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(Event Coverage: LeWeb conference, EclipseCon Europe: correct link)
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*SIP clients can call, then enter pin 1156.
= October 9 (proposed agenda)=
* Qest {Presentation by Maetto Collina
* Update on Webinars
* LeWeb and EclipseCon
* Standards Update: OneM2M, OASIS, Continua

Revision as of 15:57, 8 October 2012

The Machine-to-Machine Industry Working Group is holding weekly calls on Tuesday at 9amET.
Participation to these calls is restricted to members of the IWG, but the minutes are public.

The meetings are held via teleconference. The regular call-in numbers are as follows (if possible, please used caller paid numbers)

  • Ottawa (local call in Ottawa) 1-613-454-1403
  • North America (toll free) 1-877-369-7806
  • Germany (local call anywhere in Germany) 49-692-2224-6059
  • France (local call anywhere in France) 33-17-070-8535
  • UK (toll free) 0800-033-7806

Participant conference extension: 427, then enter pin 1156

  • SIP clients can call, then enter pin 1156.


October 9 (proposed agenda)

  • Qest {Presentation by Maetto Collina
  • Update on Webinars
  • LeWeb and EclipseCon
  • Standards Update: OneM2M, OASIS, Continua

September 19, 2012


  • Mats Samuelsson, Axeda
  • Andy Piper, Paho
  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Hilary Tomasson, Eurotech
  • Marco Carrer, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • Patrick Dempsey, Band XI
  • James Branigan, Band XI

Eclipse Project Updates

Scott and Benjamin gave brief updates on Paho, Koneki and Mihini.

There have been no updates since the last meeting on options for MQTT broker support in Paho. The consensus then was that moving Mosquitto over to Eclipse and Paho subproject would be the best path. Scott agreed to follow up with Roger Light and Arlen Nipper to see where the the decision process is.

Andy Piper will send a list of related HTTP - MQTT bridges out to the mailing list.


The webinars remain on track on track for September. Webinar information can be found here. Ian again requests that request that all members who can, promote these within their company.

M2M Portal and M2M Eclipse Package

The M2M portal is now live. The design, content and purposing of the portal received very positive feedback and compliments.

Benjamin is looking for input from Paho project on the Eclipse M2M Package Proposal. Paho is now building a plan to be part of the Kepler release and has milestones that will allow for integration with the EPP. Scott will encourage input on this from the Paho community.

Event Coverage: LeWeb conference, EclipseCon Europe

We discussed the 2012 LeWeb conference in Paris Dec 4-6. The theme of the conference is Internet of Things. Ian asked all members to let him know their interest in an Eclipse M2M Booth. Ian also reminded us about EclipseCon Europe.

Standards discussion

Scott gave an update on the ongoing work with Continua Alliance to incorporate MQTT into their specifications, and there he is now seeing strong interest and support in moving the MQTT protocol specification over to OASIS.

Following up on a previous conversation here, Mats proposed we explore a relationship with OneM2M. There was consensus on this so Ian will look into the options available.

September 4, 2012


  • Mats Samuelsson, Axeda
  • Peter Niblett, IBM
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • Patrick Dempsey, Band XI
  • James Branigan, Band XI
  • Gaétan Morice, Sierra Wireless
  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation

Moving from Scenarios to Architecture

There was a discussion on the proposal James sent around (included below). Everyone was in agreement on this design point for the interfaces into MQTT for for programming models like SOAP or REST that run over HTTP.

Eclipse M2M IWG Topic Space Design Thoughts

Within an MQTT design space, there are issues related to topic space design.  This is not a unique concern for MQTT, in fact HTTP has already been through many of these issues with URL design.  One way to think about MQTT and HTTP is as follows: The difference between MQTT and HTTP is directional: MQTT is to HTTP as PUSH is to PULL.  SOAP and REST both use very different design styles on top of HTTP.  Both styles are also possible in MQTT topic space design.  The following topic space is more aligned with a REST style design.  It has relatively few verbs and is organized around resources, which provide representations for the sensors, actuators and devices.

Simplistic Topic Space Design Template


Example Topics:

A request for the latest temperature value for zone 1 of refrigeration unit 13 at store 123.


A report of the latest temperature value for zone 1 of refrigeration unit 13 at store 123.


A request to set the set-point for zone 2 of refrigeration unit 2 at store 456.


A request for all meta-data for zone 2 of refrigeration unit 2 at store 456.


A request for all sensor and actuator ids for a refrigeration unit 2 at store 456.


One of the first things you notice is that I've added the VERB in all caps as the first segment.  This is by convention only.  Next I have a multi-segment path that provides addressibility to the device in question.  In these examples that is a refrigeration unit.  Finally, I have multi-segment path that provides addressibility to the unique sensor and actuator in question.  Multiple paths to the same device is a more advanced topic and not shown here.  By limiting the verbs in use and defining tight semantics, it is possible to construct processes that bridge brokers and provide additional services(proxy servers, data historian, etc). 

Payload Format

The payloads are not shown, although I highly recommend something programming language neutral.  Please do not directly serialize Java or C# objects, you will regret it later.  XML can be very heavy-weight for embedded devices to process.  I often use CSV or JSON for payloads when dealing with embedded systems.  A translation client can be used to rebroadcast after turning XML into CSV/JSON and CSV/JSON back into XML if necessary for enterprise integration.  

