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Mylyn/Manual Testing

< Mylyn
Revision as of 20:37, 14 October 2009 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Bugzilla)

This document contains the manual testing check-list. Use red to indicate failures.


  • Ensure launch works with JRockit
  • Ensure clean start/restart has no messages in log
  • Verify documentation is available under Help > Help Contents > Tasks User Guide
  • Verify that all features and plug-ins are signed
  • Verify that no undesired update sites are added
  • Verify EPP perspective contributions

Task Management

  • Test offline mode
  • Lazy loading
    • Startup without task list visible -> Automatic synchronization is not triggered
    • Startup with task list in fast view mode with a task active -> no errors in log
    • Startup with task editor visible -> no errors in log
  • Test clean install with task list only installed then with only one connector installed. Ensure adding task repository doesn't cause errors.

Task Repositories

  • Check if Local Task and repository exists

Task List

  • Ensure tasklist colors and decoration are correct for due dates (past due, due today, due this week)
  • Test data directory move
  • Ensure creating a new query either via task list popup or File > New doesn't result in exception when there are no remote repositories set up
  • Ensure that when an unread task with a context is activated, the prompt to retrieve the context appears
  • Test proxy support using platform proxy settings
  • Make repository task in query active and delete query -> Task moves to Unmatched and is active
  • Delete category that contains a repository task scheduled for today -> Task moves to Unmachted
  • Drag and Drop
    • From category to category -> task is moved
    • From query to category -> task is copied
    • To category -> task is copied
    • To Uncategorized -> nothing happens
    • To Unmatched -> nothing happens
    • To Unsubmitted -> nothing happens
    • To query -> nothing happens
    • Task to external text -> copies details
    • Task to external explorer -> exports task

Scheduled Presentation

  • Scheduled presentation showing empty days in focus mode
  • Create a local task "a" with subtask "b". Schedule a subtask for next week.
    • -> should make subtask and parent disappear


  • Change URL of repository
  • File > Export > Tasks > Task Data and Contexts
    • Test importing with task in active state
  • Change data directory in Preferences > Tasks > Advanced
    • Ensure all data is migrated including context and backup folders and contained data
    • Ensure that if 'load' is selected that the target folder is loaded and not overwritten
  • File > Import > Tasks > Task Data and Contexts

Task Editor

  • Clicking on a comment sets the editor selection to ITaskSelection resulting in a different popup menu
  • Attach context checkbox should not be on the editor when there is no context
  • New Task Editor shows Add to Category and Scheduled Date

SDK Integration

  • Ensure integrated bug reporting works
  • Create Task Working Set. Add query. Open Project Explorer. Make Working Sets Top Level elements -> Queries are not displayed
  • Perspective settings and new shortcuts for all SDK perspectives
  • Ensure change set refresh works due to change on bug 191793
  • Context import and export

Task-Focused Interface

  • Interest manipulation shortcuts in various perspectives
  • Verify that bridges are loaded lazily


  • Ensure that content assist has no duplicates with fresh workspace, and has focused entries on first task activation
    • Check for duplicate content assist on empty workspace bug 236342
  • Ensure context tests can be created and work
    • Run JUnit context test without interesting tests: should get message
    • Run JUnit contexts test with interesting tests, should run
    • Do above for PDE JUnit tests
  • Ensure code folding works properly


  • Open Corresponding Task Action
    • Incoming change set classic mode
    • Incoming change set models mode
    • Outgoing change set classic mode
    • Outgoing change set models mode
    • History view element with old format (e.g. TasksUiPlugin comment before 2006-08)
    • History view element with new format (e.g. TasksUiPlugin comment after 2006-11)
  • Check non-models change sets mode
  • Context change sets don't have labels
  • Change sets don't always have a commit action
  • Activate local task and commit Mylyn changes -> A warning message is displayed that the repository does not match

SDK Integration

  • Filtering
    • Markers view
    • Problems view
    • Debug view
    • Eclipse native tasks view


  • Ensure that content assist has no duplicates with fresh workspace, and has focused entries on first task activation
  • Ensure code folding works properly
  • Ensure that with CDT and Java installed, there aren't 2 focus buttons bug 292320
  • Ensure C/C++ Projects view can be focused


  • Verify that all connectors are installable
  • Verify that install buttons are not visible on 3.4


