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JSF Tools Functional Tests

Revision as of 15:58, 3 July 2007 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk)

Latest Updates:

Raghu Srinivasan (Oracle) - 18:26, 26 June 2007 (EDT)

Ian Trimble (Oracle) - 03 July 2007

Web Page Editor

  • Source Page
    • Insert various JSF Core and JSF HTML tags and verify correct corresponding insertion into Design view
    • Content Assist
  • Design Page
    • Verify visual feedback
      • Higlighting (border) and tooltip for current element on mouse hover
      • Resizable marquee on element selection
      • Insertion-point caret
    • Verify selection in Design view correctly synchronizes selection in Source, Properties, and Outline views
    • Drag and drop various JSF Core and JSF HTML tags and verify correct rendering, properties, etc.
    • Verify correct functionality of context menus on elements
  • Preview Page
    • Verify that preview is as expected (close to runtime experience)
    • Verify that simple EL expressions referencing resource bundles loaded via <f:loadBundle> are evaluated and replaced
  • Validation
  • Toolbar
    • Verify correct functionality of toolbar buttons, especially selection of Design, Source, or both views and horizontal and vertical split modes

Faces Config Editor

  • Verify "Wait for Load" page appears only briefly
  • Verify pages:
    • Introduction (unless disabled in Preferences)
    • Overview
      • Verify correct information listed
      • Verify double-clicking list item navigates to correct page (and item, where applicable)
    • Navigation Rule
      • Verify pages and links can be added
      • Verify link properties can be edited correctly
      • Verify Palette is visible and populated correctly
      • Verify context menu is available and populated correctly
    • ManagedBean
      • Verify Managed Beans can be added and removed successfully
      • Verify Managed Bean Wizard operates correctly
    • Component
      • Verify Components, Converters, Render Kits, and Validators can be added and removed successfully
      • Verify all items can be configured correctly
    • Others
      • Verify all items can be added/removed/configured successfully
    • Source
      • Verify source is correct and synchronized with settings made on other pages
      • Verify source editing affects settings on relevant pages

JSF Library

  • Create a new project and define one new RI and one new component library from the wizard page. Ensure both are marked to deploy.
    • Assert that you aren't allowed to create a JSF lib without at least one library
    • Assert that the two libraries appear in the classpath (navigator classpath bundles)
    • Assert that the two libraries are marked in J2EE Module Dependencies as deployed.
  • Create a new JSF library from the Windows->Preferences dialog
    • Assert that JSF library appears in Add Library list in Build Path on a project
  • Add new JSF library to project
    • Assert that library jars added to classpath
    • Assert J2EE Module Dependency exists but is not deployed by default
  • Remove JSF library from project
    • Assert that library jars removed from classpath
    • Assert that J2EE module dependency is removed
  • Change JSF library while configured on project by adding and removing jars
    • Assert that the project classpath contents change to reflect jars
  • Remove JSF library that is installed on a project
    • Assert library is still installed on existing projects
    • Assert library is no longer available on projects where not installed
  • Create a second JSF implementation library
    • Assert that only one JSF implementation can be configured on a project at once.
  • Create a project using the server-supplied library
    • Assert that the project can be created
  • Open WPE. Add a JSF library for a component not in the WPE palette. Close and re-open WPE
    • Assert that the new library's components are in the palette.
    • Assert that adding a component from this library adds the correct tag lib statement.
    • Assert that the tab lib statement is hyperlinkable to a TLD.