Advanced Topic Space Design

There are many other best practices for multi-reads, multi-write, meta-data update, dynamic sensor and actuator installation/removal, id claiming, admin features(log retrieval, firmware flashing, etc.).  These are explicitly left out of this note in order to avoid distracting from the most simple operations.


The webinars are are on track for September with dry runs coming up. Ian be scheudling these a week or two in advance. Webinar information can be found here. Ian is requesting that anyone who can promote these within their company to please contact him.


Mats gave a brief overview of oneM2M which lead into a discussion about the M2M IWG participation with OneM2M. There was general agreement that and it could be a key relationship and we should discuss this in future calls.

August 14, 2012


  • Arlen Nipper, Paho
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • James Branigan, Band XI
  • Hilary Tomasson, Eurotech
  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation


The webinars are confirmed. Ian will update the webpage and make it public. They will run 1 hour and Ian recommend leaving 15 minutes for questions and answers. We should all look for introductions and other points to tie these together but it is important that each webinar can standalone. Ian will schedule a dry-run of these.

Ian asked everyone to look for ways to promote this within their company's related PR oe marketing activities.

Moving from Scenarios to Architecture

There was a discussion on how to get from the scenarios, to the architecture, design and implementation of key open interface points for gateways, servers and the applications. REST is an API that is recurring requirement and topic for M2M. It is a proposed element of the Mihini proposal and and as is it use for application integration with MQTT.

The timing to do this is good as it was pointed out that both the Mihini proposal and the work Scott and Arlen are doing with Continua have very similar requirements for a RESTful interface. The M2M IWG has considerable combined experience in building M2M systems, and we expect further participate as the community grows. James suggested that the place to start is mapping topic spaces to devices and device data interfacing techniques that have been used before, today and may be used in the future. James will try and take a first pass at this.

July 24, 2012


  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Arlen Nipper, Paho
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • Patrick Dempsey, Band XI
  • Hilary Tomasson, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless

Project update

The Lua framework proposal has been submitted to Eclipse: [ (Mihini). Everyone is requested to review the plan and to look for intersection and /or overlap with Paho compoents and plans.

From the Paho project, Scott said he will be responding to concerns that the project is not responding quickly enough to the community. He asked Ian about the contributor/committer process for the new Lua client being added to Paho. Ian suggested that the contributor -> committer path may indeed not be the correct one for a major new contribution and agreed to work this off line with Scott to speed things up.

MQTT Server Support

This topic has moved over to the Paho lists but it was pointed out that there is some confusion and we need to make clear that the proposal right now is only for C language. There is interest in Java support but no concrete proposal yet.


The group agreed on the scenarios although it was noted that we may need to go back and extend them for device management. There was a brief discussion on how to move forward, turning these into a high level architecture and requirements for existing and new projects. Arlen suggested we need to be sure we are addressing real customer problems today while looking out to where M2M and IoT will be in the near future. He said the we neeed to address the IT architects as a key audience that needs means to be able to mask much of the unnecessary complexities they are dealing with today to integrate physical world systems. Benjamin asked how we could also use this to bring the existing project closer together. The timing is good for this with the MQTT server support kicked off and the Mihini proposal that will be looking at APIs including REST. This will be a continuing topic for the IWG. <br<

July 17, 2012


  • Arlen Nipper, Paho
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • James Branigan, Band XI
  • Patrick Dempsey, Band XI
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless

Project Updates

Benjamin gave an update on the Lua framework proposal. He is submitting this to Eclipse as a new project . Goal for end of year are REST APIs. Benjamin also is planning to have a preview of the Developer Portal sometime in August.

The group agreed on the fist of the two logos that Benjamin had previously sent around. (note: Bnejamin can you provide a link here to the logo?)


Arlen gave the group an overview of oneM2M, a recently announced Standards consortium for M2M standards. The organization is closely aligned with ETSI and will work to consolidate various worldwide standards that affect M2M. Arlen thought the first oneM2M face-to-face meeting will be in September. As it appears we may have common goals for the M2M market, it was suggested that there may be ways in which Eclipse and oneM2M could cooperate. Scott and Arlen review this with Mike and Ian and see if introductions can be arranged.


Scott suggested that it is time to close the scenario work as they do focus on key interface areas (device <-> M2M Gateway <-> M2M Server/Enterprise Server), and they map well to the current projects and to the proposed framework project. We will take this on in the following call.

There was general agreement that we may soon have enough even with the limited scenarios to get started on this work.

July 10, 2012


  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Arlen Nipper, Paho
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • James Branigan, Band XI
  • Patrick Dempsey, Band XI
  • Hilary Tomasson, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless

Project Updates

Benjamin gave a brief overview of an Lua framework for embedded applications being considered for Koneki. It was suggested we discuss this further when Marco from Eurotech was on as they were proposing a similar framework contribution at one time.

Benjamin will narrow down two logos for the M2M developer portal, and send them out for decision on the next call.

A new technical "Redbook" on MQTT and its application is available from IBM. Scott will send out a link and include it on the Paho project website.


