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Difference between revisions of "Platform-releng-faq-obsolete"

m (What hardware comprises the platform-releng build infrastructure?)
m (As the holiday season approaches, what gifts are appropriate for your favourite release engineer?)
Line 362: Line 362:
==As the holiday season approaches, what gifts are appropriate for your favourite release engineer?==
==As the holiday season approaches, what gifts are appropriate for your favourite release engineer?==
We enjoy [ fine chocolate], [ Shaan], and [ apple juice].</p>
We enjoy [ fine chocolate], [ Shaan], and [ apple juice].
==What does the platform-releng team do when they're not running the build farm and wrangling bugs?==
==What does the platform-releng team do when they're not running the build farm and wrangling bugs?==

Revision as of 23:37, 13 December 2007

Eclipse Platform Release Engineering FAQ

If you would like additional content added to this FAQ, please send a note to the platform releng developers mailing list.


What hardware comprises the platform-releng build infrastructure?

The eclipse platform build infrastructure consists of

  1. 2 linux build machines (2GHz, 1GB and PowerMac G5, 2GB )
  2. 5 junit test machines, two windows (2GHz, 1 GB) two linux (2.66 GHz, 1.2 GB, one mac)
  3. 4 performance test machines - one set of slower machines (one windows, one linux 2GHz, 512 MB) and one set of fast machines (one windows, one linux 3GHz, 2GB)
  4. 1 linux cvs test server(500MHz, 500MB)
  5. 1 database server with apache derby installed to store performance test results (2.5GHz, 500MB)

Is the Eclipse platform build process completely automated?

Yes, the Eclipse build process starts with a cron job on our main build machine that initiates a shell script that checks out the builder projects.

  • org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder -> scripts to build each type of drop
  • org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder -> a subset of eclipse plugins required to run the build.
  • we also use several small cvs projects on an internal server that store login credentials, publishing information and jdks

Fetch, build and assemble scripts are generated automatically the plugin in org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder. Fetch scripts specify the version of code to retrieve from the repository. Build scripts are also generated automatically to compile all java code, determine compile order and manage dependancies. Assembly scripts are generated to assemble the compiled code into it's final form, tar.gz, zip etc. We also use custom build scripts that you can see in org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder. After the build drops are built, the automated junit and performance testing begins. Tests occur over ssh for Linux machines, and rsh for Windows machines. Each component team contributes their own tests. Once the tests are completed,the results are copied back to the build machine. Also, the images for the performance tests are generated.

What's the difference between an integration and nightly build?

With integration builds, we specify a version of the plug-in to retrieve in the map files. (org.eclipse.releng/maps). With nightly builds, we retrieve the plug-ins specified in the map files from the HEAD stream. The types of builds we run are described here

How do I use the releng plugin?

The RelEng Plug-in is included in the Eclipse builds and is available at the bottom of the download page.

This plug-in provides features that will help with the Eclipse development process. Installing the plug-in will add the following actions. The source is contained in the *.jar files so please feel free to submit patches for features or bug fixes. To install simply unzip the file into your plugins directory and restart Eclipse. Please use the Release feature of this plug-in to do your build submissions.

  • Release to the Team menu. This action will Tag selected projects with the specified version and update the appropriate loaded *.map files with the version. The user must have the *.map files loaded in their workspace and the use must commit the map file changes to the repository when done.
  • 'Load Map Projects to the Team menu. Select one or more *.map file and this action will load the projects listed in the *.map file into your workspace. Naturally the versions specified in the *.map file will be loaded.
  • Tag Map Projects to the Team menu. Select one or more *Map files and this action will tag the projects listed in the *Map files with a tag you specify.
  • Compared with Released to the Compare menu. Compare the selected projects with the versions referenced in the currently loaded map files.
  • Replace with Released to the Replace menu. Replace the selected projects with the versions referenced in the currently loaded map files.
  • Fix Copyright to the Resource Perspective Projects context menu. Select one or more projects in the Resource Perspective. This action will sanity check the copyright notices in all the *.java and *.properties files. Copyrights will be updated automatically where the tool deems appropriate. A copyright.log file will be written to the workspace directory noting odd conflicts that need to be looked at.

How do I run a build using the scripts in org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder?

This document provides an overview of how to build eclipse components using the releng scripts. However, it is really out of date. Your best bet is to use the source build to recompile the SDK.

What is the latest version of org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder?

See this document which describes correct tag of org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder for use in your builds.

How do I automate my builds with PDE Build?

This document describes how to automate builds using PDE Build.

How do I contribute a JUnit Plugin-in Test to the build?

