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Community Ebola Modeling Phone Call

Revision as of 16:15, 8 October 2014 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Discussion)


The STEM Community will be holding a weekly phone call for open discussion on Ebola Modeling. Researchers studying Ebola Epidemiology, Modeling of Ebola, and working on Ebola Response, are all invited. It is not necessary or required to be a user or contributor to STEM. All discussion should be open and non-confidential.

The Ebola community call is scheduled to take place most every Weds at 10AM Pacific Daylight time (1PM Eastern Time)
For more information, to add to the agenda, or if you wish to join, please send

October 15, 2014 Call

Phone call will begin at 2pm ET (11AM PDT) to accommodate participants from Australia


for October 15

Moderator: Alexander J. Jones, Operon Labs

  1. Welcome
  2. News
  3. Caitlin Update on VT hack-a-thon
  4. Kun Hu IBM/Eclipse model news on recent sensitivity analysis
  5. 20 minute deep dive topic: Alex: SEIR Parameters (evidence, selection, and sensitivity analysis)
  6. Next week's agenda
    1. Ira B. Schwartz, NRL will moderate next week. Who would like to moderate in two weeks?
    2. Please send short agenda items to Judy by Monday
    3. Please suggest other themes and guests for presentation/discussion
    4. Next week's deep dive topic: (suggestions Mellissa, Ira)
  7. Items from participants


Items from Participants

October 8, 2014 Call


for October 8

  1. Welcome
  2. Vote on time change for call
  3. News
  4. New Eclipse tools
    1. Ebola community mailing list ( please sign up )
    2. Data page on wiki
    3. Literature references page
  5. 20 minute deep dive topic: Caitlin on Contact Tracing (lots of chatter from various sectors this past week)
  6. Next week's agenda
    1. Who would like to moderate?
    2. Please send short agenda items to Judy by Monday
    3. Please suggest next week's themes for presentation/discussion
    4. Next week's deep dive topic: Alex on SEIR Parameters (average or median regional values? values from a single paper? how to select for simulations?)
  7. Items from participants


  1. Caitlin Rivers, Virginia Tech Moderator
  2. L. Shaw, William and Mary
  3. Simone Bianco, IBM Research
  4. Kun Hu, IBM Research
  5. James Kaufman, IBM Research
  6. Judy Douglas, IBM Research
  7. Stefan Edlund, IBM Research
  8. Alexander J. Jones, Operon Labs
  9. Ira B. Schwartz, US Naval Research Laboratory
  10. Melissa Cefkin, IBM Research
  11. Mehmet Gunes, University of Nevada, Reno
  12. Pat Selinger, IBM Research

Motion to hold the call one hour later for Australian Participants.

Motion passes without objection

Jamie: reviewed new community tools

Caitlin: Deep dive on contact tracing one of most basic public health interventions (interview patients to identify contacts) Contacts followed through incubation period In W Africa there are >20,000 active contact right now. Not going very well. G, SL public projects on following contacts they miss hundreds every day

Q from Simone: Once identifies as contact are they asked to quarantine themselves A no they are not isolated they go about their normal days until symptomatic

Q Alex: What is the maximum contact tracing can reduce an outbreak by?? A Varies by disease. If infectious during incubation it's not effective but with Ebola it is infective

Q is 50% reasonable A if worked perfectly it would be 100% effective. In practice it's 50-75% effective

Q can we use the contact tracing effectiveness data do detect secondary cases (ie from asymptomatic if there are any) A Ira: It's difficult due to uncertainty in the incubation period - was the secondary case asymptomatic or not.

Q Ira Do we know how tight communities are? DO they try to isolate communities from General population A Some natural isolation

Jamie: Firestone example

Caitlin Two primary ways it can go wrong

  • contacts not seen (true now)
  • contacts lost to follow up (ie avoiding the tracing teams)

Montserrado county in Liberia has >200 lost to follow up

This is a major problem for control Call to modelers to think about this as a network problem or resource allocation problem

How can we be more efficient - place the monitors and bring the contacts to the modelers? Melissa: The network of people being traced. If we knew who are their family members (is that the network)? Caitlin: Could track them as well the contact teams should have that info

Ira: Watching videos. 1 contact tracing team for what seemed like 1/4 of the country. Has the situation improved? Caitlin: Not improved. LIberia does not have enough vehicles. No organization in how town is laid out (address associated with people not places)

Ira: Is there a model that would work in west africa that is not being tried? Local teams vs top down approach?

Jamie: Could we airdrop thermometers and send a text if you have a fever. IBM Kenya lab has cell phone reporting system... ie contact trace everyone. Caitlin has DOD contacts asking for this. Jamie will connect to Kenya lab contacts

Simone: Met with Raul Andino about the probability Ebola will become airborne. Prob is zero. Will it evolve so asymptomatic individuals shed the disease he said this is more likely. Any RNA based virus can evolve to have higher viral load without showing symptoms. We could implement Ira and Carlos' ideas to ask how would epidemic change if we get asymptomatic transmission. Alex: Highly probably but not enough cases yet (3000 people is not enough. with millions of people we might see case fatality rate go down but transmission could go up. There is a great book called Evolutionary dynamics (how virus explore). But depends on very large number of cases. Fatality might go down but not down that far)

Next Weeks Agenda Alex will moderate next week. Topic will be virology. Caitlin will also brief us on the hack-a-thon

Ira will moderate week after next will think about deep dive topic (and we can ask melissa)

Items from Participants

Items form Participants Kun would like to know about the hackathon at Virginia Tech Caitlin Today is the first day. Next three days are all out on it. Check back early next week.

