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Galileo Simultaneous Release

Revision as of 10:11, 27 October 2008 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Should Do)

This page is for developers of the June 2009 Galileo Simultaneous Release. If you are a consumer of the Release, perhaps a tester or an early adopter, you'll want Galileo Simultaneous Release For Users. Note that the master page on the site points here.

Requirements For Participation

Projects that are part of Galileo agree to abide by the following requirements. Note: the EMO will remove projects that do not meet the required constraints.

Must Do

Galileo Release "Must Do" Items
Category Item Description Target Milestone Verification Method Overall Status
Participation Intent Projects must have stated and demonstrated their intent to join Galileo by the M4+0 date. Projects do so by adding themselves to the table/list above, by signing off each milestone/RC on the Galileo/Signoffs page, and by contributing appropriate build contribution. M4 Manual
Communicate At least one person from each project must subscribe to cross-project bug inbox, i.e. edit Bugzilla prefs to watch "". Build team members (or their designated alternates) from each project will provide communication channels: phone, mail, IM, IRC and will be available during the milestone integration periods. M4 Manual
Attendance Project representatives must attend the planning meetings and conference calls - you have to be involved to be involved. M4 Manual
Ramp Down Policy Projects must have a written ramp down policy by M6+0, linked in the table above pending inclusion of ramp down element in the XML project plan. (One of the issues identified with this guideline is that its not so much the ramp down policy of how many votes are needed for each bug fix that we need to be consistent on, but rather the meaning of each of the milestones and release candidates. See Platform 3.4 Endgame plan as a guideline. See also Galileo Final Daze.) M5 Script
IP Projects must have their IP approved (a normal Eclipse requirement) and will follow the Eclipse Legal deadlines to do so. See also bug 220977. CQs submitted by M5, completed by RC3 Manual (Legal)
Development APIs Projects should leverage only published APIs of dependencies. As a Release Review requirement, deviations should be listed as part of a migration plan, with bugs listed where APIs need to be provided by dependent projects. Perhaps a '99 44/100% Pure APIs' indicator for projects with no improper usage can be used to advertise the 'cleanest' projects? ;) M6 PDE API Tools
Message Bundles Projects must use Eclipse message bundles unless there are technical reasons not to. (see Message Bundle Conversion Tool and [1]) M4 Manual
Bundles Version Numbering Projects must use 4-part version numbers. M5 Manual (script?)
Leverage OSGi All plug-ins (bundles) must use the true bundle form. That is, provide a file, and not rely on the plugin.xml file being 'translated' into a file at initial startup. See bug 130598. With that, empty plugin.xml files in the presence of a file should not be included in a bundle. M5 Manual (script?)
Execution Environment All plug-ins must correctly list their required JVM versions in the See the wiki page about selecting the correct JVM [2]. M5 Manual (script?)
Signing Projects must use signed plugins using the Eclipse certificate. Exceptions must be authorized by the planning council for technical reasons. M4 Script
Use Jars Projects must use jar'ed plug-ins (with unpack=false) unless authorized by the planning council for technical reasons. Nested jars should be avoided if possible since it creates problems for projects that has dependencies to such plug-ins. The OSGi runtime is fine with it but the compiler is not able to handle classpaths that contain nested jars. In case only one nested jar exists, it is often better to expand the contents of that jar into the root folder (i.e. unnest the jar). If a plug-in contains large files that are frequently used (opened and closed), a jar'ed plug-in might degrade performance significantly since the file must be decompressed each time it is opened. M4 Manual (script?)
Releng Builds Projects must have build process maturity: scripted, repeatable, and executable by others. M4 Manual
Orbit Any new third-party plug-ins that are common between projects must be consumed via Orbit; the final Galileo release will not have duplicate third-party libraries (note that this only applies to identical versions of the libraries; thus if project A requires foo.jar 1.6 and project B uses foo.jar 1.7, that's ok). M4 Manual & Script
Optimization Projects must optimize their own update site using pack200 to reduce bandwidth utilization and provide a better update experience for users. With the introduction of p2, project update sites must generate metadata (artifact and content repository info). M4 Script
Deployment Work Together This means that users can load any subset of the Galileo projects into Eclipse and each of the loaded projects will pass all the same tests as if it had been loaded independently. If such a problem is identified, the affected projects must fix the problem. RC Manual
Capabilities Each project will provide basic capability/activity definitions to allow for their UI contributions to be hidden. These must be provided in a separate plugin/feature to facilitate inclusion/exclusion by consumers in product development. M6 Manual
Localization The project participates in Babel, meaning it is registered and available for string translation, etc. M6 Script

Should Do

Galileo Release "Should Do" Items
Item Description Target Milestone Verification Method Overall Status
Releng Build reproducibility through proper tagging and documented build process should be provided. This includes the execution of unit tests and build RSS feeds. RC Manual
Usability Should follow the User Interface Guidelines. The UI Checklist is a good place to start. Also, should participate in a User Interface Best Practices Working Group UI walkthrough. M4 Manual
Accessibility Should design for accessibility M4 ACTF
Performance Projects should devote at least one milestone to performance and scalability improvements. M7 [3]
Branding Each major project (the top-level projects except for the Tools and Technology projects where it is the sub-projects) should have an About dialog icon and contribute to the welcome page. RC Manual
Localization Should use ICU4J when appropriate. M5 Manual
The project should use the Babel Pseudo Translation Test to verify their translatablity. M6 Manual
New & Noteworthy Should have new & noteworthy for each milestone. Should be something readable and usable not just a static list of all the bugs. Corollary: individual new & noteworthy should be linked in to the collective New & Noteworthy. RC Manual

Milestones and Release Candidates

These milestone and release candidate dates are based on the dependencies of the projects (we call these the +0, +1, and +2 dependencies). Obviously, if a +0 date slips, then it will cause the +1 and +2 dates to slip; similarly for a +1 slip causing +2 slips. Note that the +0, +1, +2, and +3 dates are roughly equivalent to stable nightly builds in a traditional Eclipse project - each of these partial milestone builds will incorporate more and more of the associated project milestones. The "Release" date is the official M/RC date.

