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Revision as of 05:09, 30 May 2012 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (New NLS (i18n) concept: TextProviderServices)

Eclipse Scout New and Noteworthy

ScoutIcon32c.jpg Simple. Stable. Flexible

  • Eclipse Scout is a mature and open framework for modern, service oriented business applications.
  • It substantially boosts developer productivity and is simple to learn.
  • User friendly applications are straight forward to implement with Scout’s comprehensive set of user interface components.
  • Completely based on Java/Eclipse, Scout Applications are easy to integrate in most IT environments.

Scout 3.8 Overview (Juno)

Scout has started integration into Eclipse Juno builds. Besides many bugfixes some new features have been implemented.


Scout Web UI support based on RAP

With version 3.8 Scout supports building web applications in addition to the previously supported Swing and SWT desktop technologies. Two scenarios are supported:

  • Migrate existing Scout Desktop applications into the browser with minimal effort.
  • Build new Scout applications that simultaneously run in the browser and as rich applications on the desktop.

This is possible because Eclipse Scout features a clean separation of the application model from the UI Layer (also see this wiki article).

Benefits for the developer: The Scout developer builds the application only once. Everything can be done using existing Scout/Java/Eclipse development know how (no new framework to learn, no HTML, CSS or JavaScript to learn).

Benefits to the end user: The end user of Scout applications experiences an identical look and feel for both the web and the desktop application.

Outlook: The Web UI support is only the next step of the Eclipse Scout "Multi Frontend" strategy. In addition to business application on the desktop and in the web, we are also planning to support mobile devices in the near future.

SVG Field as an additional UI Component

The new SVG field enhances Eclipse Scout with the ability to display interactive diagrams and graphics that work on both the desktop and the web environment.

Check out the corresponding The Scout documentation has been moved to

New NLS (i18n) concept: TextProviderServices

Bug 361816

Before version 3.8 Scout only supported internationalization and localization of applications using the Scout NLS properties files. This restriction has been removed by introducing TextProviderServices. This way the translated text retrieval is also aligned with the icon retrieval which is also managed using IconProviderServices. Using the new TextProviderServices developers can decide to store the translations in a custom container like a database or XML files. Furthermore using TextProviderServices it is very easy to overwrite any translated text in the application (also texts used in Scout itself) using the already well known service ranking.

By default the existing properties files will be supported by a reference implementation of the TextProviderServices.


Support for Scout Web UI

Bug 362401

The SDK comes with some handy tools to support you in dealing with the The Scout documentation has been moved to that comes with Scout 3.8.

Create a RAP Web UI plugin when creating a new Scout Project

When creating a new Scout Project you can now choose to also create a RAP web plugin (this feature is only available when using an Eclipse version 3.6 or higher). The SDK then also supports you by creating a RAP target definition. See the The Scout documentation has been moved to HowTo for more information about the different options.


Add a RAP Web UI plugin to existing Scout Projects

If you already have a Scout Project that will be migrated to Scout 3.8 and you want to use the new Web UI in your project, you can add a new Scout RAP Web bundle using the corresponding wizard:


Export web projects as WAR files

In previous Scout releases there was the possibility to export a Scout Server plugin using the "Export as WAR file" wizard. This wizard has been replaced by a more powerful version that is also capable to export the RAP Web UI bundle into a WAR file so that you can deploy it easily to an application server. Optionally you now also have the possibility to export the entire application into a single EAR. See the The Scout documentation has been moved to tutorial for more information.


JAX-WS Integration

Bug 362485

A typical scenario for Eclipse Scout applications in the enterprise environment is to communicate with other applications through web services. With version 3.8 Scout is moving from the previously supported Apache Axis framework to the more modern and active JAX-WS technology.

See this post for a brief introduction to the scope of the JAX-WS integration.

This new feature is supported in the Scout SDK with the following capabilities:

  • Support to create/maintain JAX-WS consumers.
  • Support to create/maintain JAX-WS producers.

Check out the corresponding The Scout documentation has been moved to to learn more on how to use the new features.


