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Difference between revisions of "Getting Started with Papyrus UMLLight"

(Create and initialize the OSS Project: Added tip re: diagram names)
(The Model Explorer: view synchronization)
Line 318: Line 318:
The model elements under OSS have been created as part of the initial model creation.You can see that a "Light Use Case Diagram has been created as expected.
The model elements under OSS have been created as part of the initial model creation.You can see that a "Light Use Case Diagram has been created as expected.
In addition, Papyrus UMLLight also automatically includes a library of UML primitives that define data types. Those will be useful later in the tutorial.
In addition, Papyrus UMLLight also automatically includes a library of UML primitives that define data types. Those will be useful later in the tutorial.
{{tip | View Syncronization | It is often useful to be able view the same element in multiple views (e.g.the diagram, model Explorer, and Properties) to take advantage of their respective editing capabilities. The diagram and properties views are already automatically synchronized. You can do the same for the Model Explorer by using the the '''link to editor''', double-arrow  button [[File:LinkToEditor.png|20px|]] in its tool bar! }}
{{tip | View Synchronization | It is often useful to be able to view the same element in multiple views (e.g.the diagram, model Explorer, and Properties) to take advantage of their respective editing capabilities. The diagram and properties views are already automatically synchronized. You can do the same for the Model Explorer by using the the '''link to editor''', double-arrow  button [[File:LinkToEditor.png|20px|]] in its tool bar! }}
== The workspace is now ready for the creation of the use case model ==
== The workspace is now ready for the creation of the use case model ==

Revision as of 13:57, 6 May 2019


Getting Started with Papyrus UMLLight


As part of this tutorial, the trainee will:

  • Learn how to download and install Papyrus UMLLight.
  • Become familiar with the various aspects of the modeling environment such as workspaces, menus, views, perspectives and palettes.
  • Become familiar with the elements that make up the“Papyrus UMLLight” subset.
  • Through the implementation of a sample modeling project, become familiar with a simple model development approach that will enable you to use the elements that are part of the Papyrus UMLLight subset.

At the end of the training, the trainee will be able to apply their acquired knowledge in real project.

What this tutorial is and is not

what this tutorial IS What this tutorial Is NOT
An overview of the Papyrus UMLLightuser interface A UML specification tutorial
An overview of the UML diagrams and elements available in Papyrus UMLLight An exhaustive tutorial on all UML diagrams, entities, and semantics
An hands-on experience developing a UML model with Papyrus UMLLight A tutorial advocating a specific method for modeling software,

What are Papyrus and Papyrus UMLLight

What is Papyrus

* A complete open Source editor that Conform to UML, SysML, and other Object Management Group (OMG) standards
* [An Eclipse Project [1]
  • A familly of modeling tools
  • Papyrus itself (both tool and platform) ("Papyrus")
* Papyrus for information modeling ("Papyrus-IM")
* Papyrus for Real-time ("Papyrus-RT")
* and now Papyrus UMLLight
* [Supported by the Papyrus Industry Consortium, a community of developers, committers and contributors from many organizations and involved in different application domains.

What is Papyrus UMLLight

* A specialized variant of Papyrus that provides:
* * an optimized “Foundation level” subset of UML;
 :: * with a streamlined user interface for creating, viewing, and editing models

Comparing Papyrus and Papyrus UMLLight

Papyrus vs Papyrus UMLLight.png

Papyrus UMLLight Short User personae.

Discussions with various stakeholders, enabled the Papyrus UMLLight team to defined the following three user personae to express the needs Papyrus UMLLight's targeted users:

 * Nicole, a [Papyrus novice, is knowledgeable in UML but not familiar with Papyrus or Papyrus UMLLight
 * Steve - a UML Novice and Student, a student and novice in UML, Papyrus, and Papyrus UMLLight
 * Brisha, a Basic UML User, only uses UML from time to time and then only for basic purposes such as documentation or, presentations

Papyrus UMLLight Full User personae.

Nicole, a [Papyrus novice, is knowledgeable in UML but not familiar with Papyrus or Papyrus UMLLight
Nicole is already knowledgeable in UML at or above the OCUP2 Foundation or intermediate level contents.

As the project on which ze worked was completed, ze is being moved to a new team that uses Papyrus, a tool with which ze is not familiar. Nicole's goal in using Papyrus UML Light is to quickly get familiar with Papyrus UML Light and how it supports UML-based modeling. Ze appreciates and benefits from Papyrus UML Light's streamlined editor with the most common concepts of UML, so that ze can focus on getting to know the Papyrus UML Light user interface and way of working without being exposed to the full spectrum of UML model elements.

 Steve , a student and novice in UML, Papyrus, and Papyrus UMLLight
Steve is new to the modeling world and has no or very limited familiarity with the UML. Steve is starting to learn about UML and faces the dual tasks of learning to use UML at the same time as learning to use a UML modeling tool.

