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Platform UI/Plan/4.4/Milestones

< Platform UI
Revision as of 11:43, 18 February 2014 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk)

Work assigned by milestones

Our planning list and assumptions are Platform UI/Plan/4.4/Planning Bugs

4.4 M6

Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 426260 4.4 M6 enhancement david_williams NEW [Graphics] Files for new logo
2 bug 380721 4.4 M6 normal pelder NEW [KeyBindings] Programmatically-created commands are not available in fresh workspace
3 bug 401327 4.4 M6 critical daniel.rolka NEW [MPE] AbstractMultiEditor.getInnerEditorContainer is never called
4 bug 348885 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [UI] Removing an element from the model should (eventually) call removeGui on it
5 bug 365607 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW IllegalArgumentException in PartRenderingEngine
6 bug 370615 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW Support dynamic tracing for e4 workbench
7 bug 380321 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW "View management does not respect ""Do not open..."" setting"
8 bug 398666 4.4 M6 minor emoffatt NEW partOpened not called for views in default Perspective when welcome view opens first
9 bug 426424 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [Trim] Polish new min/max alternative
10 bug 417258 4.4 M6 enhancement krzysztof.daniel NEW Allow to run test with tycho-surefire-plugin
11 bug 420836 4.4 M6 normal Lars.Vogel NEW [CSS] Migrate CSS themes from eclipse.platform repo to eclipse.platform.ui repo
12 bug 426535 4.4 M6 enhancement Lars.Vogel NEW [Trim] Allow to close toolbars via right click menu -> Close
13 bug 428371 4.4 M6 normal Lars.Vogel NEW Upgrade org.eclipse.e4.core.commands to use Java 1.6
14 bug 366571 4.4 M6 normal Platform-UI-Inbox NEW [Compatibility] editor and view action delegates are not properly scoped
15 bug 412373 4.4 M6 enhancement Platform-UI-Inbox NEW Platform API candidates for Eclipse 4.4
16 bug 424367 4.4 M6 normal Platform-UI-Inbox NEW [Model] EModelService - define a more generic 'find' API
17 bug 426281 4.4 M6 normal Platform-UI-Inbox NEW Remove hard-code path for @import url() in CSS files
18 bug 426826 4.4 M6 normal Platform-UI-Inbox NEW EModelService#getContainingContext() should only require MApplicationElement
19 bug 427999 4.4 M6 normal Platform-UI-Inbox NEW Introduce a 'full screen' mode
20 bug 428050 4.4 M6 enhancement Platform-UI-Inbox NEW [QuickAccess] Improve look and feel of Quick Access
21 bug 248561 4.4 M6 normal wojciech.sudol NEW [Progress] Accessibility: Text changes in progress dialogs are not read by screen readers
22 bug 269271 4.4 M6 normal pwebster NEW [Workbench] [Compatibility] URISyntaxException when workspace loc has space
23 bug 284439 4.4 M6 normal pwebster NEW [Workbench] [Compatibility] NPE in FormOutlinePage during delete
24 bug 306823 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [UI] Need to be able to add controller logic into an e4 app
25 bug 329458 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [EditorMgmt] Editor is not automatically set as the active part on startup
26 bug 330117 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW "[CSS] No separation between view toolbar, view description and view content"
27 bug 331645 4.4 M6 major pwebster NEW [Workbench] EventBroker#unsubscribe is not working when same eventhandler registered for more than one topic
28 bug 340889 4.4 M6 major daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] Platform color scheme does not work together with SWT color constants
29 bug 345608 4.4 M6 normal wojciech.sudol NEW [patch][Markers] Horrible performance removing markers from Problems View taking hours to do the job
30 bug 346009 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [DND] [Compatibility] Can't DND editors to an editor area in another window
31 bug 356511 4.4 M6 enhancement emoffatt NEW Make pojo programming model accessible from org.eclipse.ui extension points
32 bug 362420 4.4 M6 enhancement daniel.rolka NEW "[QuickAccess] Make ""Quick access"" optional and hidden by default"
33 bug 364566 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW "[Contributions] [performance] Huge regression in performance test ObjectContributionsPerformance#testObjectContributions:limited selection, limited contributors()"
34 bug 366554 4.4 M6 normal pelder NEW [Commands] [Compatibility] failures in CommandsTestSuite
35 bug 366708 4.4 M6 major pwebster NEW [Workbench] Workbench.openWorkbenchWindow() calls createWorkbenchWindow 10 times
36 bug 370811 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] View menu doesn't update when adding item to menu model
37 bug 373294 4.4 M6 major pelder NEW Improve startup time
38 bug 378408 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [WorkbenchParts] Need to re-examine how we manage the various 'firePart...' events as well as how we respond to them
39 bug 380946 4.4 M6 normal pelder NEW [Commands] [Compatibility] helpContextId not registered for legacy handlers
40 bug 384835 4.4 M6 critical pwebster NEW [Workbench] Some org.eclipse.ui.workbench fixes from 3.6 and 3.7 didn't make it into 4.2
41 bug 385367 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] Toolbar items do not appear in expected location.
42 bug 385565 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] Menu contribution processing has different results in 4.2 than 3.8
43 bug 387579 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [EditorMgmt] [regression] No indication/decoration for pinned editor
44 bug 387876 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [DND] Dragging tab to new folder should reselect the previous tab in older folder after drop
45 bug 389442 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [Perspectives] Adding MPlaceholder to rendered but inactive MPerspective causes MPlaceholder in active MPerspective to lose its widget rendering
46 bug 392876 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW [platform-ui-dev] [Contributions] Editor context menu is broken when trying to add a dynamic submenu
47 bug 394394 4.4 M6 major emoffatt NEW Clicking close X on Welcome screen or last part of maximized stack sends focus to nowhere
48 bug 395329 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] Make the Drag and drop feedback color styleable through CSS
49 bug 398837 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [RenderingEngine] We need to revamp the e4 life cycle handling
50 bug 398852 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] Un-readable tab names when using High Contrast mode.
51 bug 401655 4.4 M6 enhancement wojciech.sudol NEW [Progress] Create e4 based Progress View
52 bug 403930 4.4 M6 normal pwebster NEW [Workbench] E4 and E3 selection services are not connected
53 bug 404015 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [DND] Drag and drop of jobs trim item is broken
54 bug 405296 4.4 M6 major pwebster NEW [Workbench] Extension point contributions stay active when contributing plug-in is not available
55 bug 405681 4.4 M6 enhancement daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] Use tag to render stack below parts
56 bug 406670 4.4 M6 major pwebster NEW [Workbench] Eclipse shell/window is visible after WorkbenchWindowAdvisor.postwindowopen()
57 bug 410795 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] [Features] [Accessibility] Juno does not support High Contrast Black mode
58 bug 412013 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW Secondary Problems view (created with 4.2) doesn't have a view menu
59 bug 415382 4.4 M6 normal pelder NEW [Commands] Commands contributed from extensions remain after the plugin is gone
60 bug 418661 4.4 M6 normal pwebster NEW [Metadata] Get rid of compile warnings in official build
61 bug 420724 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [RenderingEngine] [E4] get rid of magic string literals
62 bug 420902 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] View menu disappears after showing the context menu
63 bug 422651 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt NEW [Trim] Toolbar right aligned in RCP application
64 bug 422909 4.4 M6 major pwebster NEW [Contributions] Menu entries from org.eclipse.ui.menus disappear from editor context menu after focus switch
65 bug 424723 4.4 M6 normal pwebster NEW [BiDi] [BDL] Provide a Globalization Preferences dialog
66 bug 426363 4.4 M6 normal wojciech.sudol NEW [ActivityMgmt] Example project wizards are not filtered based on Activities
67 bug 427452 4.4 M6 major emoffatt NEW [Trim] WorkbenchWindowControlContribution is not properly initialized in an empty perspective
