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Welcome to the SystemTapGUI Help pages. This section is intended to provide users with information and links about the SystemTap scripting language itself, in addition to a brief introduction to SystemTap GUI's structure for new users and a brief explanation of SystemTap.
Welcome to the SystemTapGUI Help pages. This section is intend<br>ed to provide users with information and links about the SystemTap scripting language itself, in addition to a brief introduction to SystemTap GUI's structure for new users and a brief explanation of SystemTap.
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== Reference ==
= SystemTap Graphing =
=== Views and Editors ===
== Getting Started ==
=== Introduction ===
The Graphing Perspective in the SystemTap GUI is a perspective that is active once a user runs a script with the chart option ('''<u>R</u>un->Run w/ <u>C</u>hart'''). From this point a [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/dataTable.html | DataTable ]] is populated with live data as it is parsed from the Console. From the information in the DataTable you can generate the following graphs:
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/barGraph.html | Bar Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/multiBarGraph.html | Multi-Bar Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/lineGraph.html | Line Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/multiLineGraph.html | Multi-Line Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/scatterGraph.html | Scatter Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/multiScatterGraph.html | Multi-Scatter Graph ]]
These graph types can be used instantiated by using the Graph Wizard once the DataTable is populated. The Graphing Perspective can support multiple graphs from one DataTable. Each are updated and can be viewed by navigating through the tabs shown at the top of each graph.
If you have not already, you will want to review the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/graphingTutorial.html | Graphing Tutorial ]]
=== Graphing Tutorial ===
In order to graph SystemTap scripts you must have a script open in the IDE Perspective, and the '''<u>R</u>un-&gt;Run w/ Chart''' option must be used. If you are unfamiliar with how to load or write a SystemTap script, please review the IDE Tutorial in the SystemTap IDE User's Guide. Please use the following script for this example by copying and pasting it into a new file (any name is fine that ends in a .stp extension):
<pre>global read, write, start
probe begin {
  start = gettimeofday_s()
probe syscall.write {
  write += count
probe {
  read += count
probe {
  printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", (gettimeofday_s()-start), read, write)
Now select '''<u>R</u>un-&gt;Run w/ <u>C</u>hart'''. This feature will prompt the user for the number of columns for the chart, in addition to their titles and regular expressions. The regular expressions are used to parse the console output for the script and determine the values of each column at a certain sample point. The combined regular expression is shown at the bottom of the dialogue box. You should see the following:
For this example enter the following:
<pre> Columns: 3
Time \d+ .* \D+
Read \d+ .* \D+
Write \d+ .* \D+
The title fields simply display the associated string in the column's header. After clicking OK the script will prompt you for details regarding the Remote Server. Provide the ip address of the remote server that is running the systemtapgui Server or the Data Management Daemon. The port is by default 22462. Enter a username and password.This will give the application permissions to run your script on the remote machine. You have the option of saving your password as well, however be warned this is currently NOT encrypted so this convenience runs at a risk. The username is also used to transfer the file to the remote system using SCP. If the same machine is used as both the server and the client enter 'localhost' for the Host field. When the script is executed the application will switch into the Graphing perspective. A Data View chart is populated with live data, in addition to the output in the console.  You should see a screen similar to the following:
You will see that the data table poplulates from live data parsed from the console. Now we'll make a graph to briefly illustrate the Graphing perspective. Click the Create Graph button next to bring up the Select Chart dialogue.
Select line graph. You will be prompted to select a column of the X series and Y series; select "Time" and "Write" respectively. After you click ok you should see the line graph as follows:
Note that the multiple series graphs (Multi-Line, Multi-Bar, and Multi-Scatter) will request two Y series, Y1 and Y2. In the case of our example, these would be "Read" and "Write". Each series will be assigned a different color value for the purposes of differentiation and will be plotted both in respect to the specified X series.
== Concepts ==
=== DataTable ===
The DataTable is the default view the user sees when running a script with the chart option. It intitially starts empty and populates as it recieves information parsed from the console originally from the script. The DataTable is a visualization of the data structure that every other graph type spawns from.
The columns of the DataTable can be resized at will by dragging the seperation lines between column headers. In addition, the information in the data table can be [[Linux Tools Project/Systemtap/User Guide/graphing/importDataSet.html|saved and loaded ]] without having to re-run the script. Furthermore, the user can populate the DataTable without having to run a script if a script's output has been saved into a file, see [[Linux Tools Project/Systemtap/User Guide/graphing/openScriptOutput.html|Opening Script Output ]].Right clicking the DataTable provides a menu with the following options:
* '''Format as...''' - Depending on which column the user right clicked, his allows the user to format that column's data as one of the following:
** Unformated - No formating is applied.
** String
** Date
** Double
** Hex
** Octal
** Binary 
* '''Add Filter...''' - Adds a [[Linux Tools Project/Systemtap/User Guide/graphing/filters.html|filter ]] to the DataTable.
* '''Remove Filter...''' - Removes a [[Linux Tools Project/Systemtap/User Guide/graphing/filters.html|filter ]] from the DataTable.
* '''Manually Resize''' - Allows the user to resize column width without bouncing back to the minimum based on the largest value.
=== DataGraph Types ===
Currently there are six graph types built into SystemTap GUI.
These graph types can be used instantiated by using the Graph Wizard once the DataTable is populated. The Graphing Perspective can support multiple graphs from one DataTable. Each are updated and can be viewed by navigating through the tabs shown at the top of each graph.
==== Bar Graph ====
The Bar Graph typically uses bars to show frequencies or values.
Creating a Bar Graph will prompt the user for three values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the Y Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Multi-Bar Graph ====
The Multi-Bar Graph is useful for illustrating compounding series data against a fixed interval, such as time.
Creating a Multi-Bar Graph will prompt the user for four values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the first Y Series; here you select one of the series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. The fourth option is the second Y series; here you select the other series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Line Graph ====
The Line Graph is traditionally ideal for horozontally depicting non-cumulative data over, say, time.
Creating a Line Graph will prompt the user for three values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the Y Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Multi-Line Graph ====
A Multi-Line Graph is useful for contrasting multiple series of data on a fixed interval, such as time.
Creating a Multi-Line Graph will prompt the user for four values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the first Y Series; here you select one of the series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. The fourth option is the second Y series; here you select the other series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Scatter Graph ====
A Scatter Graph uses Cartesian coordinates to show the relation of two or more quantitative variables.
Creating a Scatter Graph will prompt the user for three values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the Y Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Multi-Scatter Graph ====
The Multi-Scatter Graph is useful for comparing two sets of series data with multiple Y values on the same X value.
Creating a Multi-Scatter Graph will prompt the user for four values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the first Y Series; here you select one of the series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. The fourth option is the second Y series; here you select the other series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
=== Filters ===
Filters are screens that you can set on your DataTable to limit the quantity of samples you wish to work with. Filters are very often used in restricting the sheer amount of information available to make data tables and graphs more substantial to people.
The following options exist to work with Filters in the DataTable:
* '''Add Filter...''' - Adds a Filter to the DataTable.
* '''Remove Filter...''' - Removes a Filter from the DataTable.
When you select '''Add Filter''' you see the following dialogue box:
What follows is a breakdown of each Filter type:
* '''Match Filter''' - This filter removes everything from the data set where the selected column's
value does not match the chosen value.
