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Difference between revisions of "Sample headless configuration (Buckminster)"

(Using the update mechanisms)
Line 16: Line 16:
  org.eclipse.buckminster.core.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - Core)
   org.eclipse.buckminster.core.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070427 (Buckminster - Core Headless (Incubation))
   org.eclipse.buckminster.core.headless.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - Core for headless operation)
   org.eclipse.buckminster.cvs.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070413 (Buckminster - CVS support for headless operation (Incubation))
  org.eclipse.buckminster.cvs.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - CVS support)
   org.eclipse.buckminster.maven.feature_0.1.0.v20070427 (org.eclipse.buckminster.maven.feature_0.1.0.v20070427)
   org.eclipse.buckminster.cvs.headless.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - CVS support for headless operation)
    only the reference was found. Unable to locate the actual feature
   org.eclipse.buckminster.maven.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - Maven support)
   org.eclipse.buckminster.p4.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070413 (Buckminster - Perforce support for headless operation (Incubation))
  org.eclipse.buckminster.p4.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - Perforce support)
   org.eclipse.buckminster.pde.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070427-r32x (Buckminster - PDE support for headless operation (Incubation))
   org.eclipse.buckminster.p4.headless.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - Perforce support for headless operation)
   org.eclipse.buckminster.svn.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070413 (Buckminster - Subversion support for headless operation (Incubation))
  org.eclipse.buckminster.pde.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - PDE support)
   org.eclipse.buckminster.pde.headless.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - PDE support for headless operation)
  org.eclipse.buckminster.svn.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - Subversion support)
   org.eclipse.buckminster.svn.headless.feature_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster - Subversion support for headless operation)

Revision as of 05:53, 28 April 2007

< To: Buckminster Project

Who should read this Example?

This example is a detailed description of how to install Buckminster features in a minimal Buckminster Headless. In order to benefit from this example, you must first have looked at what the headless stuff is all about. To see all the headless related articles go.

Goal of Example

The ultimate goal for this description is to install the rest of Buckminster in a headless configuration, specifically in order to install Buckminster commands beyond the basic ones. But, to do this, a number of dependencies must be fulfilled first.

The dependencies are on other features (and their plugins). These features can be downloaded from update sites (or actually, from other 'things' that are usable as 'sites'). All dependencies shown here are fulfilled by the buckminster update site.

Using the update mechanisms

There are three commands available: listsite, install and uninstall. Actually, there is also a command (currently hidden) that may be of use during configuration: dumpinfo. This command is generally for support reasons and will dump various information including features and plugins installed.

Using listsite is very simple - just provide it with a path or URL and it will list any features it finds there. Sample:

buckminster listsite

  org.eclipse.buckminster.core.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070427 (Buckminster - Core Headless (Incubation))
  org.eclipse.buckminster.cvs.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070413 (Buckminster - CVS support for headless operation (Incubation))
  org.eclipse.buckminster.maven.feature_0.1.0.v20070427 (org.eclipse.buckminster.maven.feature_0.1.0.v20070427)
    only the reference was found. Unable to locate the actual feature
  org.eclipse.buckminster.p4.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070413 (Buckminster - Perforce support for headless operation (Incubation))
  org.eclipse.buckminster.pde.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070427-r32x (Buckminster - PDE support for headless operation (Incubation))
  org.eclipse.buckminster.svn.headless.feature_0.1.0.v20070413 (Buckminster - Subversion support for headless operation (Incubation))

Note that it works just as well for the product itself:

buckminster.exe listsite C:\buckminster
  org.eclipse.buckminster.product_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster Product)

In fact, if listsite is given without arguments, it will list the local site, i.e. the product itself:

buckminster listsite
  org.eclipse.buckminster.product_1.0.0.v20061213 (Buckminster Product)

Commands for install/uninstall are very similar: for install, point to a site and a feature you wish to install (and an optional version of it if there are multiple, default is to take the latest). For uninstall, just give the feature name and optional version.