JSF Facet

  • Create new project using the JSF 1.1 Configuration on the first page (don't hit Next)
    • Assert faces-config.xml is a faces 1.1 file (dtd)
    • Assert the web.xml is a pre-2.5 file
  • Create new project using the JSF 1.2 Configuration on the first page (don't hit Next)
    • Assert faces-config.xml is a faces 1.2 file (xsd)
    • Assert the web.xml is a 2.5 file
  • Open new dynamic project wizard and select JSF 1.2 by default
    • Assert cannot proceed because web project version must be set to 2.5
    • Change the JSF version to 1.1 and assert that can now proceed
    • Change to web project 2.5 with JSF 1.2 facet and assert can also proceed
  • Open new dynamic project wizard, select a JSF 1.x project with WebContent changed from default
    • Assert the the faces-config file is correctly located in the new web content root
  • Open new dynamic project wizard and create a JSF 1.x project with faces-config file, servlet name and filter changed from default
    • Assert that values changed from default match in generated web.xml file.
  • In all cases where JSF libraries are added in the new project wizard, ensure that the jars are added
  • Starting with a JSF 1.x project, remove the facet
    • Assert that the web.xml is updated to remove JSF servlet info.
    • Assert the faces-config.xml is not changed.
  • Starting with a JSF 1.x project with a different web content root, remove facet
    • Assert that the web.xml is updated to remove the JSF servlet info.
    • Assert that faces-config.xml is not changed.
  • Starting with a JSF 1.x project a different faces-config.xml file name
    • Assert that the web.xml is updated to remove the JSF servlet info
    • Assert that faces-config.xml is not changed.
  • Start with a dynamic web project that does not have a JSF facet and add the JSF 1.x facet
    • Assert that the faces-config.xml is created and the web.xml file is updated
  • Start with a dynamic web project using a non-default web content root and add the JSF 1.x facet
    • Assert the project is created correctly.

JSF Preferences

EL Validation Preferences

  • Test validation with default preferences
    • Correct expression
    • Warning expression (i.e. member not found)
    • Error expression (i.e. Missing closing bracket)
  • Turn off all EL validation and re-validate
    • Assert all validation is gone
  • Turn on as-you-type validation and re-validate
    • Assert markers are gone outside the editor
    • Check as-you-type validation in the SSE editor
  • Turn on both validation and as-you-type and re-validate
    • Assert that markers and as-you-type is working.
  • Use Restore Defaults and re-validated
    • Assert validate markers but no as-you-type
  • Set severity on a problem with warning severity to error and revalidate
    • Assert severity changes to error
  • Set severity on a problem with error severity to ignore and revalidate
    • Assert problem goes away

Faces Config Editor

  • Show Introduction Tab...
    • Verify that enabling/disabling shows/removes Introduction page in editor
  • Use System colors
    • Verify setting has desired effect in editor
    • Verify following preference items are enabled/disabled appropriately:
      • Canvas: Background color
      • Icons: Label font
      • Connection Lines: Label font, Label color, Line color
  • Canvas
    • Verify all settings have desired effect in editor
  • Icons
    • Verify all settings have desired effect in editor
  • Connection Lines
    • Verify all settings have desired effect in editor



Design-time MetaData Framework

Tag Conversion Framework

Built-in Support for JSF Core/HTML Libraries

Since we ship with built-in support for JSF core and JSF HTML libraries, testing tag conversion of as many of these tags as possible can be performed by building JSP pages that make use of them.

  • Create one or more JSP pages
    • Use as many JSF core and JSF HTML tags in these JSP pages as possible
    • Verify correct rendering in Design and Preview pages of the Web Page Editor

EL Symbol Framework

Designtime Application Framework

With the dtresolver.test plugin in the base instance and DTResolverExampleApp in a spawned runtime workspace:

  • Validate test.jsp
    • Assert each of the four expected expressions are flagged with validation warnings.
  • Set each of the custom actions on the right-click menu for the project (External Context, Variable Resolver, Property Resolver, Method Resolver), revalidate in each case.
    • Assert in each case that expected expression no longer causes a validation problem.
  • Remove each of the custom action and revalidate
    • Assert that the expected problems return.


User Documentation

  • Help System
    • Verify "JavaServer Faces Tooling User Guide" topic is available
      • Verify all page contents for accuracy
      • Verify all links are functional and correct

Developer Documentation

  • Help System
    • Verify "JavaServer Faces Tooling Developer Guide" topic is available
      • Verify all page contents for accuracy
      • Verify all links are functional and correct

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