68 bug 411326 4.4 M6 major pwebster NEW Menu entries contributed programmatically disabled in eclipse 4.3
69 bug 411765 4.4 M6 normal pwebster NEW AbstractContributionFactory doesn't work in 4.x
70 bug 415380 4.4 M6 normal pwebster NEW Contexts contributed from extensions remain after the plugin is gone
71 bug 389663 4.4 M6 critical tom.schindl NEW [E4AP] Merging contributions can lead to duplicate elements in the model
72 bug 376046 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] Customize Perspective doesn't show new toolbar button unless group enabled first
73 bug 377519 4.4 M6 normal pwebster NEW [Workbench] PartServiceImpl#savePart() needs improvement
74 bug 102527 4.4 M6 enhancement me NEW [Wizards] Add support for projects refactoring (ie add/remove nature)
75 bug 401712 4.4 M6 normal daniel_megert ASSIGNED [Markers] Problems view should not update tree unless visible
76 bug 355946 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka ASSIGNED "[CSS] ""View and Editor Folders"" color preferences don't work"
77 bug 412970 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka ASSIGNED [WorkingSets] Working sets reset after closing eclipse
78 bug 296512 4.4 M6 critical pwebster ASSIGNED [Themes] EditorsPlugin accesses WorkbenchThemeManager.getInstance() from non-UI thread (in bundle start)
79 bug 348954 4.4 M6 major wojciech.sudol ASSIGNED Active Part is incorrect and does not have focus on a restart
80 bug 379142 4.4 M6 major wojciech.sudol ASSIGNED [Compatilibility][Regression] Editor-contributed actions disabled when closing editor and switching to same type
81 bug 421170 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt REOPENED DEL from within the Ctrl + E popup saves dirty editors without prompting
82 bug 424433 4.4 M6 major emoffatt REOPENED [EditorMgmt] Missing tool tips (was: Editor switcher dialog doesn't show path any more)
83 bug 402764 4.4 M6 normal pelder REOPENED Remove the MOpaque* and MRendered* model classes
84 bug 368466 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka REOPENED [Contributions] Part toolbar does not refresh after adding additional toolbar items to it
85 bug 378672 4.4 M6 major daniel.rolka REOPENED [CSS] Part tab and tool bar colors/rendering are confusing
86 bug 388476 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt REOPENED "[EditorMgmt] Editor tab management lost ""working set"" (MRU) functionality"
87 bug 413410 4.4 M6 normal pelder REOPENED [KeyBindings] Lots of Keybinding conflicts occurred on official CDT Eclipse Kepler 4.3
88 bug 427923 4.4 M6 enhancement pwebster REOPENED Move org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resource BREE to 1.6
89 bug 374310 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [MinMax] Closing the last perspective in a minimized perspective stack leaves the model in a strange state
90 bug 426572 4.4 M6 major daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] CSS does not work with Eclipse 4.4
91 bug 299118 4.4 M6 minor daniel_megert FIXED [Preferences] Open mode not updated after importing preferences
92 bug 427375 4.4 M6 minor daniel_megert FIXED Let's finish getting rid of eclipse_update_120.jpg
93 bug 423744 4.4 M6 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED [CSS] Importing a local resource throws a MalformedURLException
94 bug 426365 4.4 M6 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED Reduces contrast for disabled icons with added image filter
95 bug 427947 4.4 M6 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED [Minor] remove unused activator from org.eclipse.e4.ui.bindings
96 bug 427961 4.4 M6 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED Cleanup org.eclipse.ui.examples.undo
97 bug 428155 4.4 M6 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED Delete .cvsignore from eclipse.platform.ui Git repository
98 bug 428311 4.4 M6 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED [Viewers] Warnings on ComboViewer - Statement unnecessarily nested on else clause
99 bug 428332 4.4 M6 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED Update org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.swt to Java 1.6
100 bug 366608 4.4 M6 normal pelder FIXED [KeyBindings] [Compatibility] Failures in KeysTestSuite
101 bug 396318 4.4 M6 normal pelder FIXED Save Resources dialog missing when selecting Close All from editor tab
102 bug 398433 4.4 M6 critical pelder FIXED [Contexts] NullPointerException in WorkbenchPage.getViewStack()
103 bug 427239 4.4 M6 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Remove obsolete renderer classes for RendereredMenuItem and RendereredToolItem
104 bug 428188 4.4 M6 critical Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Tons of exception each time one exits the workbench
105 bug 284788 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt WORKSFORME [EditorMgmt] [Compatibility] Sometimes you can't see a new editor tab
106 bug 377085 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt FIXED [Trim] Auto-unmaximize when there are no more 'minimized by zoom' elements in the trim
107 bug 415675 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt WORKSFORME [ViewMgmt] Pin-able views cannot be restored at the same location in some cases (in Eclipse Kepler)
108 bug 423819 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt FIXED [EditorMgmt] Editor icons missing from switch to editor dialog
109 bug 423894 4.4 M6 major emoffatt FIXED [EditorMgmt][Split editor] Focus lost / commands broken after splitting editor
110 bug 426345 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt FIXED [ViewMgmt] View shortcuts are not working in E4 view (like Ctrl+M)
111 bug 427790 4.4 M6 critical emoffatt FIXED [Model] GenericMApplicationElementFactoryImpl starts all EMF plugins
112 bug 410426 4.4 M6 major pwebster FIXED [Contributions] [Compatibility] VisibleWhen from contribution factories not handled in toolbars
113 bug 425867 4.4 M6 major pwebster FIXED [CommonNavigator] Implementation of Binding isVisibleExtension not excluding as expected
114 bug 426828 4.4 M6 major pwebster FIXED Context created for MDynamicMenuContribution processing should be disposed
115 bug 427142 4.4 M6 normal pwebster FIXED StatusManager may change the severity
116 bug 427465 4.4 M6 normal pwebster FIXED [Commands] @canExecute is not executed cyclic anymore
117 bug 427774 4.4 M6 enhancement pwebster FIXED """Open as Existing project"" action on Folder that contain a .project"
118 bug 427843 4.4 M6 normal pwebster FIXED [GTK/Linux] NPE when opening some Form editor on GTK3
119 bug 428168 4.4 M6 normal pwebster FIXED 3 tests consistently fail on Linux since two days
120 bug 426461 4.4 M6 enhancement tom.schindl FIXED Register Compat Workbench into OSGi-Registry
121 bug 393365 4.4 M6 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED [QuickAccess] Quick Access drop down is not accessible
122 bug 344234 4.4 M6 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] Can not change View Title Fonts in preference
123 bug 325235 4.4 M6 normal daniel_megert FIXED Remove unused 'VIEW_MESSAGE_TEXT_FONT' (was: [Preferences] 'View message font' changes are not being honored)
124 bug 428339 4.4 M6 enhancement Lars.Vogel FIXED [CSS] Make CSS cleaning available for RCP applications
125 bug 426506 4.4 M6 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Show/Hide Toolbar no longer shown in IDE
126 bug 427138 4.4 M6 enhancement Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Integrate dark theme into Eclipse SDK product
127 bug 426013 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt FIXED [Perspectives] Part is not resized/layouted if previously shown in another perspective (regression in 4.3.1)
128 bug 427013 4.4 M6 normal pelder FIXED [Commands] NPE when opening new workbench window
129 bug 427240 4.4 M6 normal Platform-UI-Inbox CLOSED [Model] Delete MRendererToolBar MRenderedMenuItem and MRenderedMenu
130 bug 148574 4.4 M6 major pwebster CLOSED [WorkbenchParts] partHidden partVisible not called if you minimize or restore
131 bug 351363 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt CLOSED [E4] Allow some of the 'standard' views to be used in E4 RCP apps without needing the compatibility layer
132 bug 398027 4.4 M6 enhancement emoffatt CLOSED There should be a model tag to prevent resizing the shell
133 bug 418429 4.4 M6 enhancement pwebster CLOSED [Workbench] ClassCastException in WorkbenchPage (when using pure e4 parts)
134 bug 419086 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt CLOSED [ViewMgmt] Grey windows and Bad layouts
135 bug 427646 4.4 M6 normal emoffatt CLOSED [Trim] Add ability to reset the visibility of toolbars in the IDE