  • Adding new component, then refreshing attributes fails to make that component show, reopening editor fixes it
  • Ensure new milestones show up after attribute added
  • Ensure duplicate actions do not show up
  • Offline Reports
    • Ensure that when a bug report is opened offline that has no offline data the editor banner has a hyperlinked warning indicating that the data is not available.
    • In the case of migration ensure that offline reports still open correctly (if not lost completely).
  • Seach > Task Search > Open Repository Task... , enter bad ID, Should result in invalid id error dialog
  • Repository Search (Search > Search... > Repository Search tab)
    • Repository search page
      • Ensure warning if no repository exists.
      • Cycle through available repository search pages ensuring that they populate with the last search performed on the respective repository
      • Ensure other repository types search pages appear when selected
    • Repository Search Results View
      • Test opening bug not in task list, editor should open with "Not in Task List" hyperlink that adds the bug to the task list.
      • Test opening report with local data. Bug should open in bugzilla editor
  • Bugzilla Task Editor (Rich editor)
    • When opening remote tasks (ie. from search results view) ensure that posting authenticates properly
    • Editor Hyperlinking - URL Hyperlinks, Bug hyperlinks (bug# 123, bug 12312, task# 1, task 12, duplicate bug links), stack trace links
    • Editor menu/commands - Cut/Copy/Paste/Select-all from menu and using shortcut keys (March 30, 2007) Cut & Copy from menu broken in Linux due to loss of focus on text
  • Bugzilla Query Wizard (Tasklist)
    • Create new query
    • Open query to see that parameters are still there
  • Update of Repository Configuration
    • Test from TaskRepositoriesView context menu
    • A dialog should be produced in either case when an io or login exceptions occur.
  • New Bug submission (invalid credentials)
    • Remove username and password from a repository configuration in the Task Repositories view
    • Initiate new repository task action
    • Select repository with missing credentials
    • Upon submitting new bug editor user is presented with credentials dialog
  • Submission of changes to a Bugzilla report should result in all parent queries being re-synchronized as well as the task itself being synchronized
  • Ensure submission of comment doesn't remove any depends on / blocks bugs
  • Submission of changes to existing bug with invalid repository credentials
    • Repository Settings page presented
  • Synchronize from context menu (invalid userid and password)
    • Report Download Failed Dialog: Ensure proper repository configuration in Task Repositories view.
  • Synchronizing while disconnected should not put errors in the eclipse log
  • Task Synchronization State
    • Open, modify, save, should have outgoing decorator
      • Case clear outgoing: confirmation dialog should pop up
        • Case confirm: outgoing decorator should go away
        • Case deny: outgoing decorator should remain
      • Case open: should retain outgoing overlay
      • Case edit and save again: outgoing overlay remains (should not receive conflict warning)
      • Case submit: outgoing overlay should disappear (should be no incoming upon synchronize)
    • Task in CONFLICT state
      • Case open: changed to outgoing (incomings highlighted in editor)
      • Case synchronize: conflict remains
    • Open report in external editor and add a comment.
      • Case synchronize: incoming decoration should appear on task
        • Case open: task opens with new content highlighted
        • Case open (bug editor already open): Banner gets hyperlink indicating new changes available
        • Case Background Synchronization incoming state remains
      • Case open: task opens with offline content, user asked if they want to refresh with incoming content.
    • Open, modify, save, should have outgoing decorator, open report in external browser, add comment
      • Case open: Outgoing decorator remains
      • Case Submit: Mid air collision...synchronize task
        • Case Synchronize from editor: New incoming is updated, outgoing changes tagged with *
    • Copy report to a local category, repeat above tests ensuring decoration always matches
    • Copy report to root category, repeat tests ensuring decoration always matches
  • Check that auto background synchronize works
  • Ensure that new hits (i.e. reports created using web ui) appear in query after auto sync
  • Ensure that incoming on existing tasks appears after auto synchronization
  • If editor open and task gets incoming, dialog should be presented asking if user wants to refresh and reopen. [2.0M3] Getting double notification upon synch
  • Check that if changes are made to the notes field of the Planning editor that save still works (editor doesn't remain dirty).
  • Ensure that when offline reports file is deleted, tasks don't suddenly all have incoming status upon synchronizing
  • Reports > Outline View
    • Clicking on comments in outline view should cause editor to scroll to respective comment in the editor page.
  • DnD Attachments: Ensure all of the following launch the new attachment wizard with the appropriate file specified.
    • Drag a file from the workspace to the attachments section or new comment box.
    • Drag a file from a different application (or desktop) onto the attachments section or new comment box.
    • Drag a region of text from any application (eg. a web browser) onto the attachments section or new comment box.
  • Opening a repository task that has no repository should display warning indicating that the repository must be created.


  • Parent attribute is displayed for new tasks
  • The task editor does not select a default resolution


  • Query (Trac 0.9)
    • Add query for
    • -> Repository attributes are displayed in query dialog
    • Select "0.10" for version
    • Finish
    • -> Tickets are marked as incoming
    • -> Notifications popup
    • Open ticket
    • -> Ticket is opened in browser pane
    • -> Ticket is marked as synchronized
  • Search
    • Open search
    • Select
    • -> progress bar is shown while attributes are updated
    • -> attributes are displayed
    • Select
    • Search for "ticket" in summary on
    • Double click search result
    • -> Browser is opened
    • Open another search result through context menu
    • -> Browser is opened
  • Query and offline handler (XML-RPC)
    • Add query for all tickets in "component1" for
    • -> All tickets are marked as incoming
    • Edit ticket summary of any ticket in web browser and submit
    • Synchronize query
    • -> Only edited ticket is synchronized and marked as incoming
    • Reopen query
    • -> "component1" is selected
  • Create Ticket in Rich Editor (XML-RPC)
    • Select New > Repository Task for
    • Enter summary and description
    • Select Add to Task Category: root
    • Press Create New
    • -> New Ticket is added to task list
    • Open ticket
    • -> summary and description are correct
  • Edit Ticket with Rich Editor (XML-RPC)
    • Open any ticket from query
    • Edit summary and save
    • -> Ticket is marked as outgoing
    • Edit ticket summary in web browser and submit
    • Synchronize ticket in task list
    • -> Task is marked as conflicting
  • Context attachments (XML-RPC)
    • Activate ticket
    • Create new Java project
    • Open Java file
    • Attach context on active task
    • Retrieve context
    • -> Context is displayed in wizard
    • -> Context is loaded

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