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< EclipseLink‎ | Examples‎ | MOXy
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The following example will demonstrate how to use EclipseLink's JAXB functionality to:

  • Generate JAXB-annotated Java classes from an XML Schema using the JAXB Compiler
  • Unmarshal an XML Document
  • Modify the XML data using the interfaces generated by the compiler
  • Marshal the modified data to XML


  1. Ensure that you have EclipseLink correctly installed and configured for your environment. Please see EclipseLink/Installing and Configuring EclipseLink for more information.
  2. Ensure that you have ANT correctly installed and configured.
  3. Unzip the Example ZIP file to a new directory.
  4. Edit the file in the root directory of the example and specify the path to your EclipseLink jlib directory:

Invalid language.

You need to specify a language like this: <source lang="html4strict">...</source>

Supported languages for syntax highlighting:

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# Edit eclipselink.jlib to point to your EclipseLink jlib directory

You can compile and run the Example at any time by typing <tt>ant</tt> from the Example directory.  

==Running the JAXB Compiler==

The JAXB compiler can be run to generate JAXB-annotated Java classes from an XML Schema:

<ECLIPSELINK_HOME>/eclipselink/bin/ <source-file.xsd> [-options]
<ECLIPSELINK_HOME>\eclipselink\bin\jaxb-compiler.cmd <source-file.xsd> [-options]

Options include:
   -d <dir>                     Specifies the output directory for generated files
   -p <pkg>                     Specifies the target package
   -classpath <arg>             Specifies where to find user class files
   -verbose                     Enable verbose output
   -quiet                       Suppress compiler output
   -version                     Display version information

For a complete list of compiler options: -help

Example: -d jaxb-compiler-output config/Customer.xsd 

In this example, the JAXB Compiler is run from the "<tt>run.jaxb.compiler</tt>" task in the ANT build file.

==Creating a JAXBContext using

The standard way to specify which JAXB implementation should be used is through a file called <tt></tt>, which contains a single property, <tt>javax.xml.bind.context.factory</tt>. This file must be available on the classpath in the corresponding package (in this example, "<tt>org.example.customer_example</tt>").  To specify that the EclipseLink JAXB implementation should be used, your <tt></tt> file should have the following content:


In our example, we create the JAXBContext as follows:

JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.example.customer_example");

An alternate way to create a new JAXBContext is to supply an array of Class objects.  Again, the <tt></tt> file must be available on the classpath in the corresponding package:

Class[] classes = new Class[4]; 
classes[0] = org.example.customer_example.AddressType.class; 
classes[1] = org.example.customer_example.ContactInfo.class; 
classes[2] = org.example.customer_example.CustomerType.class; 
classes[3] = org.example.customer_example.PhoneNumber.class; 
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(classes);

==Unmarshalling the XML Document==

With a JAXBContext created, we can now unmarshal an XML document using the statically generated classes:

File file = new File("Customer-data.xml");
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
StreamSource source = new StreamSource(file);
JAXBElement customerElement = unmarshaller.unmarshal(source, CustomerType.class);
CustomerType customer = (CustomerType) customerElement.getValue();

==Modify the Objects==

Below are examples of manipulating the XML data using the JAXB-generated static classes. Note that there are JavaBean-type accessors on the static interfaces.

Modifying the ShippingAddress ZipCode:


Adding a new PhoneNumber:

PhoneNumber homePhoneNumber  = new ObjectFactory().createPhoneNumber();
homePhoneNumber.setValue("(613) 555-3333");

Note the use of the <tt>ObjectFactory</tt> class to create a new <tt>PhoneNumber</tt> object.  In addition to generating the model classes used in this example, the JAXB compiler also generates an <tt>ObjectFactory</tt> class that can be used to create any of the generated types.

Removing all "cell" PhoneNumbers:

ArrayList phoneNumbersToRemove = new ArrayList();
List phoneNumbers = customer.getContactInfo().getPhoneNumber();
Iterator it = phoneNumbers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
    PhoneNumber phoneNumber = (PhoneNumber);
    if (phoneNumber.getType().equals("cell")) {



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