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Revision as of 12:54, 14 February 2008 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (MDT/XSD/FAQ moved to MDT-XSD-FAQ over redirect)


Newbie / General

What is XSD?

The XML Schema Infoset Model is a reference library that provides an API for use with any code that examines, creates or modifies W3C XML Schema (standalone or as part of other artifacts, such as XForms or WSDL documents).

XSD is a library that provides an API for manipulating the components of an XML Schema as described by the W3C XML Schema specifications, as well as an API for manipulating the DOM-accessible representation of XML Schema as a series of XML documents, and for keeping these representations in agreement as schemas are modified.

The library will include services to serialize and deserialize XML Schema documents, and to do integrity checking of schemas (for example, not using a maximum value for a simpleType which is invalid considering the base type of that simpleType). The project goal is to support 100% of the functionality of XML schema representation, but not necessarily to provide document against schema assessment or validation services, which are normally provided by a validating parser, such as Apache's Xerces-J.

XML Schema Infoset Model

The model incorporates many of the ideas that several people at IBM had about an excellent API for schemas. These ideas were shared with the W3C in February 2002, in a requirements document.

My XSD file reports no errors, but I can't finish the New EMF Project wizard! I plan to use XML Schema (XSD) with EMF. Are there any bugs with that? I get a NullPointerException when loading an XSD Model! Is there a fix or workaround? Is there a bug in the Crimson DOM implementation of the SUN JDK 1.4? I get the error "Specify a valid XML Schema and try loading again"! Why does EMF refuses to accept my schema file?

This bug can be seen, when loading or importing a model from XML Schema, as either:

  • a null pointer exception, or
  • the error message "Specify a valid XML Schema and try loading again".

See Sun JDK14 Crimson DOM for hasAttributeNS bug details and workaround.

I've created a model from an XML Schema. Why won't EMF load or save conforming instance documents (loading throws a ClassNotFoundException)?

EMF does some remapping to turn XML element and attribute names into conventional Ecore attribute and reference names (i.e. conventional Java field names). It annotates the model with the original XML names (and a bunch of other information from the schema that can't be represented in Ecore) via the ExtendedMetaData interface. Resources must use this information to save and load conforming instance documents.

Look in the util package of the generated model code and you'll find a resource factory implementation, XxyResourceFactoryImpl. This factory returns instances of XMLResource with a few non-default options set. Most importantly, it enables the use of ExtendedMetaData.

When you're running the editor under Eclipse, this resource factory will automatically be registered. For standalone applications, you'll need to perform the registration in your code. For example, to globally register the generated library resource factory implementation against the extension "library":

new LibraryResourceFactoryImpl());

Are there sample Java methods that show how to use the XSD API?

Sample code that includes links back to the javadoc is at: XSDPrototypicalSchema.html.

Examples of convenience functions also illustrate the use of the bare API. Those example convenience functions are in the source code. Info about them is located at XSDSchemaBuildingTools.html and XSDSchemaQueryTools.html.

Installation / Setup

How do I install XSD 2.x (for Eclipse 3.x)?

Download the version of XSD that matches your installation of Eclipse. Generally, the version of Eclipse is one version greater than that of EMF; eg., EMF 2.1.2 is build against (and for) Eclipse 3.1.2. Exit Eclipse, then unzip into your Eclipse directory.

How do I get XSD source from CVS?

See Getting XSD from CVS.

Does XSD have a site that I can use with the Eclipse Update Manager?

Yes, as of June 21, 2004, there is an Update Manager site for XSD, for 2.x releases.

IBM Internal can use:

The rest of the world can use:

If you're not familiar with Update Manager, surf to one of the above URLs and read the instructions there.

Please note, however:

  • You cannot upgrade from EMF 1.x to EMF 2.x, since you must also upgrade versions of Eclipse (2.x -> 3.0).
  • If you install a stable, integration build of EMF, such as 2.0.0.I200406211000, when EMF 2.0.0 Final is launched, UM will consider this to be an OLDER version, rather than a newer version. So, if you wanted to use UM to stay abreast of changes between Eclipse 3.0 Milestones, when 3.0 Final was launched, you'd have to download EMF manually and remove your 2.0.0.yyyymmddhhmm version manually anyway. The same problem exists with updating Eclipse itself via UM to 3.0.0.yyyymmddhhmm - once 3.0.0 is launched, you won't be able to use UM to upgrade the the Final version, since 3.0.0 < 3.0.0.yyyymmddhhmm. However, we're planning to drop a new UM site build for every zipped build, so you should be able to continue to upgrade without having to download zips manually.