Arlen has added to the scenarios and problems. He will be doing more work to see if this can fit as an extension of the refrigeration scenario.

There was some discussion if these basic scenarios now provide enough to get the architecture work started. This may be possible, given the initial scope of the work to focus on interface between M2M gateway, and Enterprise or Web servers.

James suggested that we need to develop a useful vocabulary to describe the architectural approaches which may come down to "push vs pull". For example compare MQTT to HTTP and one could looking at how how topics would map to URIs. Similarly, with SOAP vs REST. We may be able to identify needed patterns.

There was general agreement that we may soon have enough even with the limited scenarios to get started on this work.

Status on Proposal for Open Source Messaging Server

Arlen reported that both IBM and Roger Light are now both interested in creating a proposal around Eclipse open source server support for the MQTT protocol. As IBM may be looking at RSMB, and Roger already has Mosquitto out in open source, the next step is to start a technical discussion about these code bases as potential starting points. This discussion will be now moved over to the Paho mailing list.


A proposal for two seminars was made. On would be an overall session on the M2M markets, technologies and opportunity. Arlen and Benjamin are interested in this. James proposed another piece to this that could bridge the overall view into the architectural and technical points that the IWG feels are important to address. So this webinar may end up having two parts. The second would be on MQTT, publish/subscribe and the applicability of those types of messaging patterns.

EclipseCon Europe

This will be at the end of October. Ian will reserve a space for an F2F meeting.

June 5, 2012


  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Arlen Nipper, Paho
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • James Branigan, Band XI
  • Patrick Dempsey, Band XI
  • Hilary Tomasson, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless

Status on Proposal for Open Source Messaging Server

No updates to report but Arlen said he will be able to report back on the June 19th call.

Review and Approval of Marchitecture

The Marchitecture presentation was approved by consensus and can be found here.

Scenario/Problem Discussion

Arlen is introducing a scenario that can lead to requirements for less direct coupling between M2M/IoT applications and the protocols used by devices and controllers. He distributed a new Problem Description: “One-to-One Data Model for SCADA/Telemetry Information". A number of points were brought up in the discussion:

  • Designs and implementations for M2M systems, standards, or integration often focus too much on a question like "well what about this protocol?". This is because often the device protocol interface is the application's means to access device data. This leads to unnecessarily tight coupling between the applications and the specific protocol used, which in turn can lead to "brittle" system design. Arlen gave some examples of this from SCADA application domains. The M2M IWG should look into this so that the M2M and IoT application and solutions markets can move forward more rapidly, being somewhat independent of device protocols and promote support of multiple protocols.
  • While M2M system developers sometimes design frameworks, abstraction layers, models and generators in order to quickly adapt to multiple protocols, a better solution is needed.
  • There will always be multiple protocols and standards - that is inherent to the space. Supporting/Integrating existing and new protocols is important and always will be . The IWG scenario work should result in identifying problems and solutions and a level of decoupling that reflects this, while encouraging rapid open application development and integration.
  • From an application developer perspective, the IWG architecture work should include where and how protocol conversion should be supported - e.g. in tools, frameworks and/or abstraction layers. This needs to address devices, edge controllers/gateways, and servers.

Arlen said he would factor this Problem description into an appropriate scenario and post these on the Wiki. Although the currently documented refrigeration scenario is not specifically SCADA-related, Arlen said he may be able to extend it to be representative of a larger class of M2M problems including the SCADA ones he has experience with.

Feedback on Eclipse Damos Proposal

There was a discussion about a new proposal, Damos, recently published on Eclipse. Damos proposes a data flow oriented model to generate embedded system applications and simulations. It uses data models. Damos appears focused on creating the logic/algorithms for these embedded applications rather than their integration with servers and other applications. Given that this is model driven and proposed to run in Eclipse, the data models, the target embedded devices themselves and/or applications running on them may be of interest from an M2M perspective. For example, the sensor values should be compatible with what the M2M projects do with the proposed data model. Benjamin also noted that Damos appears to be based on Itemis technology and that he would followup with them.

Eclipse based MQTT Client

Hilary reported that work is proceeding on the Client to run inside Eclipse, Chad has sorted out his Committer credentials, and has started the code commit process.


Ian has decided that given the timing, it is not practical to participate in Connected World's Hackathon or have an Eclipse booth. He will be attending and promoting the Eclipse M2M IWG and projects. He will report back in two weeks and we can discuss participation and possibly supporting the Hackathon next year.

May 22, 2012


  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Marco Carrer, Eurotech
  • Arlen Nipper, Paho
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • James Branigan, Band XI
  • Peter Niblett, IBM
  • Hilary Tomasson, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless

Marchitecture and PR Update

An update of the presentation was sent out on the Mailing List and can be found here. We will review this on the next call a try to approve for posting. We ran out of time for Ian to update us on PR but he later posted this status:

  • The momentum press release to go out Thursday morning 5/24. It will be posted on the web site and the PRWeb newswire.
  • Based on feedback and conversations, we will not have an Eclipse booth at Connected World. Ian will attend the conference and evangelize the IWG objectives.

