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< EclipseLink‎ | Development‎ | 2.1
Revision as of 16:24, 27 January 2010 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Open Issues)

Design Specification: MOXy Support for Dynamic Persistence

ER 296967

Document History

Date Author Version Description & Notes
091204 Rick Barkhouse 1.0
091207 Rick Barkhouse 1.01 - Added Bootstrapping from Deployment XML
091217 Rick Barkhouse 1.02 - Added Bootstrapping from XSD
100104 Rick Barkhouse 1.03 - Expanded Overview to identify feature milestones
100107 Rick Barkhouse 1.04 - Introduced DynamicJAXBContext, reorganized Design
100113 Rick Barkhouse 1.05 - Expanding API to include lookup via XML names
100115 Rick Barkhouse 1.06 - More API reorganization, enumerating Requirements
100118 Rick Barkhouse 1.07 - Added section on Type Lookup, added Examples
100119 Rick Barkhouse 1.08 - Expanded examples demonstrating adding new mappings
100120 Rick Barkhouse 1.09 - Added Thread Safety section to Open Issues
100125 Rick Barkhouse 1.10 - Introduced DynamicJAXBContextFactory

Project Overview

The goal of this feature is to enable users of EclipseLink JAXB to perform typical JAXB operations without having real .class files available for their domain objects. Users will pass in some form of metadata (XML Schema, EclipseLink Deployment XML or External Metadata) to create a DynamicJAXBContext, and this metadata will be used to construct DynamicEntity objects representing the domain classes.

The ultimate purpose of this feature is to support an end-to-end JPA<->JAXB solution. EclipseLink JPA already has some support for dynamic persistence and this work will provide a path from dynamic JPA to JAXB.

Some initial groundwork was included in EclipseLink 2.0, more information is available here.


Dynamic Persistence

The core of this feature is the dynamic persistence support that was initially added for JPA (found in org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic). To obtain a "dynamic" project (i.e. one that maps to classes that were generated in-memory), a "dry" project (one that does not have Java classes specified, only class names) is passed to the DynamicTypeBuilder, passing in an instance of DynamicClassLoader, which does the work of building the in-memory classes:

InputStream metadata = ...
Project dynamicProject = DynamicTypeBuilder.loadDynamicProject(inputStream, null, new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()));

When this project is used to unmarshall XML documents, the objects that are returned by EclipseLink will be subclasses of DynamicEntity. DynamicEntities offer a simple get(propertyName) / set(propertyName, propertyValue) API to manipulate their data:

DynamicEntity dynamicEmployee = (DynamicEntity) jaxbUnmarshaller().unmarshal(instanceDoc);
String firstName = dynamicEmployee.get("fname");
DynamicEntity manager = dynamicEmployee.get("manager");
dynamicEmployee.set("lname", "Duggar");
newAddress.set("street", "1001 Duggar Ranch Way");
dynamicEmployee.set("address", newAddress);

DynamicTypes are analogous to Java Classes, whereas DynamicEntities are instances of a DynamicType.


XJC (XML-Java Compiler) is the executable compiler that is shipped with JAXB in the JDK. Normally it is run from the command line, taking an XML Schema as input and generating JAXB-annotated Java files on disk. There is a developer API for working with XJC in code as well, and we will leverage this to parse the XML Schema and create in-memory representations of the classes, stopping short of actually generating the Java code.


  1. Enable the user to use JAXB APIs to marshal and unmarshal XML data, without having Java domain classes defined.
  2. Enable the user to bootstrap from various metadata sources, including EclipseLink Project XML, EclipseLink External Metadata, and XML Schema.
  3. Enable the user to obtain references to DynamicEntities via either Java class names or XML complex type names.
  4. Enable the user to add arbitrary properties/mappings at runtime, after initialization has been performed.
  5. Ensure that the Dynamic JAXB workflow is thread-safe.