Why is Eclipse 3.x required for XSD 2.x?

XSD 2.x, like 1.x, runs standalone, so in that sense, it doesn't require Eclipse at all. But if you want to use the tools, like the Sample XML Schema Editor within Eclipse, you need to get Eclipse 3.x.

Standalone Uses

I want to use XSD in my standalone project, or include only a working subset of the code. What libraries (jar files) do I need in my CLASSPATH?

Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) provides the infrastructure to run the generated models and dynamic model based on existing ecore files. It also provides XMI/XML serialization and deserialization.

The following jars can be used in standalone mode. Jars are found under the plugins directory of your Eclipse installation - there will be a release number appended to the plugin name, e.g. org.eclipse.emf.common_2.2.1.v200609210005.jar. You can extract these from the SDK, Runtime or Standalone zips, or use the Update Manager jars.

Add to the following jars to your CLASSPATH or copy them into your project. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • emf.common_2.*.jar
  • emf.ecore_2.*.jar
  • emf.ecore.change_2.*.jar
  • emf.ecore.xmi_2.*.jar (requires SAX parser - see note below)

XML Schema Infoset Model (XSD) is a reference library for use with any code that manipulates XML schemas and requires the EMF jars above and the following jars to be used in standalone mode:

  • xsd_2.*.jar (requires SAX parser - see note below)

NOTE: If using ecore.xmi or any of the XSD jars, you will require a SAX parser such as Xerces.

For more information on working outside Eclipse, see the question How do I use EMF in standalone applications (such as an ordinary main)?.

How do I use XSD in standalone applications (such as an ordinary main)?

An EMF model can be used without change in a standalone application with couple of exceptions.

Default resource factories are not registered in the standalone EMF environment. Therefore, for each file extension or scheme your application wants to load or save, you need to register the corresponding resource factory. For example, to load and save XMI documents, add a line similar to the one below to your main program:

Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE.getExtensionToFactoryMap().put("library", new XMIResourceFactoryImpl());

To load and save XML documents, register the following factory:

Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE.getExtensionToFactoryMap().put("xml", new XMLResourceFactoryImpl());

In the above examples, the model is registered using the global static resource factory registry instance. You can also register factories local to the ResourceSet being used, e.g:

ResourceSet rs = new ResourceSet();
rs.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(("xml", new XMLResourceFactoryImpl());

In addition, you'll also need to register your package, which happens as a side effect of accessing XyzPackage.eINSTANCE. For example, to register the library model, add the following line to your main program:

LibraryPackage packageInstance = LibraryPackage.eINSTANCE;

You need to add to the CLASSPATH all the jars for the plugins (and their dependent plugins) that you want to use standalone. The list is dependent on exactly what plugins you want to use and is available by looking at the runtime libraries in their plugin.xml files. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • org.eclipse.emf.common/runtime/common.jar
  • org.eclipse.emf.common/runtime/common.resources.jar
  • org.eclipse.emf.ecore/runtime/ecore.jar
  • org.eclipse.emf.ecore/runtime/ecore.resources.jar
  • org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi/runtime/ecore.xmi.jar

The jars are found under the plugins directory of your Eclipse installation. There will be a release number appended to the plugin name, e.g. org.eclipse.emf.common_2.1.0.

For EMF.Edit you would also have to add the following jar files to your classpath:

  • org.eclipse.emf.common.ui/runtime/common.ui.jar
  • org.eclipse.emf.common.ui/runtime/common.ui.resources.jar
  • org.eclipse.emf.edit/runtime/edit.jar
  • org.eclipse.emf.edit/runtime/edit.resources.jar

Also, to produce the right .jar file for standalone execution of a generated project, you need to copy the file and the icons directory to the directory containing the EMF XyzPlugin for the project. This will put the resources in just the right place to be found by the generated XyzPlugin during standalone execution. Such a project will work as both a plugin and for standalone execution.

How do I convert code that runs in an Eclipse environment to a standalone environment?

In an Eclipse environment the EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE is populated at startup time by the registrations of the models in the plugin.xml, e.g.,

     uri = ""
     class = "org.eclipse.xsd.XSDPackage" />

But in a standalone environment, this doesn't happen, so you need to register each package explicitly.