* '''Range Filter''' - This filter removes everything from the data set that is not included in the
selected range of values.
* '''Sort Filter''' - This filter will sort the data set based on the selected column. No data will be
* '''Unique Filter''' - This filter will remove all merge all entries in that data set that share a common
value in the selected column. Data for the removed rows will be aggregated together based on the chosen
aggregation method.
** '''Average Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the average of all the items consolidated.
** '''Count Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the number of items consolidated.
** '''Max Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the maximum value of all the items consolidated.
** '''Min Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the minimum value of all the items consolidated.
** '''Sum Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the sum of all the items consolidated.
=== Graph Interaction ===
Each of the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/graphTypes.html | Graph Types ]] have similar options that can be used in the Graphical
* '''Zoom Bar''' - This enables the user to zoom in and out on the current graph by sliding the bar up and down. The current magnification is shown at the top of the bar. Magnification can range from as high as .0625x to as low as 4x the dimensions of the original graph.<[[Image:zoom.png]]
* '''Title''' - This option turns on and off the title specified in the graph creation wizard.
* '''Legend''' - This option turns on and off the legend, particularly useful in the graph types that show multiple series.
* '''Grid Lines''' - This option permits the user to turn and off the grid lines.
* '''Normalization''' - The option to normalize occurs only in multi-series graphs. By default, series graphs are rendered using normalization which scales them to visuals easily comparable to one another. The user has the option to view the normalization scale by clicking the data in the graph. The user also has the option of disabling normalization by deselecting it.
== Tasks ==
This section of the Graphing User Guild is intended to provide help pages for common tasks that the user may wish to perform in the Graphics Perspective.
=== Importing/Exporting Data Sets ===
From time to time the user may want to preserve the script results for continued work at a later date/time or to share findings with others. The Importing and Exporting options provide an easy way to do this.
==== Importing a Data Set ====
In order to import a Data Set the user must first have one either from running a script or from another user. To import the Data Set select '''<u>F</u>ile-><u>I</u>mport Data Set'''. The user will be prompted with an Open File dialogue box. Navigate to the Data Set file you wish to open and select it. Keep in mind Data Set files can have any extension type, though the user may want to use .set for consistency.
==== Exporting a Data Set ====
In order to export a Data Set the user must first have a populated DataTable from a previously running script. To export the Data Set select '''<u>F</u>ile-><u>E</u>xport Data Set'''. The user will be prompted with an New File dialogue box. Navigate to the location you wish to export the Data Set to and save it. Keep in mind Data Set files can have any extension type, though the user may want to use .set for consistency.
=== Generating Graphs ===
In order to graph SystemTap scripts you must have a script open in the IDE Perspective, and the '''<u>R</u>un->Run w/ Chart''' option must be used. If you are unfamiliar with how to load or write a SystemTap script, please review the IDE Tutorial in the SystemTap IDE User's Guide.
A [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/graphingTutorial.html | Graphing Tutorial ]] has been written to guide the user through the execution and charting of a provided script. Any script can be used however that provides consistent data along with a regular expression (regex). For instructions on using regex see our [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/regex.html | Guide to Regular Expressions ]].
=== Opening Script Output ===
This option allows the user to open a text file containing the output of a SystemTap script, and to parse it as it would real time data from a running script.  Select '''<u>F</u>ile-><u>O</u>pen Script Output'''. Navigate to the file you wish to open and select it. The DataTable will populate with the data, at which point you can graph the results.
=== Saving a Graph Image ===
The Graphics Perspective provides a unique feature to users that allows them to save their graphs in a standard image format. In order to do this use the menu option '''<u>F</u>ile->Save <u>G</u>raph Image'''. This opens a dialogue box where the user can navigate to the location they desire to save the image file.
= SystemTap Dashboard =
Welcome to SystemTap GUI help pages. Here you will find wide selection of help pages covering the Dashboard Perspective of SystemTap GUI.
== Dashboard Tutorial ==
The Dashboard Perspective is the most advanced part of SystemTap GUI. It is designed to allow users to browse and run prebuilt [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modules.html | Modules ]] in order to see multiple graphs updating in sequence.
For this tutorial we'll use one of the prebuilt modules to illustrate  how the Dashboard perspective is used. Each module is part of a module family, a collection of related modules. To start, switch to the Dashboard perspective. On the left you should see a browser titled "Modules".
The [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modulesBrowser.html | Modules Browser ]] contains a list of modules available to run. Notice that there is another tab, "Active Modules", in the same pane. The [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/activeModulesBrowser.html | Active Modules Browser ]] allows you to browse the modules you currently have running. At this point, however, it will be empty; there are no modules currently running. Open the module family "Hard Disk" by clicking the arrow next to it's name. This will display each module associated in the "Hard Disk" module family.
We are going to be running the Disk Access module. This can be accomplished two ways. You may select it and '''<u>R</u>un-><u>R</u>un Script'''. You can alternatively click the '''Run Script''' button in the Toolbar. SystemTap GUI will request the details of the Remote Server(ip address, username, password), enter the details to proceed. You should see a display similar to the following:
The Dashboard shows three graphs, each obtaining data from one script, each analyzing different components of disk access - bytes read, bytes written, and a multi-line graph illustrating both.
Each graph comes with graph-specific options:
* [[Image:expandButton.png]] - '''Expand Graph''' - This option opens a set of graph-unique options:
** '''Zoom''' - This option allows the user to increase and decrease the no of x-axis ticks.
* [[Image:rightleft.png]] - '''Close Zoom bar''' - This hides the zoom bar.
* [[Image:closeButton.png]] - '''Close Graph''' - This removes the graph from the viewer pane.
Take a moment to interact with these options to familiarize yourself with them.
==== Multiple Module Execution ====
SystemTap GUI supports the execution of more than one module at one time. The currently running script does not not to be halted and the currently open graphs do not need to be closed, though they may be if desired. To execute another module, simply select and run it as described above. If you were to run  a module in the Memory module family for example, a new tab will be opened titled 'Memory' in addition to the current tab for 'Hard Disk'.
Up to 8 graphs may be open in each tab at any given time. Drag and drop support is included for the graph types, permitting re-arrangement for ideal analysis. In addition, '''Pausing''' is also implemented in SystemTap GUI. You may pause any module by selecting '''<u>R</u>un-><u>P</u>ause Module''', or by selecting '''Pause''' from the toolbar. Know that this method of pausing is an illusion; the graph data is simply not updated while the script continues to run. This inability to truly pause is inherent in SystemTap itself. You can also stop the script using the above methods. This will halt the running script of that module and remove the graphs entirely from the view pane. It will not affect graphs or scripts associated with any other modules. If at any time you are unsure of which modules are currently active you can check this by navigating to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/activeModulesBrowser.html | Active Modules Browser ]]
== Concepts ==
This section of the Dashboard User Guide details conceptual topics of the application; the major components, what they do, and how how you interact with them.
=== Modules ===
A module is a package used in the Dashboard perspective, containing a SystemTap script and associated metadata.
==== Module Families ====
Modules are grouped in "module families", groups of modules that are related. One example is the Hard Disk module family which contains the module Disk Access:
==== Multiple Graphs ====
Often, as in the case of the Disk Access module, modules will spawn multiple graphs on execution.
There are a number of different module families constructed for different analysis sets.
=== Modules Browser ===
The Modules Browser displays all the modules available to run, categorized by module families. Modules in each family can be viewed by expanding the appropriate module family name.
From the Modules Browser the following options are available on right-clicking a module:
* '''View Script''' - Opens the module's SystemTap script in the IDE Perspective.
To view the currently active modules, switch to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/activeModulesBrowser.html | Active Modules Browser ]].
=== Active Modules Browser ===