Note: in the following table, RC5 on the 'Galileo' line does not mean this final build is a release 'candidate' ... it is still to be the 'final build' for this Release ... but 'RC5' is the suggested "target" to have some consistent terminology in Bugzilla, and similar things, to be able to mark things that are different in the final release build than in the RC4 build. [The full word, "Galileo" doesn't make a very good bugzilla milestone target, since it's a little too inclusive, and "R" (for "Release") is too short. TODO: next year consider "GA" for this final target?]

Hopefully there will not by ANY differences between RC4, and RC5 ... but, some projects may find they have to make doc additions, readme files, etc., so ... this just provides a way that such changes can be consistently marked, tracked, etc., to better keep everyone informed about what might be different between RC4 and the RC5 (the final released code). [Note: it's probably obvious, but this does not mean "RC5" should be part of the final zip file names or anything. those can still be what ever "final" name they would always have.]

The calendar is available in the following formats: ICal,ATOM News Feed,HTML


Cross-Project Milestone & RC Status Reporting

As with Ganymede, reporting on status will be done using a wiki table.

Conference Calls

next: TBD
613.287.8000 or 866.362.7064 passcode 874551#

Mailing Lists and Newsgroups

Eclipse projects have three communication channels: a mailing list for developers, a newsgroup for users, and Bugzilla. Galileo, although not a "project" per se, will use the same structure:

The old mailing list will be used for non-Galileo Planning Council items.

Bugs & Feature Requests

Galileo Builds

A number of utilities have been written to automate the assembly of Callisto '06, Europa '07, Ganymede '08 and now Galileo '09 builds. These are available in their own CVS respository. You can find more information about how this is organized and individual project responsibilities for the build on this Galileo Build page (with old information on the Ganymede Build and Europa Build pages).

The Galileo Build page is where you go to learn how to add your project to the Galileo build.

Coordinated Service Releases (TBD)

These dates are to be determined.


The projects that plan to participate in the Galileo Simultaneous Release are listed below, along with their milestone offsets, leaders, release engineer, and ramp down policy.

Project/Component Project/Component Lead(s) Release Engineer Offset Ramp down Policy


Wenfeng Li Xiaoying Gu +2 BIRT Ramp-down Policy


Thomas Hallgren, Henrik Lindberg Thomas Hallgren +2 Buckminster Ramp-down


Doug Schaefer Vivian Kong +1 CDT 5.0 Ramp-down


Andrey Platov Andrey Platov +3 DLTK 0.95 Ramp Down Policy


Pawel Piech Ted Williams +2 DD Ramp-down


Martin Oberhuber Martin Oberhuber +2 TM Ramp-down


Brian Fitzpatrick Xiaoying Gu +1 DTP Ramp-down


Scott Lewis Ted Kubaska/Scott Lewis +1 ECF Ramp-down

The Eclipse Project

Platform, JDT, PDE
Philippe Mulet Kim Moir
Build Schedule
0 Eclipse 3.4 Endgame plan


Thomas Watson, Jeff McAffer Kim Moir
Build Schedule


EMF (Core), SDO
Query, Transaction, Validation,
Net4j, CDO
Ed Merks
Ed Merks
Christian Damus
Martin Taal
Eike Stepper
Nick Boldt

+1, +2

Modeling Project


EMF Search
EMF Compare
Ecore Tools
Ed Merks
Lucas Bigeardel
Cédric Brun
David Sciamma
Peter Nehrer

Lucas Bigeardel
Cédric Brun
Jacques Lescot
Peter Nehrer


Modeling Project


Markus Knauer
Wayne Beaton

Wayne Beaton

+2 EPP Ramp Down Policy


Anthony Hunter Anthony Hunter +1

GEF 3.4 Ramp-Down


Richard Gronback Richard Gronback +2 Modeling Project


UML2 Tools
Kenn Hussey
Christian Damus
James Bruck
Michael Golubev
Ed Merks
Nick Boldt



Frédéric Jouault
Frédéric Jouault
Radek Dvorak

William Piers
Radek Dvorak




Paul Elder
Paul Elder
Sven Efftinge
Jonathan Musset'

Paul Elder
Jan Koehnlein
Cédric Brun



Sven Efftinge, Frédéric Jouault
Sven Efftinge

Jan Koehnlein


Modeling Project


Mik Kersten +1


Rich Ajax Platform (RAP)

Jochen Krause Benny Muskalla +2 RAP Ramp down

SOA Tools Platform (STP)

Oisin Hurley Oisin Hurley +3 Ramp-down


Igor Vinnykov Alexander Gurov +2



Platform, Test, Trace, Monitoring
Joanna Kubasta Joel Cayne +2 Policy

Web Tools Platform (WTP)

David Williams David Williams +2 WTP 3.0 Ramp down Plan for Galileo

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