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Eclipse Day Krakow 2012/Talks

< Eclipse Day Krakow 2012
Revision as of 19:05, 14 August 2012 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (    THERE WAS NEVERJUST OHF)

Orion Workshop

Szymon Brandys

Małgorzata Janczarska

Orion is an open tool integration platform for writing browser-based development tools. In this tutorial you will learn how to use the Orion platform and extend it by integrating other web pages and services into the Orion development workflow. Close integration is achieved through writing Orion plugins to extend the platform with additional capabilities. We will walk through the process from a simple first plugin, up to a plugin that extends Orion in a variety of way: adding links to other pages, new language tools, and even a brief foray into connecting Orion with remote file systems.

Redefining Modularity with Object Teams

Stephan Herrmann

Modularity is our key concept for mastering complexity, but what kind of modularity do we need to address the challenges of tomorrow? Can a programming language provide the necessary means? Can Java?

The Object Teams approach demonstrates how far a truly object-oriented programming language can go, how classes and objects can indeed be the building blocks for uncompromisingly modular software designs. Rather than introducing new kinds of modules the approach adds new ways how classes and objects can be connected into a system: Existing relationships like nesting and inheritance are enhanced and only one new relationship is introduced: role playing.

With these conceptual tools every requirement, every reusable asset can be cast into a module. Every variation of an existing system can be described by an additional module. Object Teams supports modularity in all circumstances: extreme modularity.

For more than 5 years OT/J has been successfully used in plug-in development, including, e.g., a prototype for JDT's new annotation-based null analysis as a separately deployable module.

Extracted from such applications this presentation will show the most useful patterns, patterns that don't trade one solution for a bag of new problems but holistically improve software quality.

In this presentation the audience will see little syntax of OT/J, that's not where big things happen, but the goal is to change the way developers think about modularity.

No more excuse for your NPE: JDT 3.8 understands null-annotations

Stephan Herrmann

NullPointerExceptions are among the most common and most embarrassing symptoms of failures in Java programs. Starting with the Juno release, JDT has entered the next stage of fighting NPE as-you-type: annotating your code with null specifications. This talk will show you how to get the most from this new feature, and I will outline what's currently cooking.

Tworzenie aplikacji typu Rich Clients za pomocą Eclipse 4 RCP

Kamil Piętak

Language: Polish

The recently released Eclipse 4 RCP delivers brand new features that significantly improve building rich client applications. Application model, dependency injection, built-in services are the more important elements that allow to easily create brand new applications (not only IDEs).

In the talk I will shortly present the most important features of Eclipse 4 RCP in contrast of the ones that exist in the 3.x branch.

Eclipse Command Language

Bartosz Czerwiński

Eclipse of idleness and focus on current task

Did you ever wonder how you can improve your productivity and accomplish more in less time ? Do you know how to reduce context switches to improve yours focus ? What Eclipse plugins can help you increase productivity ? This presentation will answer for all those questions and more. It will be about Mylyn project and other Eclipse productivity plugins; about (less or more know) keyboard shortcuts and how to avoid disruptions from other team members, etc.

Dariusz Łuksza

Dekonstrukcja architektury w czasach kryzysu

Jarosław Pałka

Language: Polish

Napięte terminy, budżety na ścisłej diecie, eksplodujące metryki KLOC,CC,RFC, mgławice technologii, paradygmatów oraz manifestów. Rozproszone zespoły, "nonsensownie" wielkie i złożone systemy. Czy w dobie globalnego kryzysu finansowego, jesteśmy też świadkami (a być może też sprawcami) kryzysu w naszej branży? Kryzysu, który ma o wiele dalej wybiegające konsekwencje.

Podczas prezentacji spróbujemy zrozumieć czym jest kryzys architektury systemów IT, jakie są jego źródła i konsekwencje. Spróbujemy też wyjrzeć poza nasz "ogródek", i poszukać rozwiązań korzystając z "myślenia systemowego" i "teorii systemów złożonych". Przyglądniemy się archetypom systemów, zrozumiemy czym charakteryzują się "złożone systemy" i jakie rozwiązania proponują prezentowane podejścia. Czy zamiast analizować kolejne linijki kodu, próbując zrozumieć intencje autora, możemy usprawnić nasz system, niekoniecznie paraliżując nasz system nerwowy. Czy znajomość własności hierarchii systemów, źródeł tzw. "emerging behaviours" pozwoli nam uniknąć problemów w przyszłości. Czy może zamiast poznawać kolejne języki programowania, paradygmaty które z czasem przeminą lub okażą się niekompletne nie powinniśmy zainwestować naszego czasu w zgłębienie natury rzeczy? Natury "systemów" i ich "złożoności.

Tycho - using maven to build OSGi plugins

Krzysztof Daniel

Building OSGi applications was always a pain. Various approaches did not work well due to specific dependency handling, conflicts, and similar issues. Only recent Eclipse project called Tycho seems to use both maven for the simplicity and Equinox for dependency management making builds really easy. This talk will give insights into how Tycho is built and how it works.

XText - creating your own code generation tools

Krzysztof Daniel Domain Specific Languages provide a real benefit to many non-IT specialist, which can learn very quickly how to program things they really now without knowing how to program. In this talk I would like to present slightly different scenario - writing a code generator for IT purposes, which will make us free from certain tasks that require a lot of copy-pasting.

Commercial use of Eclipse with IBM Netezza Plug-in

Agata Hejmej

The EPL license makes the Eclipse open source a valuable basis for commercial offerings. In the presentation I will talk about developing a dedicated Eclipse-based IDE - IBM Netezza Plug-in for Eclipse Framework, and share tips in creating a commercial Eclipse-based product.

The OHF Legacy


After an overview of the history of Eclipse OHF and its parts, we're going to learn what happened to them and why.
Beside those going a different path, mainly Open Health Tools (OHT) we take a closer look at the Legacy of OHF at Eclipse, mainly The Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Modeler (STEM) and Units of Measurement support at UOMo and related standards like the Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)

Werner Keil

The Git Tutorial

Stefan Lay

Dariusz Łuksza

Tomasz Żarna

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