Using Papyrus UML Light, Steve will be exposed to fewer language and tool concepts at a time, which results in a lowering of the learning curve. In addition, the alignment of Papyrus UML Light to OCUP2 (Foundational) is beneficial, as it ensures that ze first deals with the most most important concepts of UML before tackling the more complex aspects.


Brisha, A basic UML User.

Brisha only uses UML from time to time and then only for basic purposes such as documentation or, presentations, discussions, etc. Ze is not interested in a full model-based engineering tool or method and rather uses it to "sketch" using UML to ensure common understanding of the graphics. As such, ze only needs the basic concepts of UML. In this context, an easy to use UML modeling tool such as Papyrus UML Light, which provides a reduced, targeted user interface and ease of use is easiest to adopt.

If you recognize yourself in one of these personae, this product is for you!

Installing Papyrus UMLLight

To install Papyrus UMLLight, follow these steps:

1. Ensure that you have Java 8 (or later) installed and configured for your operating system.

2. Go to:

3. The list of downloads for different operating environments will be displayed:

* Papyrus UML Light 0.0.1 RC2* for Windows 64bit
* Papyrus UML Light 0.0.1 RC2* for Linux 64bit
* Papyrus UML Light 0.0.1 RC2* for MacOS X 64bit
the version displayed may be different from the one listed above - For best results, use the most recent

4. Click on the link for your development environment to download the archive

5. Extract the executable from the downloaded archive into the proper location for your operating system.

Tip: On MacOS and some Linux, you may need to use “gunzip” followed by “tar xvf” to successfully extract the archive.

6. You are now ready to start using Papyrus UML Light!

Running Papyrus UMLLight

1. Double-click on the Papyrus UMLLight application you installed in the previous step.

2. A dialog is shown asking you to select a workspace.


About Workspaces

Workspaces are folders on your computer where your models and associated files are stored.
You can have multiple workspaces defined, but only one can be used at a time. For example, you would use different workspaces for different projects. A list of recently used Workspaces can be accessed from this dialog by clicking on "Recent Workspaces"

1. Click on browse to select a folder that will hold your work.

2. Click “Launch” to start Papyrus UMLLight

3. The Papyrus UMLLight modeling environment's workspace is shown.



Palettes are the toolboxes of the Papyrus UMLLight modeling environment.

Palette Structure

Palette Structure.png CommonTools.png

Customized Palettes

In addition to the common tools, every Papyrus UMLLight diagram has a customized palette” containing the model elements that can be used with that diagram. You can think of it as your modeling “toolbox”. Each Papyrus UMLLight diagram’s palette is customized to meet the simplification goals of Papyrus UMLLight.

Diagram Palettes

Views of all the Papyrus UMLLight Palettes (in alphabetical order)



The "comment node" and the "comment link" are available in all palettes. This make sense as they can be used to annotate any element

Before we go any further, let's have a look at the tutorial project so we can start implementing it!

Online Shopping System (OSS) Project Overview

OSS Project goal
The goal of this tutorial is to familiarize the user with Papyrus UMLLight capabilities and the exercises are designed to meet this goal. As such, the system will not be implemented in its entirety as part of the tutorial. The skills you gain as you progress through the tutorial will enable you to complete the exercises on your own.

The Online Shopping System (OSS) is a web-based system that allows customers to

  • browse and search for products available in the catalogue and view their information;
  • Add/remove products to/from a virtual shopping cart;
  • View the content of the chopping cart;
  • Purchase shopping cart products using a Credit or an online payment service (e.g., PayPal)
  • Have the purchased items delivered.

Actors and use cases

Given these descriptions, we can deduce the following preliminary list of actors and use cases:

Actors Customer Product Manager Payment Service Product Database
Use Cases Login Add product Accept Payment Request Store product information
Browse products Remove product Return payment status Stores shopping carts
Add product to cart Update product
View Cart List existing products

We will further elaborate on this as we go through the creation of a model that will describes the OSS system.

Use Case Modeling

Use case modeling is about visualizing the environment and requirements of the system being built.

Therefore it is about about users, their needs, and how they interact with the system being built, as well as how the OSS system interacts with other systems.

Before We start, let's understand the main concepts of use case modeling.

Basic Use Case Diagram Concepts



The subject represents the system under consideration ("OSS" in our case) to which a set of use cases applies. As such, it also represents the boundary between our system and it's interactions with the "outside world." What is inside the subject constitutes the functionality of the system and what lies outside represent elements that interact with OSS, by providing input or services.


An Actor models a role played by an entity that interacts with the subject (e.g., by exchanging signals and data) but which is external to the subject, e.g., users accessing OSS or providing a service, e.g., an bank's payment service). As you can see, both people and external systems actors can be actors.

