the Files section above.

NOTE-2: The fp.n3 file (see the Files section above) is incomplete. It does not contain an equivalent "fp" attribute for each of (presently nearly 300) attributes in the persona.owl vocabulary (and its imported sub-vocabularies). New attributes (and mapping rules, etc.) get added to fp.n3 as they are needed in practice.


  • fp:accountName : rolePathLiteral (role[], foaf:account, foaf:accountName)
  • fp:accountPassword : rolePathLiteral (role[], foaf:account, p:password)
  • fp:accountConfirmPassword : rolePathLiteral (role[], foaf:account, p:password)


  • fp:streetAddress : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, v:street-address)
  • fp:extendedAddress : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, v:extended-address)
  • fp:appartmentNumber : appartmentNumber (role[]) - extract from street-address and extended-address
  • fp:buildingName : buildingName (role[]) - extract from street-address and extended-address
  • fp:houseNumber : houseNumber (role[]) - extract from street-address and extended-address
  • fp:buildingNameOrNumber : buildingNameOrNumber (role[]) - extract from street-address and extended-address
  • fp:locality : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, v:locality)
  • fp:district : district (role[]) - extract from locality
  • fp:region : rolePathLiteral (v:adr, v:region)
  • fp:postalCode : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, v:postal-code)
  • fp:4digitExtensionZip : TBD
  • fp:residentFrom : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, h:start)
  • fp:residentFromDay : day (rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, h:start))
  • fp:residentFromMonth : month (rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, h:start))
  • fp:residentFromYear : year (rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, h:start))
  • fp:residentUntil : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, h:end)
  • fp:residentUntilDay : day (rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, h:end))
  • fp:residentUntilMonth : month (rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, h:end))
  • fp:residentUntilYear : year (rolePathLiteral (role[], v:adr, h:end))


  • fp:localityOfBirth : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], v:adr, p:Birth, v:locality)
  • fp:countryOfBirth : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], v:adr, p:Birth, v:country)
  • fp:age : roleAge (role[]) - uses v:bday
  • fp:ageRange : roleLiteral(role[], p:ageRange)
  • fp:dateOfBirth : roleLiteral (role[], v:bday)
  • fp:dayOfBirth : roleDay (role[], v:bday)
  • fp:monthOfBirth : roleMonth (role[], v:bday)
  • fp:yearOfBirth : roleYear (role[], v:bday)


  • fp:email : roleEntity (role[], foaf:mbox)


  • fp:bankSortCode : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], pay:paymentMethod, pay:DirectDebit, pay:bankSortCode)
  • fp:bankAccountNumber : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], pay:paymentMedhod, pay:DirectDebit, pay:bankSortCode)


  • fp:latitude : rolePathLiteral2 (role[], wgs:location, wgs:lat)
  • fp:longitude : rolePathLiteral2 (role[], wgs:location, wgs:long)
  • fp:altitude : rolePathLiteral2 (role[], wgs:location, wgs:alt)


  • fp:passportNumber : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], idDoc, p:Passport, p:docNumber)
  • fp:nationalInsuranceNumber : roleLiteral (role[], p:nationalInsuranceNumber)


  • fp:careers : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], onb:interest, onb:Careers, onb:interested)
  • fp:comedyAndHumor : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], onb:interest, onb:ComedyAndHumor, onb:interested)
  • fp:computersAndTechnology : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], onb:interest, onb:ComputersAndTechnology, onb:interested)
  • fp:fashionAndBeauty : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], onb:interest, onb:FashionAndBeauty, onb:interested)
  • fp:geographicLocations : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], onb:interest, onb:GeographicLocations, onb:interested)

@@@@1,000 more...


  • fp:honorificPrefix : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:n, v:honorific-prefix)
  • fp:givenName : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:n, v:given-name)
  • fp:additionalName : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:n, v:additional-name)
  • fp:additionalNameInitial : rolePathLiteralInitial (role[], v:n, v:additional-name)
  • fp:familyName : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:n, v:family-name)
  • fp:honorificSuffix : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:n, v:honorific-suffix)
  • fp:mothersMaidenName : roleLiteral (role[], p:mothersMaidenName)
  • fp:familyNameAtBirth : rolePathLiteral (role[], v:n, p:familyNameAtBirth)
  • fp:formattedName : TBD
  • fp:title : rolePathLiteral(role[], v:title)


  • fp:creditCardType : TBD
  • fp:creditCardNumber : rolePathClassLiteral (role[], pay:payment, pay:CreditCard, pay:ccNumber)
  • fp:creditCardExpirationMonth : rolePathClassMonth (role[], pay:payment, pay:CreditCard, pay:ccExpiration)
  • fp:creditCardExpirationYear : rolePathClassYear (role[], pay:payment, pay:CreditCard, pay:ccExpiration)


  • fp:vehicleLicenseNumber?country=c&region=r : vehicleLicenseNumber (role[], c, r)


  • fp:gender : roleLiteral (role[], foaf:gender)
  • fp:relationshipStatus : roleLiteral (role[], p:relationshipStatus)
  • fp:numberOfDependents : roleLiteral (role[], p:numberOfDependents)


  • fp:phone : rolePathRDFValue (role[], v:tel)
  • fp:workPhone : rolePathClassRDFValue (role[], v:tel, v:Work) - NEW! (temporary hack until roles are implemented)
  • fp:homePhone : rolePathClassRDFValue (role[], v:tel, v:Home) - NEW! (temporary hack until roles are implemented)
  • fp:mobilePhone : rolePathClassRDFValue (role[], v:tel, v:Cell)
  • fp:phoneAreaCode : rolePathAreaCode (role[], v:tel)
  • fp:phoneSeven : rolePathSeven (role[], v:tel)
  • fp:phoneFirstThree : rolePathFirstThree (role[], v:tel)
  • fp:phoneLastFour : rolePathLastFour (role[], v:tel)


  • fp:currentEmployerName : currentEmployerName (role[])
  • fp:timeAtCurrentEmployer : timeAtCurrentEmployer (role[])


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