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:37:25 EST 2014

4.4 M7

Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 379144 4.4 M7 minor pelder NEW [DI] Same EventAdmin Service injected twice
2 bug 393242 4.4 M7 enhancement daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] JFace StatusLine cannot be easily styled
3 bug 427950 4.4 M7 normal Lars.Vogel NEW Use PNG files for the Eclipse platform project instead of GIF files
4 bug 366534 4.4 M7 normal Platform-UI-Inbox NEW [Compatibility] Failures in UIAutomatedSuite
5 bug 401633 4.4 M7 major Platform-UI-Inbox NEW Remove obvious performance bottlenecks
6 bug 420956 4.4 M7 major Platform-UI-Inbox NEW [Perspectives] Fix perspective customization on 4.x
7 bug 421657 4.4 M7 normal Platform-UI-Inbox NEW [CSS] Improvements of the default representation of the Eclipse IDE
8 bug 178229 4.4 M7 normal susan NEW [Dialogs] [EditorMgmt] Open Resource dialog should not fully create all editors
9 bug 267851 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [GlobalActions] Copy refactoring is not triggered in Project Explorer
10 bug 283930 4.4 M7 normal pwebster NEW [Workbench] [Compatibility] Dirty state tracking causes SWTExceptions when editing in with multiple workbench windows
11 bug 284387 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW "[Contributions] [Compatibility] pagesite (Outline, Synchronize) actionbar contributions only show up once"
12 bug 301687 4.4 M7 critical daniel.rolka NEW [Import/Export] Overwriting Files with Export feature
13 bug 314159 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] part can be sized so small that text does not show and chevron dangles to left
14 bug 320739 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] [Compatibility] 'Content Assist' submenu of the 'Edit' menu appears in the wrong place
15 bug 325937 4.4 M7 major daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] Active part/stack hard to detect
16 bug 332130 4.4 M7 normal pelder NEW [Contexts] [Compatibility] create runtime contexts correctly
17 bug 347843 4.4 M7 normal pwebster NEW [Workbench] [Compatibility] Save handling has changed in 3.x
18 bug 354538 4.4 M7 major daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] [Compatibility] Window menus and toolbars leaked after having been closed
19 bug 366562 4.4 M7 normal pelder NEW [Commands] [Compatibility] command service getHelpContextId(*) not implemented
20 bug 366595 4.4 M7 normal pwebster NEW [Workbench] [Compatibility] Failures in ServicesTestSuite
21 bug 368558 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] Main tool bar should have its style bits defined by CSS
22 bug 371665 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] Need a low colour or high contrast theme in 4.2
23 bug 371934 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] [Perspectives] [Compatibility] Extra/incorrect categories in the CPD
24 bug 377448 4.4 M7 minor emoffatt NEW [DynamicGUI] Contributions Made Through IExtensionRegistry.addContribution May Or May Not Show Up
25 bug 378815 4.4 M7 normal platform-ui-triaged NEW Need better story for handling model elements that should disappear on startup
26 bug 379557 4.4 M7 minor emoffatt NEW [Trim] [Min/Max] Maximize animations problematic on multi-monitor setups
27 bug 382151 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt NEW [RenderingEngine] Error Disposing Widget after restarting the first time
28 bug 383679 4.4 M7 major daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] Contribution of a control via org.eclipse.ui.menus to a view toolbar leads to a NPE
29 bug 383914 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [QuickAccess] CMD+3 enables toolbar even if hidden previously
30 bug 384308 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt NEW [DND] Moving editors between windows not working (slow down of development on dual monitors)
31 bug 384344 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt NEW [Perspectives] missed titles if view has been configured as standalone
32 bug 386743 4.4 M7 major daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] Workbench window toolbar has rendering bugs
33 bug 387714 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [CSS] Tag changes are not propagated as CSS class
34 bug 388505 4.4 M7 normal pwebster NEW "[Workbench] ""Show In"" menu doesn't use MRU order any more"
35 bug 391344 4.4 M7 normal pelder NEW ExecutionEvent trigger is not passed on to handler
36 bug 391768 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] MenuManagerRenderer uses internal JFace API (MenuManagerEventHelper)
37 bug 392903 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt NEW "[RenderingEngine] Easier and more powerful lifecycle handling for Windows, Perspectives, ..."
38 bug 393391 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW "[Contributions] can't re-enable toolbars in ""customize perspective"""
39 bug 394386 4.4 M7 major daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] Step-Into and Step-Return interchanged in M3
40 bug 395513 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt NEW [WorkbenchParts] Part activation is tracked in two places
41 bug 395601 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] Customizing perspective - change buttons in the Java perspective reflect the change even in debug perspective
42 bug 395980 4.4 M7 normal pelder NEW [Contexts] [Compatibility] Activations and deactivations via the IContextService do not appear to be synchronous
43 bug 398647 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Contributions] Dynamic radio items in menu contribution not checked
44 bug 398814 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt NEW [DND] [EditorMgmt] Moving an unfocused editor does not keep the previously focused editor visible
45 bug 398925 4.4 M7 normal pwebster NEW After prolonged usage Eclipse becomes unusable : java.lang.Object cannot be cast to org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.EHandlerService
46 bug 401252 4.4 M7 normal wojciech.sudol NEW [Progress] JAWS does not read ProgressMonitor Label
47 bug 402263 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Import/Export] import from file system wizard does not show subdirectories
48 bug 404231 4.4 M7 major emoffatt NEW resetPerspectiveModel() does not reset the perspective
49 bug 406042 4.4 M7 major pwebster NEW [Contributions] Performance degrade on createEditorActionBars() call
50 bug 409934 4.4 M7 normal pwebster NEW [Metadata] Enable API tools for the e4.core bundles
51 bug 415685 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt NEW [ViewMgmt] Double visualizations of pin-able view instances in the folder layout (in Eclipse Kepler)
52 bug 416142 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt NEW [ViewMgmt] [regression] Incomplete system menu for views
53 bug 416461 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka NEW [Wizards] Wizard Parameter overrides command label and icon
54 bug 423056 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt NEW [Intro] Restore welcome hyperlink on Welcome page does not work if view is maximized
55 bug 369860 4.4 M7 normal pwebster NEW [KeyBinding] Keybinding assist popup eats keys (for two-chord shortcuts)
56 bug 110135 4.4 M7 enhancement daniel.rolka NEW [Import/Export] Import existing projects wizards: enhancements for duplicate projects
57 bug 378644 4.4 M7 normal pwebster NEW [Workbench] All but 1 window and 1 perspective lost when starting 3.x workspace with 4.2
58 bug 309306 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka ASSIGNED [ActivityMgmt] [ActionSets] Activities will remove actions but not parent menu
59 bug 423607 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka ASSIGNED [CSS] Gradient in background-color is not applied to children
60 bug 320901 4.4 M7 major daniel.rolka ASSIGNED [CSS] White background results in lost separators (non-classic themes)
61 bug 355010 4.4 M7 major daniel.rolka REOPENED [CSS] Understand default behaviour if product doesn't specify a theme
62 bug 355750 4.4 M7 normal emoffatt REOPENED WorkbenchWindowAdvisor#isDurableFolder() doesn't survive a save and restore
63 bug 372826 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka REOPENED [CSS] Changing a CSS class should fire an event to update application style
64 bug 405262 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka REOPENED [Contributions] Duplicate context menu entries in XML editor source tab
65 bug 407432 4.4 M7 normal pwebster REOPENED "[Metadata] Run the ""broken NLS string"" tool on UI bundles"
66 bug 418561 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka REOPENED [Contributions] Two [Import...] menu items were shown
67 bug 281455 4.4 M7 normal pwebster REOPENED ConcurrentModificationException while closing project
68 bug 400759 4.4 M7 enhancement Platform-UI-Inbox CLOSED Remove copyright from splashscreen
69 bug 355949 4.4 M7 normal daniel.rolka CLOSED [CSS] Too much white space around views without any purpose

