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Eclipse DemoCamps Kepler 2013/Beijing

< Eclipse DemoCamps Kepler 2013
Revision as of 04:54, 12 May 2013 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Date and Time 时间)

Eclipse 展示营地 开普勒 2013 北京

Eclipse Day China | Eclipse Day 中国

We just need one Eclipse member to co-organize! | 我们只要一个Eclipse基金会成员组织一起!

Eclipse DemoCamp Old.jpg

Intro 介绍

What is an Eclipse DemoCamp? | Eclipse 展示营地是什么?



这个是没费的活动为了中国开发员和在中国住的老外。 演讲用中文,英文都可以。


Location 场地

ThoughtWorks Beijing office

ThoughtWorks, Rm 1105 Guohua Plaza, No.3 Dongzhimen South St, Dongcheng District, Beijing (DongZhiMen Subway station, exit D)

北京市东城区东直门南大街3号国华投资大厦1105室ThoughtWorks (地铁东直门站D口)

Possibly Internet broadcast.

Date and Time 时间

These dates and times are provisional, i.e. for the present time but can change.

  • Thursday, June 27th 7pm | 2013 6月27号 周四 (Speakers meeting or warming-up Camp: OSGi by Marcel Offermans, Eclipse Scout by Matthias Zimmermann)

Compare time This mini-camp is likely to be one week earlier.


  • Saturday, June 29th 2pm | 6月29号 周六 2点

possibly adding 2-3 hours 11am to 5pm, to let US/Canada presenters speak.

Compare time

Organizer 组织者

JVMs and Node.js User Groups (Java, Groovy, Scala, Android, JavaScript)

Paul Verest Paul Verest Weibl-funshion-com2.PNG +86 187 01029146, QQ 908781544 software architect at Funshion风行在线

Jin Mingjian

Sponsors 赞助

This Eclipse DemoCamp will be promoted by the Eclipse Foundation Eclipse.png

  • Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit, member supported corporation that hosts the open-source Eclipse Projects.

If you or your company would like to sponsor the venue, drinks & snacks, broadband Internet for the event please get in touch with Paul VerestWeibl-funshion-com2.PNG +86 187 01029146.

If we have money left, we will return or donate to Eclipse (or next event).

如果您或您的公司想赞助场地,饮料,零食 或者


请联系伟保罗Weibl-funshion-com2.PNG , QQ 908781544 。

Agenda 议程

Anyone can do presentation! Just decide on topic and contact organizers.

Hackathon by Jin Mingjian

如果武汉找到组织者的话,和他们一起开网络会议,聊聊, 分享视频。

Expected topics:

  1. Eclipse organization, members and projects (中文)| Eclipse组织和项目介绍
  2. Eclipse VJET (中文)
  3. Open source story Nodeclipse | 在Eclipse开发Node.js (中文) by 高洋 或者Lamb from 用友汽车
  4. "Modeling and Programming going hand in hand with UML Lab - an Eclipse-based Modeling IDE" by Manuel Bork, Yatta Solutions
  5. Eclipse Java IDE Tips and Tricks (How to work more effectively) by Rabea Gransberger (30-60min)
  6. "Eclipse 4 Programming Model" (中文) by Jin Mingjian
  7. Eclipse eTrice by Thomas Schuetz (15-60min)
  8. Implementing complex graphical editors with model-driven technologies | 使用模型驱动技术实现图形编辑器 by Andreas Graf (戈安迪),
  9. Internal DSLs with Xtend, by Karsten Thoms and Moritz Eysholdt,
  10. JRebel plugin for Eclipse by Anton Arhipov,
  11. "Implementing Mobile Business Applications with Eclipse Scout", by Matthias Zimmermann, BSI Business Systems Integration AG (15-20min)
  12. Eclipse ADT (Android Development Tools) by 杨光福 (not confirmed)

Possible topics, speakers are needed! 可能的主题,需要呈献者:

  • Eclipse 4.3 Kepler
  • OSGi
  • Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) project (中文)(expected)
  • Eclipse JavaFX e(fx)clipse
  • Spring IDE & STS
  • Scala IDE
  • e(fx)clipse JavaFX 2 Development and JavaFX renderer for Eclipse runtime.
  • VJET JavaScript IDE (incubation)
  • Eclipse RAP 2.1
  • Eclipse Orion 3.0
  • Eclipse JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT)
  • Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
  • PyDev Python IDE
  • Node.js development with Eclipse
  • Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform Project
  • Any topic that YOU want

If you would like to give a demo, contact organizer. 如果你想给一个演示,请联系组织者。

Details | 详细信息

If you added your demo to the list above, please add a short abstract to this list so people know what you will be talking about.

  • Modeling and Programming going hand in hand with UML Lab - an Eclipse-based Modeling IDE (by Manuel Bork, Yatta Solutions)
Model-based software development automates boilerplate code writing by code generation, but restricts developers - often severely - when it comes to manual editing and refactoring at code level. Not so with UML Lab. UML Lab is based on Eclipse RCP and is deeply integrated into the Eclipse IDE. It re-uses existing technologies and combines them in a new, productive way. In the demo I'll show how UML Lab seamlessly combines modeling and coding with an intuitive UML diagram editor and next-gen round-trip engineering. I'll start with importing a legacy software project to get a nice UML class diagram and continue editing model and source code - each operation updates the other instantly. I'll show how to gain overview by reverse engineering, boost your productivity by combining modeling with coding and utilize the full potential of model-based software development through truly agile modeling and programming.
  • Eclipse 4 Programming Model by Jin Mingjian
Eclipse is not only used as a platform for software engineering, but also for systems engineering. A number of graphical notations for these disciplines exists, but especially for the newest approaches graphical editors are few (EAST-ADL, AUTOSAR). In this talk we will show how we used model driven technologies (Xtext, Xtend) to efficiently create a number of graphical editors based on Graphiti. The technology implemented in the IMES research project is a good demonstration on how custom DSLs improve your development process. Six different graphical editors are all concisely described with a domain specific language (different from the Spray! project), making refactoring, bug fixing and implementation of new features very efficient.
Xtend, Eclipse's new statically typed programming language for the JVM, offers many possibilities for developing very concise and declarative APIs - aka internal Domain-Specific-Languages (DSL). Xtend compiles to readable Java source code, allowing bi-directional integration with existing code which runs on any JVM.
After giving a short explanation about the differences between external and internals DSLs we will show some real-world examples. These examples will reach from significantly increasing the conciseness of your code over automating design patterns to operator overloading. You will learn how Xtend can be integrated into your projects seamlessly.

Who Is Attending | 谁参加?怎么注册?

If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below:

  1. Paul Verest, Funshion Online
  2. Jin Mingjian, Oracle BDC(Beijing Development Center)
  3. Michael Isvy, Spring Source (not confirmed)
  4. Tony 牛同庆, 移动项目经理,风行网
  5. Rob Stryker, Red Hat (not confirmed)
  6. ...

Remotely (no service guarantees, Internet service provider needed)

  1. Peter Cheng
  2. Andreas Graf, itemis AG
  3. Manuel Bork, Yatta Solutions via


use to register and view the list of registered participants. Registration is free. |

 在 可以没费注册。 或者在 注册,登陆,然后上面加加你的名字,公司(或者大学)

必须要注册. 不注册的话,可能进不去,因为场所有限。之前注册的有优势.

News 新闻

We can possibly get Eclipse Day status. We just need an Eclipse Foundation member to agree to be co-organizer.

Marketplace Installs by Country April 10th 2013:


Chinese PC market is now the biggest in the world. China takes PC crown from US, euronews

For Bloggers and Users of Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Weibo, Weixin etc.

In case you plan to blog or tweet about the Eclipse DemoCamp in Beijing, please use the tag "#democampbeijing" in order to make it easier to find all the comments and pictures. Thanks a lot for telling the world about the event! | 请用#democampbeijing#标签微博一下。

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