The Active Modules Browser displays each module currently active.
The following right click options exist for the graphs embedded in each of the active modules:
* '''Stop Graph''' - Stops the graph from updating.
* '''Activate Graph''' - Instructs a formerly stopped graph to continue updating.
To view all modules available, switch to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modulesBrowser.html | Modules Browser ]].
== Tasks ==
This section of the Dashboard User Guild is intended to provide help pages for common tasks that the user may wish to perform in the Dashboard Perspective.
=== Creating Modules ===
SystemTap GUI allows for the creation of custom modules. In order to do this the user must have a script that returns data in a consistent pattern along with providing a regular expression to interpret it; the same requirements as any script run in the Graphics Perspective. Creating a module can be done in two ways
==== Export Script ====
Using the '''<u>E</u>xport Script'''
option in the '''<u>F</u>ile''' menu of the IDE Perspective. This will create a module from a script that is currently open in the IDE. The module will consist of the script and metadata information stored as a '.dash' file on the local system(where SystemTapGUI is running).The user is first prompted
for regular expression details (just like in the Graphing perspective) after which a
dialog box similar to the following shows up:
The dialogue box has the following properties:
* '''Display''' - This is the name of the module. This is the text that will show up under the specified
module family.
* '''Category''' - This field requires the name of the module family the module should be placed in.
* '''Graphs''' - This box allows you to added one or more predefine graph types to spawn each time the
module is ran.
When you click ok your module will be added into the Module Browser in the Dashboard Perspective.
==== Create Module ====
Using the '''<u>C</u>reate Module'''
option in the dashboard or IDE toolbar. This will create a module from an example script that available on the remote System, Users will have to specify the location of the examples directory and the path to the script.The module will consist of only the metadata information stored as a '.dash' file on the local system(where SystemTapGUI is running). The script will not be packaged with the module, the location specified will be used to run the script directly on the remote system. The user would have to first enter the script details,
and then follow the same set of steps as in the previous option.
==== Tips ====
Make sure your script works fine with the regular expression and the graphs are as desired using the IDE/Graphing perspectives before creating a dashboard module using the script.
==== Constraints ====
The script should adhere to the below constraints to add it to the dashboard:
*  The script should regularly output rows/tables of data that will confirm to the same regular expression, i.e, you cannot have two sets of output in the same script
*  The script should not have exit() statements
*  Since the dashboard supports dynamic graphs the script should output data periodically
*  Users should remember that the dashboard currently does not support any processing of the output data.
=== Importing Modules ===
The Dashboard Perspective allows for the import of modules by using the option '''<u>F</u>ile-><u>I</u>mport
Module Location'''. Simply navigate to and select the module file you wish to import, and SystemTap GUI will
add the module to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modulesBrowser.html | Modules Browser ]] in the Dashboard Perspective.
=== Running Modules ===
The [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modulesBrowser.html | Modules Browser ]] contains a list of modules available to run.
Running modules in the Dashboard Perspective can be accomplished in three different ways. You may select it and '''<u>R</u>un-><u>R</u>un Script'''. You can alternatively click the '''Run Script''' button in the Toolbar. SystemTap GUI will request the details of the remote system(IPAddress,username,password).Enter these details and make sure that the username has sufficient access to execute SystemTap scripts You should see a display similar to the following, graphs differing based on what module you chose to run and Module Browser differences based off of your current module include list:
==== Multiple Module Execution ====
SystemTap GUI supports the execution of more than one module at one time. The currently running script does not not to be halted and the currently open graphs do not need to be closed, though they may be if desired. To execute another module, simply select and run it using  one of the two methods described above.
Up to 8 graphs may be open at one given time in any given tab. Stopping the script will halt the running script of that module and remove the graphs entirely from the view pane. It will not affect graphs or scripts associated with any other modules. If at any time you are unsure of which modules are currently active you can check this by navigating to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/activeModulesBrowser.htm | Active Modules Browser ]]
=== Graph Interaction ===
The graphical options used in the Dashboard perspective:
* [[Image:zoom.png]]'''Zoom Bar''' - This enables the user to zoom in and out on the current graph by sliding the bar to the left and right. The current magnification is shown at the top of the bar. Zooming would increase the no of x-axis ticks therefore allowing the user to see more(or less) data at a point in time.
* [[Image:expandButton.png]] - '''Show Zoom bar''' - This displays the zoom bar.
* [[Image:rightleft.png]] - '''Close Zoom bar''' - This hides the zoom bar.
* [[Image:closeButton.png]] - '''Close Graph''' - This removes the graph from the viewer pane.
= Reference =
== Views and Editors ==
This section details the views and editor in relation to the IDE Perspective.
This section details the views and editor in relation to the IDE Perspective.
==== Views ====
=== Views ===
The IDE Perspective consists of 5 views and and two editors.
The IDE Perspective consists of 5 views and and two editors.
Line 268: Line 637:
* '''Error Log''' - If the script you tried to run contained errors, this view will become active and display the errors. You can double click on the eror message to jump to the line in the file where the error occured. [[Image:ErrorLog.png]]
* '''Error Log''' - If the script you tried to run contained errors, this view will become active and display the errors. You can double click on the eror message to jump to the line in the file where the error occured. [[Image:ErrorLog.png]]
==== Editors ====
=== Editors ===
Three editors are available in Systemtap GUI.
Three editors are available in Systemtap GUI.
Line 276: Line 645:
* '''Plain Text Editor''' - A plain text editor is also implemented for the user should they need it.
* '''Plain Text Editor''' - A plain text editor is also implemented for the user should they need it.
=== Menus ===
== Menus ==
What follows is a comprehension list of the menu options available within the IDE Perspective of Systemtap GUI.
What follows is a comprehension list of the menu options available within the IDE Perspective of Systemtap GUI.
==== <u>F</u>ile ====
=== <u>F</u>ile ===
* '''<u>N</u>ew File''' - This option will bring up a dialog to create a new file. You may specify any location. Files ending in a .stp or .c extension will have syntax highlighting and code completion features as appropriate. (Shortcut: Crtl+L)
* '''<u>N</u>ew File''' - This option will bring up a dialog to create a new file. You may specify any location. Files ending in a .stp or .c extension will have syntax highlighting and code completion features as appropriate. (Shortcut: Crtl+L)
Line 296: Line 665:
* '''E<u>x</u>it''' - Exits Systemtap GUI.
* '''E<u>x</u>it''' - Exits Systemtap GUI.
==== <u>E</u>dit ====
=== <u>E</u>dit ===
* '''<u>U</u>ndo''' - Undos the previous editor related action.  (Shortcut: Crtl+Z)
* '''<u>U</u>ndo''' - Undos the previous editor related action.  (Shortcut: Crtl+Z)
* '''<u>R</u>edo''' - Redos the previous editor related action removed by Undo.  (Shortcut: Crtl+Y)
* '''<u>R</u>edo''' - Redos the previous editor related action removed by Undo.  (Shortcut: Crtl+Y)
Line 324: Line 693:
* '''<u>W</u>ord Completion''' - Completes the string being typed by using the last example typed by the user. (Shortcut: Alt+/)
* '''<u>W</u>ord Completion''' - Completes the string being typed by using the last example typed by the user. (Shortcut: Alt+/)
==== <u>N</u>avigate ====
=== <u>N</u>avigate ===
* '''<u>F</u>orward''' - Navigates to the next file in sequence as they were opened in the editor pane. (Shortcut: Alt+Right)
* '''<u>F</u>orward''' - Navigates to the next file in sequence as they were opened in the editor pane. (Shortcut: Alt+Right)
* '''<u>B</u>ack''' - Navigates to the previous file in sequence as they were opened in the editor pane. (Shortcut: Alt+Left)
* '''<u>B</u>ack''' - Navigates to the previous file in sequence as they were opened in the editor pane. (Shortcut: Alt+Left)
Line 330: Line 699:
* '''<u>G</u>oto Line...''' - Moves the focus to the specified line number, with the range of line numbers listed in the dialogue box. (Shortcut: Ctrl+L)[[Image:gotobox1.png]]
* '''<u>G</u>oto Line...''' - Moves the focus to the specified line number, with the range of line numbers listed in the dialogue box. (Shortcut: Ctrl+L)[[Image:gotobox1.png]]
==== <u>R</u>un ====
=== <u>R</u>un ===
* '''<u>R</u>un''' - Available when a Systemtap script is loaded into the editor, this feature runs the script. You will be prompted to enter details of the remote machine running the systemtapgui server.ShortCut(Ctrl+F5)
* '''<u>R</u>un''' - Available when a Systemtap script is loaded into the editor, this feature runs the script. You will be prompted to enter details of the remote machine running the systemtapgui server.ShortCut(Ctrl+F5)
