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SMILA/Documentation/2011.Simplification/Documentation for 5 Minutes to Success

This page contains installation instructions for the SMILA application which will help you taking the first steps with SMILA.

Download and unpack SMILA

Download the SMILA package and unpack it to an arbitrary folder. This will result in the following folder structure:


Check the preconditions

To be able to follow the steps below, check the following preconditions:

  • You will have to provide a JRE executable to be able to run SMILA. The JVM version should be at least Java 5.
    • add the path of your local JRE executable to the PATH environment variable
    • add the argument -vm <path/to/jre/executable> right at the top of the file SMILA.ini.
      Make sure that -vm is indeed the first argument in the file and that there is a line break after it. It should look similar to the following:


  • Since we are going to use Jconsole as the JMX client later in this tutorial, it is recommended to install and use a Java SE Development Kit (JDK) and not just a Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) because the latter does not include this application.
  • When using the Linux distributable of SMILA, make sure that the files SMILA and jmxclient/ have executable permissions. If not, set the permission by running the following commands in a console:

chmod +x ./SMILA
chmod +x ./jmxclient/


To start the SMILA engine, simply double-click the SMILA executable. Alternatively, open a command line, navigate to the directory where you extracted the files to, and call the SMILA executable. Wait until the engine has been fully started. If everything works fine, you should see output similar to that on the following screenshot:


Check the log file

Open the SMILA log file in an editor of your choice to find out what is happening in the background. This file is named SMILA.log and can be found in the same directory as the SMILA executable.


Control crawler jobs

As soon as the SMILA engine is up and running we can start a crawler job. Crawler jobs can be managed via the JMX protocol, therefore you can connect to SMILA using any JMX client you like. We are going to use JConsole in the following because it is included in the Java SE Development Kit.

Start the JConsole executable in your JDK distribution (<JAVA_HOME>/bin/jconsole). If the client is up and running, connect to localhost:9004.


Next, switch to the MBeans tab, expand the SMILA node in the MBeans tree on the left-hand side, and click the CrawlerController node. This node is used to manage and monitor all crawling activities.


Start the File System crawler

To start the File System crawler, select SMILA > CrawlerControl > Operations on the left-hand side, enter "file" into the text field next to the startCrawlerTask button, then click the button:


You should receive a message similar to the following, indicating that the crawler has been successfully started:


Now let's check the SMILA.log file to see what has happened in the background:


The File System crawler tries to crawl the folder c:\data by default. Therefore, it is very likely that do not receive the above results indicating the successful indexing but rather an error message similar to the one shown below, except where it happens that you accidently have a folder c:\data on your system that the crawler can find and index:

 ... ERROR impl.CrawlThread - org.eclipse.smila.connectivity.framework.CrawlerCriticalException: Folder "c:\data" is not found

The error message above states that the crawler tried to index a folder at c:\data but was not able to find it. To solve this, prepare a folder with sample data, say /home/johndoe/mydata or c:\mydata, put some dummy text files into it, and configure the File System crawler to index it as explained in the following section.

Configure the File System crawler

To change the folder which is to be indexed by the File System crawler, open the configuration file at configuration/org.eclipse.smila.connectivity.framework/file.xml and modify the BaseDir attribute by setting its value to an absolute path pointing to the desired directory. Do not forget to save the file:


Then start the File System Crawler again and check SMILA.log for the result.

Note: Currently, only plain text and HTML files can be crawled and indexed properly.

Search on index

To search on the index which was created by the crawlers, point your browser to http://localhost:8080/SMILA/search. There are currently two stylesheets from which you can select by clicking the respective links in the upper left corner of the header bar: The Default stylesheet shows a reduced search form with text fields like Query, Result Size, and Index Name, adequate to query the full-text content of the indexed documents. The Advanced stylesheet in turn provides a more detailed search form with text fields for meta-data search like for example Path, MimeType, Filename, and other document attributes.