Installing required features

First off, we need to install the Buckminster core feature:

buckminster install org.eclipse.buckminster.core.headless.feature

The Buckminster tests are stored in a CVS repository, the RMAP it uses will reference a Maven repository, and the assembly builder will use Ant so we need to endow our buckminster with providers for those:

buckminster install org.eclipse.buckminster.cvs.headless.feature

buckminster install org.eclipse.buckminster.maven.feature

At this point we have a functional setup but there are a couple of other features that deserves a mention:

  • org.eclipse.buckminster.headless.pde.feature
    This feature will enable the Eclipse platform Java and PDE functionality. You will need it when you work with plugin and feature projects.
  • org.eclipse.buckminster.svn.headless.feature
    Provides the Subversion repository provider. This feature is dependent on the subclipse core feature.
  • org.eclipse.buckminster.p4.headless.feature
    Provides the Perforce repository provider.

Let's try loading a workspace with some very simple test components:

buckminster -data /temp/bar getcfg
Using workspace at file:/C:/temp/bar/...
Could not load library: localfile_1_0_0.dll.  This library provides platform-specific optimizations for certain file system operations.  This library is not present on all platforms, so this may not be an error.  The resources plug-in will safely fall back to using functionality.
=== START: Assembly (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_a ===
[ant] Buildfile: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_a\assembly_buckminster.ant
[ant] assembly:
[ant] Entrypoint: ASSEMBLY
[ant] Created dir: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_a\assembled
=== END: Assembly (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_a ===
Query complete.

Note: harmless warning
The warning from eclipse about the localfile dll can be safely disregarded. In fact, the warning itself says so. We don't want to include the dll in the distribution since that automatically adds a platform dependency. The current distribution of Buckminster is platform independent.

Now build it:

buckminster -data /temp/bar build --clean
=== START: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_a ===
[ant] Buildfile: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_a\normal_buckminster.ant
[ant] clean:
[ant] Entrypoint: CLEAN
[ant] Deleting directory C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_a\derived
=== END: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_a ===
=== START: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_b ===
[ant] Buildfile: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_b\buckminster.ant
[ant] clean:
[ant] Entrypoint: CLEAN
[ant] Deleting directory C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_b\derived
=== END: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_b ===
=== START: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_c ===
[ant] Buildfile: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_c\buckminster.ant
[ant] clean:
[ant] Entrypoint: CLEAN
[ant] Deleting directory C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_c\derived
=== END: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_c ===
=== START: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_d ===
[ant] Buildfile: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_d\buckminster.ant
[ant] clean:
[ant] Entrypoint: CLEAN
[ant] Deleting directory C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_d\derived
=== END: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_d ===
=== START: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_a ===
[ant] Buildfile: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_a\normal_buckminster.ant
[ant] full:
[ant] Entrypoint: FULL
[ant] build:
[ant] Property for component is: 'buckminster.test.build_a'
[ant] Property for kind is: 'FULL'
[ant] Copying 1 file to C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_a\derived
=== END: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_a ===
=== START: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_b ===
[ant] Buildfile: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_b\buckminster.ant
[ant] full:
[ant] Entrypoint: FULL
[ant] build:
[ant] Property for component is: 'buckminster.test.build_b'
[ant] Property for kind is: 'FULL'
[ant] Copying 1 file to C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_b\derived
=== END: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_b ===
=== START: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_c ===
[ant] Buildfile: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_c\buckminster.ant
[ant] full:
[ant] Entrypoint: FULL
[ant] build:
[ant] Property for component is: 'buckminster.test.build_c'
[ant] Property for kind is: 'FULL'
[ant] Copying 1 file to C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_c\derived
=== END: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_c ===
=== START: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_d ===
[ant] Buildfile: C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_d\buckminster.ant
[ant] full:
[ant] Entrypoint: FULL
[ant] build:
[ant] Property for component is: 'buckminster.test.build_d'
[ant] Property for kind is: 'FULL'
[ant] Copying 1 file to C:\temp\bar\buckminster.test.build_d\derived
=== END: Normal (Ant Builder) - buckminster.test.build_d ===

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