Line 337: Line 706:
* '''<u>S</u>top''' - This option terminates the script thread associated with whichever script currently has the focus. (Shortcut: Ctrl+F9)
* '''<u>S</u>top''' - This option terminates the script thread associated with whichever script currently has the focus. (Shortcut: Ctrl+F9)
==== <u>W</u>indow ====
=== <u>W</u>indow ===
* '''Open in <u>N</u>ew Window''' - This option opens a new instance of SystemTap GUI.
* '''Open in <u>N</u>ew Window''' - This option opens a new instance of SystemTap GUI.
* '''<u>O</u>pen Perspective''' - This submenu lists each of the available perspectives to open:
* '''<u>O</u>pen Perspective''' - This submenu lists each of the available perspectives to open:
Line 353: Line 722:
* '''<u>P</u>references''' - Due to the breath of this topic it is covered in another section. Please see [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/ide/preferences.html | Preferences ]].
* '''<u>P</u>references''' - Due to the breath of this topic it is covered in another section. Please see [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/ide/preferences.html | Preferences ]].
=== Preferences ===
== Preferences ==
This section details each of the options listed under '''<u>W</u>indow-><u>P</u>references'''. The Preferences dialog is the dialog used to set user preferences. The Preferences dialog pages can be searched using the filter function. To filter by matching the page title, simply type the name of the page you are seeking and the available pages will be presented below. The filter also searches on keywords such as appearance and java.
This section details each of the options listed under '''<u>W</u>indow-><u>P</u>references'''. The Preferences dialog is the dialog used to set user preferences. The Preferences dialog pages can be searched using the filter function. To filter by matching the page title, simply type the name of the page you are seeking and the available pages will be presented below. The filter also searches on keywords such as appearance and java.
Line 425: Line 794:
*** '''Password''' - Password for the above user.  
*** '''Password''' - Password for the above user.  
=== Frequently Asked Questions ===
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
This section details frequently asked questions relating to the IDE Perspective.
This section details frequently asked questions relating to the IDE Perspective.
Line 443: Line 812:
=== Example SystemTap Scripts ===
== Example SystemTap Scripts ==
What follows is a few SystemTap Scripts that you may use in SystemTap GUI, taken from and linked to  
What follows is a few SystemTap Scripts that you may use in SystemTap GUI, taken from and linked to  
Line 450: Line 819:
There is also a description of the examples -
There is also a description of the examples -
==== top.stp - Prints the top 20 system calls ( ====
=== top.stp - Prints the top 20 system calls ( ===
Line 465: Line 834:
foreach ([name] in syscalls-) {
foreach ([name] in syscalls-) {
printf("%-20s\t\t%5d\n",name, syscalls[name])
printf("%-20s\t\t%5d\n",name, syscalls[name])
if (cnt++ == 20)
if (cnt++ = 20)
Line 481: Line 850:
==== prof.stp - Simple profiling ( ====
=== prof.stp - Simple profiling ( ===
Line 498: Line 867:
probe kernel.function("sys_*") {
probe kernel.function("sys_*") {
if (target() == tid())
if (target() = tid())
calltime[tid()] = gettimeofday_us()
calltime[tid()] = gettimeofday_us()
Line 521: Line 890:
==== keyhack.stp - Modifying variables in the kernel. ( ====
=== keyhack.stp - Modifying variables in the kernel. ( ===
Line 533: Line 902:
probe kernel.function("kbd_event") {
probe kernel.function("kbd_event") {
# Changes 'm' to 'b' .
# Changes 'm' to 'b' .
if ($event_code == 50) $event_code = 48
if ($event_code = 50) $event_code = 48
Line 542: Line 911:
==== kmalloc.stp - Statistics example. ( ====
=== kmalloc.stp - Statistics example. ( ===
Line 570: Line 939:
==== kmalloc2.stp - Example using arrays of statistics. ( ====
=== kmalloc2.stp - Example using arrays of statistics. ( ===
Line 601: Line 970:
=== Guide to Regular Expressions ===
== Guide to Regular Expressions ==
Regular expressions are used in SystemTap GUI to define how the GUI interprets information that it recieves  
Regular expressions are used in SystemTap GUI to define how the GUI interprets information that it recieves  
Line 739: Line 1,108:
= SystemTap Graphing =
== Getting Started ==
=== Introduction ===
The Graphing Perspective in the SystemTap GUI is a perspective that is active once a user runs a script with the chart option ('''<u>R</u>un->Run w/ <u>C</u>hart'''). From this point a [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/dataTable.html | DataTable ]] is populated with live data as it is parsed from the Console. From the information in the DataTable you can generate the following graphs:
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/barGraph.html | Bar Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/multiBarGraph.html | Multi-Bar Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/lineGraph.html | Line Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/multiLineGraph.html | Multi-Line Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/scatterGraph.html | Scatter Graph ]]
* [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/multiScatterGraph.html | Multi-Scatter Graph ]]
These graph types can be used instantiated by using the Graph Wizard once the DataTable is populated. The Graphing Perspective can support multiple graphs from one DataTable. Each are updated and can be viewed by navigating through the tabs shown at the top of each graph.
If you have not already, you will want to review the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/graphingTutorial.html | Graphing Tutorial ]]
=== Graphing Tutorial ===
In order to graph SystemTap scripts you must have a script open in the IDE Perspective, and the '''<u>R</u>un-&gt;Run w/ Chart''' option must be used. If you are unfamiliar with how to load or write a SystemTap script, please review the IDE Tutorial in the SystemTap IDE User's Guide. Please use the following script for this example by copying and pasting it into a new file (any name is fine that ends in a .stp extension):
<pre>global read, write, start
probe begin {
  start = gettimeofday_s()
probe syscall.write {
  write += count
probe {
  read += count
probe {
  printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", (gettimeofday_s()-start), read, write)
Now select '''<u>R</u>un-&gt;Run w/ <u>C</u>hart'''. This feature will prompt the user for the number of columns for the chart, in addition to their titles and regular expressions. The regular expressions are used to parse the console output for the script and determine the values of each column at a certain sample point. The combined regular expression is shown at the bottom of the dialogue box. You should see the following:
For this example enter the following:
<pre> Columns: 3
Time \d+ .* \D+
Read \d+ .* \D+
Write \d+ .* \D+
The title fields simply display the associated string in the column's header. After clicking OK the script will prompt you for details regarding the Remote Server. Provide the ip address of the remote server that is running the systemtapgui Server or the Data Management Daemon. The port is by default 22462. Enter a username and password.This will give the application permissions to run your script on the remote machine. You have the option of saving your password as well, however be warned this is currently NOT encrypted so this convenience runs at a risk. The username is also used to transfer the file to the remote system using SCP. If the same machine is used as both the server and the client enter 'localhost' for the Host field. When the script is executed the application will switch into the Graphing perspective. A Data View chart is populated with live data, in addition to the output in the console.  You should see a screen similar to the following:
You will see that the data table poplulates from live data parsed from the console. Now we'll make a graph to briefly illustrate the Graphing perspective. Click the Create Graph button next to bring up the Select Chart dialogue.
Select line graph. You will be prompted to select a column of the X series and Y series; select "Time" and "Write" respectively. After you click ok you should see the line graph as follows:
Note that the multiple series graphs (Multi-Line, Multi-Bar, and Multi-Scatter) will request two Y series, Y1 and Y2. In the case of our example, these would be "Read" and "Write". Each series will be assigned a different color value for the purposes of differentiation and will be plotted both in respect to the specified X series.
== Concepts ==
=== DataTable ===
The DataTable is the default view the user sees when running a script with the chart option. It intitially starts empty and populates as it recieves information parsed from the console originally from the script. The DataTable is a visualization of the data structure that every other graph type spawns from.
The columns of the DataTable can be resized at will by dragging the seperation lines between column headers. In addition, the information in the data table can be [[Linux Tools Project/Systemtap/User Guide/graphing/importDataSet.html|saved and loaded ]] without having to re-run the script. Furthermore, the user can populate the DataTable without having to run a script if a script's output has been saved into a file, see [[Linux Tools Project/Systemtap/User Guide/graphing/openScriptOutput.html|Opening Script Output ]].Right clicking the DataTable provides a menu with the following options:
* '''Format as...''' - Depending on which column the user right clicked, his allows the user to format that column's data as one of the following:
** Unformated - No formating is applied.
** String
** Date
** Double
** Hex
** Octal
** Binary 
* '''Add Filter...''' - Adds a [[Linux Tools Project/Systemtap/User Guide/graphing/filters.html|filter ]] to the DataTable.