Design Constraints



The entry point to this feature is a new class, DynamicJAXBContextFactory, which is used to create new instances of DynamicJAXBContext. DynamicJAXBContext is a subclass of the existing EclipseLink JAXBContext (which is itself a subclass of the JAXB spec's JAXBContext). The following static methods can be used to create new instances of DynamicJAXBContext from various metadata sources:

public JAXBContext createFromXSD( schemaURL, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromXSD(org.w3c.dom.Node schemaDOM, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromXSD( schemaStream, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromXSD(javax.xml.transform.Source schemaSource, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromXSD( schemaReader, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromXSD( schemaReader, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromXSD(java.lang.String schemaResourceName, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromOXM( metadataURL, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromOXM(java.lang.String metadataResourceName, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromProject(org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project project, ClassLoader classLoader);
public JAXBContext createFromProject(java.lang.String projectNames, ClassLoader classLoader);

The ClassLoader parameter is the application's current class loader, and will be used to first lookup classes to see if they exist before new DynamicTypes are generated (i.e., it will become the DynamicClassLoader's parent class loader). The user can pass in null for this parameter, and Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() will be used instead.

When creating a DynamicJAXBContextFactory from EclipseLink Projects, you can supply a colon-delimited String list of EclipseLink Sessions XML session names, e.g.:

String contextPaths = "";
DynamicJAXBContext dContext = DynamicJAXBContextFactory.createProject(contextPaths, null);
// sessions.xml will be searched for sessions named "org.example.customer" and "".
// DynamicTypes for both projects will be available in this DynamicJAXBContext.


In addition to the standard JAXBContext APIs that are available on DynamicJAXBContext, there are several utility methods available in DynamicJAXBHelper to obtain type information, create new DynamicEntities, and add mappings to existing DynamicTypes. This helper class is available through the DynamicJAXBContext.getHelper() method.

public DynamicEntity newDynamicEntity(String javaTypeName)
public DynamicEntity newDynamicEntity(String xmlNamespace, String xmlTypeName)
public DynamicEntity newDynamicEntity(DynamicType type)
public DynamicType getDynamicType(String javaTypeName)
public DynamicType getDynamicType(String xmlNamespace, String xmlTypeName)
public void addDirectMapping(String javaName, Class attributeClass, String xmlNamespace, String xmlTypeName, DynamicType typeToModify)
public void addCompositeObjectMapping(String javaName, DynamicType attributeClass, String xmlNamespace, String xmlTypeName, DynamicType typeToModify)
public void addCompositeCollectionMapping(String javaName, DynamicType attributeClass, String xmlNamespace, String xmlTypeName, DynamicType typeToModify)

Creating a DynamicJAXBContext

There are three ways to bootstrap a DynamicJAXBContext; from an EclipseLink Project, EclipseLink External Metadata, or XML Schema:

ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
DynamicJAXBContext dContext = DynamicJAXBContextFactory.createFromProject("session-name", loader); 
// OR, if you have an EclipseLink Project object that has only Java class names specified:
Project eclipselinkProject = new EmployeeProject();
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
DynamicJAXBContext dContext = DynamicJAXBContextFactory.createFromProject(eclipselinkProject, loader);
File metadataFile = new File("resource/eclipselink/eclipselink-oxm.xml");
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
DynamicJAXBContext dContext = DynamicJAXBContextFactory.createFromOXM(metadataFile.toURI().toURL(), loader);
File schemaFile = new File("resource/xsd/employee.xsd");
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
DynamicJAXBContext dContext = DynamicJAXBContextFactory.createFromXSD(schemaFile.toURI().toURL(), loader);

Unmarshalling and Modifying an Object from XML

DynamicEntity employee = (DynamicEntity) dContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new File("instance.xml"));
employee.set("empId", "Smith");
employee.get("address").set("street", "1001 Riverside Dr.");

Marshalling a New Object

Since, from the user's perspective, no concrete Java classes actually exist, the user must have a way to create new instances. This is done using a DynamicHelper, and is exposed through the newDynamicEntity(String) method on DynamicJAXBContext. For example:

Using Java class/field names:

DynamicEntity employee = dContext.getHelper().newDynamicEntity("org.acme.Employee");
employee.set("firstName", "Bob");
employee.set("lastName", "Barker");
dContext.createMarshaller().marshal(employee, System.out);

