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Tutorial: Creating a RESTful Remote Service Provider

Revision as of 22:10, 7 September 2015 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Step 1: Creating the Distribution Provider Host)


In previous tutorials we've focused on how to use OSGi Remote Services to export a simple ITimeService and have a consumer use this service.

This tutorial will focus on customizing ECF's implementation of OSGi Remote Services to use a custom distribution provider...aka a Remote Service provider. Creating a custom Remote Service provider is tantamount to creating your own implementation of the distribution function of OSGi Remote Services.

Why would one want to do this? One reason is interoperability and integration. There are many existing services on the Internet through many different protocols (e.g. http+json, http+xml, JMS+json, etc., etc.). By creating a new remote service provider, it's quite possible to take an existing service, implemented via an existing transport+serialization approach, and easily expose it as an OSGi Remote Service...while allowing existing services to run unmodified.

Another reason is that in the remoting of services, there are frequently non-functional requirements...e.g. for a certain kind of transport-level security, or using an existing protocol (e.g. http), or using a certain kind of serialization (e.g. json, or xml, or protocol buffers). By creating a new distribution/remote service provider, these requirements can be met...simply by using the ECF provider architecture...rather than being required to reimplement all aspects of OSGi Remote Services/RSA.

Exporting Using a Config Type

As shown in Tutorial:_Building_your_first_OSGi_Remote_Service, here is the remote service metadata needed to export a remote service using the ECF generic server distribution provider

Dictionary<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>();
props.put("service.exported.interfaces", "*");
bundleContext.registerService(ITimeService.class, new TimeServiceImpl(), props);

Note specifically the line


This is one of the ECF-provided distribution providers, identified by as the config type ecf.generic.server. This provider is a general provider, capable of supporting the export of any remote service.

With ECF's implementation of OSGi Remote Services/RSA, it's quite possible to create a custom/replacement provider, based upon a new or existing transport. The remainder of this tutorial will step through how to create and run your own provider using a simple http+rest+json transport.

Step 1: Creating the Distribution Provider Host

Since we would like to access this service via http/https+rest+json, we will create a Servlet to actually handle the request...and dynamically register it via the OSGi HttpService. That way we may implement the remote ITimeService.getCurrentTime() method by doing the appropriate http GET request which will be handled by our implementation. Here is the complete implementation of the TimeRemoteServiceHttpServlet' as well as the required ECF remote service container code

public class TimeServiceServerContainer extends ServletServerContainer {
	public static final String TIMESERVICE_HOST_CONFIG_NAME = "";
	public static final String TIMESERVICE_SERVLET_NAME = "/" + ITimeService.class.getName();
	TimeServiceServerContainer(ID id) throws ServletException, NamespaceException {
		// Register our servlet with the given httpService with the
		// which is "/com.mycorp.examples.timeservice.ITimeService"
					new TimeRemoteServiceHttpServlet(), null, null);
	public void dispose() {
	public Namespace getConnectNamespace() {
		return RestNamespace.INSTANCE;
	class TimeRemoteServiceHttpServlet extends RemoteServiceHttpServlet {
		private static final long serialVersionUID = 3906126401901826462L;
		// Handle remote time service get call here.
		protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
			// Get local OSGi ITimeService
			ITimeService timeService = HttpServiceComponent.getDefault().getService(ITimeService.class);
			// Call local service to get the current time
			Long currentTime = timeService.getCurrentTime();
			// Serialize response and send as http response
			try {
				resp.getOutputStream().print(new JSONObject().put("time", currentTime).toString());
			} catch (JSONException e) {
				throw new ServletException("json response object could not be created for time service", e);
	public static class Instantiator extends RemoteServiceContainerInstantiator {
		public IContainer createInstance(ContainerTypeDescription description, Map<String, ?> parameters)
				throws ContainerCreateException {
			try {
				return new TimeServiceServerContainer(
						RestNamespace.INSTANCE.createInstance(new Object[] { (String) parameters.get("id") }));
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new ContainerCreateException("Could not create time service server", e);
		public String[] getSupportedConfigs(ContainerTypeDescription description) {
			return new String[] { TIMESERVICE_HOST_CONFIG_NAME };

In the TimeServiceServerContainer constructor a new instance of the TimeRemoteServiceHttpServlet is created and registered as a servlet via an HttpService

        new TimeRemoteServiceHttpServlet(), null, null);