* '''Remove Filter...''' - Removes a [[Linux Tools Project/Systemtap/User Guide/graphing/filters.html|filter ]] from the DataTable.
* '''Manually Resize''' - Allows the user to resize column width without bouncing back to the minimum based on the largest value.
=== DataGraph Types ===
Currently there are six graph types built into SystemTap GUI.
These graph types can be used instantiated by using the Graph Wizard once the DataTable is populated. The Graphing Perspective can support multiple graphs from one DataTable. Each are updated and can be viewed by navigating through the tabs shown at the top of each graph.
==== Bar Graph ====
The Bar Graph typically uses bars to show frequencies or values.
Creating a Bar Graph will prompt the user for three values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the Y Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Multi-Bar Graph ====
The Multi-Bar Graph is useful for illustrating compounding series data against a fixed interval, such as time.
Creating a Multi-Bar Graph will prompt the user for four values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the first Y Series; here you select one of the series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. The fourth option is the second Y series; here you select the other series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Line Graph ====
The Line Graph is traditionally ideal for horozontally depicting non-cumulative data over, say, time.
Creating a Line Graph will prompt the user for three values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the Y Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Multi-Line Graph ====
A Multi-Line Graph is useful for contrasting multiple series of data on a fixed interval, such as time.
Creating a Multi-Line Graph will prompt the user for four values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the first Y Series; here you select one of the series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. The fourth option is the second Y series; here you select the other series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Scatter Graph ====
A Scatter Graph uses Cartesian coordinates to show the relation of two or more quantitative variables.
Creating a Scatter Graph will prompt the user for three values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the Y Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
==== Multi-Scatter Graph ====
The Multi-Scatter Graph is useful for comparing two sets of series data with multiple Y values on the same X value.
Creating a Multi-Scatter Graph will prompt the user for four values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the first Y Series; here you select one of the series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. The fourth option is the second Y series; here you select the other series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.
=== Filters ===
Filters are screens that you can set on your DataTable to limit the quantity of samples you wish to work with. Filters are very often used in restricting the sheer amount of information available to make data tables and graphs more substantial to people.
The following options exist to work with Filters in the DataTable:
* '''Add Filter...''' - Adds a Filter to the DataTable.
* '''Remove Filter...''' - Removes a Filter from the DataTable.
When you select '''Add Filter''' you see the following dialogue box:
What follows is a breakdown of each Filter type:
* '''Match Filter''' - This filter removes everything from the data set where the selected column's
value does not match the chosen value.
* '''Range Filter''' - This filter removes everything from the data set that is not included in the
selected range of values.
* '''Sort Filter''' - This filter will sort the data set based on the selected column. No data will be
* '''Unique Filter''' - This filter will remove all merge all entries in that data set that share a common
value in the selected column. Data for the removed rows will be aggregated together based on the chosen
aggregation method.
** '''Average Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the average of all the items consolidated.
** '''Count Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the number of items consolidated.
** '''Max Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the maximum value of all the items consolidated.
** '''Min Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the minimum value of all the items consolidated.
** '''Sum Aggregate''' - This aggregate will return the sum of all the items consolidated.
=== Graph Interaction ===
Each of the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/graphTypes.html | Graph Types ]] have similar options that can be used in the Graphical
* '''Zoom Bar''' - This enables the user to zoom in and out on the current graph by sliding the bar up and down. The current magnification is shown at the top of the bar. Magnification can range from as high as .0625x to as low as 4x the dimensions of the original graph.<[[Image:zoom.png]]
* '''Title''' - This option turns on and off the title specified in the graph creation wizard.
* '''Legend''' - This option turns on and off the legend, particularly useful in the graph types that show multiple series.
* '''Grid Lines''' - This option permits the user to turn and off the grid lines.
* '''Normalization''' - The option to normalize occurs only in multi-series graphs. By default, series graphs are rendered using normalization which scales them to visuals easily comparable to one another. The user has the option to view the normalization scale by clicking the data in the graph. The user also has the option of disabling normalization by deselecting it.
== Tasks ==
This section of the Graphing User Guild is intended to provide help pages for common tasks that the user may wish to perform in the Graphics Perspective.
=== Importing/Exporting Data Sets ===
From time to time the user may want to preserve the script results for continued work at a later date/time or to share findings with others. The Importing and Exporting options provide an easy way to do this.
==== Importing a Data Set ====
In order to import a Data Set the user must first have one either from running a script or from another user. To import the Data Set select '''<u>F</u>ile-><u>I</u>mport Data Set'''. The user will be prompted with an Open File dialogue box. Navigate to the Data Set file you wish to open and select it. Keep in mind Data Set files can have any extension type, though the user may want to use .set for consistency.
==== Exporting a Data Set ====
In order to export a Data Set the user must first have a populated DataTable from a previously running script. To export the Data Set select '''<u>F</u>ile-><u>E</u>xport Data Set'''. The user will be prompted with an New File dialogue box. Navigate to the location you wish to export the Data Set to and save it. Keep in mind Data Set files can have any extension type, though the user may want to use .set for consistency.
=== Generating Graphs ===
In order to graph SystemTap scripts you must have a script open in the IDE Perspective, and the '''<u>R</u>un->Run w/ Chart''' option must be used. If you are unfamiliar with how to load or write a SystemTap script, please review the IDE Tutorial in the SystemTap IDE User's Guide.
A [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/graphingTutorial.html | Graphing Tutorial ]] has been written to guide the user through the execution and charting of a provided script. Any script can be used however that provides consistent data along with a regular expression (regex). For instructions on using regex see our [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/graphing/regex.html | Guide to Regular Expressions ]].
=== Opening Script Output ===
This option allows the user to open a text file containing the output of a SystemTap script, and to parse it as it would real time data from a running script.  Select '''<u>F</u>ile-><u>O</u>pen Script Output'''. Navigate to the file you wish to open and select it. The DataTable will populate with the data, at which point you can graph the results.
=== Saving a Graph Image ===
The Graphics Perspective provides a unique feature to users that allows them to save their graphs in a standard image format. In order to do this use the menu option '''<u>F</u>ile->Save <u>G</u>raph Image'''. This opens a dialogue box where the user can navigate to the location they desire to save the image file.
= SystemTap Dashboard =
Welcome to SystemTap GUI help pages. Here you will find wide selection of help pages covering the Dashboard Perspective of SystemTap GUI.
== Dashboard Tutorial ==
The Dashboard Perspective is the most advanced part of SystemTap GUI. It is designed to allow users to browse and run prebuilt [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modules.html | Modules ]] in order to see multiple graphs updating in sequence.
For this tutorial we'll use one of the prebuilt modules to illustrate  how the Dashboard perspective is used. Each module is part of a module family, a collection of related modules. To start, switch to the Dashboard perspective. On the left you should see a browser titled "Modules".
The [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modulesBrowser.html | Modules Browser ]] contains a list of modules available to run. Notice that there is another tab, "Active Modules", in the same pane. The [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/activeModulesBrowser.html | Active Modules Browser ]] allows you to browse the modules you currently have running. At this point, however, it will be empty; there are no modules currently running. Open the module family "Hard Disk" by clicking the arrow next to it's name. This will display each module associated in the "Hard Disk" module family.
