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= Meeting Minutes =
= Meeting Minutes =
'''December 15''' - Tom, Lars, Jay, Alex
'''January 12, 2022''' - Alex, Tom, Jay, McQ
* PMC decided that Eclipse TLP will uses PGP going forward instead of jarsigner for third party bundles.
* Move to PGP signed content news to IDE WG and Planning Council
* Eclipse IDE switched the underlying httpclient library used to httpclient 5.x for 2022-03 release, ECF has moved to new HttpClient5
** Well received so far
* Release record needs to be created and IP log needs to be created
** 2022-03 to has the implementation, 2022-06 to do full switch
* PMC calls are cancelled until 12.01.2022
** we use PGP for content not delivered to Simrel
** Ed helps with implementation/bug fixes
** only concern is critical CVE - that would require either help or PGP signed content being pushed to 2022-03
'''December 8''' - Tom, Lars, Jay, Alex
*** To be further discussed if such an issue happens
* Alex proposes a vote on using PGP going forward instead of jarsigner for third party bundles.
* ECF relation
* We are already have org.eclipse.test.feature using mockito/easymock/assertj directly from maven as they are. Anyone willing to
** Project is heavily under resourced
try it out can do so.
** No one knows good reason to still be using Apache Httpclient, Java HttpClient is not tried out and the previous JVM Http code had severe limitations
* JDT Team has started going through the stale/pending Gerrits
** Development falling out on Platform releng for updates to Apache Httpclient, Windows proxy support and etc. is a no-go
** Possible plan
*** Create Java Httpclient based connector for ECF or enhance the current default one to use Httpclient and not Httpconnection - removes need to update Apache Httpclient dependency, take care of windows specific bundles with JNA dependency and so on
'''October 27''' - McQ, Tom, Lars, Jay, Alex
*** If previous doesn't uncover limitation in Java's Httpclient stop shipping Apache Httpclient connector
* Performance improvements in Equinox is currently in progress which may speed up the cold start of Eclipse for a workspace will lots of plug-ins
*** Assuming 2 previous complete - look if it makes sense to not have ECF as a dependency at all to skip one cyclic dependency
* Performance tests are still running but currently not visible via the webinterface
** currently not having the time to work on the display of the data
* Signing with pgp is coming to p2 and will allow to sign all libraries so that at some point we can start directly consume libraries without converting them for the purpose of signing 
** Might reduce the required Orbit and Jetty work
* PDE build might not be working for product export (in certian scenarios), this should be re-checked and if we can confirm that, we should check what we can do about it.
'''October 20''' - McQ, Tom, Lars, Jay
* Ongoing community conversation about GitHub move
** Need to line up releng resources to support the move
** Start by moving repos and making just the required updates to point at them
** Can consider other process improvements enabled by GitHub capabilities once we're back at a steady state.
'''September 29''' - McQ, Tom, Lars, Alex, Jay
* Alex: M1 this week and M2 is shorter and just about two weeks.
* Everyone in sync with stop building CVS after this release.
* GitHub move:
** Alex: We are going ahead with the proposal. Everyone to go over the document and provide feedback.
*** Two weeks from now, the documents will be shared with the community for feedback.
** Tom: Plan is to move the Equinox repos first.
** Jay: Mail from foundation about TravisCI - Is it relevant?
** Alex: Projects get limited build queues. But there's a possibility platform will run out of free limit soon. We might have other options as well.
'''September 22''' - McQ, Tom, Lars, Alex, Jay
* {{bug|565913}} - Should the provisional APIs be allowed or rejected?
** McQ: Is this on the path to becoming an API?
** Tom: The package being discussed - Is this clearly isolated or are there other stuff in there. If latter, they probably shouldn't be promoted as API.
** Jay: The packages, even if provisional for now, should not change in future if they are to become API.
--> Resolution: Fine to have it as provitional API but we should work on the correct set of packages
* Mass Cleanup changes after M1 in JDT?
** Jay: Depends on how "mass clean up change" is defined. Any tool driven change should definitely be restricted to M1 but open to taking up other reasonably small hand-made changes post M1.
* Github move proposal - All to go over Alex's doc and provide feedback.
* CVS - Still waiting for feedback from all quarters. There may be an interest in keeping it alive.
** Alex: Whoever interested, we can make him/her the owner of the component and entrust with the ownership.
* Eclipse 20 year anniversary!
'''September 15''' - Tom, Lars, Alex, Jay
* Java 17 is released in master. Marketplace is available for installing on  4.21 GA.
* Java LTS will come out every 2 years, a proposal at the moment.  Shouldn’t be much impact because we already dealing with 6 month releases.
* Security Manager deprecation
** Much discussion about the impact of removal of AccessController
** A need for feedback from Eclipse to the JEP to voice our concerns that removing the doPriv methods will be very disruptive for the community
* Windows 11 testing
** Foundation says if we want additional Windows machine we need to find additional sponsors.
** Windows 11 is initially auto-upgrade for small set and then go up from there.
** We anticipate testing Windows 11 in our build in one year from now.
* Github move - Will wait for all of us all to go though the doc Alex sent us.
* CVS - will we take it with us to GitHub.  December release is the last one we provide CVS support?  (Alex sent a note on this)
'''June 16, 2021''' - Alex, Lars, Tom
* JDT Java 11
** From PMC perspective - Project should be free to only support the latest version of most any dependency without requiring PMC approval.
** The group of committers available on the project is not enough to continue to maintain old versions of dependencies indefinitely.
** Announcement from the project leadership to the community should be done to solicit feedback and additional support from new contributors/committers if the community wants to maintain support for old stuff.  If nobody shows up to help then we have no choice but to drop support for old versions of dependencies.
* Continued discussion for need of a new PMC member
** Still feeling the void after losing Dani
** Additional leadership is needed to drive concerns in the JDT project
* Ongoing discussion about behavior needed to grow the community [Edits by McQ]
** Need to focus on improving process so contributions are merged in a timely fashion
** Need to make sure that there are clear and reasonable requirements for contributions, and that the community is aware of them.
'''May 19, 2021''' - Alex, Lars, McQ, Tom
* Using built in Java JAR signing support now
* Yearly process initiated for retiring inactive committers
'''May 12, 2021''' - McQ, Tom
* Meeting cut short
* Need to find a new time for PMC call
** regular conflicts for planning council and board meetings
'''April 28, 2021''' - Tom, Alex
* Mac M1 changes are in to move to aarch64
* Discussed progress on Jar signing issue for Java 16
** Progress being made but will require some change in behavior of the Equinox SignedContent API
** Will result in deprecation of at least one method
** Working towards M3 solution.
* Discussed move to PGP verification as alternative to signed JAR verification to p2
** Progress being made there, hopefully get something for M3
'''Mar 31, 2021''' - McQ, Tom, Alex, Lars
* Java 16 jar signing issue
** Tom wants to replace equinox implementation with builtin Jar file implementation so changes don't have to be done in Equinox on each release
* JSP/Jetty story in IDE
** Do we still need same functionality?
** Alex - get out of the business for help system. Dependencies (jetty, lucene) generate more releng work than we can handle.
** McQ - url for plugin help would be simplest and open it in browser
** Any change (e.g. JSP removal) has to go through standard deprecation period, announcements and etc.
** Alex to initiate communication on longer term plan with Holger who works on improvements to help system lately
'''Mar 31, 2021''' - McQ, Tom, Alex
* PMC call time
** Overlaps with Planning council call and both Tom and Alex can't make both
-> Decision: Skip PMC call every first Wed of the month
* Webpage Hugo migration
** Recommended by Eclipse Foundation and active contributor to do the conversion
** Concerns about mixing old and new content are raised but they don't look severe
** Supported by PMC
-> Tom to handle initial communication on behalf of PMC
* Planning process relevance
** the planning process is not providing the detailed and usable plans from the past
** not a pain point as fewer people participate it but looks like useless exercise quite often
** to be discussed....
'''Mar 24, 2021''' - Tom, Alex, Lars
* Pack 200 - API removal in 2 years - 2023-06
** Should we turn off all pack 200 features in one year, make it consistent across all Java versions.
** 2022-06 - disable pack200 for all Java versions. Calling the deprecated API will be a no-op
* Pack 200 - When can we stop generating? Agreed on 2021-09 release.  We should set the precedence as early as possible to stop producing pack200 artifacts.
* split packages
** Causing issues with mandatory directive and p2 {{bug|360659}} and with tycho.
** Currently tycho requires some work arounds for usage of split packages
** Can we work to get rid of split packages. We agreed to investigate the work and move to combine split packages if possible.
'''Mar 17, 2021''' - McQ, Tom, Alex, Lars
* SWT Chromium support
** Still no recent version of Chromium with security patches
** Will be dropped in M1 (if no recent version is provided in the next weeks or if no one steps up)
* Pack 2000 support
** not supported anymore as of Java 14
** will be deprecated and marked for removal
* Moving Eclipse repos to Github
** Moving to Github might simplify and therefore increase contributions
** Huge amount of work in releng
** Potentially we should all subprojects at the same time
** We check if the foundation plans to move everything to Gitlab
'''Mar 10, 2021''' - McQ, Tom, Alex
* Moving to Jetty 10 for next release
* platform-dev discussion about move to GitHub
** conversation is useful, but would take a lot of planning
** lots of current rel eng dependencies on Gerrit
*** need more community help for rel eng issues
** a massive amount of history in our Bugzilla
* release record and proto-plan created for 4.20
'''Febr 17, 2021''' - Lars, Alex, McQ
* Looks good for 4.19 release
* Mac ARM has to wait for the 4.20 release, as the team fights multiple issues
* Top-level project page can currently only be edited by Tom, other PMC members also have access to it
= Archive =
= Archive =