If you have a package Xyz, accessing XyzPackage.eINSTANCE will create the package and register it in the registry.

So if you add the line XyzPackage.eINSTANCE.getEFactoryInstance() to your initialization code, the Xyz package will be properly registered.

If using EMF in a non-Eclipse environment is feasible (licensing issues), what if any, advantages does using EMF have over using JAXB?

EMF and XSD are definitely intended to support standalone execution outside of Eclipse. Only the EMF jars are needed for standalone execution (as described in the FAQ). Within IBM, you should discuss licensing issues with the WSWB folks, since that's the supported distribution vehicle for EMF and XSD within IBM. I don't believe there are any issues as long as you stick to using released (i.e., supported) drivers.

JAXB produces a simple Java API given an XML Schema and it does so using essentially a black box design. EMF produces an Ecore model given an XML Schema and then uses template-based generator technology to generate a rich Java API (of hand written quality). The XML Schema to Ecore conversion can be tailored, the templates used to generate the Java API can be tailored, and the resulting Java API can be tailored. The generator supports merging regeneration so that it will preserve your hand written changes. In other words, EMF is far richer and more flexible, and supports a broader subset of XML Schema (especially in 2.0, where wildcards and mixed content will be supported).


Can I use XSD to help create XML instances that are valid according to a given schema?

No, but Knowledge Integration Ltd. uses XSD to help support this kind of cabability and have shared their results under the GPL.

Does the XSD library allow me to supply an instance document and have it validated against the schema?

Yes, you can use XMLProcessor, but it requires the EMF libraries too. Here's how: XMLSchema Validation With XMLProcessor.

Is there a built-in facility to check whether a given value is valid compared to the effective facets of its type?

To determine if a literal is valid with respect to a simple type, you can use either XSDSimpleTypeDefinition.isValidLiteral or XSDSimpleTypeDefinition.assess.


Do I have to pre-register my static, generated package when running stand-alone (outside of Eclipse)?

No. Use the OPTION_SCHEMA_LOCATION_IMPLEMENTATION option to avoid pre-registration of your generated packages. This is the recommended approach to using static SDO.

When a model instance is saved with this option set, an xsi:schemaLocation attribute will be added to the document element, associating the package's namespace URI with the qualified name of the generated package interface. When the package is needed at load-time, the eINSTANCE field of that interface will be reflectively accessed to obtain it.

The following code shows how to set the option in the resource associated with an SDO data graph:


Do I have to initialize and pre-register my dynamic packages?

No. The package needed to load a model instance will be automatically loaded from its serialized form, if available.

The simplest approach is to use an accessible URL as the package's namespace URI, and to make the package serialization available at that location (for example, via HTTP). If found, the package will be loaded with no additional effort.

If the package is available at a different physical location, whether public or on the local filesystem, you can serialize the model instance with the OPTION_SCHEMA_LOCATION to include that location, so that it can be found at load-time.

First, create a resource and add your package to it. For example:

ResourceSet set = new ResourceSetImpl();
Resource packageResource = set.createResource(URI.createURI("file:///c:/data/company.ecore"));

Then, use the OPTION_SCHEMA_LOCATION when you serialize your model instance:

Resource resource = set.createResource(URI.createURI("file:///c:/data/company.xml"));
Map options = new HashMap();
options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_SCHEMA_LOCATION, Boolean.TRUE);;

This adds an xsi:schemaLocation attribute to company.xml, associating the company package's namespace URI with the physical URI "company.ecore" (this relative URI is automatically computed, allowing the two files to be relocated, together).

Other Topics

Are there any "real" example EMF models in Eclipse?

Well, for starters, EMF itself contains two interesting models. The Ecore model serves as the meta-model for any EMF model you create -- it is the model that describes the structure of your models. The Genmodel controls generation of an EMF model. In fact, the generator UI that is used in the tutorial is the EMF.Edit editor for the Genmodel, which explains why it looks so much like the library editor in the tutorial. If you want to explore Ecore and Genmodel further, you'll find their Rose models and Java code in the EMF source package available on our download page. Of course, the code produced by the EMF generator is meant to be a starting place, so you'll see that much functionality has been manually added to both of these models. But, it's quite easy to see the same sort of generated patterns that appear in the simple library example. Ecore is in the org.eclipse.emf.ecore plugin, the Genmodel is in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore, and its editor UI is in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.ui. You'll find the Rose models in the "model" subdirectory of the source for the former two plugins.