We are going to be running the Disk Access module. This can be accomplished two ways. You may select it and '''<u>R</u>un-><u>R</u>un Script'''. You can alternatively click the '''Run Script''' button in the Toolbar. SystemTap GUI will request the details of the Remote Server(ip address, username, password), enter the details to proceed. You should see a display similar to the following:
The Dashboard shows three graphs, each obtaining data from one script, each analyzing different components of disk access - bytes read, bytes written, and a multi-line graph illustrating both.
Each graph comes with graph-specific options:
* [[Image:expandButton.png]] - '''Expand Graph''' - This option opens a set of graph-unique options:
** '''Zoom''' - This option allows the user to increase and decrease the no of x-axis ticks.
* [[Image:rightleft.png]] - '''Close Zoom bar''' - This hides the zoom bar.
* [[Image:closeButton.png]] - '''Close Graph''' - This removes the graph from the viewer pane.
Take a moment to interact with these options to familiarize yourself with them.
==== Multiple Module Execution ====
SystemTap GUI supports the execution of more than one module at one time. The currently running script does not not to be halted and the currently open graphs do not need to be closed, though they may be if desired. To execute another module, simply select and run it as described above. If you were to run  a module in the Memory module family for example, a new tab will be opened titled 'Memory' in addition to the current tab for 'Hard Disk'.
Up to 8 graphs may be open in each tab at any given time. Drag and drop support is included for the graph types, permitting re-arrangement for ideal analysis. In addition, '''Pausing''' is also implemented in SystemTap GUI. You may pause any module by selecting '''<u>R</u>un-><u>P</u>ause Module''', or by selecting '''Pause''' from the toolbar. Know that this method of pausing is an illusion; the graph data is simply not updated while the script continues to run. This inability to truly pause is inherent in SystemTap itself. You can also stop the script using the above methods. This will halt the running script of that module and remove the graphs entirely from the view pane. It will not affect graphs or scripts associated with any other modules. If at any time you are unsure of which modules are currently active you can check this by navigating to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/activeModulesBrowser.html | Active Modules Browser ]]
== Concepts ==
This section of the Dashboard User Guide details conceptual topics of the application; the major components, what they do, and how how you interact with them.
=== Modules ===
A module is a package used in the Dashboard perspective, containing a SystemTap script and associated metadata.
==== Module Families ====
Modules are grouped in "module families", groups of modules that are related. One example is the Hard Disk module family which contains the module Disk Access:
==== Multiple Graphs ====
Often, as in the case of the Disk Access module, modules will spawn multiple graphs on execution.
There are a number of different module families constructed for different analysis sets.
=== Modules Browser ===
The Modules Browser displays all the modules available to run, categorized by module families. Modules in each family can be viewed by expanding the appropriate module family name.
From the Modules Browser the following options are available on right-clicking a module:
* '''View Script''' - Opens the module's SystemTap script in the IDE Perspective.
To view the currently active modules, switch to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/activeModulesBrowser.html | Active Modules Browser ]].
=== Active Modules Browser ===
The Active Modules Browser displays each module currently active.
The following right click options exist for the graphs embedded in each of the active modules:
* '''Stop Graph''' - Stops the graph from updating.
* '''Activate Graph''' - Instructs a formerly stopped graph to continue updating.
To view all modules available, switch to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modulesBrowser.html | Modules Browser ]].
== Tasks ==
This section of the Dashboard User Guild is intended to provide help pages for common tasks that the user may wish to perform in the Dashboard Perspective.
=== Creating Modules ===
SystemTap GUI allows for the creation of custom modules. In order to do this the user must have a script that returns data in a consistent pattern along with providing a regular expression to interpret it; the same requirements as any script run in the Graphics Perspective. Creating a module can be done in two ways
==== Export Script ====
Using the '''<u>E</u>xport Script'''
option in the '''<u>F</u>ile''' menu of the IDE Perspective. This will create a module from a script that is currently open in the IDE. The module will consist of the script and metadata information stored as a '.dash' file on the local system(where SystemTapGUI is running).The user is first prompted
for regular expression details (just like in the Graphing perspective) after which a
dialog box similar to the following shows up:
The dialogue box has the following properties:
* '''Display''' - This is the name of the module. This is the text that will show up under the specified
module family.
* '''Category''' - This field requires the name of the module family the module should be placed in.
* '''Graphs''' - This box allows you to added one or more predefine graph types to spawn each time the
module is ran.
When you click ok your module will be added into the Module Browser in the Dashboard Perspective.
==== Create Module ====
Using the '''<u>C</u>reate Module'''
option in the dashboard or IDE toolbar. This will create a module from an example script that available on the remote System, Users will have to specify the location of the examples directory and the path to the script.The module will consist of only the metadata information stored as a '.dash' file on the local system(where SystemTapGUI is running). The script will not be packaged with the module, the location specified will be used to run the script directly on the remote system. The user would have to first enter the script details,
and then follow the same set of steps as in the previous option.
==== Tips ====
Make sure your script works fine with the regular expression and the graphs are as desired using the IDE/Graphing perspectives before creating a dashboard module using the script.
==== Constraints ====
The script should adhere to the below constraints to add it to the dashboard:
*  The script should regularly output rows/tables of data that will confirm to the same regular expression, i.e, you cannot have two sets of output in the same script
*  The script should not have exit() statements
*  Since the dashboard supports dynamic graphs the script should output data periodically
*  Users should remember that the dashboard currently does not support any processing of the output data.
=== Importing Modules ===
The Dashboard Perspective allows for the import of modules by using the option '''<u>F</u>ile-><u>I</u>mport
Module Location'''. Simply navigate to and select the module file you wish to import, and SystemTap GUI will
add the module to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modulesBrowser.html | Modules Browser ]] in the Dashboard Perspective.
=== Running Modules ===
The [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/modulesBrowser.html | Modules Browser ]] contains a list of modules available to run.
Running modules in the Dashboard Perspective can be accomplished in three different ways. You may select it and '''<u>R</u>un-><u>R</u>un Script'''. You can alternatively click the '''Run Script''' button in the Toolbar. SystemTap GUI will request the details of the remote system(IPAddress,username,password).Enter these details and make sure that the username has sufficient access to execute SystemTap scripts You should see a display similar to the following, graphs differing based on what module you chose to run and Module Browser differences based off of your current module include list:
==== Multiple Module Execution ====
SystemTap GUI supports the execution of more than one module at one time. The currently running script does not not to be halted and the currently open graphs do not need to be closed, though they may be if desired. To execute another module, simply select and run it using  one of the two methods described above.
Up to 8 graphs may be open at one given time in any given tab. Stopping the script will halt the running script of that module and remove the graphs entirely from the view pane. It will not affect graphs or scripts associated with any other modules. If at any time you are unsure of which modules are currently active you can check this by navigating to the [[Linux_Tools_Project/Systemtap/User_Guide/dashboard/activeModulesBrowser.htm | Active Modules Browser ]]
=== Graph Interaction ===
The graphical options used in the Dashboard perspective:
* [[Image:zoom.png]]'''Zoom Bar''' - This enables the user to zoom in and out on the current graph by sliding the bar to the left and right. The current magnification is shown at the top of the bar. Zooming would increase the no of x-axis ticks therefore allowing the user to see more(or less) data at a point in time.
* [[Image:expandButton.png]] - '''Show Zoom bar''' - This displays the zoom bar.
* [[Image:rightleft.png]] - '''Close Zoom bar''' - This hides the zoom bar.
* [[Image:closeButton.png]] - '''Close Graph''' - This removes the graph from the viewer pane.
<p class="copyright">&#169; Copyright Red Hat, Inc. 2009<br>
<p class="copyright">&#169; Copyright Red Hat, Inc. 2009<br>
&#169; Copyright Phil Muldoon <> 2006.<br>
&#169; Copyright Phil Muldoon <> 2006.<br>
This documentation is licensed under the Eclipse Public License v. 1.0.</p>
This documentation is licensed under the Eclipse Public License v. 1.0.</p>