  1. The tests need to be contributed as one or more plugins that use the org.eclipse.test automated testing framework. JUnit tests can also be written as performance tests. Click here for the latest instructions.
  2. Open bug for for PMC approval for new plug-in projects on CC webmaster on the bug once the plug-ins are created. Or you may want to include the new plug-ins under an existing project and in this case, the webmasters don't need to get involved.
  3. Add the new test plugin to the org.eclipse.releng project in the appropriate map file for your component.
  4. Install the org.eclipse.releng tools plug-in, and use the "Release" action in the context menu of the test plug-in project to update and commit map file.
  5. Open a bug against platform releng to add the plugins to the build process. Include the following information:
  • the plug-in id(s)
  • the plug-ins that contain a test.xml
  • additional steps to setup the tests outside of installing the test plugins and framework in an Eclipse SDK

The Eclipse release engineering team will update the appropriate feature and scripts to build and run the new tests.

How do I contribute an example plugin to the build?

Once you have your plug-in ready and available in CVS, install the plug-in, and use the "Release" action in the context menu of the test plug-in project to update and commit the map file.

Next, open a bug against platform releng with the plug-in's id.

The Eclipse release engineering team will update the org.eclipse.sdk.examples-feature to include the new tests. They will also update org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder/all/publishing/templateFiles/testManifest.xml to indicate the zip that should get a red X if there are compile errors associated with that plug-in on the build page.

I would like to recompile eclipse on a platform that is not currently supported. What is the best approach to this? How can I ensure that the community can use my work?

The best approach is use the source build drop and modify the scripts to support that you are interested in. Then open a bug with product Platform and component Releng attaching the patches to the scripts that were required to build the new drop. If you are interested in contributing a port to eclipse, here is the procedure.

How does the platform team create the source build?

See Platform-releng-sourcebuild

How does the platform team sign their builds?

See Platform-releng-signedbuild

How long does the build take to complete?

It takes two-three hours for all the drops to be produced. JUnit (four hours) and performance tests (eight hours) run in parallel after the windows, mac, linux and sdk tests drops have been built. It takes another two hours for the performance results to be generated.

When is the next build?

Please refer to the build schedule.

When is the next milestone?

Please refer to the Eclipse Platform Project Plan.

I noticed that you promoted an integration build to a milestone build. The integration build had test failures but the milestone builds doesn't show any. Why is this?

See bug 134413.

We have a number of tests that intermittently fail. The reasons are

  • issues with the tests themselves
  • tests subject to timing issues
  • tests that fail intermittently due to various conditions

The component teams are always trying to fix their tests but unfortunately they are still some issues. When we promote a build to a milestone, we rerun the tests that failed. Many pass on the second time because the tests initially failed due to a timing issue or intermittent condition. Or a team will have a broken test that doesn't warrant a rebuild for a milestone. In that case, the releng team sprinkles pixie dust over the build page to erase the red Xes, but leaves the appropriate build failures intact.

I'd like to run a build with the version of the code that was used for build X? How do I know what versions of code in the repository were used?

There are several ways to approach this issue.

  • Look at the directory.txt linked from the top of every build page. The directory.txt concatenates all the map files used in a build into a single file. Please note that every nightly build runs from HEAD. Therefore it is impossible to replicate a nightly build.
  • In addition, with every maintenance and integration build, the org.eclipse.releng project, which contains the map files for each project, is tagged with a version corresponding to that build. For instance, the version I20051018-0932 corresponds to the integration build of the same name. Please note that the builder projects, (org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder and org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder) are also tagged during an integration build with the corresponding build name, but are not reflected in the directory.txt because they are not included in the eclipse distribution itself.
  • Finally, after each release the releng team tags all projects from the map files used in the release. So, all the projects used to construct version 3.1.1 are tagged R_3_1_1.

I'm looking for an older build but can't find them on the download page?

Check out archive site the for vintage builds.

I'm a platform committer and have made major changes today. I'd like to run a test build to ensure that my changes don't break the build. Can I request a test build from a web page?

No, you cannot request a eclipse test build from a web page. Our build takes too long and much of the time the builds machines are busy. Please send an email to the releng team requesting a test build and explaining the changes you have made. If you would like an expediated test build, please provide chocolate.

How do I run the JUnit tests used in the build?

With every build, there is a eclipse-Automated-Tests-${buildId}.zip file. You can follow the instructions associated with this zip to run the JUnit tests on the platform of your choice.

How do you run the tests on the Windows machine via rsh

To run the windows tests from the build machine,
rsh relengbuildwin4 start /min c:\\buildtest\\N20071129-0010\\eclipse-testing\\testAll.bat c:\\buildtest\\N20071129-0010\\eclipse-testing winxp_consolelog.txt N20071129-0010

Where do you find the Java SDK for the Mac (This is required to run the JDT debug JUnit tests)

The default Mac install only includes a JRE, not a JDK. The JDK is listed under Apple Connect under J2SE 5.0 Release 5 Developer Documentation. Once the .dmg is installed, you should see a src.jar under /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home


How do I set up a test cvs server to run the cvs tests portion of the JUnit tests?