Scenario Walk-through and Discussion

Scott summarized the goals of the scenario work:

  • Document key needs obstacles, and inhibitors, both technical and market based, that the Eclipse M2M community can address with architecture and project deliverables.
  • Document requirements to be addressed by follow-on architecture and open source project deliverables

Call today is to walk through the the first scenarios provided by Band XI to see if the format and level match our goals:

Overall comments on the Refrigeration Scenario/Problems:

  • Scott to update Wiki with these goals for further consideration
  • Arlen suggested we identify what we want to accomplish and try to scope which scenarios we go after first. He suggested an immediate goal to help developers an integrators see how to "put together M2M applications" and, how the resulting code could feed into the concept of an "app store".
  • Peter added that we need to also raise and focus on what are expected to be the main architectural issues. James suggested that we keep that in mind but that the problems should leads to architecture and corresponding frameworks.
  • James noted that these initial scenario/problems imply a hardwired connection to the internet. Because wireless device connections are driving the M2M space, Arlen agreed to look over these scenarios from a wireless requirements perspective and to add additional scenarios representative of the wireless issues and opportunity.
  • Peter noted that while this level of Scenarios are good, what we are identifying as "Problems" in the wiki will be what end up driving the technical work. Peter feels we need a Scenario and related Problems that are indicative of a "producer/consumer" architecture. He will try to add these.
  • Ian reminded the group that while we may specific goals to get to an architecture and project deliverables, this level of Problems/Scenarios will also prove very educational for people trying to understand this space better.
  • James indicated they would continue working scenarios when possible.

May 8, 2012


  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Marco Carrer, Eurotech
  • Arlen Nipper, Paho
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • Patrick Dempsey, Band XI
  • Peter Niblett, IBM

PR Update

Ian sent out a draft press release.

He needs edits back from Eurotech, IBM, and Sierra Wireless on May 17th

Press release will go out on May 24th.

Update and Discussion on Marchitecture

A new version incorporating edits/comments from last calls, is not yet available.

Scott asked that the last list of technical challenges be included as a bridge from the problem statement to the goals and objectives of the IWG. He also noted we need to highlight the need to focus on a effective level of decoupling between the producers of device data and the consumers, such as enterprise and web applications. Arlen may propose an additional chart on decoupling and the value to opening up new applications and markets.

Peter asked for more background on what is driving the volumes and opportunity on chart #2 and that, on chart #4, we not limit the market to B2B.

Ian thinks a final review draft could be ready in a few weeks.

April 24, 2012


  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Hilary Tomasson, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Gaétan Morice, Sierra Wireless
  • Arlen Nipper, Paho
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • James Branigan, Band XI

M2M Server Support

Arlen gave the group a quick update on putting together an Eclipse-based open source assessment and recommendations for server side support of the MQTT protocol. He has been looking at options and needs, and will be contacting Roger Light (Mosquitto) soon, to follow-up on this.

Update and Discussion on Marchitecture

Work on this is progressing. There is a joint call scheduled for this Friday. Hilary will update the IWG on next week’s call.

Modeling Update

The modeling work is focused on a means to describe device data and how it is transmitted on the “wire”. Benjamin is working on a use case to describe some of the requirements for this which he will put on the M2M IWG Wiki. The also is a sample application being developed demonstrate use of the Model.

Scenarios and Problems

To start looking at addressability and decoupling, James has updated a Food Refrigeration Unit Zone Control scenario with a related Problem: Sensor and Actuator Identity and Addressability. He asks everyone to take a look and comment.

Project Related

Scott wanted let everyone know that there was a discussion on the Paho mailing list about the the emerging importance of dual licensing Eclipse M2M runtimes, especially for use/distribution on Linux based where a GPL compatible licensing terms like EDL are expected.

April 17, 2012


  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Hilary Tomasson, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • James Branigan, Band XI
  • Arlen Nipper, Paho

M2M Server Support

Arlen gave the group a quick update on putting together an Eclipse-based open source assessment and recommendations for server side support of the MQTT protocol. He has been looking at options and needs, and will be contacting Roger Light (Mosquitto) soon, to follow-up on this.

Update and Discussion on Marchitecture

Two sets of presentation materials from Eurotech and Sierra Wireless are now being combined into a single deck as a starting point. The combined draft will be input to the IWG. Sierra is working on a draft vision statement.

Project Related

Marco reported that they are working on the user permissions needed for Chad Kienle to commit. This should be worked out soon. Scott will be sure Paho team is following up to get the Lua MQTT contribution moving.

Community Building, Marketing and PR

Ian has created a Wiki section for this here. Ian will kick off a discussion start a discussion on the next M2M press release. Companies are encouraged to sponsor Eclipse demo camps with M2M theme and/or presentations. DemoCamp are being scheduled for June.

April 10, 2012


  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Marco Carrer, Eurotech
  • Hilary Tomasson, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • Arlen Nipper, Paho
  • Gaétan Morice, Sierra Wireless
  • Andy Piper,
  • James Branigan, Band XI
  • Patrick Dempsey, Band XI

Update and Discussion on Marchitecture

Hilary Tomasson has organized the initial calls. Marco and Benjamin are participating. They have agreed to pull together a rough draft that they will review with the IWG. They agreed that they should be able to draft a Vision statement from this.