Finally, an even more complex example of an EMF model is XSD, the XML Schema Infoset Model, a subproject of the Eclipse Technology Project. XSD models the concrete and abstract relationships expressed in an XML schema document, providing an API to manipulate the model and an XML-schema-specific replacement for EMF's default XMI serialization. Of course, there's also an EMF.Edit-based XML schema editor built on it.

EMF is failing to load a resource. How can I make it recognize a non-standard archive URI scheme? Why does EMF fail to load resources when running on an application server or other specialized runtime?

EMF recognizes a couple of well known archive schemes, such as "zip" and "jar", so everything will work fine if the URI of an archived resource starts, for example, with "zip:". Although most applications probably use one of these recognized schemes, you may find that certain runtimes use a different one. For example, when running in the IBM WebSphere Application Server, Class.getResource(String) may return a URL with a "wsjar" scheme, like "wsjar:file:/C:/dev/ws/default/sample_app/xsd.resources.jar!/org/eclipse/xsd/".
By default, EMF will not recognize this as an archive URI and will fail to handle it correctly, probably resulting in multiple unregistered resources errors and/or null pointer exceptions. If you are facing this problem, you will need to change EMF's set of recognized archive schemes. This is done by defining a property named "org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI.archiveSchemes", whose value is the desired space-separated list of archive schemes. Here's an example of how you could define it when invoking your Java application:

java MyApp -Dorg.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI.archiveSchemes="wsjar wszip jar zip"

Does EMF support OMG XMI?

EMF uses OMG XML Metadata Interchange (XMITM) 2.0 as the default XML serialization format for Ecore models and Ecore instances. The EMF framework allows the use of other serialization formats also. The XMI 2.0 document production rules are used because of more compact representation than XMI 1.2.

Can I create an EMF model using OMG XMI?

Yes. The XMI document that conforms to the EMF Ecore model can be directly edited using your favorite text or an XML editor. Alternately you can use a modeling tool that can produce the XMI document from a UML model. You can also use annotated Java interfaces to define your input model.

I'm generating EMF models from xsd files. To generate relations between entities I use the following syntax...

I'm generating EMF models from xsd files. To generate relations between entities I use the following syntax, with the ecore:reference attribute on xsd:element.

   <xsd:complexType name="Writer">
   <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
   <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
   name="books" type="xsd:anyURI" ecore:reference="lib:Book"/>

But I have to generate this XSD schema and for this I need the schema that defines the ecore namespace. Where can I find this schema ?

I don't think you actually need it in order to generate a schema like the one below. The XML Schema spec defines the wildcard for these "non-schema namespace attributes" like this:

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

so no schema needs to exist for that namespace in order for the schema to be valid, you only need to ensure that the prefix is defined.

I have an element that comprises four sub-elements derived from type <xs:string>. How can I examine the contents of an <xs:complexType>? How could I programmatically determine its restrictions/enumerations etc?

Here's snippet of code that does some of the things you mention:

void handle(XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration)
 XSDTypeDefinition xsdTypeDefinition =
 if (xsdTypeDefinition instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)
   XSDSimpleTypeDefinition xsdSimpleTypeDefinition =
   for (Iterator i = xsdSimpleTypeDefinition.getFacets().iterator();
     i.hasNext(); )
     XSDFacet xsdFacet = (XSDFacet);
     if (xsdFacet instanceof XSDEnumerationFacet)
       for (Iterator j =
         ((XSDEnumerationFacet)xsdFacet).getValue().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
         Object enumerator =;
     else if (xsdFacet instanceof XSDPatternFacet)
     // ...
   XSDComplexTypeDefinition xsdComplexTypeDefinition =
   switch (xsdComplexTypeDefinition.getContentTypeCategory().getValue())
     case XSDContentTypeCategory.EMPTY:
     case XSDContentTypeCategory.SIMPLE:
       XSDSimpleTypeDefinition xsdSimpleTypeDefinition =
     case XSDContentTypeCategory.ELEMENT_ONLY:
     case XSDContentTypeCategory.MIXED:
       XSDParticle xsdParticle =
       XSDTerm xsdTerm = xsdParticle.getTerm();
       if (xsdTerm instanceof XSDModelGroup)
         XSDModelGroup xsdModelGroup = (XSDModelGroup)xsdTerm;
         for (Iterator i = xsdModelGroup.getParticles().iterator();
           i.hasNext(); )
           XSDParticle childXSDParticle = (XSDParticle);
       else if (xsdTerm instanceof XSDElementDeclaration)
       else if (xsdTerm instanceof XSDWildcard)

How does setIncrementalUpdate() work?