This document outlines the steps required to setup a test CVS repository on Linux.

How do I set up performance tests?

Refer to the performance tests how-to or the even better Performance First talk at Eclipse Con 2007.

How do I find data for old performance results on existing build page?

Refer to the "Raw data and Stats" link for a specific test.

For instance for results, click here

Then look at the jdt ui tests.

Then click on a specific test.

Then click "Raw data and Stats".

You will see the data for previous builds.

How do I run the performance tests from the zips provided on the download page?

See here.

Process to implement a new baseline

Implement new performance baseline after a release.

What do I need to do to use org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder from HEAD now that the Xerces plugin has been removed?

If you use the org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder in your builds and you use TestVersionTracker to create a file (search for "TestVersionTracker" in your customTargets.xml build scripts), please read on.

Some older versions of the TestVersionTracker class required Xerces on the classpath. We have removed the Xerces jars from the HEAD stream only of org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder.

For any team broken by this, a <generateTestProperties> custom Ant task has been created which does the same. It is available in the org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/plugins/ plug-in from HEAD. To use all you will need to do is the following replacement:

Replace text such as this (taken from GEF):

<property name="build.compiler" value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter"/>
<javac verbose="true" failonerror="true" srcdir="${builderDirectory}/tools" destdir="${builderDirectory}/tools" classpath="${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.apache.xerces_4.0.13/xercesImpl.jar:${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.apache.xerces_4.0.13/xmlParserAPIs.jar"/>
<java classname="TestVersionTracker" > <arg line="${workingDirectory}/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.gef.test_3.1.0/feature.xml ${buildDirectory} ${workingDirectory}/gef-testing/" /> <classpath> <pathelement path="${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.apache.xerces_4.0.13/xercesImpl.jar:${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.apache.xerces_4.0.13/xmlParserAPIs.jar:${builderDirectory}/tools" /> </classpath>

with this:


How do I update from 3.1 to 3.1.1 or 3.1.2 using update manager?

Refer to this document

Can I use update manager in my existing Eclipse 3.1 installation to upgrade to Eclipse 3.2?


Why not? The existing update manager can only update plug-ins and features, not files such as the Eclipse executable. See bug 123162 for additional details.

The good news is that if you download the platform runtime or Eclipse SDK for 3.2, you can install the Callisto components you are interested in using update manager. See the Callisto page for more details.

How can I use update manager to move to the latest integration build?

If you have at least 3.2M5 installed, you can update between integration builds by adding the following as a remote update site.

This site provides the updates jars for integration builds as of April 12, 2006. Stale builds will be removed occasionally.

How can I use update manager to move to the latest milestone?

This site provides the updates jars for milestone builds as of 3.3M4. Stale builds will be removed occasionally.

Why should I package plugins and features as jars?

See the Running Eclipse from JARs document from the Core team.

Why should I use qualifiers?

See the Recommendation to version plug-ins from the Core team.

How do I incorporate qualifiers into the build process?

Update your plug-ins and features to use qualifiers as described in the previous FAQ entry.

Additional steps that the platform releng team uses to incorporate qualifiers into the build process.

For nightly builds, we set the qualifier to the buildId. For integration builds, pde build sets it to the tag in the map file for plugins, and generates feature qualifiers.

In our from org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildAll.xml, forceContextQualifier is set to the buildId if is a nightly build

<condition property="forceContextQualifier" value="${buildId}">
    <equals arg1="${buildType}" arg2="N" />

Also, in the file which kicks off our build, we specify -DgenerateFeatureVersionSuffix=true

    -buildfile buildAll.xml

Where can I learn how to use the packager?

How can I run the update manager from a command line to mirror a remote site?

Refer to running update manager from command line in Eclipse Help for the latest information. It copies the appropriate versions of features and associated plugins you specify and generates the site.xml. For instance, if you wanted to create an update site for the platform feature.

/home/kmoir/IBMJava2-142/jre/bin/java -cp plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_currentqualifier.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command mirror -from -to /home/kmoir/update -featureId org.eclipse.platform -version 3.2.0.v20060525a-_OZ2g6CPhlzUdGe -ignoreMissingPlugins true

I specify ignoreMissingPlugins as true because we have several plugins in our platform feature which are not contributed as part of the build. For instance, the org.eclipse.swt.solaris.gtk.x86 fragment is built by the a team that has access to the hardware and contribute the drops post-build.

You can also mirror an entire site, for instance Callisto with the following command.

/home/kmoir/jdk1.4.2_03/jre/bin/java plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_currentqualifier.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command mirror -from  -to /home/kmoir/site -ignoreMissingPlugins true

However, if you are interested in having a local replica of Callisto at your site, the better approach would be to mirror the Callisto update site via rsync. This will ensure that all updates are replicated automatically and you'll avoid running update manager scripts from the command line. Refer to the becoming an eclipse mirror page to pursue this option.