Reorganized Scout Properties View

Bug 366928

Some objects in the The Scout documentation has been moved to provide a lot of properties and operations to choose from. In the past the list was without any logical order. E.g. username and password properties did not belong together but were ordered alphabetically in the whole list which made it sometimes harder to find the corresponding fields. Therefore we redesigned the The Scout documentation has been moved to to help the developers to find the right properties and operations more easily.

Group Operations and Properties

Operations and Properties are now grouped in two levels:

  • Separation in methods that are used very often and methods that are used rarely: For some object types certain properties or operations are very common. E.g. for a The Scout documentation has been moved to the maxlength property should always be set. That's why we have defined a section Properties holding the most common ones for each object type and a section Advanced Properties holding all other methods. By default the more important properties are expanded while the advanced sections are collapsed. The same also exists for Operations. If you change the collapsed state, the sections remember your changes as long as your IDE is running.
  • Operations and Properties are grouped into types like Appearance, Layout, Behavior or Data. This helps to jump faster to the desired methods and ensures methods that belong to the same topics are next to each others.


New Layout for the The Scout documentation has been moved to

Because the Operations and Properties are now separated (see paragraph above) the The Scout documentation has been moved to does no longer need so much space. This allowed us to reorganize the The Scout documentation has been moved to With the new layout developers have more space for the Java Editor where the business logic is implemented. See the The Scout documentation has been moved to for a screenshot of the new perspective layout.

The The Scout documentation has been moved to can also adapt to different layouts if you want to customize the The Scout documentation has been moved to As more space gets available on the X axis, the The Scout documentation has been moved to re-layouts to make use of the free room:


Help Text for Operations and Properties

For some Properties or Operations it may not be clear what they do and how/when to use them. To support the developer we improved the help texts that are shown when you hover with the mouse over an Operation or Property.

  • First of all the help texts themselves have been added and improved at various places. It is not complete yet and we will continue to improve this type of help and documentation.
  • Second the hover window showing the help is now capable to follow the links provided in the help.


Feature Technology Checkboxes

Bug 373566

Scout offers various additional functionalities and features that are not all enabled by default after a project has been created. To easier add and remove such features new Technology checkboxes have been added. When selecting the project node in the The Scout documentation has been moved to, the following section (amongst others) is shown in the The Scout documentation has been moved to


When the selection of a technology checkbox is changed, a confirmation box is shown to the user. This box lists which resources that would be changed to apply the new selection. The preselected resources can be adapted to the needs of the project. If the dialog is confirmed, the selected resources are modified to add or remove the feature for the chosen resources.

If a technology is added that needs to install some new features from the internet first, a license confirmation dialog is shown upfront. After confirmation the required files are downloaded from the corresponding udpatesites and automatically installed in the local Eclipse instance of the developer.

Manage external Libraries

Bug 362895

Scout SDK now allows to easily include and manage external libraries. Developers have the possibility to create own library bundles as

  • independent bundle that can be used by any plugin
  • fragment bundle for a specific host (the library will then only be available to that single host plugin)
  • fragment bundle for system.bundle which then allows every bundle to use the new library


NLS (i18n) Changes

Bug 361818 and Bug 354265


Detailed Release Notes

The link below points to the Scout Juno release notes that also indicate when and where Scout applications based on Scout Indigo need to go through migration steps.

Scout 3.8 Release Notes

The motivation for this guide goes back to the following Scout forum post. As soon as the content on this wiki page starts to make sense a point from the post to this page should be added.

Scout 3.7 Overview (Indigo)

Eclipse Scout is a new Eclipse project officially released under the EPL for the first time with the Indigo release train.

New in Scout Core

  • Column Filter

New column filter feature. Scout Tables now have a column filter feature that allows simple content based filtering. Right click on a column header cell and choose menu "Column Filter .."

  • Memory Policy

Introduction of a memory policy for Scout clients. Based on the memory policy defined a scout client may uses different caching mechanisms for the construction and handling of outlines.

  • Dynamic Log-Level Setting

Log-Levels can be defined/changed at runtime for Scout applications.

New in Scout SDK

  • Scout Object Properties show Tool Tips
  • Automatic Form Data Creation
  • Context Menu "Export to WAR" on Server Node of Scout Explorer (see deploy tutorial)

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