Revision as of 14:01, 9 March 2012

Welcome to the SystemTapGUI Help pages. This section is intend
ed to provide users with information and links about the SystemTap scripting language itself, in addition to a brief introduction to SystemTap GUI's structure for new users and a brief explanation of SystemTap.


SystemTap GUI's Plugin Design

SystemTap GUI was built with a modular goal in mind, namely, to provide the application as a series of plugins so that users may obtain just the ones they need without having to use a heavy-weight application should if they didn't need to. The most common example of this is to ship the Dashboard plugin independently, allowing non-SystemTap savvy users the ability to execute modules without having to write any scripts. The application in its complete state includes three perspective, each with a specific goal:

  • IDE Perspective - Contains script editor and Function, Kernel Source, and Probe Alias browsers to assist in the creation and editting of SystemTap scripts.
  • Graphics Perspective - Graphs data from SystemTap scripts in the desired graph form according to a regular expression passed to interpret the data.
  • Dashboard Perspective - Allows the execution of modules, which are scripts with associated metadata that open one or more graphs in a dashboard environment that update in real time.This perspective is still under development

Each perspective has full documentation associated with it and is packaged in the respective plugin.


SystemTap provides free software (GPL) infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux kernel. This assists diagnosis of a performance or functional problem. SystemTap eliminates the need for the developer to go through the tedious and disruptive instrument, recompile, install, and reboot sequence that may be otherwise required to collect data.

SystemTap provides a simple command line interface and scripting language for writing instrumentation for a live running kernel. The internal tapset library as well as the published samples can be used to aid reuse and abstraction.

Current project members include Red Hat, IBM, Intel, and Hitachi.

Configuration Tutorial

This tutorial is written to guide a new SystemTap GUI user through some basic post-installation setup in order to get the most out of the application.


If SystemTap GUI is not yet installed, or for problems in basic installation, please see the Installation help page

Kernel Source Location

In order to use the kernel source browser you'll need to point it to the kernel source initially. Do this by either selecting the Kernel Source Browser in the browser pane or by going to Window->Preferences, then going to the SystemTap->IDE->Path tab and setting the location there. This configuration detail is relevent to the IDE Perspective only.


If you haven't already, you will want to take the IDE and Graphing tutorials. You can find them in the Getting Started section of each perspective's help pages. These tutorial provides fundamental knowledge on graphing in SystemTap GUI.

Preferences (Optional)

Finally, you may want to set certain non-essential preferences before using SystemTap GUI regularly. Use Window->Preferences to access the Preferences page.

Of particular note are Logging->Log To, SystemTap->Environment Variables, SystemTap->Graphing->Refresh Delay, SystemTap->IDE->Editor->Syntax Coloring.

Links to SystemTap Resources

The following links contain information specific to the SystemTap scripting language.

The following links are related to the SystemTap GUI project:

SystemTap IDE

Getting Started

IDE Tutorial

Lesson 1: Getting Started

In this tutorial we will orient you with IDE Perspective and its functions. At this point we assume that you are able to run Systemtap GUI and are unfamiliar with how to procede. If you cannot yet start the application, please refer to our Installation help page NOTE: If this is the first time opening the IDE Perspective it will take a while to load as it has to parse the tapsets.

The IDE Perspective's purpose is to allow the user to create, view, and edit Systemtap scripts. There are other editors built in (plain text and the C editor), however, they ultimately exist to facilitate the writing of Systemtap scripts.

In this lesson we will open a new Systemtap script file to familiarize ourselves with the IDE Perspective. Start by opening the File menu and selecting Open. A dialogue box will pop up and request the location of the file you want to open. We've included a folder called "examples" right in the tar ball. You may chose any of them to use; in this tutorial we will open top.stp. Go ahead and open the file.


You'll see the file is loaded into the editor pane of Systemtap GUI. You'll also noticed different colored text. Systemtap GUI supports syntax highlighting for the ease of the writer. Feel free to edit the file.

At this point proceed to Lesson 2: Writing Your First Script if you wish to learn how to write your own script file or Lesson 3: Running Your Script if you wish to run this one.

Back to Tutorial

Lesson 2: Writing Your First Script

In this tutorial we will guide you through the process of writing your first Systemtap script. It is strongly recommended that you review the Systemtap website's tutorial - for up-to-date information on the latest version of Systemtap.

Start by selecting File->New. Specify a file name of your choosing, but be sure that it ends with an .stp extension. Click ok. Your blank script should be present in the editor pane.


Now type/copy the following:

	global read, write, start

	probe begin {
		start = gettimeofday_s()
	probe syscall.write {
		write += count

	probe {
		printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", (gettimeofday_s()-start), read, write)

Now to demonstrate the functionality of the Probe Alias browser we will have you complete the read probe yourself. Start by opening the syscall folder in the Probe Alias browser. If you do not have any content in the browser you are experiencing a problem with Systemtap installation and should refer to our Installation help page. Ensure your cursor is located at the end of the file. Now scroll down and double click the read probe alias. Systemtap GUI will insert the skeleton probe at the point at which your cursor is at, and should look similar to the following:

	 * available variables on this probe:
	 * argstr, buf_uaddr, count, fd, name


Now insert the following line into the probe:

read += count

You may remove the comment (/* ... */) if you wish.

This will count the number of bytes read and written each second and print it out. The begin probe executes first, by getting the time of day. The read and write probes increment each time the function is called. The timer probe prints the information every second. If you typed the script in manually you may have noticed that the editor provides code completion for probe aliasi. If you did not, type "syscall.". You'll see a box come up that you may use to select an item to complete your probe alias.

In Lesson 3 you will learn how to run Systemtap scripts in the IDE Perspective.

Back to Tutorial Contents

Lesson 3: Running Your Script

In this lesson we will cover running your script. You may use either the example script you opened in Lesson 1 or the script you wrote in Lesson two. Select Run->Run. Enter the remote server details. You should receive output in the console similar to the following, which shows the reads and write per second.


Now we will demonstrate running Systemtap scripts with graphs. In order to run the chart example you'll need to use the code provided in Lesson 2: Writing Your First Script ;. To do this select Run->Run w/ Chart. This feature will prompt the user for the number of columns for the chart, in addition to their titles and regular expressions. The regular expressions are used to parse the console output for the script and determine the values of each column at a certain sample point. The combined regular expression is shown at the bottom of the dialogue box.


For this example enter the following:

	Columns: 3

	Time		\d+		.*			\D+
	Read		\d+		.*			\D+
	Write		\d+		.*			\D+

The title fields simply display the associated string in the column's header. After clicking OK the script will prompt you for details regarding the Remote Server. Provide the ip address of the remote server that is running the systemtapgui Server or the Data Management Daemon. The port is by default 22462. Enter a username and password.This will give the application permissions to run your script on the remote machine. You have the option of saving your password as well, however be warned this is currently NOT encrypted so this convenience runs at a risk. The username is also used to transfer the file to the remote system using SCP. If the same machine is used as both the server and the client enter 'localhost' for the Host field. When the script is executed the application will switch into the Graphing perspective. A Data View chart is populated with live data, in addition to the output in the console. You should see a screen similar to the following:


You will see that the data table poplulates from live data parsed from the console. Now we'll make a graph to briefly illustrate the Graphing perspective. Click the Create Graph button next to bring up the Select Chart dialogue.Select line graph. You will be prompted to select a column of the X series and Y series; select "Time" and "Write" respectively. After you click ok you should see the line graph as follows:


Note that the multiple series graphs (Multi-Line, Multi-Bar, and Multi-Scatter) will request two Y series, Y1 and Y2. In the case of our example, these would be "Read" and "Write". Each series will be assigned a different color value for the purposes of differentiation and will be plotted both in respect to the specified X series.

