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The SDO test suite is written using JUnit. It consists of a set of jars and classes that contain various tests and resources. The tests are contained in the eclipselink.sdo.test project. This page is intended to outline the setup and execution steps required to successfully run the SDO JUnit tests. There are 2 ways to checkout EclipseLink and 2 ways to run the tests.

  1. Checkout using [| Subclipse] all projects individually into your eclipse workspace
    1. Build classes in eclipse and run/debug there
    2. Build/run classes using Ant
  2. Checkout using [| TortoiseSVN] the root trunk into a folder outside your workspace (IE: c:/view_el) and either use ant to build an eclipselink.jar or create proxy projects using link to source from eclipse - Recommended if you would like to build the eclipselink.jar - but you will requires some changes.
    1. Build classes in eclipse and run/debug there
    2. Build/run classes using Ant

General prerequisites for building & running EclipseLink tests

  1. The eclipselink.core.lib variable already set on the local will resolve a dependency on org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm in eclipselink-asm.jar

Configuration options

  • The tests run by default using a non-static customContext=true which is the mode that will normally be used in a multithreaded container.
    • customContext = true (run test using an thread-safe instantiable instance of SDOHelperContext) - default
    • customContext = false (run test using static HelperContext Singleton)

Building & Running inside an Eclipse Workspace

Running using Ant

  1. The <project>/ is configured to run inside eclipse by default - leave eclipselink.core and eclipselink.core.lib variables as-is on the local
  2. Navigate to the <workspace>/eclipselink.sdo.test directory
  3. Goto Running the SDO JUnit tests using Ant

Running using Eclipse

Setting up Eclipse

  • Checkout/Create or Update 5 of 11 new projects (they will be created inside the workspace using SVN)
    • eclipselink.core
    • eclipselink.core.lib
    • eclipselink.sdo
    • eclipselink.sdo.lib
    • eclipselink.sdo.test
  • Turn off build automatically temporarily

Eclipselink sdo java projects workspace ide cap.jpg

  1. Goto Running the SDO JUnit tests in Eclipse

Building & Running outside an Eclipse Workspace

Subversion checkout is outside the eclipse workspace.

  • Create your own view directory - for example "c:/view_el/"
  • Check out the SVN project for SDO into this directory using the format svn+ssh://<username>@<svn_session>/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.persistence/trunk

Explorer right click svn checkout dialog.JPG

  • Either build all 4 core, jpa, moxy and sdo projects into an eclipselink.jar by following the instructions in Building EclipseLink Source - specifically the section on setting up the extension jars not included in eclipselink.core.lib like (aqapi.jar, sdoapi.jar(spatial), ojdb14dms_10.jar(or other jdbc lib), xdb.jar, xml.jar, xmlparserv2.jar), or allow the sdo test script to run off classes by doing the following...

Running using Ant

  1. The <project>/ file is configured to run inside eclipse - modify it or your <user-dir>/ The following variables account for the different directory structure...
    1. eclipselink.core=../../foundation/eclipselink.core
    2. eclipselink.core.lib=../../foundation/eclipselink.core.lib
  2. Navigate to the eclipselink.sdo.test directory
  3. Goto Running the SDO JUnit tests using Ant

Running using Eclipse

Setting up Eclipse

  • Create 5 of 11 new projects from existing source = "c:/view_el/eclipselink.*
    • eclipselink.core
    • eclipselink.core.lib
    • eclipselink.sdo
    • eclipselink.sdo.lib
    • eclipselink.sdo.test
  • Turn off build automatically temporarily

Eclipselink sdo java projects ide cap.jpg

  1. Goto Running the SDO JUnit tests in Eclipse

Running the SDO Junit tests using Ant

These instructions are common to both running Ant inside or outside an eclipse workspace.

  1. Classpath Variable entry
    1. Several variables will need to be configured either in your <project> or <user-dir>
    2. junit.lib=<JUNIT_HOME>/junit.jar - If junit.jar is not in your ant lib dir.
  2. Run the eclipselink.sdo.test/build.xml script by typing "ant". This will compile in order eclipselink.core, eclipselink.sdo and eclipselink.sdo.test and should take around 2-4 min.
  3. View results in the reports subdirectory true or false

Running the SDO Junit tests in Eclipse

These instructions are common to both running from projects checked out inside or outside an eclipse workspace.

  • Turn build automatically back on to build classes
  • Classpath Variable entry
  • Pick a sanity test suite - we will use org.eclipse.persistence.testing.sdo.helper.classgen.SDOClassGenTestSuite as it is small and utilizes resources, core xsd/xml define/load functions as well as internal code compilation.
  • Create a new java application run/debug target
  • Modify the arguments tab|working directory to point to ${workspace_loc:eclipselink.sdo.test/resource} or create a resource variable to reuse in other targets - this is where all tests will execute.
  • Eclipselink sdo test working directory.jpg
  • Setup sdo variables, in particular those used by class generation
    • In eclipse, navigate to Window | Preferences | Java | Installed JRE's | <your JDK> | Edit | Default VM Arguments
      • -DuseLogging=true - Optional flag
      • -DignoreCRLF=true - Optional flag for windows clients
      • -DcustomContext=true - Optional flag
      • -DloggingLevelFinest=false - turn on finest level logging - Optional flag
      • -Xloggc:c:\wse\gc.log -DXprof (profiling log - optional)
      • -DXmx512m (increase memory size - may be required for some larger suites like loadandsave)
      • The SDOClassGenTestSuite suite has a runtime dependency on the following jars and classes (sdo classes, sdo.test classes, (mail.jar, activation.jar in eclipselink.core.lib) and commonj.sdo.jar).
        • (c:/view_el is your svn checkout dir, there are no spaces between entries...)
          • Eclipse jre vm arg dialog.JPG
        • Pending: variable below using system environment variable %ECLIPSE_VIEW% (TBD 20071029)
Required flag
  • Run the test and observe results in the Console


Debugging using Ant built classes

The generated classes for each project and the eclipselink.jar are debug enabled by default (debuglevel="lines, vars, and source"), in each project the following variable on javac is set to true - enabling the -g flag.

  • debug="${javac.debug}"

If you would like to build without debugging info - override this value at the project level or in your <user-dir> Note: If you build classes with ant in an eclipse workspace and then try to run in eclipse - even using "build automatically" in eclipse will not recompile these classes - you will need to do a clean and rebuild.

Debugging using Eclipse built classes

Eclipse builds with debugging info by default.

Interpreting Ant Test Results

  • See the SDO test results page to validate your own results.
  • Depending on the value of the customContext variable look under the true|false subdirectory in junit-noframes.html

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