Scenarios and Problems

Benjamin has completed a Wiki template to capture these in the M2M IWG Wiki. The template is |here. James, Arlen and Benjamin indicated they will be providing scenarios.

Project Related

Given interest by new contributors, Scott was asked to set up regular Paho Project calls.

April 3, 2012


  • Mike Milinkovich, Eclipse Foundation
  • Dave Locke, IBM
  • Peter Niblett, IBM
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Scott de Deugd, IBM
  • Arlen Nipper, Eurotech
  • Nick O'Leary, IBM
  • Gaétan Morice, Sierra Wireless
  • Pat Huff, IBM
  • Andy Piper,
  • James Branigan, Band XI

Call was opened up to exchange feedback from EclipseCon and the F2F Meeting

Followups and Next Steps from the F2F Meeting

As there was not sufficient time to review the Next Steps and ToDo items from the F2F Meeting, Scott asked to use call to walk through them for discussion and update. This have been added to the section for the March 29, 2012 F2F Meeting.

OSGi Support on M2M Servers

There was interest and discussion at EclipseCon around OSGi support on the MQTT server. Both Equinox and Virgo have come up as project to consider. Arlen and Wes have built OSGi server support before and suggest that multiple implementations should be supported. (edit: here is the ink to the Mailing List on OSGi ) There was brief discussion about including this on the M2M sandbox server. Currently Mosquitto is C so support for OSGi would probably also lead to a discussion about Java support for the server in the project.

Other contacts - EclipseCon

  • Andy talked to Hitachi folks about home automation. Hilary, Wes and Arlen said they have contacts to see if Hitachi is interested in the Eclipse M2M projects and IWG.
  • He talked to some Motorola people there, who he will followup with.
  • There were discussion about MQTT IA92 support that Andy will followup with Dave on.



  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Scott DeDeugd, IBM
  • Arlen Nipper, Eurotech
  • Marco Carrer, Eurotech
  • James Branigan, Band XI

note: due to time zone changes, some members could not attend

Discussion on Metamodel Description:

Benjamin has updated the metamodel description on the Wiki with an introduction and purpose. No specific comments yet. Benjamin will send a note out to the mailing list to encourage review and comments.

Question came up on whether the metamodel is intended for use in the tooling for application integration and development, or also for defining device parameters and data interface to external systems? Benjamin responded that it is intended primarily for application development but once defined it could also be used for open interface integration.

A request was made to include an example of instantiating the metamodel. Benjamin was agreeable to this but said he cannot get to it until after EclipseCon.

Discussion on Scenarios/Problems Description:

A proposed format and examples for the Scenarios and related Problems are now on the Wiki. Arlen was OK with format and will add some relevant scenarios. Scott will send a note out to the mailing list to encourage review, comments and contributions.

Updates on Project work:

  • Koneki: team is working to be part of Juno release stream
  • Paho: C code available now. Java code ready and is getting new package names before release.
  • M2M Sandbox Server: This is running now. Access control needs to be addressed. Ian will try to get someone from Eclipse IT to the F2F meeting. Arlen has some simple start-up documentation he will provide.

Agenda for EclipseCon meeting

Scott will update Wiki with items discussed today.

  • Sandbox access control
  • Discussion around a 2012 focus on “user experience” with Koneki, Paho and Sandbox.
  • Participants should add themselves to the dedicated wiki page



  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Scott DeDeugd, IBM
  • Peter Niblett, IBM
  • Dave Locke, IBM
  • Arlen Nipper, Eurotech
  • Marco Carrer, Eurotech
  • Andy Piper
  • Patrick Dempsey, Band XI
  • James Branigan, Band XI

M2M meta-model

(note from Benjamin: sorry that I likely did forget to write down some of the discussions around the model, feel free to complete!)

  • Benjamin will add a preamble to the wiki page to describe in more details the purpose of the meta-model
  • Peter: how about devices and sensors acting as data feeds?
  • Arlen: it is more about devices and brokers than devices and servers.
  • Scott: oBIX may be a good model to describe data. Arlen had use cases with oBIX and MQTT.

M2M app anatomy, scenarios

  • Arlen and Scott will provide a first draft of the description of data manipulation: how to send it, how to receive it...


  • Ian reminds that the chairperson is setting meetings agendas, and running the meetings
  • The chairperson must be from a strategic or enterprise member company, and only IBM is falling into this category
  • Scott to take the chairperson role
  • It is suggested that the chairperson (and co-chairs if any) should be renewed every year

Agenda for EclipseCon meeting

  • The meeting could start earlier if needed (even though there's the keynote in the morning)
  • There will be a couple of newcomers (QNX, Thingworx, ...), maybe it'd make sense to present them the activities of the Group during the BoF and use the F2F meeting
  • The main topics would be the M2M meta-model and marketing.
  • Participants should add themselves to the dedicated wiki page

Paho update

  • Dave to post update regarding ETA of the Paho initial contribution on paho-dev mailing-list.