Use Case

A use case is the specification of a set of actions performed by the system, which yields observable results of value to one or more actors or other stakeholders of the system. { Adapted from UML Superstructure Specification, v2.4.1}.

Use cases are typically described as a sequence of steps. This sequence can be illustrated by using a sequence diagram to model the sequence of steps and can also be expressed textually (an example is provided a the end of this tutorial for those interested).


The relationships that are available to you in Papyrus UMLLight can be found in the "Links" section of the use case diagram palette and consist of:

  • Association
* The association relationship is used to link actors to the use cases affected by them.
* The association relationship, being bidirectional, does not indicate directionality and can therefore be draw in either direction.
  • Generalization
* The “Generalization” relationship is used to specify inheritance/generalization relationships between use cases or actors.
* The relationship is drawn from the specialized entity to the general entity.
  • Include: enable composition of use cases
The include relationship is used to:
* Simplify a use case by decomposing it into smaller use cases with the goal of increasing modularity and reusability.
* The include relationship is drawn from the including element to the included element.
* A use case "A" included in use case"B indicates that "B" requires "A" to accomplish its goals.
  • Extend is used to specify an optional part of a use case
* The extend relationship is drawn from the extender element to the extended element.
* a use case "C" Extends use case "D" indicates that use case "C" is an optional part of use case D.
  • Comment Link
* The comment link is used to connect a comment to the element to which the comment applies.

Modeling the OSS Use Case

The time has come to get you modeling!

Is Papyrus UMLLight still open?
If you closed Papyrus UMLLight after looking at its workspace content earlier in the tutorial, please reopen it now!

Create and initialize the OSS Project

First, you need to create a project For your OSS model:

. From the Papyrus UMLLight main menu, select “File >New UML Light Project” to create the OSS project


2. In the New UML Light Model Project" resulting dialog, set the project name to "OSS" 3. Note that the model name is given the same name as the project.

4. Leave the location as is (default).

New UMLLightModelProjectDialog.png

5. Click on [Next] to display the initialization dialog

6. check the box left of the "Light Use Case Diagram.

This will create an empty case diagram as part of the project creation.

New InitializeOSSwUCD.png

7, Click on "Finish"

Your project has been created and its Initialization information dialog is displayed.

New OSSProjectCreated.png

Tip: Diagram names
As you can have many diagrams based on each diagram type, it is a good idea, to rename each diagram to something more distinctive.

What was created

Before we move on, let's look at what was created...

The project Explorer

In the project explorer, There is now an entry titled "OSS" That is the project you just created as stored on disk. If you expand it, it will look like this:

Model in Project Explorer.png

The are two things you need to know about the "di", "notation", ad "uml files:

1. They contain a machine-readable serialization of your model and its notation (diagrams).

2. is that you must NEVER edit them directly! ... That's why we built a tool!

Never manually edit the project explorer files (di, notation, and model)
The only safe way to edit the model is by using Papyrus UMLLight. Trying to edit those files manually is likely to result in loss of your model!

The Model Explorer

Start by expanding the OSS Model OSSModelExplorer.png by clicking on the arrow to the left of the model elements to see the content of the model.

The model elements under OSS have been created as part of the initial model creation.You can see that a "Light Use Case Diagram has been created as expected. In addition, Papyrus UMLLight also automatically includes a library of UML primitives that define data types. Those will be useful later in the tutorial.

View Synchronization
It is often useful to be able to view the same element in multiple views (e.g.the diagram, model Explorer, and Properties) to take advantage of their respective editing capabilities. The diagram and properties views are already automatically synchronized. You can do the same for the Model Explorer by using the the link to editor, double-arrow button LinkToEditor.png in its tool bar!

The workspace is now ready for the creation of the use case model


Populate the OSS Use Case Diagram

  1. In the paletteClick on the Subject PUL-Subject.png and then click in the middle of the diagram to create the subject. You can also drag and drop to accomplish the same result.
  2. Note that the subject object is also visible in both the model explorer and in the Properties view. Each of these views (diagram, model explorer, and property) are representation of the same, single model element in each of these contexts. Each “view” provides you with a set of information about that model element.
  3. From the properties view, below the graphical editor, change the name of the subject to “OSS” to properly identify the element. To do so, simply click on the Subject to display it in the properties view and then change the value of the name in the properties view. You will notice that the name also changes in the diagram and Model Explorer.
Tip: Actor locations on diagram
Actors that start a use case are typically on the left of the Subject while Actors that react to a use case are typically on its right .

  1. Now Click and drag an actor from the palette to a location at the left of the subject. Drag and drop is another way to place elements on a diagram.
  2. Rename the actor to “Customer” to match the list of actors in the system.
  3. To complete this diagram, add a use case named “login” into the subject and add an association from the Customer to the use case, indicating that the customer uses it.

The diagram should now look like this: PUL-OSSSubject.png

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