Note that the TIMESERVICE_SERVLET_NAME is defined in this example to be /com.mycorp.examples.timeservice.ITimeService. Since this is the path associated with the Servlet this means that the remote service may be accessed via a GET request to the following URL:


All of the actual behavior to handle the call of the remote service is in the doGet method implementation in the TimeRemoteServiceHttpServlet

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
		throws ServletException, IOException {
	// 1. Get local OSGi ITimeService
	ITimeService timeService = HttpServiceComponent.getDefault()
	// 2. Call local service to get the time
	Long currentTime = timeService.getCurrentTime();
	// 3. Serialize response
        try {
		resp.getOutputStream().print(new JSONObject().put("time", 
	} catch (JSONException e) {
		throw new ServletException("json response object could not be created for                    
                                            time service", e);

What's happening

  1. The local ITimeService host implementation is retrieved via HttpServiceComponent.getDefault().getService(ITimeService.class);
  2. The ITimeService.getCurrentTime() method is called to get the local time, which returns and instance of type Long
  3. The getCurrentTime() result is serialized to json (in this case using the json implementation) and printed to the HttpServletResponse output stream to complete the HttpResponse.

Other than this container class, the only thing left to do is to register a remote service distribution provider as a whiteboard service, which is responsible for creating and using instances of TimeServiceServerContainer under the appropriate runtime conditions. Here is the provider registration code (in the bundle Activator class):

public class Activator implements BundleActivator {
	public void start(final BundleContext context) throws Exception {
				new RemoteServiceDistributionProvider.Builder()
						.setInstantiator(new TimeServiceServerContainer.Instantiator()).build(),

This code registers a new instance of IRemoteServiceDistributionProvider, setting up the relationship between the host config name "", and the TimeServiceServerContainer.Instantiator(), which will then be called by ECF RSA at export time to create an instance of the TimeServiceServerContainer.

Provider Step 2: Creating the Distribution Provider Consumer

Here is the consumer remote service container provider implementation

public class TimeServiceServerContainer extends ServletServerContainer {
	public static final String TIMESERVICE_HOST_CONFIG_NAME = "";
	public static final String TIMESERVICE_SERVLET_NAME = "/" + ITimeService.class.getName();
	TimeServiceServerContainer(ID id) throws ServletException, NamespaceException {
		// Register our servlet with the given httpService with the
		// which is "/com.mycorp.examples.timeservice.ITimeService"
					new TimeRemoteServiceHttpServlet(), null, null);
	public void dispose() {
	public Namespace getConnectNamespace() {
		return RestNamespace.INSTANCE;
	class TimeRemoteServiceHttpServlet extends RemoteServiceHttpServlet {
		private static final long serialVersionUID = 3906126401901826462L;
		// Handle remote time service get call here.
		protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
			// Get local OSGi ITimeService
			ITimeService timeService = HttpServiceComponent.getDefault().getService(ITimeService.class);
			// Call local service to get the current time
			Long currentTime = timeService.getCurrentTime();
			// Serialize response and send as http response
			try {
				resp.getOutputStream().print(new JSONObject().put("time", currentTime).toString());
			} catch (JSONException e) {
				throw new ServletException("json response object could not be created for time service", e);
	public static class Instantiator extends RemoteServiceContainerInstantiator {
		public IContainer createInstance(ContainerTypeDescription description, Map<String, ?> parameters)
				throws ContainerCreateException {
			try {
				return new TimeServiceServerContainer(
						RestNamespace.INSTANCE.createInstance(new Object[] { (String) parameters.get("id") }));
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new ContainerCreateException("Could not create time service server", e);
		public String[] getSupportedConfigs(ContainerTypeDescription description) {
			return new String[] { TIMESERVICE_HOST_CONFIG_NAME };

The TimeServiceRestClientContainer constructor first creates a unique id for itself and then it sets up a json response deserializer (for handling the json result of getCurrentTime()) with this code:

	// This sets up the JSON deserialization of the server's response.
	// See below for implementation of TimeServiceRestResponseDeserializer
	setResponseDeserializer(new TimeServiceRestResponseDeserializer());

When the response is received, the TimeServiceRestResponseDeserializer.deserializeResponse method will be called, and from above this code then parses the json from the host

	return new JSONObject(new String(responseBody)).get("time");

The connect method implementation creates and registers an IRemoteCallable instance that associates the proxy's method name getCurrentTime with the URL of the time service (consisting of the hosts's container id...i.e. http://localhost:8080/ with the ITimeService servlet path /com.mycorp.examples.timeservice.ITimeService.