Using XML names:

DynamicEntity employee = dContext.getHelper().newDynamicEntity("", "employee-type");
employee.set("first-name", "Bob");
employee.set("last-name", "Barker");
dContext.createMarshaller().marshal(employee, System.out);

Type Lookup

If reference to an actual DynamicType object is desired, it can be obtained by doing a lookup on DynamicJAXBContext, or from a DynamicEntity instance:

DynamicType employeeType = dContext.getHelper().getDynamicType("org.acme.Employee");
DynamicEntity employee = employeeType.newDynamicEntity();
DynamicType employeeType = dContext.getHelper().getDynamicType("", "employee-type");
DynamicEntity employee = employeeType.newDynamicEntity();
DynamicEntity employee = (DynamicEntity) dContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new File("instance.xml"));
DynamicType employeeType = employee.getDynamicType();

Adding Mappings at Runtime

New mappings can be added to an existing DynamicType by using the various 'add' methods on DynamicJAXBContext:

DynamicEntity employee = (DynamicEntity) dContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new File("instance.xml"));
DynamicType empType = dContext.getHelper().getDynamicType("org.acme.Employee");
DynamicType addType = dContext.getHelper().getDynamicType("org.acme.Address");
dContext.getHelper().addDirectMapping("empId", String.class, "employee-id", empType);
dContext.getHelper().addCompositeObjectMapping("hrSupervisor", empType, "hr-supervisor", empType);
dContext.getHelper().addCompositeCollectionMapping("jobLocations", addType, "job-locations", empType);
employee.set("empId", "77264");
DynamicEntity supervisor = dContext.getHelper().newDynamicEntity(empType);
supervisor.set("firstName", "Ritchie");
supervisor.set("lastName", "Rich");
employee.set("hrSupervisor", supervisor);
DynamicEntity loc1 = dContext.getHelper().newDynamicEntity(addType);
loc1.set("street", "Compound A7 Zone C");
DynamicEntity loc2 = dContext.getHelper().newDynamicEntity(addType);
loc2.set("street", "Compound E9 Zone G");
ArrayList<DynamicEntity> locations = new ArrayList<DynamicEntity>();
employee.set("jobLocations", locations);


Bootstrapping from XML Schema, using XML names:

// Create a DynamicJAXBContext from an XML schema file:
File schemaFile = new File("resource/xsd/employee.xsd");
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
DynamicJAXBContext dContext = DynamicJAXBContextFactory.createContextFromXmlSchema(schemaFile.toURI().toURL(), loader); 
// Unmarshal an XML instance doc to get an Employee object:
DynamicEntity employee = (DynamicEntity) dContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new File("instance.xml"));
String currentEmployeeName = employee.get("first-name") + " " + employee.get("last-name");
// Add a Direct Mapping for Employee ID:
dContext.addDirectMapping("empId", String.class, "employee-id", employee.getDynamicType());
employee.set("empId", "77264");
// Create a new Address and set it on the Employee:
DynamicEntity newAddress = dContext.newDynamicEntity(new QName("", "address-type"));
newAddress.set("street", "773 Bank St.");
employee.set("address", newAddress);
// Marshal the modified Employee:
dContext.createMarshaller().marshal(employee, System.out);

Bootstrapping from EclipseLink External Metadata, using Java names:

// Create a DynamicJAXBContext from an XML schema file:
File metadataFile = new File("resource/eclipselink/eclipselink-oxm.xml");
DynamicJAXBContext dContext = DynamicJAXBContextFactory.createContextFromExternalMetadata(metadataFile.toURI().toURL(), null);
// Unmarshal an XML instance doc to get an Employee object:
DynamicEntity employee = (DynamicEntity) dContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new File("instance.xml"));
String currentEmployeeName = employee.get("fName") + " " + employee.get("lName");
// Add a Direct Mapping for Employee ID:
dContext.addDirectMapping("empId", String.class, "employee-id", employee.getDynamicType());
employee.set("employee-id", "77264");
// Create a new Address and set it on the Employee:
DynamicEntity newAddress = dContext.newDynamicEntity("org.acme.Address");
newAddress.set("street", "773 Bank St.");
employee.set("address", newAddress);
// Marshal the modified Employee:
dContext.createMarshaller().marshal(employee, System.out);

Design / Functionality

Bootstrapping from Deployment XML

When constructing a DynamicJAXBContext from Deployment XML, a DynamicClassLoader is first created using the supplied ClassLoader as its parent. An InputStream is then created from the metadata URL and used to create a Project mapped to Dynamic Entities. Finally, XMLContext and DynamicHelper objects are instantiated and stored.