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:37:31 EST 2014

4.4 - unscheduled

Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 420779 4.4 normal Lars.Vogel NEW Cleanup Eclipse platform project resources to make access for new contributors easier
2 bug 422467 4.4 normal Platform-UI-Inbox NEW Performance and stability of Platform user interface
3 bug 417367 4.4 normal emoffatt NEW [Perspectives] Detaching *all* stacks in a perspective causes it to be cleaned up
4 bug 421462 4.4 enhancement pelder NEW [Model] Enable representation of dialogs and wizards in the E4 model
5 bug 423882 4.4 normal pwebster NEW [IDE] Workspace version check should warn if workspace is too new
6 bug 401043 4.4 normal emoffatt REOPENED [Model] Replace container data with persistentData

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:37:37 EST 2014

Completed milestones


Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 401321 4.3.1 normal daniel.rolka WORKSFORME Null pointer exception seen while closing detached view
2 bug 413659 4.3.1 normal daniel_megert FIXED [Backport] Color preferences must be applied after each restart when using high contrast theme
3 bug 389012 4.3.1 normal emoffatt FIXED [Trim] Internal browser throws java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero exception
4 bug 415004 4.3.1 normal emoffatt FIXED Activating the minimized shared area does not activate a part in it
5 bug 415711 4.3.1 normal emoffatt FIXED I have the shadow of the project Explorer even if i close the explorer.
6 bug 413644 4.3.1 normal markus_keller FIXED Backport bug 408523: [dnd] Drag and Drop of Project deletes files
7 bug 413948 4.3.1 normal Platform-UI-Inbox INVALID Activating the minimized shared area does not activate a part in it
8 bug 411405 4.3.1 enhancement robin FIXED [Forms] Section should also set the toggle tooltip
9 bug 411147 4.3.1 major bsd FIXED ServiceLocator#getService(Class) may register an invalid service object; IEclipseContext#get(Class) does not handle NOT_A_VALUE
10 bug 414995 4.3.1 normal cwindatt FIXED Minimizing Editor Stack does not minimise to tool bar
11 bug 395839 4.3.1 normal daniel.rolka FIXED AbstractEList$BasicIndexOutOfBoundsException when opening a context menu
12 bug 415579 4.3.1 normal daniel.rolka FIXED Key bindings for custom context no longer works and conflicts are reported
13 bug 385618 4.3.1 major emoffatt FIXED View toggle does not work
14 bug 413516 4.3.1 critical emoffatt FIXED [DND] Editor closed and content lost when dropping detached editor's tab outside its window
15 bug 414048 4.3.1 major emoffatt FIXED Editors Ping Pong once the Outline View has been activated
16 bug 414050 4.3.1 normal emoffatt FIXED [FastView] Fast views do not always close on Escape
17 bug 414142 4.3.1 normal emoffatt FIXED Setting clientArea disabled in WorkbenchWindow#run(..) still allows typing in Editor
18 bug 415096 4.3.1 normal emoffatt FIXED Toolbars render in wrong location when perspective added to a perspective-less workbench
19 bug 416902 4.3.1 major emoffatt FIXED Regression from 4.3: Navigation History badly broken
20 bug 413645 4.3.1 normal pelder FIXED Follow EMF best practices for model loading/saving
21 bug 414243 4.3.1 major pelder FIXED Keybinding assist popup eats keys (for two-chord shortcuts)
22 bug 414958 4.3.1 normal pelder FIXED [E4AP] NPE during loading of workbench.xmi
23 bug 411503 4.3.1 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED "Hidden tabs' filenames should be bolded in ""Show List"" drop-down of tabbed editor view."
24 bug 415898 4.3.1 major Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED [regression] Active editor changed when switching perspective
25 bug 402649 4.3.1 major pwebster FIXED javax.annotations and javax.inject sources missing in SDK build
26 bug 408606 4.3.1 major pwebster FIXED Conflict Commands
27 bug 411050 4.3.1 critical pwebster FIXED Keybinding Context switching stops working after reporting a conflict when switching to sibling context
28 bug 411051 4.3.1 normal pwebster FIXED ModelAssembler fails silently if fragment cannot be applied and does not print name of offending bundle
29 bug 411054 4.3.1 major pwebster FIXED NPE in HandledContributionItem.canExecuteItem()
30 bug 414330 4.3.1 critical pwebster FIXED CTRL+Q keyboard shortcut in any dialog closes the workbench without option to save
31 bug 414794 4.3.1 normal pwebster FIXED Keyboard shortcuts for certain practically macro - command creation using ICommandService
32 bug 415473 4.3.1 major pwebster FIXED Persisting bindings forever results in bad/conflicting bindings that cannot be removed
33 bug 415520 4.3.1 normal pwebster FIXED Some ActionSets for CDT cannot be turned off when starting enabled
34 bug 415692 4.3.1 normal pwebster FIXED Context menu can be corrupted if there is an invalid property tester
35 bug 416843 4.3.1 normal pwebster FIXED Lots of API errors in 4.3.1
36 bug 403754 4.3.1 normal bsd CLOSED NPE when JavaModelException occurs opening an editor