You can use XSDSchema.setIncrementalUpdate(false) to turn off the expensive global updates and set it back to true, or call XSDSchema.update(), afterwards. Calling update() does not cause setIncrementalUpdate(true). Attached to this state is the warning that names will no longer be re-resolved and non-concrete relations will no longer be recomputed. If you aren't relying on these to drive your actions, it won't matter.

How can I load a XSDSchema from a simple Java String or from a DOM Tree?

Assuming you do something much like what's in XSDMainTest in org.eclipse.xsd.test, this should do the trick:

 ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
 XSDResourceImpl xsdMainResource =
 if (fromString)
   xsdMainResource.load(ByteArrayInputStream created from String, resourceSet.getLoadOptions());
   XSDSchema xsdSchema = XSDPackage.eINSTANCE.createXSDSchema();
   xsdSdchema.setElement(your <schema> element);

How do target namespaces work?

A complex type has an attribute reference to a simple xsd:integer attribute. XSD provides an AttributeUse with an AttributeDeclaration.

WITHOUT a target namespace declaration at the top level, the AttributeDeclaration has as typeDefintion an XSDSimpleTypeDefinitionImpl with name "integer", fine.

WITH a target namespace declaration at the top level, the same typeDefiniion field is null.

When the target namespace is null, the implicit xmlns="" declaration allows you to reference the name without a prefix, but when you define a target namespace, you need to define an xmlns prefix for that namespace and youneed to use that prefix to reference any name in the namespace.

The actual declarations do not need to be qualified, and you'd expect that references also default to the target namespace, but in fact they do not. Your schema may validate using XSV, but according to the XML Schema spec part 1, the ref must be qualified, unless you have an xmlns=.

Can the XSD library be used outside of the Eclipse environment?

Yes, it can be used within Eclipse and outside of Eclipse.

For more information on working outside Eclipse, see the question I want to use XSD in my standalone project, or include only a working subset of the code. What libraries (jar files) do I need in my CLASSPATH?

What version of W3C XML Schema is accepted as input to XSD?

The version specified on May 2, 2001 as a W3C Recommendation. This version is described in XML Schema Part 0: Primer, XML Schema Part 1: Structures, and XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes.

For XML Schema simple types that are not included in the table on p.140 of the EMF book...

For XML Schema simple types that are not included in the table on p.140 of the EMF book (or derived from these), the book says we should get an EDataType with name equal to the XML Schema type, and instanceClassName of java.lang.String.

Which is wrong - me, the book or the code?

Unfortunately, the book.

The book's companion web site ( includes an Errata (,7999,967283-,00.html). You'll notice that this problem comes up twice: on page 82 and on page 140.

The book describes the way it used to work, and then the current, simpler approach was adopted later on in the publishing cycle. The text was never updated to reflect the change.

Please continue refer to the Errata when things don't seem quite right, and do let us know if you find any other problems that we haven't caught yet, so that we can keep it up to date.

It appears to us that XSDEcoreBuilder ignores user information in an annotation - is this true? Isn't this supported by the XSDEcoreBuilder?

Yes, it is ignored right now, but it is definitely a work item on our list (for the 2.0 stream) to be able to carry over XML Schema documentation into the Ecore model and then reproduce it in the generated Javadoc.

What happens if I pass a DOM which claims to be the XML representation of a Schema, but there are errors in the attribute values? Is there a function to inquire "Is this parsed or constructed schema completely correct?"

The schema can be validated to diagnose all such errors. You can call validate on a schema and check whether there are any diagnostics. The diagnostics may include warnings or informational messages, in addition to error messages.

Is there a way to have schema documents which reference other schema documents through <include> <import> or <redefine> be fetched from locations other than those given in the schemaLocation attribute?

Yes, you can use a ResourceSet's URIConverter's URI map to map logical URIs to physical URIs. You can see an example of that code in XSDProtocotypicalSchema traceLoading().

When modifications are made to a schema document which was used by another schema document (which has been loaded by this library), will my code need to explicitly make the corresponding modifications to the using schema document?


Does the o1.equals(o2) method determine "semantic equivalence" between two schema components?

This version of the code returns true if o1 and o2 are the same object, otherwise it returns false.

