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< Aperi/build
Revision as of 21:25, 2 March 2007 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (4. Building Aperi)

Aperi Development Environment

This document describes how to set up a development environment on a “clean” Windows machine for working with Aperi. This includes:

  • Setting up a development environment
  • Downloading the Aperi source code
  • Downloading third-party libraries
  • Building aperi
  • Running Aperi in a debug environment

1. Begin setting up the development environment

Perform this step to begin establishing the appropriate development environment on a Windows machine. The following components are needed for the environment:

Create a directory - C:\Aperi-Dev\BuildTools\ is used to house the tools needed to build Aperi.

Java 1.5 JDK

  • Go to
  • Click Download next to JDK 5.0 Update 9 with Java EE.
  • Click Accept License Agreement.
  • Click Java EE SDK 5 Update 1 for Windows to download the jdk-1_5_0_09-windows-i586-p.exe file.
  • Run the executable and accept the default settings.

MSVC 6.0 (MS Visual C) + SP6

Use this component to compile the native code to the Windows platform. Install this into the default directory. Aperi assumes this default location to be: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\" If you have a licensed copy of MSVC 6.0 you can download service pack 6 from here:


The version of the DDK available at that site is Windows Server 2003 SP1. It supports versions of Windows going back to Windows 2000. An ISO download is available. To avoid burning it to a CD prior to installation, you can use WinRAR ( ) to extract the contents of the ISO to a local folder. When installing, stick with all of the defaults. There's no need to install any of the samples. By default, the files are written to the following directory: C:\WINDDK\3790.1830.


The version of the Platform SDK available at that site is Windows Server 2003 SP1. Similar to the DDK, it supports versions of Windows going back to Windows 2000. Download the appropriate file for your system (ex: PSDK-x86.exe). Double click this file on the target system and install everything. The install is web-based, and will thus take some time. By default, the Platform SDK files are written to the following directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK.

Eclipse SDK 3.2.1

  • Go to
  • Click Eclipse SDK 3.2.1.
  • Click a mirror link and download the file.
  • Extract the contents of the zip file to C:\Aperi-Dev\BuildTools\eclipse-SDK-3.2.1-win32.

Ant 1.7.0

  • Go to
  • Click in the Current Release of Ant section to download Ant 1.7.0.
  • Unzip the distribution file into C:\Aperi-Dev\BuildTools\. The resulting ANT_HOME directory should be C:\Aperi-Dev\BuildTools\apache-ant-1.7.0.

2. Downloading Aperi Source and Eclipse Components

Perform these steps to download Aperi source into your Eclipse IDE.

  • Start the Eclipse IDE by running: C:\dev\eclipse-SDK-3.2.1-win32\eclipse\eclipse.exe.
  • Select a workspace directory of C:\Aperi-Dev\Code.
  • Import the aperi.psf file. Importing this file will automatically download the Aperi source code in addition to other leveraged Eclipse components.

To import this file, complete the following steps:

3. Downloading Third Party Packages

Perform these steps to download important third-party libraries and complete the Aperi runtime code base.

Library Required Files Location of Library
SNIA HBA API 2.2 hbaapi_src_2.2.tgz
Apache Xerces 2.8.1
SBLIM CIM Client 1.3.1
JavaHelp 1.1.3 jh.jar
Geronimo 1.1 geronimo-j2ee_1.4_spec-1.1.jar


Note: You must be able to decompress .tgz files to complete the download of this library.

  • Go to
  • Click hbaapi_src_2.2.tgz.
  • Click Download next to a mirror and download the file.
  • Decompress hbaapi_src_2.2.tgz.
  • Import hbaapi.h and vendorhbaapi.h into /Aperi/data/c/T-Storm:
  • Add hbaapi.h, hbaapilib.c, hbalib.c, and vendorhbaapi.h to Aperi\device\SNIA\commonAPI.

Apache Xerces 2.8.1

  • Go to
  • Click xercesImpl.jar and download the file.
  • Click xml-apis.jar and download the file.
  • Place the two jars into the C:\Aperi-Dev\Code\org.apache.xerces directory.
  • In the Eclipse IDE, click on this directory and press F5 to refresh the contents of the directory.

SBLIM CIM Client 1.3

  • Go to
  • Click Download next to sblim-cim-client.
  • Download
  • Extract the zip file onto the file system
  • Place sblimCIMClient.jar into the C:\Aperi-Dev\Code\org.sblim.cim.client directory.
  • In the Eclipse IDE, click on this directory and press F5 to refresh the contents of the directory.
  • Place sblimSLPClient.jar into the C:\Aperi-Dev\Code\org.sblim.slp directory.
  • In the Eclipse IDE, click on this directory and press F5 to refresh the contents of the directory.

JavaHelp 1.1.3

  • Go to
  • Click the Download button under the JavaHelp 1.1.3 (Zip) section.
  • Click Accept License Agreement.
  • Click the down arrow to download the file.
  • Unzip the contents of
  • Locate the \jh1.1.3\javahelp\lib\jh.jar file in the exploded directory.
  • Place jh.jar into the C:\Aperi-Dev\Code\ directory.
  • In the Eclipse IDE, click on this directory and press F5 to refresh the contents of the directory.

Geronimo 1.1

  • Go to
  • Unzip the downloaded file
  • Place geronimo-1.1/repository/org/apache/geronimo/specs/geronimo-j2ee_1.4_spec/1.1/geronimo-j2ee_1.4_spec-1.1.jar into the C:\Aperi-Dev\Code\javax.j2ee directory.
  • In the Eclipse IDE, click on this directory and press F5 to refresh the contents of the directory.

4. Building Aperi

  • Make sure the C:\Aperi-Dev\Code\Aperi\build_env.bat file is updated so that variables are correct. A default directory, C:\Aperi-Dev\BuildTools\, is used to house the tools needed to build Aperi. If this directory not used, build_env.bat should be updated accordingly.
  • Launch ResetDebugEnvironment from Eclipse. This launch script is preconfigured to build the native code on a Windows platform. The image below illustrates the launch.

NOTE: If the launch scripts do not appear as illustrated in the above image, there is a small work around. Go to Window -> Open Perspective -> Other -> CVS Repository Exploring. “Re-check out” the AperiDebug project. For some reason, this resolves the problem. You should now see the scripts as illustrated above. Launch ‘ResetDebugEnvironment’.


  • Launch RunConfigureAperiIDE to install Aperi and creates a runtime Derby database.


5. Running Aperi in a debug environment

If the configuration completes successfully, Aperi is ready to start. Launch the following processes in the following order:

  • RunAperiDerbyDB
  • RunAperiDataServer
  • RunAperiDeviceServer
  • RunAperiAgent
  • RunAperiLegacyGUI

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