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:37:43 EST 2014


Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 416954 4.3.2 normal daniel.rolka WONTFIX -perspective at product program arguments is not working in 4.2M6
2 bug 426412 4.3.2 normal Platform-UI-Inbox WORKSFORME Many JUnit failures on M20140122-1000 on Windows only
3 bug 427037 4.3.2 normal Platform-UI-Inbox WONTFIX Switching perspectives hides minimized stacks in Detached Windows
4 bug 382263 4.3.2 normal pwebster WORKSFORME PartRenderingEngine.safeRemoveGui can dispose a widget after the site
5 bug 415906 4.3.2 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED [QuickAccess] Quick Access drop down is not accessible
6 bug 416249 4.3.2 normal daniel_megert FIXED Backport Bug 416245: AssertionFailedException when activating Tasks view
7 bug 419992 4.3.2 normal daniel_megert FIXED Backport bug 410647: org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException is logged when touching the DD node of any Java EE module in Navigator
8 bug 420742 4.3.2 major daniel_megert FIXED [KeyBindings] Key Assist popup doesn't work for most commands
9 bug 422152 4.3.2 normal daniel_megert FIXED [EditorMgmt] [KeyBindings] Ctrl+E and Delete causes IllegalArgumentException
10 bug 413538 4.3.2 normal emoffatt FIXED Tooltips not reliably shown on truncated view titles
11 bug 415234 4.3.2 normal emoffatt FIXED [regression] Perspective switcher does not allow to reorder prespectives
12 bug 416061 4.3.2 normal emoffatt FIXED [Trim] Lost of the default Package / Navigator view container
13 bug 422350 4.3.2 normal emoffatt FIXED [Perspectives] Placeholder with secondary ID is being relocated to false container causing views to show at false location
14 bug 422865 4.3.2 normal emoffatt FIXED DnD with multiple windows is broken
15 bug 427497 4.3.2 normal emoffatt FIXED [Perspectives] Part is not resized/layouted if previously shown in another perspective (regression in 4.3.1)
16 bug 421082 4.3.2 normal markus_keller FIXED Backport last part of bug 369860: [KeyBinding] Keybinding assist popup eats keys (for two-chord shortcuts)
17 bug 411465 4.3.2 major pelder FIXED EditorPart#isSaveOnCloseNeeded() not called when closing Editor Part
18 bug 419505 4.3.2 normal pelder FIXED Improve model load time
19 bug 426019 4.3.2 normal pelder FIXED [KeyBindings] Ctrl+F in Browser widget in a dialog is wrongly forwarded to workbench window
20 bug 427924 4.3.2 critical pelder FIXED [Contexts] NullPointerException in WorkbenchPage.getViewStack()
21 bug 398381 4.3.2 normal pwebster FIXED [Contributions] Memory leak when ever calling context menu
22 bug 415499 4.3.2 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED Maintain activation through DnD gestures
23 bug 417212 4.3.2 normal emoffatt FIXED [Perspectives] CTabFolder layouts content too often / too many of them
24 bug 421104 4.3.2 major emoffatt FIXED [Perspectives] Switching perspective pollutes perspective with additional view
25 bug 416847 4.3.2 normal pwebster FIXED Remove 4.3.1 API filters
26 bug 418022 4.3.2 normal pwebster FIXED [Contributions] Customize Perspective has hiding conflicts for toolbars and menus
27 bug 418615 4.3.2 normal pwebster FIXED [Workbench] Initial size from IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer is not used to create the workbench window
28 bug 422971 4.3.2 normal pwebster FIXED [Workbench] ClassCastException: HandlerProcessingAddon casts an MHandlerContainer to an MContext without check
29 bug 423725 4.3.2 normal pwebster FIXED [Contributions] Popup menus slowdown over time (> 5 seconds)
30 bug 424129 4.3.2 major pwebster FIXED [Workbench] 3.6.2 RCP application does not run correctly on 4.3 (workbench window is launching)
31 bug 427108 4.3.2 major pwebster FIXED Context created for MDynamicMenuContribution processing should be disposed
32 bug 417093 4.3.2 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED Legacy mode not backward compatible
33 bug 417213 4.3.2 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED [Perspectives] Sash layout corrupted by dragging into the editor area
34 bug 427133 4.3.2 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED [Navigator] View Menu disappears in Project Explorer
35 bug 423852 4.3.2 normal pwebster CLOSED [Workbench] ClassCastException: HandlerProcessingAddon casts an MHandlerContainer to an MContext without check

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:37:49 EST 2014

4.4 M1

Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 411096 4.4 M1 normal daniel_megert FIXED Wrong version numbers in [e4].ui.workbench
2 bug 411855 4.4 M1 enhancement daniel_megert FIXED ResourceEncodingFieldEditor: Adopt ResourcesPlugin.DEFAULT_PREF_SEPARATE_DERIVED_ENCODINGS
3 bug 413157 4.4 M1 normal daniel_megert FIXED Import existing projects (WizardProjectsImportPage) neither reports nor logs errors
4 bug 413685 4.4 M1 normal hendrik.still FIXED Fix compiler warnings in org.eclipse.jface.preference caused by moving JFace to Java 1.5
5 bug 413690 4.4 M1 normal hendrik.still FIXED Fix the compiler warnings in package org.eclipse.jface.wizard caused by moving to Java 1.5
6 bug 395213 4.4 M1 enhancement john_arthorne FIXED Move requirement for JFace to Java 1.5
7 bug 408927 4.4 M1 normal krzysztof.daniel FIXED [debug view] global toolbar vanishes after restart
8 bug 403201 4.4 M1 normal markus_keller FIXED Keys preference dialog is wider than screen
9 bug 408523 4.4 M1 critical markus_keller FIXED [dnd] Drag and Drop of Project deletes files
10 bug 349226 4.4 M1 normal pelder FIXED "[Contexts] Unexternalized ""Application Category"" for Keys Preferences"
11 bug 409279 4.4 M1 normal pelder FIXED Follow EMF best practices for model loading/saving
12 bug 412681 4.4 M1 normal pelder FIXED [Regression] IExecutionListener.preExecute receives ExecutionEvent incompatible with HandlerUtil methods
13 bug 193034 4.4 M1 enhancement Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED [Forms] Section should also set the toggle tooltip
14 bug 411321 4.4 M1 blocker Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED build fails with unusual resolution errors
15 bug 416295 4.4 M1 critical Platform-UI-Inbox WORKSFORME "The toolbar visibility is always be checked, after i customize the toolbar visibility for perspective."
16 bug 389624 4.4 M1 normal platform-ui-triaged FIXED [E4AP] NPE during loading of workbench.xmi
17 bug 412554 4.4 M1 normal platform-ui-triaged FIXED Events posted by IEventBroker are not received in @UIEventTopic method
18 bug 407749 4.4 M1 normal pwebster FIXED Keyboard shortcuts for certain practically macro - command creation using ICommandService
19 bug 411967 4.4 M1 enhancement pwebster FIXED [Viewers] [Snippets] New snippet to demonstrate the usage of ComboViewers
20 bug 412927 4.4 M1 normal pwebster FIXED Context menu can be corrupted if there is an invalid property tester
21 bug 409996 4.4 M1 normal tom.hochstein FIXED 'Restore Defaults' does not work properly on Project Properties > Resource tab
22 bug 385128 4.4 M1 normal daniel.rolka FIXED IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.SHOW_PROGRESS_ON_STARTUP does nothing
23 bug 394013 4.4 M1 normal daniel.rolka FIXED Unable to get dropdown menu in ToolItem to display
24 bug 406275 4.4 M1 normal daniel.rolka FIXED Save All is disabled only after 2nd click
25 bug 371598 4.4 M1 normal emoffatt FIXED [FastView] Fast views do not always close on Escape
26 bug 409324 4.4 M1 major emoffatt FIXED Editors Ping Pong once the Outline View has been activated
27 bug 409423 4.4 M1 normal emoffatt FIXED Setting clientArea disabled in WorkbenchWindow#run(..) still allows typing in Editor
28 bug 410828 4.4 M1 critical emoffatt FIXED [DND] Editor closed and content lost when dropping detached editor's tab outside its window
29 bug 410528 4.4 M1 normal francisu FIXED [CommonNavigator] ProjectExplorer should use its viewer's label provider to build its content description
30 bug 413499 4.4 M1 normal hendrik.still FIXED Fix compiler warnings in org.eclipse.jface.commands caused by moving JFace to Java 1.5
31 bug 413624 4.4 M1 normal hendrik.still FIXED Fix compiler warnings in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs caused by moving JFace to Java 1.5
32 bug 413628 4.4 M1 normal hendrik.still FIXED Fix compiler warnings in org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist caused by moving JFace to Java 1.5
33 bug 413649 4.4 M1 normal hendrik.still FIXED Fix compiler warnings in org.eclipse.jface.layout caused by moving JFace to Java 1.5
34 bug 413686 4.4 M1 normal hendrik.still FIXED Fix compiler warnings in org.eclipse.jface.resource caused by moving JFace to Java 1.5
35 bug 413688 4.4 M1 normal hendrik.still FIXED Fix compiler warnings in org.eclipse.jface.util caused by moving JFace to Java 1.5
36 bug 410900 4.4 M1 normal krzysztof.kazmierczyk FIXED Color preferences must be applied after each restart when using high contrast theme
37 bug 410968 4.4 M1 normal markus_keller FIXED Need splash screen for Luna
38 bug 408348 4.4 M1 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Activating the minimized shared area does not activate a part in it
39 bug 412869 4.4 M1 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Creating a part from PartDescriptor does not copy over persistedState collection
40 bug 413662 4.4 M1 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED [Trim] Internal browser throws java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero exception
41 bug 394395 4.4 M1 normal platform-ui-triaged FIXED "Editor area diappears on Maximize, Minimize"
42 bug 413278 4.4 M1 normal platform-ui-triaged FIXED Quick switch editor only works for one editor
43 bug 384009 4.4 M1 trivial pwebster FIXED """Workspace in use"" error message is impolite"
44 bug 385987 4.4 M1 normal pwebster FIXED "Hidden tabs' filenames should be bolded in ""Show List"" drop-down of tabbed editor view."
45 bug 393703 4.4 M1 normal pwebster FIXED NotHandledException selecting inactive command under 'Previous Choices' in Quick access
46 bug 400042 4.4 M1 normal pwebster FIXED Help of Shell is overriden by Eclipse when Workbench starts
47 bug 403331 4.4 M1 normal pwebster FIXED ModelAssembler fails silently if fragment cannot be applied and does not print name of offending bundle
48 bug 404312 4.4 M1 major pwebster FIXED NPE in HandledContributionItem.canExecuteItem()
49 bug 410068 4.4 M1 critical pwebster FIXED Keybinding Context switching stops working after reporting a conflict when switching to sibling context
50 bug 411156 4.4 M1 normal pwebster FIXED Update parent POMs for Luna
51 bug 411287 4.4 M1 normal pwebster FIXED Quick Access > Build Project is offered even if no valid selection exists
52 bug 411468 4.4 M1 minor pwebster FIXED ClassCastException in WorkbenchPage when showing E4 part using EPartService.showPart
53 bug 411602 4.4 M1 critical pwebster FIXED CTRL+Q keyboard shortcut in any dialog closes the workbench without option to save
54 bug 413428 4.4 M1 normal pwebster FIXED "Contacts demo, update of Lars contact information"