DynamicClassLoader dynamicClassLoader;
if (classLoader instanceof DynamicClassLoader) {
   dynamicClassLoader = classLoader;
} else {
   dynamicClassLoader = new DynamicClassLoader(classLoader);            
InputStream inputStream = metadataURL.openStream();
Project p = DynamicTypeBuilder.loadDynamicProject(inputStream, null, dynamicClassLoader);
this.xmlContext = new XMLContext(p);
this.dynamicHelper = new DynamicHelper(xmlContext.getSession(0));

Bootstrapping from XML Schema

When constructing a DynamicJAXBContext from XML Schema, we can use APIs from the Java XJC compiler to parse a schema and create Java class definitions (XJC's JCodeModel) in memory, then pass these class definitions to an EclipseLink Generator (org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.Generator) to generate an EclipseLink project. After we have created this project, we can use the DynamicTypeBuilder to create a dynamic project, generating Java classes in memory along the way.

First, we use XJC API to parse an XSD and generate a JCodeModel. Note that this code stops short of actually generating .java files, it only generates an in-memory representation of the Java files that would normally be created.

// Use XJC API to parse the schema and generate its JCodeModel
SchemaCompiler sc = XJC.createSchemaCompiler();
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(metadataURL.toExternalForm());
S2JJAXBModel model = sc.bind();
JCodeModel jCodeModel = model.generateCode(new Plugin[0], null);

We can then wrap these XJC classes in our own implentations of EclipseLink's JAXB JavaModel classes. This will allow us to use the Generator to create an EclipseLink project and mappings. The JavaModel interfaces define "wrappers" for the various Java language constructs that make up the domain model (e.g. classes, methods, constructors, annotations, packages, etc). For example:

public class XJCJavaFieldImpl implements JavaField {
    // XJC's definition of a Field
    protected JFieldVar xjcField;
    public int getModifiers() {
        return xjcField.mods().getValue();
    public String getName() {

Creating the JavaModel classes:

// Create EclipseLink JavaModel objects for each of XJC's JDefinedClasses
ArrayList<JDefinedClass> classesToProcess = new ArrayList<JDefinedClass>();
Iterator<JPackage> packages = jCodeModel.packages();
while (packages.hasNext()) {
   JPackage pkg =;
   Iterator<JDefinedClass> classes = pkg.classes();
   while (classes.hasNext()) {
      JDefinedClass cls =;
         if (!"ObjectFactory")) {
JavaClass[] jotClasses = createClassModelFromXJC(classesToProcess, jCodeModel);

At this point, we can instantiate a Generator and obtain a "dry" EclipseLink project, which we can then turn into a dynamic project with generated in-memory classes. Finally, we create and store an XMLContext and a DynamicHelper:

// Use the JavaModel to setup a Generator to generate an EclipseLink project 
XJCJavaModelImpl javaModel = new XJCJavaModelImpl(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), jCodeModel);
XJCJavaModelInputImpl javaModelInput = new XJCJavaModelInputImpl(jotClasses, javaModel);
Generator g = new Generator(javaModelInput);
Project p = g.generateProject();
// Make a Dynamic Project from this project, because these classes do not exist on the classpath
DynamicClassLoader dynamicClassLoader;
if (classLoader instanceof DynamicClassLoader) {
   dynamicClassLoader = classLoader;
} else {
   dynamicClassLoader = new DynamicClassLoader(classLoader);            
Project dp = DynamicTypeBuilder.loadDynamicProject(p, null, dynamicClassLoader);
this.xmlContext = new XMLContext(dp);
this.dynamicHelper = new DynamicHelper(xmlContext.getSession(0));

Bootstrapping from EclipseLink External Metadata


Adding Properties/Mappings at Runtime

One of the main aspects of this feature is the ability to add new mappings to an existing running system (aligning with JPA's support for this scenario).

