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Revision as of 11:49, 21 January 2016 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Key Metrics)

Eclipse IoT Working Group Strategy for 2016


In 2016, the Eclipse IoT Working Group will be entering its fourth year. The growth and adoption of the Eclipse IoT projects and community has been very positive and we expect this to continue in 2016. Our key goals in 2016 will be:

  • Continued adoption of existing Eclipse IoT projects by technology providers, start-ups and makers.
  • Growth in the number of member and projects participating in the Eclipse IoT community.

Key Metrics

In 2015 a number of metrics were used to track the in the Eclipse IoT community and these metrics will continued to be monitored for 2016.

  • Members
  • Projects
  • Contributors
  • LOC contributed
  • Web Site traffic
  • Project downloads
  • Sandbox traffic

Priorities for Eclipse IoT PMC and Project Community

Technology Directions for Eclipse IoT Project Recruitment

The current technology direction for Eclipse IoT community has been to encourage all IoT open source projects to join the Eclipse IoT community. We will continue to welcome any interested project but place a specific focus on the following directions:

  • Target key IoT standards for implementations to be hosted at Eclipse IoT, including OPC-UA, LoRaWAN.
  • Continue to encourage projects to host implementations in multiple languages. Ex. JavaScript implementation of LWM2M, CoAP or Java implementation of MQTT broker.
  • Facilitate progress on the IoT Server Platform and integration with back-end systems.
  • Recruit projects that implement better tools for IoT developers.
  • Recruit industry frameworks focused on IoT to be hosted at Eclipse IoT. Example, frameworks for Smarter Cities, Connected Cars.

Marketing and Community Development Programs


Evangelism efforts will be focused on two areas 1) demonstrating how Eclipse IoT projects can be integrated with other solutions. Ex. Eclipse Mosquitto as an Ubuntu Snappy, Eclipse Leshan running on Cloud Foundry, Eclipse Kura connecting to AWS IoT, and 2) Eclipse IoT projects running on different hardware. The goal will be to have at least 1 blog post and/or video per month that demonstrates Eclipse IoT technology.

Trade Shows and Events

Trade show participation will focus on speaking engagements at shows in NA and Europe. The goal will be to have speaking engagement at 2-3 events per quarter. This will also include speaking at IoT Meetups.

The Eclipse Foundation will also exhibit at a small number of shows that will be determined in collaboration with the Eclipse IoT WG members. Eclipse IoT Days will be organized in conjunction with EclipseCon Europe and Eclipse NA.

Virtual IoT Meetup will continue to organize IoT presentations on a regular basis, 1-2 per month. There are currently 620+ members of the Virtual IoT Meetup and we expect this community to continue to grow in 2016.

Open IoT Developer Challenge

The Open IoT Developer Challenge will be run again in 2016. The 2015 challenge had 87 participants and 5 sponsor companies. The challenge continues to be an effective program for promoting adoption of Eclipse IoT technology.

Press Releases

In 2015 there were 3 press releases announcing new releases of Eclipse IoT projects. In 2016, the target will be a press release for each quarter that covers projects releases and significant Eclipse IoT news.

Developer Survey

In 2016, the IoT Developer Survey will be run for the second time. This survey provides a useful insight into the trends within the IoT developer community.

Social Media Outreach

In 2016, we will continue to grow the number of followers on the @EclipseIoT twitter handle and the Eclipse Foundation Youtube channel IoT playlist.

Member Programs

An IoT Hardware catalog will be published in Q1/2016. The intent is to highlight hardware solutions from Eclipse IoT members that can support Eclipse IoT software. An IoT Cloud catalog, similar to the IoT Hardware catalog, will be published in Q2/2016. The intent is to highlight IoT Cloud solutions that integrate or run Eclipse IoT software.

Liaisons with other communities


The Eclipse Foundation will be a partner in an EU H2020 research project, called AGILE, starting in 2016. The focus of the project is to create ecosystems around IoT Gateways. The role of the Eclipse Foundation within the project is to lead the efforts around community building and dissemination. Other partners in the project include Canonical and Eurotech. Eclipse Kura is expected to be a key technology in this project. It is expect AGILE will help raise awareness of Eclipse IoT projects overall.

  • IEEE IoT

In 2016 our intention is to have closer relationship with the IEEE IoT community. This community has over 10000 members. The plan is to collaborate on an IoT Developer Survey, promote IoT events and potentially organize hackathons.

  • Industrial Internet Consortium

The Eclipse Foundation is a member of the Industrial Internet Consortium. In 2015, Eclipse Vorto was represented in 2 IIC testbeds. In 2016, the goal is to participate in 2-3 additional IIC testbeds.

  • Cloud Foundry Foundation

In 2016, we will foster closer relationships with the Cloud Foundry Foundation to support the Eclipse IoT projects that need to be deployed to PaaS environment, ex Eclipse Hona, Eclipse Leshan and Eclipse Mosquitto.

  • Other Liaisons

The Eclipse Foundation will continue to collaborate with other IoT consortiums and standards groups, including OASIS, OMA, OneM2M. Participation in these groups will typically focus on the specific Eclipse project implement a standard.

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