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:37:56 EST 2014

4.4 M2

Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 417416 4.4 M2 major daniel.rolka FIXED [Perspectives] [regression] NPE when running 3.x RCP applications
2 bug 414983 4.4 M2 minor daniel_megert FIXED [CommonNavigator] Compile warnings in org.eclipse.ui.tests.navigator
3 bug 364046 4.4 M2 normal emoffatt FIXED [regression] Perspective switcher does not allow to reorder prespectives
4 bug 412569 4.4 M2 normal Platform-UI-Inbox WORKSFORME SimpleVirtualLazyTreeViewerTest.testRemoveAt failed
5 bug 408920 4.4 M2 normal cwindatt FIXED Minimizing Editor Stack does not minimise to tool bar
6 bug 377981 4.4 M2 normal daniel.rolka FIXED -perspective at product program arguments is not working in 4.2M6
7 bug 387951 4.4 M2 normal daniel.rolka FIXED Key bindings for custom context no longer works and conflicts are reported
8 bug 395084 4.4 M2 normal daniel.rolka FIXED "IWorkbench.showPerspective(id, window) not working after switching to 4.2.1 target"
9 bug 408763 4.4 M2 normal daniel.rolka FIXED The ImportExportPage filters allows an empty category to appear
10 bug 413167 4.4 M2 normal daniel.rolka FIXED Make Quick Access smaller
11 bug 416995 4.4 M2 normal daniel.rolka FIXED "[Code review] The ""perspective"" string should be turned into a constant on E4Application"
12 bug 410647 4.4 M2 normal daniel_megert FIXED org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException is logged when touching the DD node of any Java EE module in Navigator
13 bug 414436 4.4 M2 normal daniel_megert FIXED ResourcePerspective throws PartInitException if org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources isn't available
14 bug 415342 4.4 M2 normal daniel_megert FIXED Compile warnings in 'org.eclipse.ui.workbench'
15 bug 415343 4.4 M2 normal daniel_megert FIXED Suspicious dead code in BindingPersistence
16 bug 416245 4.4 M2 normal daniel_megert FIXED AssertionFailedException when activating Tasks view
17 bug 416979 4.4 M2 normal daniel_megert FIXED 2 UI tests have over inclusive 'export' of *.xml
18 bug 388617 4.4 M2 major emoffatt FIXED [regression] Active editor changed when switching perspective
19 bug 400048 4.4 M2 normal emoffatt FIXED I have the shadow of the project Explorer even if i close the explorer.
20 bug 408849 4.4 M2 normal emoffatt FIXED Maintain activation through DnD gestures
21 bug 416082 4.4 M2 normal emoffatt FIXED PartServiceImpl should use EModelService for model object creation instead of BasicFactoryImpl
22 bug 417001 4.4 M2 major emoffatt FIXED Regression from 4.3: Navigation History badly broken
23 bug 416170 4.4 M2 normal john_arthorne FIXED Please Create a spearate Branch to generify the JFace Viewers
24 bug 414976 4.4 M2 major pelder FIXED NPE in org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.HandlerServiceHandler.isEnabled()
25 bug 399401 4.4 M2 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Toolbars render in wrong location when perspective added to a perspective-less workbench
26 bug 403760 4.4 M2 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED closing the last maximized editor doesnt restore perspective layout
27 bug 413399 4.4 M2 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED [Trim] Lost of the default Package / Navigator view container
28 bug 414999 4.4 M2 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED After making editor area not visible closed view stacks don't re-open
29 bug 417201 4.4 M2 normal Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Sash layout corrupted by dragging into the editor area
30 bug 417511 4.4 M2 major Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Regression since M1: Closed Welcome page keeps up the space
31 bug 389129 4.4 M2 minor platform-ui-triaged FIXED Progress view background incorrect on 4.2
32 bug 406003 4.4 M2 major pwebster FIXED Persisting bindings forever results in bad/conflicting bindings that cannot be removed
33 bug 407536 4.4 M2 normal pwebster FIXED Some ActionSets for CDT cannot be turned off when starting enabled
34 bug 411027 4.4 M2 normal pwebster FIXED WorkbenchPage - Remove raw type warnings for ActionSets
35 bug 413431 4.4 M2 normal pwebster FIXED Contact demo update to use dependency injection for MApplication in processors
36 bug 414254 4.4 M2 normal pwebster FIXED Status line controls are disposed and recreated on any window close
37 bug 414559 4.4 M2 normal pwebster FIXED [JFace][snippets] Move requirement for JFace Snippets to Java 1.5
38 bug 414741 4.4 M2 normal pwebster FIXED ToolbarControl in own ToolBar throws NPE
39 bug 416898 4.4 M2 normal pwebster FIXED Some Platform UI bundles need to be touched to get API descriptions back
40 bug 414912 4.4 M2 major wojciech.sudol FIXED CoreException: No property tester contributes a property X to type class Y using Eclipse 4.4
41 bug 416773 4.4 M2 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED Legacy mode not backward compatible

