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Revision as of 07:23, 9 August 2019 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (BaSyx Middleware Documentation)

Eclipse BaSyx is the open source platform for next generation automation. Our mission is to provide a free software platform that enables all interested parties, large and small industries, research institutes, academia, and interested persons, to participate and to shape the fourth industrial revolution. We believe that the availability of a free reference technology platform is a key success factor for the Industrie 4.0. Eclipse BaSyx therefore provides common and re-useable Industrie 4.0 components and an SDK that supports the development of new Industrie 4.0 software components to enable the rapid development of Industrie 4.0 solutions. This Eclipse BaSyx platform furthermore will provide reference application scenarios for common Industrie 4.0 challenges. Eclipse BaSyx is actively supported by the BaSys 4.0 (Homepage, in German) research project, which is funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, grant no. 01IS16022). BaSys 4.0 researches and specifies key concepts of Industrie 4.0, participates in standardization activities, and integrates existing standards and technologies into an Industrie 4.0 middleware.

The Eclipse BaSyx middleware implements main Industrie 4.0 concepts and provides the necessary software components to implement numerous Industrie 4.0 applications:

  • End-to-end digitisation of the production (the shopfloor)
  • Connectivity between shopfloor and IT
  • Changeable production processes up to lot size one production
  • Big data analysis of production processes
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Automated tracing and documentation of production processes

Application examples that document the application of Eclipse BaSyx are provided in section BaSyx application scenarios.

BaSyx Middleware Documentation

The documentation of the Eclipse BaSyx middleware is split into the following sub sections:

Implementing Industrie 4.0 with Eclipse BaSyx

All industrial revolutions were triggered by the availability of new technology. They had significant impact on productivity, but also on production processes. With every industrial revolution, the availability of products did change, and so did the lifestyle of people.

Four industrial revolutions - by Christoph Roser at
  • The first industrial revolution did happen at the end of the 18th century. The introduction of water and steam powered machines did trigger this industrial revolution. The availability of machines did support human workers and enabled a more efficient production.
  • The second industrial revolution was based on the principle of the division of labor. Electricity and the conveyor belt enabled mass-production that was the foundation for the availability of cheap, mass-produced goods. Many workers that did work on the conveyor belt had to perform repetitive tasks for each product with a defined frequency to ensure constant production.
  • The third industrial revolution is based on electronics and IT. More and more simple, repetitive production steps were automated with e.g. robots. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) enabled the automation of factories. Machines did take over more and more production tasks, and were increasingly substituting human workers in factories.
  • Industrie 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution. It is based on the end-to-end digitalization and end-to-end networking of production. By connecting formerly unconnected entities of production facilities, production is not only becoming more efficient, but also new business models become possible. It changes the architecture of production processes and introduces new, groundbreaking concepts to production systems. The integration of IT technology into production systems enable much more flexible and adaptive production systems that react quickly to market changes. Self-describing machines integrate quickly into production processes, and provide information about the availability of spare parts. The virtual testing of production process changes reduces down times.

Similar to previous industrial revolutions, the Industrie 4.0 depends on the availability of technology. For the fourth industrial revolution this is software technology that integrates production lines with IT. Eclipse BaSyx provides this technology as open-source software components to support developers in implementing Industrie 4.0 concepts in their production systems. Ready-to-use software components provide the foundation of an infrastructure for Industrie 4.0. Defined interfaces ensure an open platform that enables the integration of new technology into the BaSys 4.0 ecosystem. Our SDK tools enable the development of applications, the integration of devices, and the development of new middleware components. Even those that compete with our solutions :)

While the first three industrial revolutions did improve the efficiency of production processes and therefore enabled cheaper production of mass-produced products, the fourth industrial revolution is not only about improvement of mass production. Improving of mass production is an important aspect of the fourth industrial revolution, but markets are changing, and customers demand higher degrees in flexibility.

Another major aspect of Industrie 4.0 is therefore to enable new business models and the ability to provide more changeable production processes. The ability to react more quickly to market demands is a major future unique selling point for manufacturing companies. Digitised production processes enables the efficient production of small lot sizes, the mass customization. Our vison of Industrie 4.0 is to provide the ability to produce individualized and tailored products with the same efficiency as large numbers of mass produced items. The connection of devices and IT-systems enables big data analytics that support early detection of defects and prediction of production failures. This increases productivity and presents unplanned downtimes of production lines. Big data processing requires the analysis of massive amounts of data. It makes sense to collect this data from multiple data sources, e.g. multiple companies. Industrie 4.0 enables the business of specific analysis companies that analyze data from 3rd parties to optimize production for their customers.

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