  • Andy Piper
  • Ian Skerrett
  • Gaétan Morice
  • Benjamin Cabé
  • Patrick Dempsey

M2M meta-model

  • Benjamin has put a first version of the M2M meta-model requirements on the wiki
    • It is very data-centric atm (which was identified has something very important during the IWG kick-off though)
    • Members are encouraged to review it and provide feedback
  • Koneki team will provide a first implementation of the meta-model in EMF (hopefuly this week) ; and then tooling to edit model instances

M2M developers hub

  • Drupal instance has been set up
    • Ian to send credentials to Andy
  • Ian to send an e-mail to the mailing list to initiate discussions regarding graphical design (Arlen already mentioned that Robert from Eurotech could work on a logo ; Sierra graphical designer could work on UX ; ... )
  • EclipseCon will be the occasion to discuss when we want to put the site online (e.g. soft launch asap or wait until a more complete chain has been implemented?)



  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Arlen Nipper, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Gaétan Morice, Sierra Wireless
  • Nick O'Leary, IBM
  • Scott DeDeugd, IBM
  • Andy Piper


- Follow up on f2f meeting actions - EclipseCon - Relationship with standard organizations

Relationship with standard organizations

  • Scott: ETSI is doing a lot in m2m space. MQTT particularly interested in OASIS. Continua health alliance …
  • Arlen: is there something to be done w/ CoAP?
  • Scott: should we engage a couple of vertical areas?
  • Benjamin: standardization may not be the next important thing to focus on while we don't have much to share
  • IBM and Eurotech are pushing MQTT to OASIS anyway, but the question is: would MQTT make sense for other standards orgs such as ETSI?
  • Ian: no hurry while we don't have a better and common understanding of the m2m apps anatomy and so on

Follow-up on f2f meeting actions

  • Metamodel first thoughts to be put by Benjamin on the wiki this week
  • Benjamin to start discussing with Marco, Kai and Stefan to sync on the anatomy this week
  • Ian: no progress on the communication perspective. need to get back in touch with Brian and Robert.
  • MQTT setup: need to hook the instance to Eclipse's LDAP
  • Developer website: Denis is deploying a Drupal instance.
  • Paho code: Paho will follow parallel IP, Scott to update the group next week


  • Meeting room reserved for wednesday afternoon for the group. May be reschedule in the morning if there are conflicts
  • Scott, Andy, Arlen, Marco, Wes, Benjamin, Gaetan, … will be at the conference (editor's note: I may have forgotten names… sorry about that)
  • BoF on Wed. at 8.30pm



  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Arlen Nipper, Eurotech
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Gaétan Morice, Sierra Wireless
  • Nick O'Leary, IBM
  • Peter Niblett, IBM
  • Scott DeDeugd, IBM


  • Action items after kick-off

Action items

  • Developer hub/Web portal
    • IBM to update the group about this item (wrt Andy leaving IBM)
    • Andy will probably still work on this though
    • Sierra Wireless is interested in working on this hub, by providing Lua samples
    • Arlen: Eurotech would like to contribute its Java MQTT client
    • Drupal instance to be set up at Eclipse
      • would be the main URL
      • would be the entry point for the Mosquitto broker that is to be deployed at eclipse
    • Robert to draft a logo for the M2MIWG portal
  • M2M application anatomy: Marco and Kai to lead this
  • M2M metamodel: Benjamin to lead this
    • First thoughts should be put on the weeky before next week call
    • This will be food for thoughts for the M2M anatomy work package
  • The weekly IWG call will be used from now on to synchronize the different work items (metamodel, anatomy, marketecture, ...) and we will try to keep it 30-min long



  • Scott DeDeugd, IBM
  • Dave Locke, IBM
  • Andy Piper, IBM
  • Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  • Benjamin Cabé, Sierra Wireless
  • Gaétan Morice, Sierra Wireless
  • Kai Rudella, Bosch
  • Stefan Ferber, Bosch
  • Arlen Nipper, Eurotech


  • Bosch introduction
  • Paho
  • MQTT server at Eclipse
  • Marketing and Promotion ideas

Bosch introduction

  • IoT is something Bosch has a special interest in
  • Bosch is manufacturer of "things" working autonomously and/or in interaction w/ other
  • Challenge: bring the Bosch product portfolio into the IoT
  • Bosch Software Innovation working on technology that would enable IoT for Bosch products
  • Bosch interested in seeing what Open Source community could provide

Face-to-face meeting

  • Restaurant not picked up yet (will depend on the number of participants). Andy is coordinating this.

MQTT server at Eclipse

  • Arlen has been working with Eclipse IT and Roger Light
  • Arlen suggests that Eclipse users could have a dedicated topic if they asked for, so as everybody can make tests in their own sandboxes


  • This will be discussed during the Face-to-Face meeting
  • There is an M2M event the 24th and the 25th of January in Berlin. Details will be posted on the list.