Caitlin will invite people from DOD to this call. Ira: there are tri-service people that might be interested in joining (they are focused on pandemic modeling). Ira/Simone will exchange email viral evolution.

October 1, 2014 Call


  1. Introductions
  2. Timing for Community Calls
  3. Purpose
    1. Not to push one model
    2. Not to advocate one tool
    3. Support Ebola response efforts
  4. Eclipse Community Tools
    1. This Call
    2. Newsgroup
    3. Mailing list instructions
  5. Overview of Ebola Model and four Ebola Scenarios uploaded to Eclipse
    1. Admin 0 three country model for West Africa
    2. Admin 2 three county models for West Africa
    3. All Africa Model
    4. The Global Model
    5. How to easily change from deterministic to stochastic
    6. Running STEM Headless on server
  6. Discussion on Literature models - please add references to this page
  7. Discussion on model parameters (latest wisdom, sensitivity analysis)
    1. Should we create a wiki page for ongoing discussion?
    2. Should we create a newsgroup topic for ongoing discussion?
  8. Next week's agenda
    1. Who would like to moderate ? We can rotate.
    2. Please send short agenda items to Judy by Monday
    3. Please suggest longer themes for presentation/discussion
  9. Items from participants

To receive agenda updates form our mailing list please:

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Model documentation will be available on the wiki page Ebola Models


  1. James Kaufman, IBM Research
  2. Kun Hu, IBM Research
  3. Simone Bianco, IBM Research
  4. Judy Douglas, IBM Research
  5. Stefan Edlund, IBM Research
  6. Caitlin Rivers, Virginia Tech
  7. Sherry Towers, Arizona State University
  8. Bob Pinner, CDC
  9. Mehmet Gunes, University of Nevada, Reno
  10. Ira B. Schwartz, US Naval Research Laboratory
  11. Christian Althaus, ISPM, University of Bern
  12. Pat Selinger, IBM Research
  13. Vincent Ruslan, Operon Labs
  14. Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Arizona State University
  15. Melissa Cefkin, IBM Research
  16. Bryan Lewis, Virginia Tech


  • Science paper did not look at how mutations have changed properties of the virus
  • Population structure and control measures are quite different from countries
  • Parameters similar to previous outbreaks


  • This is a much bigger outbreak


  • The current Ebola outbreak seems to have relative low fatality rate compare to 90% in the record
  • Is asymptomatic transmission playing a role?


  • Is case mortality lower?


  • It seems to be lower.


  • Up to 80% case fatality
  • Infectious period seems to be twice times than the previous outbreak.


  • What is the role of asymptomatic transmission. some numbers suggest something is different.


  • What is R0 for community, hospital, vs funeral transmission?


  • Suggested the transmission at funeral is 2-5 times higher.
  • Will provide some papers discussing different R0


  • Really difficult to quantify different elements of transmission - restricted to total incidence data


  • Conflicting data on under reported cases.


  • Who is collecting data?


  • MOH of respective countries

Bryan Lewis:

  • Telecon with Neil Ferguson. Analysis of case listings.
  • The current endeavor is to explore these questions.
  • The data is partial


  • STD transmission is probably minor


  • We need to get all the literature references in one place
Items from Participants


  • Suggests we create a wiki page on Data
  • Ok to link to Caitlin's git hub and blog
Done: see new pages and please feel free to add content
Literature Ebola References 
Data Ebola Reference Data 


  • As a statistician, the work is data driven
  • We need better data to inform our models


  • Also concerned about asymptomatic transmission


  • Interested in how people adapt their behavior in response to the epidemic outbreak
  • Also concerned about asymptomatic infectious classes. Can we back this out to predict asymptomatic?
  • Interested in agent-based model to study these type of questions


  • Interest in opportunity for transmission in different small outbreak in Nigeria on how R0 (reproductive number) changes in a better urban setting where interventions were effective.
  • How does R0 depend on healthcare system of the country?


  • Being in a community, how can we efficient and effective work together, what would help people respond more quickly?
  • Using a maillist does not address the issue when people want to share dataset.


  • Suggest to have a Ebola mailing
  • Parameters show this outbreak is going to be a 12-24 month long


  • Asymptomatic individuals: are they infectious or not? Very important in Influenza
  • Explore time dependent value of parameter
  • Critical to determine which of the additive factors contribute the most to R0 and Reff
  • Parameters change with different populations, different practices, different environment that may facilitate the transmission.
Follow up
  • Stefan Edlund created a new mail list that will be active within 24 hours
  • Simone Bianco posted these minutes
  • James Kaufman created a new wiki page Ebola Reference Data

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