  • Mappings must be fully initialized before they are added to the descriptor, for thread-safety.
  • Mapping customizations will be isolated to the current DynamicJAXBContext, i.e. changes made to a descriptor will only be visible in that descriptor's XMLContext, even if multiple DynamicJAXBContexts were created from the same initial metadata.



No GUI is required for this feature.

Config Files

A new metadata file may be needed to specify and persist new mapping information. (See Open Issues below)


Open Issues

This section lists the open issues that are still pending that must be decided prior to fully implementing this project's requirements.

Issue # Owner Description / Notes
Template:Strikethrough Rick Barkhouse What naming conventions should we use for the new Property keys that can be passed in to JAXBContextFactory?
002 Rick Barkhouse How will we handle concurrency / threading issues when we allow modifying mappings at runtime? Do objects created BEFORE the type was modified reflect the new mappings?
  • Dynamic persistence API allows mapping to be added to a descriptor on the fly.
  • If entity already exists, it will lazily add a slot for the new mapping (that will be null)
  • New version of the schema created on the fly. Generate new dynamic context from new schema and start using that. In-flight requests will continue to use old schema/old dynamic content.
  • Can't remove mappings on the fly - a new context would need to be created.
003 Rick Barkhouse How are new mappings specified on existing descriptors? Is an additional metadata file required to hold the new mapping information?
004 Rick Barkhouse DynamicJAXBContext constructors: What various options should be provided for metadata source (URL, Streams, DOMs, ...)? Should we autodetect metadata format by examining the header of the metadata file directly?
005 Rick Barkhouse Do we need to pass in a ClassLoader or can we always just default it to currentContextClassloader()?
006 Rick Barkhouse Do we want to allow DynamicEntities and normal concrete Java classes to be used together?
007 Rick Barkhouse Will the user need to pass namespace information when referencing fields by XML names, e.g. employee.set("first-name", "Bob")?
008 Rick Barkhouse Should newDynamicEntity() / getDynamicType() / addMapping() methods exist on DynamicJAXBContext, or should they be moved to their own Helper object, a la SDO?
009 Doug Clarke Should we have a flag in OXM.xml to explicitly indicate that classes should be generated and not loaded?

Thread Safety

In a multi-threaded environment, the user is expected to use a single instance of DynamicJAXBContext, shared by client threads (as with standard JAXB). Each thread should create its own Marshallers and Unmarshallers. Consider the following example:

User A:

DynamicEntity employee = (DynamicEntity) dContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new File("instance1.xml"));
employee.set("first-name", "Bob");
// Some lengthy processing here...
dContext.createMarshaller().marshal(employee, System.out);

User B:

DynamicEntity employee = (DynamicEntity) dContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new File("instance2.xml"));
dContext.addDirectMapping("empId", String.class, "employee-id", employee.getDynamicType());
employee.set("employee-id", "77264");
dContext.createMarshaller().marshal(employee, System.out);

If User B's code completes before User A's, will User A see "employee-id" in their XML?

Option 1: User A does not see "employee-id" in their XML because it was not present in the DynamicType at the time of unmarshalling.
Option 2: User A does see "employee-id" in their XML, with an empty or null value.
Option 3: User A could have the option of refreshing the DynamicType to see if anything has changed, e.g.:

User A:

DynamicEntity employee = (DynamicEntity) dContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new File("instance1.xml"));
employee.set("first-name", "Bob");
DynamicType currentEmployeeType = employee.getDynamicType();
DynamicType refreshedEmployeeType = dContext.refreshType(new QName("", "employee-type"));
if (currentEmployeeType.getNumberOfProperties() == refreshedEmployeeType.getNumberOfProperties()) {
   dContext.createMarshaller().marshal(employee, System.out);
} else {
   throw new Exception("Type has been modified.");

Regardless, users will always have access to the most up to date DynamicType when they call DynamicJAXBContext.createMarshaller()/createUnmarshaller().