Revision as of 11:57, 12 January 2022


Some documents written and/or used by the PMC:

Meeting Schedule

The Eclipse Project PMC has a weekly phone meeting every Tuesday at 11.00am EST.

Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2022 - Alex, Tom, Jay, McQ

  • Move to PGP signed content news to IDE WG and Planning Council
    • Well received so far
    • 2022-03 to has the implementation, 2022-06 to do full switch
    • we use PGP for content not delivered to Simrel
    • Ed helps with implementation/bug fixes
    • only concern is critical CVE - that would require either help or PGP signed content being pushed to 2022-03
      • To be further discussed if such an issue happens
  • ECF relation
    • Project is heavily under resourced
    • No one knows good reason to still be using Apache Httpclient, Java HttpClient is not tried out and the previous JVM Http code had severe limitations
    • Development falling out on Platform releng for updates to Apache Httpclient, Windows proxy support and etc. is a no-go
    • Possible plan
      • Create Java Httpclient based connector for ECF or enhance the current default one to use Httpclient and not Httpconnection - removes need to update Apache Httpclient dependency, take care of windows specific bundles with JNA dependency and so on
      • If previous doesn't uncover limitation in Java's Httpclient stop shipping Apache Httpclient connector
      • Assuming 2 previous complete - look if it makes sense to not have ECF as a dependency at all to skip one cyclic dependency


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