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< EclipseLink
Revision as of 15:56, 26 November 2008 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (EclipseLink 1.1)

The IP Project Log is a documentat that records code and non-code contributions.


A list of all the Committers, past and present, whose contribution is still active in the repository.

Project Leads
pkrogh dclarke
ssmith kchen cdelahunt bdoughan ailitchev mkeith Mmacivor dmccann dminsky minorman
mobrien gpelletie ppurich rsapir dsmith jsutherla dtwelves tware gyorke nhauge
mmeswani etang egwin ldavis

Contributions - 1.0.1 Release Log

The Eclipse Persistence Services is a sub-project of the Runtime project. The project is currently working towards a 1.0.1 release. See EclipseLink Road Map

1.0.1 Milestone 3/Release Candidate - October 22 2008

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description
October 15, 2008 Bug 242289 21 files, 300K etang Checked in for Contributor Kevin Yuan: Continue migrating the rest EclipseLink JPA testing running on app server, the target is running all JPA testing on WLS/OC4J/WAS/JBOSS
October 14, 2008 Bug 249121 7 files, 41K etang Checked in for Contributor Yiping Zhao: Add Oracle JDBC Specific tests for running on Server
October 01, 2008 Bug 242289 31 files, 102K etang Checked in for Contributor Kevin Yuan: Add getRollbackOnly() to test roll back only in JPA test framework in order to distinguish the Transaction isn't STATUS_ACTIVE from Transaction isn't STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION
September 08, 2008 Bug 245548 1 files, 2K etang Checked in for Contributor Yiping Zhao: Fix 17 test failures in EntityManagerJUnitTestSuite on WebSphere

1.0.1 Milestone 2/Release Candidate - August 27 2008

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description
August 20, 2008 Bug 241308 2 files, <5K gpelleti User provided test classes to expose the bug.
July 30, 2008 Bug 242289 8 files, 18K etang Checked in for Contributors Kevin Yuan and Yiping Zhao: Migrate 9 EclipseLink JPA test suites over 400 test cases running on WLS/OC4J/WAS/JBOSS
July 29, 2008 Bug 242289 23 files, 29K etang Checked in for Contributor Kevin Yuan: Enhance EclipseLink JPA test framework in order to let all JPA server test share one set of sources and resources
July 28, 2008 Bug 238842 5 files, 16K etang Checked in for Contributor Yiping Zhao: add support for running JPA tests on WebSphere
July 21, 2008 Bug 240993 15 files, 19K etang Checked in for Contributor Kevin Yuan: Add Support for Running JPA Tests on JBoss

Contributions - 1.0 Release Log

1.0 Milestone 7 - May 7 2008

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description
May 6, 2008 CQ 2302 111 files, 160K tware OSGI Core
May 5, 2008 Bug 214661 -- gyorke Reference Mode feature, contributors source used as starting point for implementing thorough feature
May 2, 2008 CQ 2294 68 files, 350K minorman DBWS JAX-WS (re-sync'd)
Apr 29, 2008 Bug 221377 -- tware Copied a number of dependancies to different directories. This check-in looks much bigger than it actually is since nearly every change is just a directory move
Apr 29, 2008 CQ 2287 33 files, 100k tware JAXRPC check-in
Apr 29, 2008 CQ 2282 270 files, 9M tware Updated Ant Check-in (1.7.0)
Apr 23, 2008 CQ 2291 30 files, 19K minorman SAAJ 1.3

1.0 Milestone 6 - Apr 9 2008

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description
Apr 4, 2008 Bug 224696 -- pkrogh Checked in for Contributer Mitesh Meswani: Update maven upload scripts to upload EclipseLink submodules

1.0 Milestone 5 - Mar 5 2008

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description
Mar 1, 2008 Bug 224083 < 20 loc tware Checked in for Wonseok Kim - throws proper error rather than NullPointerException when JDBC properties are not set
Feb 22, 2008 CQ 1604 441,000 loc pkrogh CQ updated with latest source addressing all open IP issues as well as inclusion of the dual-license (EPL+EDL) header. CQ approved

1.0 Milestone 4 - Feb 6 2008

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description
Jan 30, 2008 Bug 214970 113 loc tware Checked in for Contributer Mitesh Meswani: Introduce ability to upload EclipseLink jars to maven repository.
Jan 30 2008 CQ 2046 909 files, 1.16MB ldavis xercesImpl.jar for Workbench XML Schema support. Checked in 2-06-08.
Jan 24, 2008 CQ 1792 437,000 loc nhauge A set of UI Tools for EclipseLink. Checked in 1-24-08.

