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OSEE/Users Guide/Getting Started

< OSEE‎ | Users Guide
Revision as of 10:40, 13 November 2009 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Launch & Configuration)

What is OSEE?

The Open System Engineering Environment (OSEE) project provides a tightly integrated environment supporting lean principles across a product's full life-cycle in the context of an overall systems engineering approach. The system captures project data into a common user-defined data model providing bidirectional traceability, project health reporting, status, and metrics which seamlessly combine to form a coherent, accurate view of a project in real-time. By building on top of this data model, OSEE has been architected to provide an all-in-one solution to configuration management, requirements management, testing, validation, and project management. All of these work together to help an organization achieve lean objectives by reducing management activities, eliminating data duplication, reducing cycle-time through streamlined processes, and improving overall product quality through work flow standardization and early defect detection.

Installation and Initialization


Non-Eclipse System Requirements

See Non-Eclipse System Requirements

Eclipse Dependencies

  • An Eclipse 3.5 base with the following features installed (you can see which features are already installed from Help > About Eclipse Platform > Installation Details):
  • org.eclipse.gef and org.eclipse.draw2d
  • org.eclipse.datatools.connectivit.oda.feature
  • org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.feature
  • org.eclipse.birt.chart.runtime

The easiest solution is the Galileo Eclipse install of the Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers since it provides the above Eclipse dependencies.


To use OSEE with a database other than Derby, you will need the JDBC Drivers included in the OSEE add-ons distributed from the external location. Such a scheme of distribution is caused by licensing requirements.

OSEE 0.8.3 requires an Eclipse 3.5.0 base and you will have issues with dependencies if you use a later (e.g. 3.5.1) base.
The 3.5.0 platform can be downloaded from

Eclipse Installation

OSEE can be installed from within Eclipse like any other Eclipse plugin.

To install OSEE:

  1. Start Eclipse and select the menu item Help > Install New Software...
  2. Select the Available Software tab group and click the Add Site... button. Add site.png
  3. On the Add Site dialog enter the URL to the Add-On update site. The proper URL can be found on downloads. If the update site is marked as an archived site, you will need to download the archived update site to your local file system, and add the path to the Add-Site dialog by using the Archive button. If the update site is not marked as an archived update site then copy the URL listed in the downloads page directly into the Add-Site dialog.Please note that the use of the software you are about to access may be subject to third party terms and conditions and you are responsible for abiding by such terms and conditions.
  4. Click on the OK button to store update site information.New update site.png
  5. Select the OSEE update site entry and all features listed under its category. Click the Install button. Install updates.png
  6. The update manager calculates dependencies and offers you a list of features to install. Select the needed ones and click the Next button.Install.png
  7. Accept terms of license agreement and click the Finish button in order to start the download of selected features.Install license.png
  8. To apply installation changes click on the No button and shutdown Eclipse. It is important that you don't restart Eclipse until you have completed the database initialization steps below.Restart dialog.png
  9. Before you can use OSEE you will need to install a relational database. Follow the instructions at #Supported Databases to complete this step.
  10. Initialize the database with default OSEE data #Database Initialization
  11. Setup config.ini and launch eclipse to start using OSEE #Configuration and Launch
  12. You can find different OSEE perspectives, such as Define and ATS, and views in correspondent dialogs, activated by menu items Window > Open Perspective > Other... and Window > Show View > Other....
Open perspective.png Show view.png

Supported Databases

Data created and managed by OSEE is persisted into a data store divided into two sections. A relational database to store type, configuration, and simple content and a remote file system to store binary content.

Before you can use OSEE, you will need to select and install a relational database suited for your needs and identify a file system path for binary content storage. If you are new to OSEE and would like to try it out without installing your own relational database, you can follow the link below for instructions on using OSEE's pre-configured server.

OSEE provides support for the databases listed below.

Alternatively, users may choose to use the pre-configured OSEE Demo server before configuring their own. For launch and configuration instructions visit Configuration and Launch.

