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Difference between revisions of "Papyrus/Papyrus Developer Guide/How To- Code Contributing"

(What to check before committing a patch)
(Code Reviews)
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== Code Reviews ==
== Code Reviews ==
The reviewer shall verify that the contribution respects all  [ aforementioned rules].
== Merge ==
== Merge ==

Revision as of 11:02, 10 September 2020

All papyrus contributors shall follow these rules:

Write a Bugzilla task

When adding a task to the buzilla, the following grammar should be used:

  • '[' Category ']' NameOfTheTask

The category helps to filter the bugs for developers. There are already some existing categories: General, XXX Diagram, Common, Property View, etc.

As a reminder, the lifecycle of bugs is located here: Bugzilla Use

  • Your contribution shall be associated to a bug refenced in the bugzilla.
  • When a bug is opened/resolved/closed the Target Milestone must be filled. For example the bug has been fixed for the service release 3 of oxygen, the target milestone is 3.3.

Write the code

Papyrus Plugin Structure

  • All plug-ins must compile and run against JavaSE-1.8. Papyrus 5.0 must compile against openjdk-11.
  • Plug-in provider : Eclipse Modeling Project
  • Version :
  • Plug-in name : must end with (Incubation) if version is less than 1.0.0 . If the version is at least 1.0.0, the (Incubation) suffix must be removed.
  • Plug-in ID : must start with org.eclipse.papyrus.
  • Plug-in dependencies must not be re-exported.
  • plug-in dependencies must be defined with min and max version values, e.g. depends on oep.infra.core;bundle-version="[1.2.0,2.0.0)" instead of oep.infra.core or oep.infra.core;bundle-version="1.2.0")
    • The Papyrus Developer Tools has an action Update Dependency Ranges in the Plug-in Tools context menu of plug-in projects and manifest files that automatically assigns bundle dependency ranges compatible with the current PDE target and workspace
  • The file describes the files that must be included at runtime. It is important to fill it properly, so that plug-ins can work correctly once installed. Especially, you should probably always include the following files and folders (When they exist), in the "Binary build" (field bin.includes in category:
    • META-INF/
    • about.html
    • icons/, images/, resources/, models/, etc. (All folders containing runtime resources)
    • plugin.xml
    • schema/
  • Do not include the following files:
    • .classpath
    • .project
    • bin/, src/, src-gen/, custom-src/
  • The Source build (field src.includes in category must contain the about.html file:
  • It must not contain the following:
    • src/, src-gen/, custom-src/
    • All files and directories are already contained in the "Binary build" category (Except the about.html which must be contained in both Binary and Source builds)


Code Formatting

Before writing any code you should check that you have the papyrus templates set as your format in your IDE. These can be retrieved following these steps.

These could also be retreived and applied from the .settings folder of each plugins. (An example can be found here)

Code Rules

Before committing, you should verify these items :

  • default keyword in Interfaces: should be avoided and only used if unavoidable and justified (to prevent unnecessary API break for example)
  • var keyword is forbidden
  • lambda expressions are allowed, but must be commented to ease the understanding
  • each file has an header with the EPL licence and your name
  • all strings are externalized or tagged with //$NON-NLS-1$. see this page for more information.
  • the version numbers are correct. see this guide for more information.

String Externalization/Internalization

  • the goal of the externalization process is to distinguish the string used as messages and visible by the final user and the string required in your code, but not visible for the user,

Follow this link for a guide on externalization in Eclipse.

Write Documentation for Papyrus

Each new contribution must contribute to the documentation (behavior changes or new feature). The documentation must be splitted in two parts:

  • user documentation
  • developer documentation

How to - Related to documentation Papyrus Developer Guide/Writing Documentation

Plugin Versioning - Deprecated code

Using the @Deprecated tag, you must do these things in the same time:

  • increase the minor version of the plugin (of course, only if it has not yet be done since the last release)
    • NB : if you just add @Deprecated tag in a plugin, it is normally not required to increase the plugin version. Nevertheless, we decided to increase the minor of a such plugin, in order to be able to know easily when the object became deprecated. Depending of the API Tools configuration, you can get an error doing this. In this case configure your API tools to ignore it.
  • indicate in the comment the plugin version when the class/method became deprecated
  • open a bug to remove the deprecated class/method in the next major release
  • reference this bug in the comment of the deprecated class/method
  • (optional) indicate in the comment in which major release the class/method will be remove

Add the end, you must have something like that:

 * @deprecated since 3.1
 *             use {@link org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.common.structure.DiagramStructure} API instead
 *             This class will be removed in Papyrus 5.0, see Bug 541027
public abstract class DiagramStructure {


  • Code of plugins shall be inside internal package
  • API shall be public and each classe presence shall be justified by implementation of usecase
  • The usecase are store inside the plugin the name of the file
  • The grammar is:
### requirement text 
* qualified name of the class
  • See the folowing example
### The profile validation must be done with a button 'Validate Profile plug-in' on plug-in, in the papyrus developer menu
* org.eclipse.papyrus.toolsmiths.validation.profile.handlers.ValidateProfilePluginHandler
* org.eclipse.papyrus.toolsmiths.validation.profile.testers.ValidateProfilePluginTester
* plugin.xml
###  During the validation, a progress monitor must be opened with correct explanations
* org.eclipse.papyrus.toolsmiths.validation.profile.handlers.ValidateProfilePluginHandler
### A checker for the extensions must be implemented
* org.eclipse.papyrus.toolsmiths.validation.profile.internal.checkers.ProfileExtensionsChecker
### A checker for the definition profile must be implemented
* org.eclipse.papyrus.toolsmiths.validation.profile.internal.checkers.ProfileDefinitionChecker



  • Remember to check on the current CQs to see if they are still current and that we will not miss any currently required dependencies (e.g. glazed lists in the new orbit or the new dependency) as well as the IPlogs. A quick tutorial on CQs can be found here.


If you want to contribute code, and you are not a commiter, here is how to proceed Papyrus Developer Guide/How to Contribute to Papyrus with Gerrit

(For further information, see

When a non-committer wants to contribute to Papyrus, he must create patchs and attach them to a bug. In the comment of each patch, he must write :

  • (1) I, Forename Name, wrote 100% of the code I've provided.
  • (2) This code contains no cryptography
  • (3) I have the right to contribute the code to Eclipse.
  • (4) I contribute the content under the EPL.

+ Set the field Review to '?'.

Commit message

  • During the commit :
    • you should comment your commit and precise the id of the bug. see this page for more information about contributing through git and gerrit.

Code Reviews

The reviewer shall verify that the contribution respects all aforementioned rules.


Eclipse release calendar is detailled here. Each date of releases (M1, M2, M3, RC1, RC2 and GA) for the new Eclipse version is defined in a associated wiki page of the Eclipse version).

Contributions should be merged before:

  • M2+
It is forbidden to modify the GUI. Only important bug fixes should be merged. 
Creation of a branch (tag) for the release
  • M3+
It is forbidden to modify the features and general architecture.
  • RC1+
Its forbidden to merge contribution. Only by the project Chief for critical bugs.

Copyright © Eclipse Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.