1.0 Milestone 3 - Jan 8 2008

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description

1.0 Milestone 2 - Dec 5 2007

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description

1.0 Milestone 1 - Nov 5th 2007

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description
Oct 16, 2007 1787 2166 Files, 2.84 MB dclarke Checked in JAXB 2.0 XJC
/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.persistence/trunk/moxy/eclipselink.moxy.lib/jaxb-xjc.jar and
Oct 16, 2007 1788 606 Files, 766 KB dclarke Checked in JAXB 2.0 Reference Implementation
/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.persistence/trunk/moxy/eclipselink.moxy.lib/jaxb-impl.jar and
Oct 16, 2007 1617 95 Files, 72 KB dclarke Checked in JAXB 2.0 API
/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.persistence/trunk/moxy/eclipselink.moxy.lib/jaxb-api.jar and
jaxb-api.jar checked in Oct 1, 2007. added October 16, 2007
Oct 5, 2007 1794 63 Files, 24 KB dclarke Checked in EJB 3.0 (parallel IP review)
/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.persistence/trunk/foundation/eclipselink.core.lib/ejb.jar and
Oct 4, 2007 1613 19 Files, 8 KB dclarke Checked in JTA 1.1 (parallel IP review)
/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.persistence/trunk/foundation/eclipselink.core.lib/jta.jar and
Oct 4, 2007 1614 59 Files, 22 KB dclarke Checked in JMS 1.1 (parallel IP review)
/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.persistence/trunk/foundation/eclipselink.core.lib/jms.jar and
Oct 4, 2007 1616 92 Files, 42 KB dclarke Checked in JPA 1.0 (parallel IP review)
/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.persistence/trunk/foundation/eclipselink.core.lib/persistence.jar and
Oct 4, 2007 1621 63 Files, 26 KB dclarke Checked in JCA 1.5 (parallel IP review)
/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.persistence/trunk/foundation/eclipselink.core.lib/resource.jar and resource-src.jar
Oct 2, 2007 1768 1, ~ 1M minorman Checked in Ant 1.6.5 jar
Oct 1, 2007 1755 1900 loc minorman PB4 custom JUnit4 runner
Oct 1, 2007 1618 39 Files, 45 KB dclarke Checked in StAX 1.0
Oct 1, 2007 1619,1311 259 Files, 382 KB dclarke Checked in JavaMail 1.4
Oct 1, 2007 1620 43Files, 54KB dclarke Checked in Java Activation Framework 1.1
Sep 13 2007 CQ 1700 800 loc minorman DBWS code
Sep 13 2007 CQ 1701 2 jars, ~250 KB minorman WSDL4J
Sep 11 2007 CQ 1622 -- djclarke Check-in of SDO 2.1.0 source
Sep 6 2007 CQ 1695 29000 loc tware Added renamed version of ANTLR v3 and made updates to EclipseLink code to make use of new version.
Sep 5 2007 CQ 1605 37,000 loc tware initial contribution ASM library
Sep 5 2007 CQ 1604 0 loc - testing config and data tware initial contribution of testing config and data files
Sep 5 2007 CQ 1604 0 loc - xsd and config files tware initial contribution of xsd and config files for eclipselink.jar
Aug 23 2007 CQ 1604 441,000 loc tware initial contribution of EclipseLink

Section 3 (Third Party Software)

A list of the non-Eclipse third party software included in the Project.

EclipseLink 1.0

The following third party jars or for EclipseLink 1.0 and later:

3rd Party Software
IP Zilla Number Description Library Files License Usage
1616 JPA 1.0 javax.persistence.jar (1.0) CDDLv1.0 entire JPA package unmodified - shipped
1616 JPA 1.0 javax.persistence.jar (1.99) CDDLv1.0 JPA package with modifications to allow OSGi deployment, all modifications

