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Visualizing Output with ICE

Revision as of 11:51, 23 April 2015 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Adding/Removing Plots)

Currently, ICE features two plugins for visualizing and plotting simulation output data:

  • VisIt Tools - An interactive 3D visualization tool for rendering meshes, scalar plots, contour plots, and more.
  • CSV Plotting Tools - A customizable, 2D data plotting utility for data from .csv files.

ICE's VisIt tool for 3D visualzation ICE's CSV plotter for 2D graphing

Installation and Configuration


To use the VisIt Tools, ICE requires the installation of VisIt (minimum version 2.8.2) developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, either locally or on a remote machine.

The CSV Plotting Tools require no additonal software to be installed.

Visualization Perspective

To use ICE's visualization tools, you first must switch to the Visualization Perspective. This perspective includes various UI components necessary for visualization that are not exposed in the default ICE perspective. To access the Visualization Perspective, use the the main menu bar at the top of the window and navigate to:

Window > Open Perspective > Other...

Select Visualization in the dialog that pops up and click OK. Alternatively, you can also access the same pop-up dialog by clicking the Open Perspective button in the main toolbar in the upper right-hand corner of the ICE workbench.

ICE OpenPerspective.png

Once the Visualization Perspective opens, you should notice the workbench contains some new UI components. Make note of the following panels, as we will be referring to them in the following sections.

ICE VisualizationPerspective.png

Visualizing Output


Connecting to VisIt

Once you switch to the Visualization Perspective, the first step necessary is to connect to your VisIt installation through ICE. To do this, click on the Launch VisIt button located in the ICE toolbar near the top.

ICE VisItLaunchButton.png

A dialog will pop up offering you three options for connecting to VisIt:

ICE VisItLaunchOptions.png

  1. Launch VisIt locally
    If you installed VisIt on your local machine, use the Browse button to direct ICE to your local installation directory. Using this method of connecting will launch a new VisIt session. Optionally, you can also set a port number (default 9600) and--if you want to share your VisIt session with another user--a password.
  2. Launch VisIt remotely
    If you installed VisIt on a remote machine, specify the hostname and full path to the VisIt installation directory. Using this method of connecting will launch a new VisIt session. Optionally, you can specify a port number (default 9600) and--if you want to share your VisIt session with another user--a password. If you need or want to use an external gateway or proxy to access the remote VisIt installation, you may specify its URL and port number as well.
  3. Connect to VisIt
    If you would like to connect to session of VisIt already running somewhere else, specify the hostname, port number, and password set on the VisIt session; you will need to obtain this information from the person who initially launched the VisIt session. If you need or want to use an external gateway or proxy to access the remote VisIt installation, you may specify its URL and port number as well.
If you need to find the VisIt installation in Windows, find a shortcut to VisIt either on your desktop or in the start menu. Right-click the shortcut and open its Properties. The path to the VisIt executable's directory will be shown next to Target.

Regardless of which method you choose to connect to VisIt, enter a Connection name at the bottom of the pop-up dialog. This will allow you to re-use this connection information in the future.

If you are connecting to an existing session, specify a Window ID between 1 and 16. Which Window ID you use depends on how you would like to connect to VisIt. If multiple users connect using the same Window ID, they will all see and be able to interact with the same VisIt view. However, if you would like multiple users to each have their own unique session each with its own controls, assign a unique Window ID to each user. The VisIt installation can support up to 16 unique window IDs at a time.

Once you are done, click the Finish button at the bottom, and ICE should begin connecting to VisIt.

Adding/Removing Files

To open a file, find the green "+" icon in the Visualization File Viewer. Clicking directly on the green "+" icon will prompt a local file browser to pop up. However, if your file is located on a remote machine, or if you would like to add a file set, click on the drop-down button next to the green "+" icon.

ICE VisItAddFileButton.png

This will offer you four ways to open file(s):

  • Open a local file
  • Open a remote file
  • Open a local file set
  • Open a local SILO set

Once you have selected your file(s), they should appear in the Visualization File Viewer.

Lastly, if you would like to remove a file from the Visualization File Viewer list, select it, and click the red "X" button.

When using the VisIt utilities, you currently cannot open local files with remote VisIt sessions or remote files with local VisIt sessions.

Adding/Removing Plots

To begin adding plots, select your file in the Visualization File Viewer and click the green "+" icon in the VisIt Plot Viewer.

ICE VisItAddPlotButton.png

If there is any plottable data in your file, a dialog will pop up with a list of options to chose from. This can include mesh plots, scalar plots, vector plots, material block plots, and so forth. If there are multiple plots of each type available, you can select them all by checking off the entire category, or expand it to check off only selected plots.

ICE VisItPlotSelection.png

When you are done selecting your plot(s), click OK. The selected plots should be added to the list in the VisIt Plot Viewer.

Lastly, if you would like to remove a plot from the VisIt Plot Viewer list, select it and click the red "X" button.

Rendering Plots

To render a plot, simply click on it in the VisIt Plot Viewer and it will appear in the main VisIt Editor canvas.

The VisIt Plot Viewer contains a drop-down menu with a list of plotting styles available for the currently selected plot. Depending on your selected plot, this can include mesh, pseudo-color, contour, volume, and so forth. Use this drop-down menu to select the plotting style you prefer, and the VisIt Editor will update in real time.

ICE VisItPlotStyleMenu.png

The VisIt Editor is also interactive in that you can move your plot around by clicking and dragging the canvas. This may not necessarily be particularly useful for 2D plots, however, it allows you take a fully rotatable look at 3D plots like in the example below.

ICE VisIt3DNoise.png

And lastly, if there is any time series data associated to your plot, you can manually walk through the time steps, or play them continuously as a short video, using the playback buttons located in the VisIt Plot Viewer.

ICE VisItPlaybackButtons.png

Executing Python Commands

While many of VisIt's features are already accessible in ICE, work to enable a more robust list is continually on-going. In the meantime, features not yet integrated into ICE can still be accessed via Python commands by clicking the Python script button located in the VisIt Plot Viewer.

ICE VisItPythonScriptButton.png

Writing Python scripts for VisIt is beyond the scope of this tutorial, however, you are welcome to refer to the VisIt Python Interface Manual provided by the VisIt development team at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

CSV Plot Viewer

This section is under construction...

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