Now, let's try the Default stylesheet and enter our first simple search using a word that you expect to be contained in your dummy files. In this tutorial, we assume that there is a match for the term "data" in the indexed documents. First, select the index on which you want to search from the Indexlist column on the left-hand side. Currently, there should be only one in the list, namely an index called "test_index". Note that the selected index name will appear in the Index Name text field of the search form. Then enter the desired term into the Query text field. And finally, click OK to send your query to SMILA. Your result could be similar to the following:


Now, let's use the Advanced stylesheet and search for the name of one the files contained in the indexed folder to check whether it was properly indexed. In our example, we are going to search for a file named glossary.html. Click Advanced to switch to the detailed search form, enter the desired file name into the Filename text field, then click OK to submit your search. Your result could be similar to the following:


Configure and run the Web crawler

Now that we alreday know how to start and configure the File System crawler and how to search on indices, configuring and running the Web crawler is rather straightforward:

First, let's have a look at the configuration file of the Web crawler which you can find at configuration/org.eclipse.smila.connectivity.framework/web.xml:


By default, the Web crawler is configured to index the URL To change this, set the content of the <Seed> element to the desired web address and adapt the <Filters> section accordingly. If you require further help on this configuration file refer to the Web crawler documentation.

 <Seeds FollowLinks="NoFollow">
   <Filter Type="RegExp" Value=".*action=edit.*" WorkType="Unselect"/>

To start the crawling process, save the configuration file, go back or reconnect to Jconsole, navigate to SMILA > CrawlerControl > Operations, type "web" into the text field next to the startCrawlerTask button, then click the button.


Although the default limit for spidered web sites is set to 1,000 in the Web crawler configuration file, it may take a while for the web crawling job to be finished. Click the getCrawlerTasksState button to monitor the job processing if you want to find out when it has finished. This will produce an output similar to the following:


If you do not want to wait, you may as well stop the crawling job manually. In order to do this, type "web" into the text field next to the (stopCrawlerTask) button, then click this button.

As soon as the Web crawler's job has finished, go back to the search form to search on the generated index.

Manage CrawlerController using the JMX Client

Instead of managing the crawler jobs using JConsole it is also possible to use the JMX Client from the SMILA distribution for the same purpose. The JMX Client is a console application that allows managing crawler jobs and creating scripts intended for batch crawler execution. It can be found in the jmxclient directory of the SMILA distribution. Use the appropriate run script for your platform (i.e. run.bat or to start the application. For example, to start the File System crawler use the following command:

 run crawl file

For more information please check the JMX Client documentation.

5 Minutes for changing the workflow

In previous sections all data collected by crawlers was processed with the same workflow and was indexed into the same index named "test_index". It is possible, however, to configure SMILA so that data from different data sources will go through different workflows and will be indexed into different indices. This will require more advanced configuration features than before but still quite simple ones.

In the following sections we are going to create an additional workflow for webcrawler records so that webcrawler data will be indexed into a separate index named "web_index".

Modify Listener rules

The first step includes modifying and extending the Listener rules so that webcrawler records are to be processed by their own BPEL workflow. For more information on the Listener component, please see section Listener of the QueueWorker documentation.

Open the configuration of the Listener from configuration/org.eclipse.smila.connectivity.queue.worker.jms/QueueWorkerListenerConfig.xml and edit the <Condition> tag of the existing ADD Rule to skip webcrawler data. The result should be as follows:

<Rule Name="ADD Rule" WaitMessageTimeout="10" Threads="4" MaxMessageBlockSize="20">
  <Source BrokerId="broker1" Queue="SMILA.connectivity"/>
  <Condition>Operation='ADD' and NOT(DataSourceID LIKE '%feeds%')
    and NOT(DataSourceID LIKE '%xmldump%')
    and NOT (DataSourceID LIKE 'web%')</Condition>
    <Process Workflow="AddPipeline"/>

Now add the following new rule:

<Rule Name="Web ADD Rule" WaitMessageTimeout="10" Threads="2">
  <Source BrokerId="broker1" Queue="SMILA.connectivity"/>
    and DataSourceID LIKE 'web%'</Condition>
    <Process Workflow="AddWebPipeline"/>

This rule defines that webcrawler data will be processed by the AddWebPipeline workflow, which we will have to create in the next step.