The disconnect method simply unregisters the IRemoteCallable.

As for the host remote service container, a container Instantiator must be created for the TimeServiceRestClientContainer and that is used by ECF RSA to create an instance of the TimeServiceRestClientContainer at the appropriate time.

Note the getImportedConfigs method in the Instantiator, which is automatically called by the ECF Remote Service implementation in order to allow the provider to convey that the TimeServiceRestClientContainer should be used for importing when the TIMESERVICE_HOST_CONFIG_NAME i.e.

This remote service container instantiator is then declared as a IRemoteServiceDistributionProvider in the activator

public class Activator implements BundleActivator {
	public void start(final BundleContext context) throws Exception {
				new RemoteServiceDistributionProvider.Builder()
						.setInstantiator(new TimeServiceRestClientContainer.Instantiator()).build(),
	public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {

This completes the consumer provider. The source for the complete bundle is in the bundle project.

Using the New Provider

Now we have a completed host provider, and a completed consumer provider for the restful timeservice. These two providers are entirely represented by the two bundles


With these bundles and their dependencies, the following may now be used to export a remote service using the host provider

Dictionary<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>();
props.put("service.exported.interfaces", "*");
// Specify the newly created provider
// Specify the 'id' parameter for the ID creation of the host (see 
// the TimeServiceServerContainerInstantiator.createInstance method 
// Register a new TimeServiceImpl with the above props
bundleContext.registerService(ITimeService.class, new TimeServiceImpl(), props);

During registerService, the ECF RSA implementation does the following:

  1. Detects that the "service.exported.interfaces" property is set and so the service is to be exported
  2. Detects that the "service.exported.configs" property is set, and selects the container Instantiator that returns a matching value from a call to getSupportedConfigs
  3. Creates a new instance of TimeServiceServerContainer by calling the approprate container instantiator's createInstance method, and passes in a Map of appropriate service properties (i.e.
  4. Uses the created remote service container to export the remote service
  5. Publishes the EndpointDescription resulting from the export for consumer discovery

Note that after host registration as above that this restful provider can be tested simply by using a browser and going to


In the browser this will return the following json


On the OSGi Remote Service consumer, upon discovery of the EndpointDescription (through network discovery protocol, or EDEF) the ECF RSA implementation does the following

  1. Select a remote service consumer container by calling all container instantiator's getImportedConfigs method...with the value of exporterSupportedConfigs from the discovered EndpointDescription
  2. Create a new container via the selected container instantiator's createInstance method
  3. Call IContainer.connect(ID,IConnectContext) on the newly created container
  4. Create an ITimeService proxy
  5. Registers this ITimeService proxy in the consumer's local OSGi service registry...along with the standardized service property values

If using DS, the last step above will result in the ITimeService proxy being injected into client code and the client code may then call the ITimeService.getCurrentTime() method. Calling this method will result in a http GET to the URL:


The TimeRemoteServiceHttpServlet.doGet method will be called by the HttpService and then the resulting json will be deserialized via the TimeServiceRestResponseDeserializer in the consumer...resulting in a Long value returned from by the proxy.

As with the Tutorial:_Building_your_first_OSGi_Remote_Service the consumer code is simply

package com.mycorp.examples.timeservice.consumer.ds;
import com.mycorp.examples.timeservice.ITimeService;
public class TimeServiceComponent {
	void bindTimeService(ITimeService timeService) {
		System.out.println("Discovered ITimeService via DS");
		// Call the service and print out result!
		System.out.println("Current time is: " + timeService.getCurrentTime());  // Call the ITimeService remote service

Note that both the consumer code and the host code (except for the service property values on the host) are exactly the same. This makes it possible to develop, test, and deploy remote services independent of the underlying distribution providers being used.

Background and Related Articles

Getting Started with ECF's OSGi Remote Services Implementation

OSGi Remote Services and ECF

Asynchronous Proxies for Remote Services

Static File-based Discovery of Remote Service Endpoints

Download ECF Remote Services/RSA Implementation

How to Add Remote Services/RSA to Your Target Platform

Customization of ECF Remote Services

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