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EclipseCon 2009 Category Descriptions

Revision as of 15:35, 17 October 2008 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk)

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Supporting Technology

OSGi DevCon

Linux DevCon

Eclipse Platform


Eclipse is rapidly evolving a widerange of runtime technologies. From the basic Equinox OSGi implementation to p2 provisioning up to AJAX platforms (RAP), databases (EclipseLink), whole SOA runtimes (Swordfish), and numerous other elements of the new top-level RT project. Looking more broadly, projects such as EMF and BIRT have significant chunks of technology useful in runtime contexts. At EclipseCon this year we want to hear about these and other technologies at Eclipse that apply in the runtime space. We want deep dives that expose the power and value of the Eclipse approach, experience reports that talk about your success in applying Equinox and the Eclipse ecosystem to runtime problems and talks that point to possible futures in this unfolding story.



Eclipse for IDE and Languages


This category focuses on topics around Java development:

  • Eclipse tooling for Java and Java extensions (JDT, AJDT, PDE, ...)
 - compilers, debuggers, profilers, refactorings, static/dynamic analysis, etc.  
  • the Java language and runtime environment, Java-like languages (J2SE 6.0 and the future)
  • Agile software development with Java We're looking for a good mix of tutorials, technical talks and experience reports.
    • Java Development Tools (JDT),
    • AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT),
    • Plugin Development Environment (PDE)



Web Tools

For the Web Tools category we want submissions for two types of Eclipse developers as the audience. First, those where the audience are those interested in creating and debugging Web Applications based on technologies such as XHTML, JavaScript, and Java EE Specifications (including AJAX, JSP, JSF, EJB, JPA). Second, those where the audience are adopters who are interested in how to extend the Web Tools Platform Project.

Eclipse Frameworks

Data Tooling

The Data Tooling category is for sessions concentrating on data-centric frameworks, tools and applications in Eclipse. Examples include tools for working with relational or object databases, or drivers for Open Data Access (ODA). The most appropriate proposals are in areas similar to those addressed by the Eclipse Data Tools Platform (DTP), regardless of whether DTP components themselves are actually used. For example, while DTP delivers a SQL editor, it would still be interesting to receive talk proposals about alternative SQL editors based in Eclipse.

Mobile and Embedded

This category focuses on mobile and embedded technology in Eclipse. We are looking for talks that cover usage or extension of existing Eclipse projects for mobile Java and C++ application development or for general embedded tooling. We are interested in industry vertical open source solutions and experiences in the embedded and mobile space. We are interested in embedded applications of the DSDP projects (DD, TM, MTJ, TmL, NAB, RTSC), CDT, and TPTP.


This category is focused on topics related to the range of Eclipse Modeling Project technologies: Meta-modeling, domain-specific languages, textual notations and diagramming, model transformation, and code generation. Submissions of particular interest will cover multiple technologies and Modeling project integration points. Of course, a range of standard talks, both introductory and advanced, on the core technologies are welcome.


Topics that show using Eclipse tools and frameworks for business intelligence and reporting applications. In particular, this category is focused on applications of BIRT project components. We are interested in report development, BIRT integration, using the BIRT extension points, and integration of the BIRT Chart components. Preference will be given to presentations that reflect real world experience.


Test and Performance

This category is focused on topics related to test and performance tooling that leverage Eclipse. Test and Performance tooling is used throughout the software development and test life cycle, from early unit testing, profiling, and tuning to post-deployment monitoring, tracing. This category covers the implementation, extension, and use of test and performance tooling - both open source and commercial - targeting a broad spectrum of systems including embedded, stand-alone, distributed, and enterprise. There is particular interest in exploitation and user experience of the Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) project.

Eclipse Ecosystem

Emerging Technology

The Emerging Technologies category is chiefly intended to showcase the efforts of the many projects that are part of the Technology top-level project at Eclipse (submissions of this nature will take priority). However, talks covering innovative and exciting projects or work based on Eclipse technology are also welcomed here.

Committer and Contributor

The goal of this category is to enable new and experienced Eclipse committers and contributors to work effectively with and for the Eclipse community. Presentations will include topics covering how to work in the open, how the Eclipse foundation operates, and how to foster or be a successful contributor or committer. Talks focusing on peer and community interactions, ecosystem building, the Eclipse foundation and governance model, licensing and the Eclipse IP process, Eclipse project initiation, growth and maintenance, and the Eclipse development process will all be considered.

Business and Industry

Director's Choice


Some of the best talks defy categorization. If you have a talk that does not fit into any of the other categories, submit it here.

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