Create workflow for the BPEL WorkflowProcessor

We need to add the AddWebPipeline workflow to the BPEL WorkflowProcessor. For more information about BPEL WorkflowProcessor please check the BPEL WorkflowProcessor documentation. BPEL WorkflowProcessor configuration files are contained in the configuration/org.eclipse.smila.processing.bpel/pipelines directory. There is a file called addpipeline.bpel which defines the "AddPipeline" process. Let's create the addwebpipeline.bpel file that will define the "AddWebPipeline" process and put the following code into it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<process name="AddWebPipeline" targetNamespace=""
  <import location="processor.wsdl" namespace=""
      importType="" />
    <partnerLink name="Pipeline" partnerLinkType="proc:ProcessorPartnerLinkType" myRole="service" />
    <extension namespace="" mustUnderstand="no" />
    <variable name="request" messageType="proc:ProcessorMessage" />
    <receive name="start" partnerLink="Pipeline" portType="proc:ProcessorPortType" operation="process"
        variable="request" createInstance="yes" />
    <!-- only process text based content, skip everything else -->
    <if name="conditionIsText">
      <sequence name="processTextBasedContent">		  
        <!-- extract txt from html files -->
        <if name="conditionIsHtml">
          <proc:invokePipelet name="invokeHtml2Txt">
            <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.HtmlToTextPipelet" />
            <proc:variables input="request" output="request" />
              <rec:Val key="inputType">ATTACHMENT</rec:Val>
              <rec:Val key="outputType">ATTACHMENT</rec:Val>
              <rec:Val key="inputName">Content</rec:Val>
              <rec:Val key="outputName">Content</rec:Val>
              <rec:Val key="meta:title">Title</rec:Val>      
          <proc:invokePipelet name="invokeLucenePipelet">
            <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.lucene.pipelets.LuceneIndexPipelet" />
            <proc:variables input="request" output="request" />
              <rec:Map key="_indexing">
                <rec:Val key="indexName">web_index</rec:Val>
                <rec:Val key="executionMode">ADD</rec:Val>
    <reply name="end" partnerLink="Pipeline" portType="proc:ProcessorPortType" 
operation="process" variable="request" />
    <exit />

Note that we use "web_index" index name for the LuceneService in the code above:

  <rec:Map key="_indexing">
    <rec:Val key="indexName">web_index</rec:Val>
    <rec:Val key="executionMode">ADD</rec:Val>

We need to add our pipeline description to the deploy.xml file placed in the same directory. Add the following code to the end of deploy.xml before the closing </deploy> tag:

<process name="proc:AddWebPipeline">
  <provide partnerLink="Pipeline">
    <service name="proc:AddWebPipeline" port="ProcessorPort" />

Now we need to add our "web_index" to the LuceneIndexService configuration.

Configure LuceneIndexService

For more information about the LuceneIndexService, please see LuceneIndexService.

Let's configure our "web_index" index structure and search template. Add the following code to the end of configuration/ file before the closing </AnyFinderDataDictionary> tag:

