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TM Future Planning

Revision as of 10:20, 13 February 2007 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (RSE 2.0 Planning moved to TM 2.0 Planning)

Collect input for the planning process for Target Management 2.0 and beyond. Goals of this page are

  • Collect ideas and Requirements for Target Management 2.0 and beyond
  • Find out who needs what features
  • Find out who would be willing to work on what

Our Themes and Priorities need to be aligned with the global and DSDP Requirements. As soon as a feature description is sufficiently clear and there is some group supporting a feature, Bugzilla entries should be used for tracking requests.

Target Management 2.0 will be released with Eclipse 3.3 - presumably end of June 2007. See the Eclipse 3.3 plan and the Europa_Simultaneous_Release#Milestones_and_Release_Candidates.

Planned Items for TM 2.0

See the official TM 2.0 Project Plan for details on target environment and timing.

See bugzilla plan items for latest status of items.

TM 2.0 Planning as per 22-Jan-2007
Bug# Assignee Plan Estimate  %complete
Committed Items
170909 DaveD Contribute User Actions and Import/Export from RSE7 12 wks
163820 KushalM [plan] Allow encoding of remote files to be specified
170910 MartinO [plan] Integrate the TM Terminal View with RSE 3 wks
170911 JavierM [plan] Improve Discovery and Autodetect in RSE
Proposed Items
170923 DaveD [plan][api] Improve UI/Non-UI splitting in RSE. Support headless launches. 4 wks (partial solution)
170932 DaveD [plan] Improve the RSE default persistence provider
170936 DaveD [plan] Add full support for Macintosh (making it a Reference Platform)
170926 DaveM [plan] Improve the Remote File Service APIs
150498 JavierM [plan] RSE should be more service-oriented
170916 KushalM [plan][efs] Fix and improve the RSE EFS integration 4 wks
170918 MartinO [plan] Improve RSE SystemType and New Connection Wizard flexibility 6 wks
170915 MartinO [plan] Adopt Eclipse Platform 3.3 concepts in RSE
170922 MartinO [plan] Optimize RSE APIs - Remove obsolete API

Items for future releases beyond 2.0

  • (Interest: WR) Integrate improved Launching as defined by the Launching group
    • Currently being discussed with Robert Norton on the dsd-tm-dev list
    • ILaunchAction may also be used for board lab hooks
  • Add hooks for Lab Managers to integrate with RSE (checkin / check out target boards, discover target boards)
    • Implementation might be facilitated by ILaunchAction hooks
  • (Interest: WR) Define a standard for remote system properties as defined by the Spirit group (146090)
  • Re-think RSE SystemMessages: Do we need XML when we have Eclipse NLS / Java MessageFormat?
    • E.g. DStore_Service_Percent_Complete_Message -- multiple transformations for substitution
  • (Interest: IBM,WR) Improve Shell Pattern Matching on the client
    • Allow user-defined patterns (153274)
    • Provide an extension point for patterns but not let the user edit them
    • Server-side patterns vs. client-side patterns, want to have them consistent
      • Server-side file can be modified by the users, located in dstore daemon
      • Client-side patterns buried inside the jarfile --> copy it out of JAR into preferences on first start, allow users to modify through Preferences
  • (Interest: WR) Add Multicore / Multisystem capabilities to the RSE Tree
    • Support target groups as defined by the Connection Groups initiative
    • Filters on 1st level of System View (164807)
    • View for working with multiple shells concurrently exists
    • Right now we have grouping by profiles
    • Cluster definitions should be something different (being stored inside a profile)
    • Requirements currently unclear; instead of hacking up something wrong, better have no solution
    • PTP might come up with requirements

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