completely implemented by EclipseLink committers - shipped as bundle

1794 EJB 3.0 javax.ejb.jar CDDLv1.0 Unmodified JavaEE 5 EJB classes. These are a compile dependency for some of our container-based JPA stuff - shipped as bundle
1617 JAXB 2.0.0 javax.xml.bind_2.0.0.jar CDDLv1.0 JAXB 2.0 API jar as defined by JSR-222. Is is a compile and runtime dependency for our JAXB 2.0 implementation. Shipped unmodified.
1787 JAXB 2.0.5 javab-xjc.jar CDDLv1.0 This jar is only required by the JAXB schema to Java compiler. This is shipped as a convenience to our users. Shipped unmodified.
1788 JAXB 2.0.5 javab-impl.jar CDDLv1.0 This jar is only required by the JAXB schema to Java compiler. This is shipped as a convenience to our users. Shipped unmodified.
1618 JSR173 StAX 1.0.1 CDDLv1.0 StAX parser API jar as defined by JSR-173. It is a compile and runtime dependency for our JAXB 2.0 implementation. Other than the renaming we have not made any modifications to this jar.
1619 Java Mail 1.4 javax.mail.jar CDDLv1.0 Unmodified. compile dependency for our OXM and JAXB layers - not shipped
1620 Java Activation 1.1 javax.activation.jar CDDLv1.0 Unmodified. compile dependency for our OXM and JAXB layers - not shipped
1622 SDO 2.1 commonj-sdo.jar Custom License An official binary does not exist for this Open Service Oriented Architecture (OSOA) specification, so this jar was built from unmodified source. This jar is a compile and runtime dependency for our SDO 2.1 implementation - shipped.
1613 JTA 1.1 javax.transaction.jar CDDLv1.0 Unmodified JTA classes, compile dependency for our JTA integration - shipped as OSGi bundle
1614 JMS 1.1 javax.jms.jar CDDLv1.0 Unmodified JMS classes, compile dependency for JMS integration - shipped as OSGi bundle
1621 JCA 1.5 javax.resource.jar, connector.jar CDDLv1.0 Unmodified JCA classes, compile dependency for connector integration - connector.jar shipped with Workbench and javax.resource shipped as bundle
1695 ANTLR 3.0 Internalized in org.eclipse.persistence.internal.library.antlr.* and org.eclipse.persistenc.antlr.jar BSD Stripped down and renamed version of ANTLR 3.0. Renamed to use org.eclipse.persistence package name, stripped down to include only runtime (not tools) and remove all classes that depend on previous versions of antlr. These classes are used for JPQL parsing. - shipped
1605 ASM 1.5.3 Internalized in org.eclipse.persistence.internal.library.asm.* and org.eclipse.persistence.ams.jar BSD Renamed version of ASM, used for byte code weaving within EclipseLink - shipped
1701 WSDL4J 1.6.2 wsdl4j.jar Apache 2.0 unmodified (contents), renamed (jar to javax.wsdl.jar) - not shipped
1768 Ant 1.6.5 ant.jar Apache 2.0 This is no longer required, replaced by ant 1.7. CQ 2282
2282 Ant 1.7 org.apache.ant.jar Apache 2.0 Unmodified ANT 1.7.0. Compile dependency for our static weave tool - shipped as bundle
2046 Xerces 2.9.0 xerxesImpl.jar Apache 2.0 unmodified, shipped
2291 SAAJ 1.3 saaj-api-1.3.jar CDDLv1.0 unmodified (contents), renamed (jar to javax.xml.soap_1.3.0.jar) - not shipped
2287 JAX RPC 1.1.0 javax.xml.rpc.jar CDDLv1.0 Unmodified JAX RPC code, depended

upon by javax.ejb - shipped as bundle

2302 OSGI Core Apache 2.0 Eclipse OSGI package, compile dependency of OSGI integraion - compile only, not shipped

EclipseLink 1.1

The following third party jars are listed for EclipseLink 1.1 and later. The jars in this section are not required for EclipseLink 1.0, 1.0.1 and any other release before 1.1:

3rd Party Software
IP Zilla Number Description Library Files License Usage
2505 Java Servlet 2.4.0 javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604.jar Apache 2.0 Unmodified Java Servlet APIS, shipped as bundle
2702 OSGI Compendium 4.1.0 osgi.cmpn_4.1.0.jar Apache 2.0 Unmodified OSGI Compendium
2740 Java API for XML Web Services 2.0.0 javax.xml.ws_2.0.0.jar CDDLv1.0 Unmodified JAX-WS 2.0 apis, shipped as bundle

The following community submitted patches have also been checked in:

Date Bug # Contrib. Size Committer description
October 16, 2008 Bug 248616 1 file, 2 loc tware User provided bug fix for log operator on OraclePlatform
October 17, 2008 Bug 248626 1 file, 5 loc tware User provided bug fix to allow using an argument to an Expression Multiple times when it is printed to SQL
October 27, 2008 Bug 247104 2 files, 15 loc tware User provided bug fix to fix issues with cascaded optimistic locking
November 12, 2008 Bug 211690 5 files, 40 loc tware User provided bug updates to support LIMIT in MySQL
November 12, 2008 Bug 211691 1 file, 20 loc tware User provided bug updates to support LIMIT in PostGreSQL
November 12, 2008 Bug 249667 3 files, 10 loc tware User ERRMSG: dbPlaformHelper_defaultingPlatform has Toplink property defined
November 26, 2008 Bug 241681 2 loc tware User provided fix for change propogation and server session on client broker

Third Party Works With Dependencies

As per the Policy and Procedure for 3rd Party Dependencies the EclipseLink project has the following works-with dependencies. EclipseLink's pre-req behavior is as documented in the IP Log working with standard data source access APIs and compatible implementations.

The following dependencies are optional works-with capabilities available for those users who wish to access advanced features of the Oracle database and therefore have the corresponding libraries available from their database distribution. The functionality that leverages the additional features is isolated within SVN at: /foundation/ . Both the Eclipse projects and ANT targets provided enable users to build and test EclipseLink without these optional dependencies or if they want to use these they can configure either Eclipse IDE variables or customize ANT properties files to provide the location of their works-with Oracle JDBC libraries.

IP Zilla Number Library Jars License Notes
2437 Oracle JDBC ojdbc*.jar OTN
2437 Oracle Spatial Java Class Library sdoapi.jar OTN
Note: This version is for use with Oracle 10g Spatial,, 9iR2, 9iR1, and with JDK 1.4.2 or higher.
2437 Oracle XDK xml.jar
OTN XMLTypeBindCallCustomParameter & XMLTypeFactoryImpl (
org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml.xdk.* (5 classes)
2437 Oracle AQ aqapi.jar OTN* (5 classes)
Note: Seems to only be available from the database distribution.

For a complete list of dependencies see EclipseLink Dependencies

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