Running update manager from the command line will not copy packed jars if they exist. To generate the packed jars in the newly mirrored update site from the conditioned jars, run the following command with a Java 1.5 vm.

/home/kmoir/jdk1.5.0_06/jre/bin/java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_currentqualifier.jar -application org.eclipse.update.core.siteOptimizer -jarProcessor -outputDir /home/kmoir/update -processAll -pack /home/kmoir/update

Then generate the digest

/home/kmoir/IBMJava2-142/jre/bin/java -jar /home/kmoir/eclipse3.2rc6/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_currentqualifier.jar  -application org.eclipse.update.core.siteOptimizer -digestBuilder -digestOutputDir=/home/kmoir/update -siteXML=/home/kmoir/update/site.xml

Ensure that your site.xml specifies that it uses pack200 and the specifies the location of the digest...for instance

<site pack200="true" digestURL="" mirrorsURL="">

I have questions about PDEBuild - where should I go for answers?

Consult the PDE Build faq or ask on the org.eclipse.platform newsgroup.

I'd like to incoporate source bundles in my build, how do I do it?

See Individual Source Bundles

Are there RSS feeds for builds?

Yes, for I-Builds only. They are available here.

If I add a new plugin to a build, how do I ensure that javadoc will be included in the build.

See the adding javadoc document.

Troubleshooting the build

Basic notes on troubleshooting the build.

Troubleshooting test failures

If tests pass in a dev workspace but fail in the automated test harness, check to make sure that your is exporting all the necessary items; check that plug-in dependencies are correct, since the test harness environment will only include depended-upon plug-ins; and check that file references do not depend on the current working directory, since that may be different in the test harness.

To debug tests in the context of the automated test harness, add the following element to the test.xml file in your plug-in's directory in the test harness.

   value="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -Djava.compiler=NONE"/>


  • create a remote debugging launch target in your dev environment
  • put a breakpoint somewhere in your code
  • launch the tests from the command line, using the -noclean option to preserve the modified test.xml
  • launch the debug target

I would like a plaform releng committer to comment on a bug assigned to another component. What mailbox do I add to the cc list in bugzilla?

Please cc the generic mail alias Please do not just cc your favourite release engineer using their individual email address. They might be on a beach somewhere enjoying a sunny vacation and therefore unable to comment.

Eclipse 3.3 Release checklist

3.3 Release checklist

Process to release builds to Simultaneous Release

  • Check out from cvsroot/callisto. For eclipse platform, update versions in features-ep.xml
  • Copy features and plugins directories from eclipsebuildserv:/builds/transfer/files/testUpdates to updates/3.3milestones

in /builds/transfer/files/testUpdates to updates/3.3milestones, update site.xml with content from site.xml in testUpdates

  • Create new digest (instructions to follow) On eclipsebuilderv /home/users/releng/buildTools/scripts/
  • Send note to cross-project and planning council mailing lists that the features-ep.xml has been updated.

Process to release builds to Simultaneous Release (maintenance stream)

  • Check out from cvsroot/callisto. For eclipse platform, update versions in features-ep.xml
  • Copy maintenance updates from eclipsebuildserv to fullmoon, on eclipsebuildserv /home/users/releng/buildTools/scripts/
  • Copy maintenance updates from fullmoon to, on fullmoon run /home/users/releng/buildTools/scripts/
  • Send a note to cross-project and planning council mailing lists that the features-ep.xml has been updated.

How do I verify the signatures of packed jars on an update site?

See bug 193568 for the tool and instructions.

Eclipsecon presentations




Best releng practices from our Eclipsecon 2005 poster:

  1. Automate the build process from end-to-end and automate early.
  2. Use PDE Build in Eclipse to generate build scripts.
  3. Automate JUnit testing and performance monitoring.
  4. Automate build notifications (email).
  5. Use gentle humiliation to encourage developers to contribute carefully. (Clown nose technique.)
  6. Ensure stability in the build process by thorough testing of builder changes.
  7. Schedule builds at regular intervals and enforce rebuild policies.
  8. Use map files in a central CVS repository.
  9. Build on Linux.
  10. Have fun!

Useful reference documents

Who are the platform-releng committers?

The platform releng team consists of Sonia Dimitrov and Kim Moir.

As the holiday season approaches, what gifts are appropriate for your favourite release engineer?

We enjoy fine chocolate, Shaan, and apple juice.

What does the platform-releng team do when they're not running the build farm and wrangling bugs?

We herd cats. s/eds/ibm/g

What factors contribute to the low percentage of women participating in free software/open source?

Cambridge University recently completed a study on this very topic with interesting results.

Here is another one written by Val Henson, a Linux kernel committer.

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