Derby Installation


PostgreSQL Installation


  • Ensure you have selected the best database for your needs


  1. Download PostgreSQL from
  2. Follow PostgreSQL installation instructions
  3. By default, the PostgreSQL database server is configured to allow only local connections. If remote connections are to be allowed, edit postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf to set the necessary permissions. (To setup an unsecured database instance set listen_address to * in the postgresql.conf file and add the following line to the pg_hba.conf file: host all all trust)
  4. Configure PostgreSQL for OSEE
    1. Launch pgAdmin (in windows Start->All Programs->PostgreSQL*->pgAdmin III)
    2. Double click on PostgreSQL Database Server (listed under Servers on the left hand side)
      1. If you are prompted for a password type the password selected during installation (user should be postgres by default)
    3. Create an "osee" user
      1. Right-click on Login Roles (at the bottom of the tree on the left hand side) and select "New Login Role..."
      2. Enter the following in the dialog:
        1. Role Name: osee
        2. "Can login" should be checked
        3. Password: osee
        4. Password (again): osee
        5. Role Privileges--select all of the following:
          1. Inherits rights from parent roles
          2. Superuser
          3. Can create database objects
          4. Can modify catalog directly
      3. Click 'OK'
      4. You should now have an "osee" user under Login Roles
    4. Expand the "Databases" item in the tree
      1. Create the "OSEE" database by right-clicking on "Databases" and selecting "New Database..."
      2. Enter the following in the dialog:
        1. Name: OSEE
        2. Owner: osee
        3. Encoding: UTF-8
      3. Click 'OK'
      4. You should now have an "OSEE" Database under Databases
    5. Click on "OSEE" and then expand it, then expand "Schemas"
      1. Create the "osee" schema:
        1. Right click on "Schemas" and select "New Schema..."
        2. Enter the following in the dialog:
          1. Name: osee
          2. Owner: osee
        3. Click 'OK'
        4. You should now have an "osee" schema under schemas
      2. The relational database is now configured. Proceed to OSEE Database Initialization

Oracle Installation


MySQL Installation


Launch Application Server


Visit the 'User's Guide' if you need more information about any of the pre-requisites below.

  • Database has been installed


  1. Execute the launch script for your OS (if running from microdoc:
  2. Wait until server finishes the startup procedure - do not close the console

Database Initialization


Visit the 'User's Guide' if you need more information about any of the pre-requisites below.

  • Database has been installed
  • Database server is running
  • A file system path has been selected for binary data storage. The system default the user's home directory.
  • An application server is running. See 'Application Server Launch' for more info.

Warning: This process will delete all data from OSEE Data Store. Make sure you are certain before running this process.


  • Ensure database connection information matches database installation. OSEE is pre-configured to work with a PostgreSQL server running on port 5432. If you need a specialized database connection see the 'Configuring Database Connection' section.
  • In a console, launch the database initialization application by entering the following:

Version 0.7

eclipse -nosplash -application org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.configClient -console -vmargs -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx512m -Dosee.application.server=http://localhost:8089

Version 0.8.3 onwards

eclipse -nosplash -application org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.init.configClient -console -vmargs -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx512m -Dosee.application.server=http://localhost:8089

  • When prompted select "Y"
  • Select 'ATS Configuration'
  • Wait for initialization to complete

Launch & Configuration

Before you can launch OSEE, you will need the address of an arbitration server or an application server to access the OSEE data store. If you have questions regarding client/server interactions, visit 'Client/Server Overview'.


Visit the 'User's Guide' if you need more information about any of the prerequisites below.

  • Database has been installed
  • Database server is running
  • A file system path has been selected for binary data storage. The system default the user's home directory.

Application Server Launch Instructions

java -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8089 -Dosee.check.tag.queue.on.startup=true -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.200.v20090520.jar -console

OSEE Client Launch Instructions


Configure a New Project in OSEE

  1. Create baseline branch
    1. From the Branch Manager's select parent branch -> open context menu -> select "branch" and enter new branch name
    2. From the Branch Manager's select new branch -> open context menu -> access control
      1. Add system administrators with Full Access
      2. Add Everyone with Read Access


The following screencasts provide an effective way to quickly learn what OSEE is and how it can be applied to your engineering project.

  • The OSEE Overview provides an overview of OSEE, including the driving forces that led to its creation, its architecture, the maturity of the application framework, and the status and maturity of the different applications that use the framework.
  • The OSEE Application Framework screencast introduces the application framework that OSEE applications use to persist their shared data. It also gives an introduction to the generic views and editors that are available to all OSEE applications.
  • The OSEE Demo Data Introduction introduces the data that is loaded into the OSEE Demo database for use by these screencasts. This helps the user understand how the data for an engineering environment fits into Application Framework and will help clarify the OSEE Define and OSEE ATS screencast demos.
  • The OSEE Define screencast introduces OSEE Define, the requirements and document management application that is built into OSEE. It will discuss the difference between requirements and document management and how both types are imported into OSEE. It will also introduce editing artifacts directly on the main branch, using working branches and show the basics of relating artifacts to each other.
  • The OSEE ATS screencast introduces OSEE ATS, the integrated configuration management/change request application built into OSEE. It will introduce the purpose of creating an integrated change management system, the terms and objects used in ATS, the benefits of integrated processes and configured workflows in an integrated environment and the scenarios of creating and transitioning an action to completion. It will also walk through a simple configuration of ATS for a new product and briefly introduce the peer review framework that is available.

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