  • Patrick Dempsey (Band XI)
  • Benjamin Cabé (Sierra Wireless)
  • Gaétan Morice (Sierra Wireless)
  • Scott DeDeugd (IBM)
  • Andy Piper (IBM)
  • Ian Skerrett (Eclipse Fdn)
  • Arlen Nipper (Eurotech)


  • Kick-off meeting preparation

Kick-off meeting

  • Ian has set up
  • Andy needs to have the agenda and a more accurate list of the attendees to get badges and stuff
  • Ian suggests that Sierra, IBM, Eurotech... make a 10-15 min presentation of their respective corporate strategy
  • Everybody working on inviting parties: Bosch, Intel/Windriver, Sensorlogic, ...
  • Reminder that there will be a dinner the evening before the meeting



  • Benjamin Cabé (Sierra Wireless)
  • Gaétan Morice (Sierra Wireless)
  • Scott DeDeugd (IBM)
  • Andy Piper (IBM)
  • Arlen Nipper (Eurotech)
  • Ian Skerrett (Eclipse Fdn)
  • Mike Milinkovich (Eclipse Fdn)


  • IWG charter and official creation
  • Roadmap
  • Charter review
  • Recruitment

IWG charter and official creation

  • Ian will incorporate the suggested modification regarding Steerring Committee participation requirements.
  • Ian to send the announcement to the membership-at-large mailing-list later this week.
  • Sierra, IBM and Eurotech initial members of the Steering Committee.


  • No progress.
  • Need to work on Paho and Koneki roadmaps before the F2F meeting.


  • Mike and Ian to talk to Axeda later today about their participation.
  • Arlen to talk with someone from Telit.
  • Mike: when would be the best timing to start recruiting projects? (eg Mosquitto)
    • Arlen: we need to get the sandbox ready first
    • Ben: it's important to define the structure of the Koneki and Paho projects to have a better understanding of where new projects would end up.


  • Arlen and Scott will make a couple of M2M slidedecks available on the Wiki.
  • Next call will be on Jan, 10th.
  • Face-to-face meeting: try to schedule a dinner for the day before the meeting (Jan 30th).
  • Mike will share the address of a suggested hotel.
  • Ian will advertise the meeting on his blog so as people interested can join.
  • Andy will talk about the meeting at an IoT event in London tomorrow



  • Benjamin Cabé (Sierra Wireless)
  • Gaétan Morice (Sierra Wireless)
  • Andy Piper (IBM)
  • Patrick Dempsey (Band XI)
  • Ian Skerrett (Eclipse Fdn)
  • Mike Milinkovich (Eclipse Fdn)


  • Koneki and Paho updates
  • Charter review
  • Recruitment

Paho update

  • Refactoring of the code ongoing internally at IBM (package names renaming...)
  • Eurotech also doing refactoring on its side.

Koneki update

  • Working on the project plan for the face-to-face meeting (application models, simulators)

Charter review

  • Benjamin: can we make it clearer what 2 ppl exactly means in the requirement to be part of the Steering Committee
  • Ian: We should clarify what it means to be actively participating: being an active committer, ...
    • ==> Ian to draft something in that direction
  • Andy to check how many FTE actually working on M2MIWG related stuff
  • Additions in the "Interested parties" section of the charter: Axeda, Band XI.

Face to Face meeting

  • Jan. 31st is confirmed.


  • Axeda is joining the Eclipse Foundation and interested in joining the IWG.
  • Mike highlights that we need to stimulate the participation of other companies.
  • Ian: we should invite companies to our F2F meeting, even though this is a members meeting.
  • Bosch, Pachube, Windriver
  • Ian suggest we try to invite a carrier. Benjamin to check for a contact at Sprint.
  • Ian: from the outside(feedback from Thingworx, for example), the IWG initiative looks very MQTT-centric, maybe we need to clarify this.


  • Mike to check with Arlen how things are going regarding the setup of the Mosquitto sandbox
  • EclipseCon
    • IWG talk has been declined, 1 Koneki talk (Lua Development Tools), 1 Paho talk.
    • Ian: if we want to have a F2F meeting at EclipseCon, it is possible to book meeting rooms



  • Benjamin Cabé (Sierra Wireless)
  • Gaétan Morice (Sierra Wireless)
  • Scott DeDeugd (IBM)
  • Arlen Nipper (Eurotech)
  • Patrick Dempsey (Band XI)
  • Ian Skerrett (Eclipse Fdn)
  • Mike Milinkovich (Eclipse Fdn)


  • Charter review
  • Roadmap
  • Recruiting update

Charter review

  • Get rid of the tentative roadmap section because it is stale in terms of timeline and we now have a dedicated roadmap document
  • Membership rules: two different levels of membership so as it is still meritocracy based even though the group is open to everyone
    • Is 2 ppl the right number of full-time appointed resources needed to be part of the steering committee?
      • "Appoint at least 2 developers/technical resources to contribute to the creation of M2M WG technologies" means that resources can also work on sponsored projects
      • Everybody agrees on the way membership rules are formulated
    • What would be the requirements in terms of advocacy?
    • Ian to propose something going in this direction
  • Creation could (should) happen on Dec. 8th (since review started Nov. 8th)
    • The list of initial members of the Steering Committee has to be finalized by then
    • Mike and Scott suggest to send a remainder so as more people can have a chance to look at the charter
    • Mike reminds that any Eclipse Fdn member meeting the participation requirements is in.
    • Scott: we're not in a hurry to formally start the WG.
    • Sierra Wireless, IBM and Eurotech to internally confirm that they want/will be part of the SC.


  • Programming model
    • Benjamin: more than programming model, what we certainly want to mention an "application model" (contract between embedded and server: description of data exchanged, communication interfaces, …)
    • Patrick to have a look and see internally if Band XI would be interested
    • Benjamin to provide more information regarding this model topic.