This section lists decisions made. These are intended to document the resolution of open issues or constraints added to the project that are important.

Issue # Description / Notes Decision

Future Considerations

During the research for this project the following items were identified as out of scope but are captured here as potential future enhancements. If agreed upon during the review process these should be logged in the bug system.


Review Meeting Minutes - Jan 26

Review: Design Specification: MOXy Support for Dynamic Persistence
Tuesday January 26 2010
Attendees: Rick Barkhouse, David Twelves, Doug Clarke, Shaun Smith, Blaise Doughan, Mike Norman, Polly Chang


API / DynamicJAXBContextFactory

  • Create names can be shorter, omit 'Context'
  • XSD is an acccepted abbreviation for XML Schema
  • We will refer to External Metadata as OXM (possibly subject to change)
  • createFromXSD(), createFromOXM(), createFromProject()
  • Minimize number of createFromOXM and createFromProject APIs, focus on and maximize XSD constructors
  • Should add XSD constructors for STAX, and add EntityResolvers to all XSD constructors

Q. Would it be better for users to go through standard JAXB API, rather than creating new API?

  • This may be an alternative route for users to access new functionality - could be an enhancement after core feature is complete.
  • Would require '' on classpath, which may be an issue for users that just have a schema and nothing on filesystem at all (currently don't require a file with proposed API)
  • Could also support bootstrapping via the (String contextPath, Map properties) APIs (future)

Problem encountered by JPA: If asked to create a Static Class that doesn't exist, hard to know whether to go ahead and create a dynamic class or not, or if it is just an error. JPA just treats this as an error and doesn't create dynamic class (correct?) This should be raised as a new open issue.

Should we have a flag in OXM.xml to explicitly indicate that classes should be generated and not loaded?

API / Use Cases

Polly raised usecase of DynaBeans (sp?) where an XPath mapping is stored in the D/B. We would handle this as a separate ORM mapping to the D/B schema and create JAXBContext from there. We have a solution to this at present - would be worth creating an example to capture how we do this.

She also raised another usecase - she has statically defined objects but needs to map extra properties (in addition to the defined mappings) but doesn't know what these will be until runtime.

This is similar to the SDO concept of defined and open content properties, where open content is defined later. Enhancement request: We may want to create an additional core OXM mapping feature to handle this scenario for JAXB as well.

API / ClassLoader parameter

Currently default to default classloader - parameter is there to allow a different classloader to be defined (OSGi usecase requires this)

Do we want another method without the classloader parameter? No, just leave as is and pass in null, want to avoid creating too much API.

Also discussed whether StreamReader and EventReader should be included and whether these are commonly used. Could wait to see if users raise requests for these and add in API later.


No need for QNames in method parameters, use (String ns, String name) instead.

Would be nice to have the ability to perform sets on DynamicEntities using XPaths

  • enhancement request for base DynamicEntity code (Mike)
  • could be achieved today using Blaise's new XPath querying API in XMLContext

XMLExample: No namespace qualification. Need default namespace and ability to specify it. This could be an incremental enhancement.

Open Issues

002 Concurrency/Threading

  • Dynamic persistence API allows mapping to be added to a descriptor on the fly.
  • If entity already exists, it will lazily add a slot for the new mapping (that will be null)
  • New version of the schema created on the fly. Generate new dynamic context from new schema and start using that. In-flight requests will continue to use old schema/old dynamic content.
  • Can't remove mappings on the fly - a new context would need to be created.

006 Dynamic entities and normal concrete Java classes used together?

  • Nice to have enhancement, post 2.1
  • JPA - right now is either all dynamic or all static, hybrid model not officially supported.

008 Helper Object?

Might be a good idea to move this API to separate Helper object. Main thing is to be consistent with SDO and JPA.

Feature Priority

  • Creating dynamic entities from Project is higher priority than creating from a Schema.
  • An XML-names approach seems to be more favored over Java names.

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