What happens if I add a schema component to schema2 that I had previously added to schema1?

It is removed from schema1. This package maintains referential integrity for black diamond relations (in the UML), i.e., containment relations. When you add/set to a black diamond relation, the object will be effectively removed from the current black diamond relation and is then added/set to the new relation.

ComplexTypes and SimpleTypes only have at most 1 annotation. Why is there XSDTypeDefinition.getAnnotations() in addition to getAnnotation(). What is getAnnotations() used for?

There can be at most one annotation in the element information item in the XML Representation of schema which is a <simpleType> or <complexType>. But there can also be an annotation in the <restriction>, <extension>, <list>, <union> (getDerivationAnnotation), as well as one in the <simpleContent>, <complexContent> (getContentAnnotation) element information items that are part of (children of) the simpleType or complexType element information item. The list returned by getAnnotations() is the list of all these annotations.

If I used one of the getEffectivePROPERTY() methods with a simpleType of the LIST or UNION type...

If I used one of the getEffectivePROPERTY() methods with a simpleType of the LIST or UNION type, would any of the facet information from the itemType (in the case of List) or the memberTypes (in the case of union) be used to adjust or supplement the values returned (as happens with a simpleType which is atomic and derived by restriction from another type)?

No. We follow the concepts of effective properties from the W3C Schema specifications, which do not cause facets of the memberTypes or item types to be used in the case of UNION or LIST.

What can cause some of the resources in a resource set, which correspond to schema documents referenced by <include> <import> or <redefine>, to return null from (XSDResourceImpl)resource.getSchema()?

This could be seen if you iterate through the resource in a ResourceSet, for example:

 for (Iterator resources = resourceSet.getResources().iterator();
     Resource resource = (Resource); 
     /* Now use getSchema() */

If the <include> <import> or <redefine> contained a schemaLocation which has a relative file path, the library will not resolve it, and this can be a symptom.

To get around this problem, have code which is guaranteed to turn the URI into an absolute URI. For example:

   File file = new File(schemaURL);
   if (file.isFile())
       schemaURL =

How is a declaration of an attribute or element that specifies anySimpleType processed?

Following the clarifications to the spec, it is permissible to use anySimpleType in user schemas. However, it is an error to extend or restrict this type except in the schema for schemas.

Note that an element declaration with an anyType will resolve its type to the complex version of "anyType" and an attribute declaration with an anyType will resolve its type to the simple version of "anyType"; an element's type may be simple or complex, but an attribute's type must be simple.

When will getElement() return null when used against a component?

If the component you have has been synthesized, getElement() will return null. For example, if you have selected the effective pattern facet, the model synthesized that facet from the zero or more concrete pattern facets. Another effective facet that comes from zero to an unlimited number of concrete facets is the enumeration facet.

If an XSDComplexTypeDefinition exists that extends another one, normally a synthesized XSDModelGroup is produced, containing one or more synthesized XSDParticle objects; getElement() against those components would also return null.

To obtain a component of a schema by name, or find out such a component does not exist in the schema, what sequence of code should be used?

The resolveXXXDeclaration and resolveXXXDefinition methods declared in Interface org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConcreteComponent allow lookup of components that have names. Note that these methods always return something. If your schema does not have the component you are looking for, the returned value will be a newly manufactured reference to it.

Here is an example method to return the component or return null if it was not in the schema, in this case for an Attribute Declaration with a particular name:

   return the XSDAttributeDeclaration of a given namespace and name
   defined in a given schema
   or a schema it includes, redefines or imports
   static XSDAttributeDeclaration
       getAttributeDeclaration(XSDSchema schema, String namespace,
           String name)
       if (ret.getContainer() == null())
           return null;
           return ret;

How can the attribute maxOccurs="unbounded" be set on a particle?

Use XSDParticle.setMaxOccurs(-1) to set an unbounded value for maxOccurs. XSDParticle.getMaxOccurs will return -1 if a particle has an unbounded value for maxOccurs.

When passed an object of type XSDSchema, what method tells me if it was parsed from a Resource?

xsdSchema.eResource() returns a Resource, if one is associated, or returns nill. The Resource returned has methods such as getURI().

When passed an object of type XSDSchema, what method permits me to alter the Resource in which it will be serialized?

r = xsdSchema.eResource() returns the Resource associated with an XSDSchema. You may invoke r.setURI(uri) if you wish the schema to be saved in the future to another location.