<Index Name="web_index">
  <Connection xmlns="" MaxConnections="5"/>
  <IndexStructure xmlns="" Name="web_index">
    <Analyzer ClassName="org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer"/>
    <IndexField FieldNo="8" IndexValue="true" Name="MimeType" StoreText="true" Tokenize="true" Type="Text"/>
    <IndexField FieldNo="7" IndexValue="true" Name="Size" StoreText="true" Tokenize="true" Type="Text"/>
    <IndexField FieldNo="6" IndexValue="true" Name="Extension" StoreText="true" Tokenize="true" Type="Text"/>
    <IndexField FieldNo="5" IndexValue="true" Name="Title" StoreText="true" Tokenize="true" Type="Text"/>
    <IndexField FieldNo="4" IndexValue="true" Name="Url" StoreText="true" Tokenize="false" Type="Text">
      <Analyzer ClassName="org.apache.lucene.analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer"/>
    <IndexField FieldNo="3" IndexValue="true" Name="LastModifiedDate" StoreText="true" Tokenize="false" Type="Text"/>
    <IndexField FieldNo="2" IndexValue="true" Name="Path" StoreText="true" Tokenize="true" Type="Text"/>
    <IndexField FieldNo="1" IndexValue="true" Name="Filename" StoreText="true" Tokenize="true" Type="Text"/>
    <IndexField FieldNo="0" IndexValue="true" Name="Content" StoreText="true" Tokenize="true" Type="Text"/>
  <Configuration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" 
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../xml/DataDictionaryConfiguration.xsd">
      <Field FieldNo="8">
        <FieldConfig Constraint="optional" Weight="1" xsi:type="FTText">
          <Parameter xmlns="" Operator="OR" Tolerance="exact"/>
      <Field FieldNo="7">
        <FieldConfig Constraint="optional" Weight="1" xsi:type="FTText">
          <Parameter xmlns="" Operator="OR" Tolerance="exact"/>
      <Field FieldNo="6">
        <FieldConfig Constraint="optional" Weight="1" xsi:type="FTText">
          <Parameter xmlns="" Operator="OR" Tolerance="exact"/>
      <Field FieldNo="5">
        <FieldConfig Constraint="optional" Weight="1" xsi:type="FTText">
          <Parameter xmlns="" Operator="OR" Tolerance="exact"/>
      <Field FieldNo="4">
        <FieldConfig Constraint="optional" Weight="1" xsi:type="FTText">
          <Parameter xmlns="" Operator="OR" Tolerance="exact"/>
      <Field FieldNo="3">
        <FieldConfig Constraint="optional" Weight="1" xsi:type="FTText">
          <Parameter xmlns="" Operator="OR" Tolerance="exact"/>
      <Field FieldNo="2">
        <FieldConfig Constraint="optional" Weight="1" xsi:type="FTText">
          <Parameter xmlns="" Operator="OR" Tolerance="exact"/>
      <Field FieldNo="1">
        <FieldConfig Constraint="optional" Weight="1" xsi:type="FTText">
          <Parameter xmlns="" Operator="OR" Tolerance="exact"/>
      <Field FieldNo="0">
        <FieldConfig Constraint="required" Weight="1" xsi:type="FTText">
          <NodeTransformer xmlns="" Name="urn:ExtendedNodeTransformer">
            <ParameterSet xmlns=""/>
          <Parameter xmlns="" Operator="AND" Tolerance="exact"/>

Now we need to add mapping of attribute and attachment names to Lucene "FieldNo" defined in DataDictionary.xml. Open configuration/org.eclipse.smila.lucene/Mappings.xml file and add the following code to the end of file before closing </Mappings> tag:

<Mapping indexName="web_index">
    <Attribute name="Filename" fieldNo="1" />
    <Attribute name="Path" fieldNo="2" />    
  <Attribute name="LastModifiedDate" fieldNo="3" />
  <Attribute name="Url" fieldNo="4" />
  <Attribute name="Title" fieldNo="5" />    
  <Attribute name="Extension" fieldNo="6" />
  <Attribute name="Size" fieldNo="7" />
  <Attribute name="MimeType" fieldNo="8" />           
    <Attachment name="Content" fieldNo="0" />      

Put it all together

Ok, now it seems that we have finally finished configuring SMILA for using separate workflows for file system and web crawling and index data from these crawlers into different indices. Here is what we have done so far:

  1. We modified the Listener rules in order to use different workflows for web and file system crawling.
  2. We created a new BPEL workflow for Web crawler data.
  3. We added the web_index index to the Lucence configuration.

Now we can start SMILA again and observe what will happen when starting the Web crawler.

It's very important to shutdown the SMILA engine and restart it afterwards because modified configurations are loaded during startup only.

Now you can search on the new index "web_index" using your browser:

Web index-search.png

Configuration overview

SMILA configuration files are located in the configuration directory of the SMILA application. The following figure shows the configuration files relevant to this tutorial, regarding SMILA components and the data lifecycle. The names of SMILA components are formatted in black font, directories containing configuration files and filenames are shown in blue.


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