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:38:02 EST 2014

4.4 M3

Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 419435 4.4 M3 normal christian.georgi FIXED [Themes] Invalid RGB color value in themes extension makes workbench unusable
2 bug 418587 4.4 M3 trivial daniel_megert FIXED "& in editor tab does not show up, underlines next character instead"
3 bug 419021 4.4 M3 normal daniel_megert FIXED [EditorMgmt] EditorPart.setPartName leads to NPE
4 bug 417252 4.4 M3 enhancement krzysztof.daniel FIXED [Metadata] Get rid of nested jars in tests
5 bug 416099 4.4 M3 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED [Workbench] Simplify SaveAllHandler
6 bug 418836 4.4 M3 normal markus_keller FIXED custom label is not used for menuContribution to popup:org.eclipse.ui.menus.showInMenu
7 bug 318435 4.4 M3 normal sopotcela FIXED [Contributions] Changes in the application model for the menu are not reflected in the user interface
8 bug 168226 4.4 M3 normal cwindatt FIXED [Viewers] default ViewerComparator is case sensitive (doesn't match spec)
9 bug 266174 4.4 M3 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] Use Batik 1.7
10 bug 302536 4.4 M3 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [Markers] Broken double checked locking in MarkerSupportRegistry
11 bug 384354 4.4 M3 major daniel.rolka FIXED Compatibility: Editor actions registered via extension point org.eclipse.ui.editorActions are shown twice in the toolbar.
12 bug 402429 4.4 M3 normal daniel.rolka FIXED hiddenToolBarItem perspective extension does not react to perspective changes
13 bug 413348 4.4 M3 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] Stream leaks in AbstractCSSEngine
14 bug 407511 4.4 M3 normal daniel_megert FIXED Tooltips not reliably shown on truncated view titles
15 bug 419940 4.4 M3 blocker daniel_megert FIXED initial dialog for workspace always says location is invalid
16 bug 420612 4.4 M3 normal daniel_megert FIXED """Show view menu"" command doesn't work any more"
17 bug 420722 4.4 M3 major daniel_megert FIXED [KeyBindings] Key Assist popup doesn't work for most commands
18 bug 269269 4.4 M3 normal emoffatt FIXED [Compatibility] Need support for legacy toolbars
19 bug 331690 4.4 M3 normal emoffatt FIXED [Trim] [Min/Max] Update our EventBroker usage in add-ons
20 bug 379803 4.4 M3 normal emoffatt FIXED addStandaloneView ignores the show title argument
21 bug 410208 4.4 M3 normal emoffatt FIXED Multiwindow Application Restore
22 bug 413590 4.4 M3 normal emoffatt FIXED Close All doesn't work when a second editor is opened in another area in another perspective
23 bug 417929 4.4 M3 normal emoffatt FIXED [Perspectives] Resetting a perspective with an open minimized stack leaves cheese
24 bug 417960 4.4 M3 major emoffatt FIXED [EditorMgmt] History view dropdown menu disappears
25 bug 420035 4.4 M3 enhancement Lars.Vogel FIXED [CSS] Support SWT color constants in gradients
26 bug 418101 4.4 M3 major markus_keller FIXED [CSS] CTabItemTest.testSelectedFontBold times out on the Mac
27 bug 407422 4.4 M3 major pelder FIXED Mylyn context deactivation does not always close editors
28 bug 417237 4.4 M3 normal pelder FIXED [Commands] The ExecutionEvent in IExecutionListener.preExecute no longer includes trigger information
29 bug 417762 4.4 M3 normal pelder FIXED [Commands] ExecutionException 'No targetId specified' when programmatically invoking ShowInHandler
30 bug 417947 4.4 M3 normal pelder FIXED [KeyBindings] END/HOME keys are not behaving as expected when the content assist pop up is activated
31 bug 412285 4.4 M3 normal piotr.aniola FIXED 'Show In' menu of view in detached window has 'No Applicable Views'
32 bug 420126 4.4 M3 critical emoffatt FIXED [FastView] Parts of eclipse window become a light blue square and don't get repainted.
33 bug 107436 4.4 M3 enhancement pwebster FIXED "[IDE] navigator: show file/folder in ""Windows Explorer"", Finder, Nautilus, ..."
34 bug 345372 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [KeyBindings] 'Delete' key cannot be used as a key bindings to a command
35 bug 371027 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [Model] platform:/plugin/ not used for fragment uri in org.eclipse.e4.workbench.model extension point
36 bug 398684 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [Workbench] Initial size from IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer is not used to create the workbench window
37 bug 411577 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [Contributions] Customize Perspective has hiding conflicts for toolbars and menus
38 bug 411750 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [Contributions] IFocusService not working with dialog when closing with ESC or red X
39 bug 412121 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [Metadata] Remove explicit dependency on org.eclipse.equinox.event
40 bug 414297 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [DataBinding] missing SetChanged notification
41 bug 417726 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [Themes] GTK theme toolbar gradient looks bad
42 bug 418275 4.4 M3 enhancement pwebster FIXED "[IDE] Own view (source) is not listed in ""Show In"" menu when explicitly requested by IShowInTargetList"
43 bug 418420 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [Decorators] ControlDecoration tooltip is shown even though decoration image is invisible
44 bug 418683 4.4 M3 critical pwebster FIXED AFE on trying to create a patch
45 bug 418715 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [IDE] navigator: show file/folder on linux show parent of folder
46 bug 418857 4.4 M3 enhancement pwebster FIXED "[About] ""About"" menu should show product icon"
47 bug 419636 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED Luna bug prioritization
48 bug 372956 4.4 M3 critical wojciech.sudol FIXED [Decorators] [JFace] CompositeImageDescriptor throws NPE during Decoration
49 bug 409332 4.4 M3 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED Image/Icon information returned by EditorReference implementation is inconsistent with the IEditorPart implementation
50 bug 19462 4.4 M3 normal pwebster FIXED [Wizards] WizardDialog always reserves space for progressbar

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:38:09 EST 2014

4.4 M4

Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 415522 4.4 M4 normal christian.georgi FIXED [IDE] Clean dialog should scroll to reveal selected projects
2 bug 419888 4.4 M4 normal pelder FIXED [Model] [API] Extend the EModelService#createModelElement(*) to read EMF extensions
3 bug 421725 4.4 M4 trivial benjamin.cox FIXED [Viewers] [Javadoc] [patch] Paper-cut - StructuredViewer Javadoc is codified
4 bug 391957 4.4 M4 major daniel.rolka FIXED [Contributions] ClassCastException with action sets: OpaqueToolItemImpl cannot be cast to MTrimElement
5 bug 410049 4.4 M4 major daniel.rolka FIXED [Perspectives] Complex Placeholderfolder construct does not get rendered
6 bug 413936 4.4 M4 normal daniel.rolka FIXED Busy (italic) view title not redrawn promptly with Classic theme
7 bug 418859 4.4 M4 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [Contributions] Menu bar not displayed
8 bug 419016 4.4 M4 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] Provide some reasonable bridge interactions between CSS and our older Colors and Fonts properties
9 bug 419710 4.4 M4 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [Wizards] new search wizard does not seem to search submenus
10 bug 420529 4.4 M4 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] org.eclipse.e4.ui.tests.css.swt should require org.eclipse.ui
11 bug 423768 4.4 M4 critical daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] IAE exception when switching between CSS stylesheets with combo
12 bug 418254 4.4 M4 normal daniel_megert FIXED [EditorMgmt] [KeyBindings] Ctrl+E and Delete causes IllegalArgumentException
13 bug 422680 4.4 M4 normal daniel_megert FIXED [EditorMgmt] FileNotFoundException: /icons/full/ovr16/pinned_ovr.gif
14 bug 378298 4.4 M4 enhancement emoffatt FIXED [EditorMgmt] [Split editor] Allow nesting of Sash/Stack in a Stack
15 bug 409834 4.4 M4 normal emoffatt FIXED [Perspectives] Placeholder with secondary ID is being relocated to false container causing views to show at false location
16 bug 423718 4.4 M4 normal emoffatt FIXED Regression: closing the Welcome view leaves the WBW in a strange state
17 bug 423748 4.4 M4 normal emoffatt FIXED Sashes should honor the NO_MOVE tag
18 bug 371785 4.4 M4 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED "Remove ""Default"" theme because it is broken (and redundant as every platform has its default theme)"
19 bug 385003 4.4 M4 enhancement Lars.Vogel FIXED [Themes] Provide a set of icons with alpha transparency for dark themes - Platform icons
20 bug 395161 4.4 M4 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED Binding Context without name -> Error Message is misleading
21 bug 419474 4.4 M4 enhancement Lars.Vogel FIXED Project setting for missing Javadoc Comments in org.eclipse.jface.snippets
22 bug 420835 4.4 M4 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED DnDAddon - Replace Green with a nicer color
23 bug 420951 4.4 M4 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED [CSS] Height of part header background is too small when shadow is disabled
24 bug 421298 4.4 M4 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED eclipse.platform remove retired project folder
25 bug 422533 4.4 M4 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED "Remove ""Loading Workbench"" from splash screen"
26 bug 422954 4.4 M4 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED Remove warnings from IDEApplication class
27 bug 147027 4.4 M4 enhancement Michael_Rennie FIXED [Dialogs] Make org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.dialogs.ResourceTreeAndListGroup public
28 bug 423161 4.4 M4 normal oliver.puetter FIXED Missing message translation in WBWRenderer
29 bug 405612 4.4 M4 normal pelder FIXED [Model] TrimElement could be marked as interface
30 bug 406780 4.4 M4 normal pelder FIXED [Model] Javadoc problems in new E4 APIs
31 bug 422289 4.4 M4 normal pelder FIXED [IDE] copying/pasting elements from the Markers view should preserve their listed order
32 bug 422676 4.4 M4 normal pelder FIXED [DI] 2 failures in InjectionEventTest
33 bug 416235 4.4 M4 major emoffatt FIXED [Perspectives] Switching perspective pollutes perspective with additional view
34 bug 416399 4.4 M4 normal emoffatt FIXED [Model] Deprecate MInputPart
35 bug 369884 4.4 M4 normal pwebster FIXED platform:/plugin/ not used for applicationXMI
36 bug 379816 4.4 M4 normal pwebster FIXED "Remove the Quick access border, looks ugly"
37 bug 421764 4.4 M4 normal pwebster FIXED [CSS] Provide a way to select Font and Color themes
38 bug 422034 4.4 M4 normal pwebster FIXED [Workbench] ClassCastException: HandlerProcessingAddon casts an MHandlerContainer to an MContext without check
39 bug 422910 4.4 M4 normal pwebster FIXED [Commands] Extend documentation of IAction AS_RADIO_BUTTON
40 bug 375393 4.4 M4 major sopotcela FIXED Popup / Context Menu disapears after reopening a part (e4)
41 bug 396296 4.4 M4 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED [JFace] jface ToolTip isn't disposed when underlying control is disposed leading to errors.
42 bug 397872 4.4 M4 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED [Workbench] NPE in WorkbenchPage#busyShowView
43 bug 412479 4.4 M4 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED ToolBarManagerRenderer doesn't care orientation changing of MToolBar because of it's cache.
44 bug 416746 4.4 M4 normal wojciech.sudol FIXED [Trim] Toolbar not visible with 4.3 legacy mode
45 bug 8009 4.4 M4 enhancement emoffatt CLOSED [Editor Mgmt] Split File Editor
46 bug 417957 4.4 M4 normal wojciech.sudol CLOSED [Model] ModelService's findElements doesn't honor the 'searchFlags' correctly