How do I remove a component from the Schema?

There is generic support for remove in EMF: EcoreUtil.remove The removed component will look like an unresolved reference to any components that still reference it.

If I want the library to parse a Schema from a file which does not have the extension .xsd, or serialize a Schema to a file which does not have the extension .xsd, what do I do?

As part of your initialization, for each extension that will contain schemas (shown as foo in this example), you should call

  .INSTANCE.registerExtension("foo", new XSDResourceFactoryImpl());

Is there a function to inquire "Did this parsed schema have unresolved <include> <import> or <redefine> directives?"

You can write code like this:

   if (xsdSchema.getAllDiagnostics().isEmpty())
   if (xsdSchema.getAllDiagnostics().isEmpty())
       /* No Unresolved directives */
       */ Unresolved directives or other problems */

Is there a way to determine if a string represents a value that a particular simpleType would consider valid?

Yes. The call yourSimpleTypeDefinition.isValidLiteral("a-particular-string") will give you the boolean answer.

When I used the method type.getBaseTypeDefinition(), how do I know when I've reached "the top" -- something like anyType?

For simpleTypes, you would write:

   yourStopVariable =
   as you loop through from one type definition to another,
   via getBaseTypeDefinition() you compare it to yourStopVariable

For complexTypes, you would write:

   yourStopVariable =
   as you loop through from one type definition to another,
   via getBaseTypeDefinition() you compare it to yourStopVariable

If you are not sure if your time is simple or complex, you could write:

   yourStopVariable =

There are recognizers of the special types in XSDConstants:


What method can be called to tell whether the resulting type definition is synthesized or whether it comes from an existing instance?

Because td = resolveTypeDefinition(String nsuri, String name) may return an unresolved instance, which is synthesized to hold the namespace and name, if an existing instance cannot be found, what method can be called to tell whether the resulting type definition is synthesized or whether it comes from an existing instance?

XSDConcreteComponent.getContainer() will yield null for td if resolveTypeDefinition returned a synthesized type definition.

What steps should I take to install the XSD code in one Eclipse project, and to identify another project with my own code as dependent upon and using the XSD library?

To install the source code in an Eclipse new project, follow these steps :

  • unzip in <XSD_HOME> directory
  • create a new Eclipse project and import into it the content of <XSD_HOME>/plugins/org.eclipse.xsd
  • set the directory containing the source of the new project to "src" (this directory was imported in the previous step)
  • add the following locations to the classspath:
    • <ECLIPSE_HOME>/plugins/org.apache.xerces_4.0.13 /xercesImpl.jar;
    • <ECLIPSE_HOME>/plugins/org.apache.xerces_4.0.13 /xmlParserAPIs.jar;
    • <XSD_HOME>/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.ecore_1.1.0 /runtime/ecore.jar;
    • <XSD_HOME>/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.common_1.1.0 /runtime/common.jar;

    <ECLIPSE_HOME> is the directory where Eclipse has been installed and <XSD_HOME> is the directory where has been unzipped.

To identify another project with your own code as dependent upon and using this library, follow these steps :

  • make sure that you have created a new project containing the code of this library as indicated previously;
  • right click on the project folder which should use this library, click on "properties" popup menu item
  • then, in the java Build Path section, go to the Project pane and check the project you previously created for this library.

What happens if I pass a DOM which claims to be the XML representation of a Schema, but there are errors in the attribute values? Is there a function to inquire "Is this parsed or constructed schema completely correct?"

The schema can be validated to diagnose all such errors. You can call validate on a schema and check whether there are any diagnostics. The diagnostics may include warnings or informational messages, in addition to error messages.

Is there a way to have schema documents which reference other schema documents through <include> <import> or <redefine> be fetched from locations other than those given in the schemaLocation attribute?

Yes, you can use a ResourceSet's URIConverter's URI map to map logical URIs to physical URIs. You can see an example of that code in XSDProtocotypicalSchema traceLoading().

When modifications are made to a schema document which was used by another schema document (which has been loaded by this library), will my code need to explicitly make the corresponding modifications to the using schema document?


How does the model choose what prefix to use in QNAMEs for a namespace URI in serializing the schema, when more than one prefix has been associated with that namespace?

One of the prefixes, or the no-prefix, will be chosen, and used consistently whenever an XML representation of schema in the form of a DOM is requested. This version of the code does not allow you to select which one will be chosen.

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