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Data Tools Platform:Release Engineering

Revision as of 19:14, 12 February 2007 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder)

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This information is preliminary. While this system is available within CVS, it is not currently used to generate the DTP builds.

This page details the build system utilised by DTP.


This system was derived from the system used by WTP and STP (and probably others). The system performs the following tasks:

  • Component builds
    builds plugins and features
    generates install ZIP
    generates update site JARs
  • Component testing
    executes unit tests
    generates results files
  • Update site generation
    generates html for download site
    incorporates build settings
    incorporates build results (e.g. warnings/errors)
    incorporates test results
  • Download site generation
  • Uploading build information
    publishes generated files to DTP web site


The build system is designed to organized as follows:

a group of one or more components
synonymous with feature; the input to the builder/assembler/packager

The system is comprised of custom Ant scripts which are used to initialize build properties, download dependencies, invoke the PDE builder for individual components, generate site files.

The head-less PDE builder is used to generate plugin JARs and ZIPs. The PDE builder executes a build using information in the feature and plugin manifests. This helps ensure the plugin build environment is similar to its execution environment.

The system is composed of two projects within CVS:

  • org.eclipse.datatools.releng
  • org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder


This project contains the following files:

*.map files
used by the PDE builder to locate and fetch source for the build. These files are used to specify the following information:
  • plugin/fragment/bundle/feature ID
  • plugin/fragment/bundle/feature location in CVS (project and path)
  • tag to fetch
specifies names and download locations for dependencies (e.g. Eclipse platform, EMF, GEF)
specifies which tag of the org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder should be used to execute the build


This project contains the scripts used to execute the build. It is divided into the following sections (by folder):

  • components
  • cruise
  • distribution
  • scripts

At the root is the build.xml file that drives the build for a particular distribution (i.e. the distribution must be specified when this file is invoked; e.g. dtp).

components folder

The components folder contains a folder for each component that will be built. These folders may be used directly with PDE builder as the buildLocation for the build.

A component is synonymous with a feature. The feature specified by the component is used to drive the build. See the PDE builder documentation for more information.

This system deviates from the general PDE build integration by the following:

  • allElements.xml is incorporated directly within customTargets.xml
    The allElements and[.config.spec] targets are defined directly within customTargets.xml.
  • most of the targets for customTargets.xml are imported from scripts/build/defaultCustomTargets.xml
    scripts/build/defaultCustomTargets.xml contains targets that are common to all component builds (e.g. fetching dependencies). (Note, individual components may override any targets imported from defaultCustomTargets.xml.)
  • dependency.xml
    This file is used to specify the dependencies required by the component. The file in org.eclipse.datatools.releng must contain an entry for each of the group IDs specified in this file.

cruise folder

The cruise folder contains scripts for driving the main build from CruiseControl. The build.xml file within this folder fetches the org.eclipse.datatools.releng and org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder projects, then invokes the main build file in the root of org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder.

TODO: Some files in this folder need to be updated for use with DTP; specifically the following files:

  • config.xml

distribution folder

Contains distribution specific build files. Each folder in this directory uses the following naming convention:

<distribution name>.<target name>
e.g.,, etc.

The scripts within these folders are pretty specialized (although there may be an opportunity to refactor some of these scripts so common targets can be shared across distributions).

The breakdown of target types is as follows:

  • build
    invokes the PDE builder for each component in the distribution.
  • site
    generates the download site files for the build. (verify: does this also generate the update site)
  • api
    TODO: document this
  • tests
    invokes tests and consolidates results
  • upload
    uploads generated build zips and site files to the web site
  • whatisfixed
    TODO: document this

The following distributions and targets are defined for DTP:

  • dtp
    the main DTP distribution
    • build
      builds component zips
    • site
      builds download site files
    • tests
      TODO: needs to be updated for DTP
    • upload
      TODO: needs to be updated for DTP

scripts folder

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