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:38:15 EST 2014

4.4 M5

Bug TM Sev Assign Status Title
1 bug 384108 4.4 M5 major daniel.rolka FIXED JUnit view icon no longer shows progress while executing tests
2 bug 419018 4.4 M5 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] Provide the CSS support for defining the new font and color definitions
3 bug 423704 4.4 M5 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] Update the classic theme to use the default color and font definitions
4 bug 423813 4.4 M5 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] Improvement of the CSS theme switching and applying the new stylesheet in runtime
5 bug 405731 4.4 M5 major daniel_megert FIXED [CSS] Part tab font not using system font
6 bug 420741 4.4 M5 normal daniel_megert FIXED Decorator manager extension point and DeviceResourceDescriptor classes must mention resource life-cycle
7 bug 383403 4.4 M5 normal emoffatt FIXED [Model] EModelService.findElement() does not find all elements
8 bug 423588 4.4 M5 major emoffatt FIXED "[QuickAccess] Quick Access failure, dropdown is empty"
9 bug 424489 4.4 M5 major emoffatt FIXED [Perspectives] An alternative to Min / Max
10 bug 423214 4.4 M5 enhancement kmilburn FIXED [PropertiesView] add support for IColorProvider and IFontProvider
11 bug 422040 4.4 M5 normal Lars.Vogel FIXED [Graphics] Switch org.eclipse.ui plug-in to use png files instead of gifs
12 bug 425132 4.4 M5 normal markus_keller FIXED [Quick Access] Bad order: Base command should be sorted before parameterizations
13 bug 423040 4.4 M5 normal oliver.puetter FIXED activePart within SelectionAggregator is not set to null if all parts are closed
14 bug 319377 4.4 M5 normal pelder FIXED [KeyBindings] [Compatibility] Multiple dialogs appears to confuse context chain
15 bug 412001 4.4 M5 normal pelder FIXED [KeyBindings] Ctrl+F in Browser widget in a dialog is wrongly forwarded to workbench window
16 bug 413977 4.4 M5 major pelder FIXED [KeyBindings] All non-native key bindings stop working after click in Content Assist's Javadoc
17 bug 423837 4.4 M5 major Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED [Wizards] Wizard categories without direct wizard are not shown anymore
18 bug 425101 4.4 M5 major Platform-UI-Inbox FIXED Binary Plug-in decorator rendered as red square
19 bug 401632 4.4 M5 major emoffatt FIXED [WorkbenchParts] Minimized views still update in background (bad part events?)
20 bug 420238 4.4 M5 normal daniel.rolka FIXED [CSS] Reduce whitespace usage in the default Eclipse themes
21 bug 385394 4.4 M5 major pwebster FIXED Performance issue regarding enabled state handling for menuContributions containing command (ToolItemUpdateTimer puts constant load on CPU)
22 bug 405216 4.4 M5 normal pwebster FIXED Widget disposed exception in ProgressInfoItem.updateTrigger()
23 bug 411821 4.4 M5 normal pwebster FIXED [QuickAccess] Contribute SearchField through a fragment or other means
24 bug 413096 4.4 M5 major pwebster FIXED [Workbench] 3.6.2 RCP application does not run correctly on 4.3 (workbench window is launching)
25 bug 413943 4.4 M5 enhancement pwebster FIXED "[Workbench] Make ""instance/org.eclipse.ui.ide/WORKSPACE_NAME"" a public preference"
26 bug 423495 4.4 M5 normal pwebster FIXED ElementTreeSelectionDialog unnecessarily hinders using styled label providers
27 bug 423890 4.4 M5 normal pwebster FIXED [EditorMgmt][Split editor] Commands have bad names
28 bug 423892 4.4 M5 normal pwebster FIXED [EditorMgmt][Split editor] Only one command available in Quick Access
29 bug 423893 4.4 M5 normal pwebster FIXED [EditorMgmt][Split editor] Key bindings don't work (Mac)
30 bug 424252 4.4 M5 normal pwebster FIXED [EditorMgmt][Split editor] Provide commands in main menu
31 bug 425980 4.4 M5 blocker pwebster FIXED ui.tests no longer run on all platforms
32 bug 426224 4.4 M5 normal pwebster FIXED [QuickAccess] Quick Access field duplicated after moving from 4.4 back to a previous build
33 bug 236006 4.4 M5 enhancement robin FIXED [Viewers] Add tooltip support for DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider
34 bug 360357 4.4 M5 normal pwebster CLOSED CanExecute of Handler are checked ever 500ms
35 bug 388482 4.4 M5 normal emoffatt CLOSED [Trim] [DND] Dragging toolbars to different trim should change orientation
36 bug 397942 4.4 M5 enhancement emoffatt CLOSED [EditorMgmt] Implement a better MRU tab ordering
37 bug 426336 4.4 M5 major emoffatt CLOSED [Trim] NPE in TrimStack.showStack when trying to restore open fast view stack

Last Generated on Tue Feb 18 10:38:21 EST 2014

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