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Revision as of 16:43, 24 August 2011 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk)

Welcome to the Jetty Documentation Wiki. Jetty is an open-source project providing an HTTP server, HTTP client, and javax.servlet container. This Jetty Wiki provides information about getting started with Jetty, basic configuration, specific features, optimization, security, JavaEE, monitoring, FAQs, help with troubleshooting, and more. It includes tutorials, howtos, videos, feature descriptions, and reference materials.

Jetty Documentation

Getting Started: Download, Install, Configure, Run

Getting Started with Jetty (video)
Download and Install Jetty
How to Install a Jetty Bundle
How to Configure JettyMaster Doc
How to Run Jetty
How to Run Jetty with JConsole
Jetty HelloWorld Tutorial
Jetty and Maven HelloWorld Tutorial
Getting Starting with Jetty (6) (on
Jetty Start.jar

Configuring Jetty

How to Set the Context Path
How to Know Which JARS to USE
How to Configure JNDI
How to Configure a JNDI Datasource
How to Configure JSP
How to Configure SSL
How to Access Port 80 as a non-Root User
How to Configure Connectors
How to Configure Virtual Hosts
How to Configure Session IDs
How to Configure Persisting Sessions
How to Redirect or Move a Context
How to Have a Web App Respond on a Specific Port
How to Configure Form Size
Configuring JMX

Embedding Jetty

Embedding Jetty Tutorial
Jetty Embedded HelloWorld Tutorial
Embedding Jetty (video)

Optimizing Jetty

How to Configure Garbage Collection
How to Configure for High Load

Deploying Applications within Jetty

Deployment Manager
Deployment Bindings
Hot Deployment
Context Provider
How to Deploy Web Applications
WebApp Provider
How to Deploy Third Party Products
Expanded Webapp Deploy

Developing with Jetty

How to Develop with Jetty
How to Write Jetty Handlers

Build/IDE Integration

How to Use Jetty with Maven
How to use Jetty with Ant

More Maven and Ant Support

Jetty Maven Plugin<br/ Jetty Jspc Maven Plugin
Maven Web App Project Archetypes
Ant Jetty Plugin

Using IDEs

Using Jetty with Eclipse
Using Jetty with IntelliJ

Working with Eclipse

Developing Jetty in Eclipse
Using the Jetty WTP Plugin
Installing the Jetty WTP Plugin
Using the WTP Plugin with an External WebApp
Modifying the Context Path with the WTP Plugin
JettyOSGi SDK for Eclipse-PDE
EclipseRT Jetty StarterKit SDK

Configuring Ajax, Comet and Asynchronous Servlets

Continuations and Asynchronous Servlets
100 Continue and 102 Processing
WebSocket Servlet
Using WebSockets
Using the WebSocket Wizard
Asynchronous REST
Stress Testing CometD

Using Servlets and Filters

Servlets Bundled with Jetty
Quality of Service Filter
Cross Origin Filter

Security Topics

Security Realms
Configuring Security Realms Tutorial
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)
Configuring JAAS Tutorial
Secure Mode
Securing Passwords in Files or Code Tutorial
How to enable and Disable SSL Cipher Suites in Jetty
How to Secure Stored Passwords in Jetty
How to Secure Termination of Jetty
How to Configure Spnego

General Reference

Jetty Architecture
Jetty Classloading
Jetty JARS and Dependencies
Start Options
Temporary Directories
Jetty and JEE6 Web Profile

Configuration Reference

jetty.xml Syntax–Jetty IOC Configuration
jetty.xml Usage–Using and Combining Jetty Configurations

Configuration Files

jetty.xml–Server configuration
jetty-web.xml–Web App configuration
jetty-env.xml–JNDI configuration
webdefault.xml–Pre-web.xml configuration
override-web.xml–Post-web.xml configuration

Javadoc and Source

Jetty 7 Latest JavaDoc
Jetty 7 Latest Source XRef
Index of Generated Release Documents–API and XRef documentation for previous releases.

Contributing to Jetty

Contributing to JettyMaster Doc
Jetty Coding Standards
Developing with Git
Building Jetty
Releasing Jetty
Contributing Patches


Asynchronous HTTP Client Tutorial


How to Configure Request Logs
How to Configure Custom Error Pages
Configuring Jetty Statistics
Configuring Jetty Statistics Tutorial
Configuring Jetty Request Log Tutorial


How to Use the Jetty Dump Feature
Dealing with Locked Windows Files
Webtide Blog–Jetty developers responding to user dilemmas and announcing new features

Upgrading Jetty

Porting to Jetty 6 from earlier versions of Jetty
Porting to Jetty 7
Porting to Jetty 7/Packages and Classes
Porting to Jetty 8
Porting from Tomcat
Jetty Version Comparison Table

Application Server Integrations

Apache Geronimo JEE
Using Jetty with Apache httpd Tutorial
How to use Jetty with Apache, AJP, mod_jk, mod_proxy_balancer
Configuring Apache mod_proxy with Jetty
Using Jetty with AJP13
Configuring Jetty in JBoss
Remote Glassfish EJBs from Jetty
Jetty and Spring EJB3 (Pitchfork)
JBoss EJB3
ObjectWeb EasyBeans (aka JOnAS EJB3Container)

Clustering Technologies

JBoss Infinispan (from Redhat)
Session Clustering Using a Database Tutorial
Session Clustering with Terracota Tutorial
Session Clustering with MongoDB

Features Reference

SSL Connectors Reference
QoSFilter Reference
DoSFilter Reference

IoC and DI Frameworks

[[Jetty/Howto/Spring|How to Configure Jetty with Spring]
] How to Configure Jetty with XBean


Jetty on OSGi, RFC66
Jetty OSGi Powered Products
OSGi Tips
Jetty as the HTTP Service in Equinox
Jetty as the HTTP Service in Felix
Jetty as the HTTP Srevice in PAX
ProSyst mBedded Server Equinox Edition
Jetty in Spring Dynamic Modules
Jetty in JOnAS5

Web Frameworks

JSF Reference Implementation
Jakarta Slide


Atomikos Transaction Manager
Java Open Transaction Manager (JOTM)
Bitronix Transaction Manager
Binding JAX-WS 2.x Endpoints to Jetty Contexts
Java Management Extensions (JMX)
Configuring JMX integration Tutorial
JVM NIO Bug handling
Rewrite Module


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