Face-to-face meeting

  • Date of 31st Jan. in IBM Hursley still on


  • Ian to come back to the handful of interested parties to see what would be their timeframe to join and see how that fits with the tentative launch date of Dec, 8th.

22nd Nov. 2011


  • Benjamin Cabé (Sierra Wireless)
  • Scott DeDeugd (IBM)
  • Arlen Nipper (Eurotech)
  • Ian Skerrett (Eclipse Fdn)
  • Mike Milinkovich (Eclipse Fdn)


  • Review of the first draft of roadmap
  • Face to face meeting
  • Recruitment
  • Mosquitto setup

Review of the first draft of the roadmap

  • Overview and background
    • Ian: we should define M2M better in the first section
    • Ian: is the roadmap only related to Eclipse projects?
    • Ian: highlight that we want to build an industry consortium
  • Basic Principles
    • Arlen: the feedback on MQTT recent announcements is that ppl think that everybody seems to pick his specific protocol and promote it / try to turn it into a standard
    • Mike & Arlen: we are fine with existing protocols (recent discussion about DNP 3.0 in MQTT google group), we don't aim at replacing them. We want to be above existing protocols.
    • There are questions still open in this section. Let's keep them as is and put the roadmap draft on the wiki.
    • Arlen: use cases definition is a difficult task ; especially if we have carriers involved (difficult to end up with use cases which are not too generic)
  • M2M vision, purpose & scope

Mike reminds that the charter is not final yet. We are in a 30-day period where the community can give feedback. Even after that period of time, updates to the charter are still possible though. The M2M Industry Working Group is part of an Open Source Foundation: we are looking at code contributions, not ending up with standards/open standards.

    • Ian: detail as much as possible where we want to go. What would be the success criteria for Koneki, for Paho
    • Synchronize the roadmap of individual projects / be sure they are in sync with the global roadmap of the IWG itself.
    • Mike: if Mosquitto is going to be hosted at Eclipse, it has to be in the scope
    • Ian: we should have a bottom-up approach --> "Here is what we want to accomplish, do you want to help us?"
    • Mike: need to have short iterations if possible
  • Near term direction
    • Everybody agrees that 12-18 months is a good duration (revision of the roadmap in ~6 months if needed)
    • Ian: roadmap v1.0 will have to be voted (as well as how to revise it)
  • Roadmap process:
    • Mike: say that we solicit feedback from the community, but mentioning that the steering committee will have to vote/approve changes

Face-to-face meeting

  • suggested date is Jan. 31st, in IBM Hursley
  • TBC before Christmas.


  • Members of the IWG discussed about companies that might be interested in joining the IWG (and becoming members of the EF)
  • Recruiting universities and research institutes would be very valuable: they could run their projects as Eclipse projects…

Mosquitto setup at Eclipse

  • Ian and Arlen still need to setup a meeting with Eclipse webmasters (user management, ACL, …)

15th Nov. 2011


  • Benjamin Cabé (Sierra Wireless)
  • Gaétan Morice (Sierra Wireless)
  • Jean-Yves Reynaud (Sierra Wireless)
  • Scott DeDeugd (IBM)
  • Arlen Nipper (Eurotech)
  • Ian Skerrett (Eclipse Fdn)

EclipseCon feedback

  • BoF
    • About 10-12 interested people: home automation hobbyists, ppl working in companies interested in M2M
    • We need to agree on a common terminology: Benjamin to initialize a page on the wiki
    • We need to come up with a "big picture"
    • People don't quite get how MQTT will address the fragmentation in terms of "local" protocols (Modbus, CANbus, …)
      • clarify what MQTT is and what MQTT is not
    • "Communication challenge" ahead: everybody has its own definition of M2M
    • We need a roadmap!
  • Modeling / Hobbyists
    • People really interested by the approach where you work on the abstraction of what the application is doing (e.g. get a temperature every 10 min)
  • Setup a Mosquitto instance at Eclipse to lower the barrier for people (inc. hobbyists) to prototype more easily?
    • Deploy an Ubuntu version of Mosquitto at
    • Set-up to be discussed with Eclipse webmaster (Arlen and Ian)

Paho update

  • Code is ready to go. (3.0 version of MQTT)
  • CQ for IP review to be open soon
  • Proposal to be clarified re: server-side stuff

Koneki update

  • Lua Dev Tools now available on the market
  • Great feedback so far from the Lua community

EclipseCon 2012

  • Benjamin to submit the proposal, Benjamin and Scott speakers.
  • Ian suggest to submit technical proposals by Friday 18th! (Target "Mobile" and "Embedded" tracks)

What next?

  • Roadmap
    • Focus on what we think m2m/IoT should be
    • Define the marketecture / big picture
      • Everybody is encouraged to put ideas on the wiki
      • Scott to put a first draft on the wiki for next week
    • Arlen suggest to put together an FAQ
  • Face-to-Face meeting
    • Ian: face-to-face meeting purpose would be to come up with version 1.0 of the roadmap
    • Face-to-Face meeting tentative at the end of January: 30th or 31st in London area
  • Interested parties
    • Ian: should we try to recruit at least one carrier in the IWG?
      • Yes, but we need an actual roadmap first

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