Those are the basics behind running a script in Systemtap GUI.

Back to IDE Tutorial


SystemTap Perspectives

SystemTap has three perspectives, each with its own purpose.

completion features that facilitate efficient development of scripts.

  • Graphing.png Graphing Perspective - This perspective is invoked when the user calls the Run /w Chart option. It defaults to showing a data table containing the script results and is capable of producing six different chart types: Line Graph, Multi-Line Graph, Bar Graph, Multi-Bar Graph, Scatter Graph, and Multi-Scatter Graph.
  • Dash.pngDashboard Perspective - This perspective is capable of storing meta-data related to each graph such as filters, aggregates, and display options in addition to showing a "dashboard" interface with multiple graphs updating simultaneously.

STP Editor

This editor is the most commonly used; it is used for the authoring and editing of Systemtap scripts. It is invoked when the user starts a new file or opens a file with the .stp extension. It provides syntax highlighting, code completion, and run support.


See also: Menus , Example SystemTap Scripts , Toolbars

Function Browser

The Funtion Browser lists all of the functions that are defined in the tapset library. Functions are grouped by the file that they are defined. Each listed function has an icon that corresponds to its return type.

  • Var str.gif String
  • Var long.gif Long
  • Var void.gif Void

If you double click on any function a call to that function will be added to the active editor at the current cursor location. Also if you right click on a function and click "View Definition" the tapset file where the function is defined will be opened.


Kernel Browser

The Kernel Source Browser is used to display the kernel tree. This provides you with a quick way to locate places to add probes. Any file in the Kernel Source tree can be opened by double clicking on it. This will open up the selected file in the Editor view. You can then double click on the ruler next to any line that you wish to probe. If SystemTap can probe that line a probe point will be inserted at the end of the script you were most recently working on. If the line can't be probed, an error message will be displayed.


Probe Alias Browser

The Probe Alias Browser lists all of the probe aliases that are defined in the tapset library. Probes are grouped based on their type. In addition to the list of probes, each probe lists all of the variables that it has access to. Each variable is listed with an icon that represents its type. Types are as follows:

  • Var str.gif String
  • Var long.gif Long
  • Var unk.gif Unknown

If you double click on any probe alias, probe point will be added to the end of the active editor. Also if you right click on a probe and click "View Definition" the tapset file where the probe is defined will be opened.



Creating SystemTap Scripts

Create a SystemTap script by selecting File->New in the IDE Perspective. You'll be prompted to enter a name for the file; make sure that you use a .stp extension or else SystemTap GUI will not recognize the file as a SystemTap script and certain editor and run features will not be active.

Your new file will be open and ready for coding in the Editor pane.

A IDE Tutorial is also provided in the help pages for a step by step demo.

For advanced SystemTap langauge help please see the SystemTap Development User's Guide and the documentation available at the SystemTap website's documentation page -

Using the STP Editor

The STP Editor is used for the authoring and editing of Systemtap scripts. It is invoked when the user starts a new file or opens a file with the .stp extension. Using the editor is as easy as setting the focus to the editor pane and typing.


There are certain features within the editor you may want to take advantage of:

  • Syntax Highlighting - Certain code items are colored in .stp and .c files based on a set of rules and

colors. You can turn this on or off and change the colors in Window->Preferences.

  • Code Assist - SystemTap GUI will attempt to finish your probe alias names based on what you have already

typed. You can then select the appropriate probe alias or continue typing to filter the list down even more. You can turn this feature on and off or set the speed on it in Window->Preferences.

help page on a walk through use of the Run command. The Run command allows scripts to be executed directly through SystemTap GUI.

See also: Menus , Toolbars , Example SystemTap Scripts

Viewing Data Charts

Viewing data charts from a SystemTap script is accomplished by running that script with the Run->Run w/ Chart option. This is covered in the Lesson 3: Running Your Script . After running a script with the chart option, the user is taken into the Graphing Perspective and the Data Table is loaded by default. The data table immediately begins populating as it recieves input back through the console from the running SystemTap script.


SystemTap Graphing

Getting Started


The Graphing Perspective in the SystemTap GUI is a perspective that is active once a user runs a script with the chart option (Run->Run w/ Chart). From this point a DataTable is populated with live data as it is parsed from the Console. From the information in the DataTable you can generate the following graphs:

These graph types can be used instantiated by using the Graph Wizard once the DataTable is populated. The Graphing Perspective can support multiple graphs from one DataTable. Each are updated and can be viewed by navigating through the tabs shown at the top of each graph.

If you have not already, you will want to review the Graphing Tutorial

Graphing Tutorial

In order to graph SystemTap scripts you must have a script open in the IDE Perspective, and the Run->Run w/ Chart option must be used. If you are unfamiliar with how to load or write a SystemTap script, please review the IDE Tutorial in the SystemTap IDE User's Guide. Please use the following script for this example by copying and pasting it into a new file (any name is fine that ends in a .stp extension):

global read, write, start

probe begin {
   start = gettimeofday_s()
probe syscall.write {
   write += count

probe {
   read += count

probe {
   printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", (gettimeofday_s()-start), read, write)

Now select Run->Run w/ Chart. This feature will prompt the user for the number of columns for the chart, in addition to their titles and regular expressions. The regular expressions are used to parse the console output for the script and determine the values of each column at a certain sample point. The combined regular expression is shown at the bottom of the dialogue box. You should see the following:


For this example enter the following:

	Columns: 3

	Time		\d+		.*			\D+
	Read		\d+		.*			\D+
	Write		\d+		.*			\D+

The title fields simply display the associated string in the column's header. After clicking OK the script will prompt you for details regarding the Remote Server. Provide the ip address of the remote server that is running the systemtapgui Server or the Data Management Daemon. The port is by default 22462. Enter a username and password.This will give the application permissions to run your script on the remote machine. You have the option of saving your password as well, however be warned this is currently NOT encrypted so this convenience runs at a risk. The username is also used to transfer the file to the remote system using SCP. If the same machine is used as both the server and the client enter 'localhost' for the Host field. When the script is executed the application will switch into the Graphing perspective. A Data View chart is populated with live data, in addition to the output in the console. You should see a screen similar to the following:


You will see that the data table poplulates from live data parsed from the console. Now we'll make a graph to briefly illustrate the Graphing perspective. Click the Create Graph button next to bring up the Select Chart dialogue.


Select line graph. You will be prompted to select a column of the X series and Y series; select "Time" and "Write" respectively. After you click ok you should see the line graph as follows:


Note that the multiple series graphs (Multi-Line, Multi-Bar, and Multi-Scatter) will request two Y series, Y1 and Y2. In the case of our example, these would be "Read" and "Write". Each series will be assigned a different color value for the purposes of differentiation and will be plotted both in respect to the specified X series.



The DataTable is the default view the user sees when running a script with the chart option. It intitially starts empty and populates as it recieves information parsed from the console originally from the script. The DataTable is a visualization of the data structure that every other graph type spawns from. GraphingPerspective.png

The columns of the DataTable can be resized at will by dragging the seperation lines between column headers. In addition, the information in the data table can be saved and loaded without having to re-run the script. Furthermore, the user can populate the DataTable without having to run a script if a script's output has been saved into a file, see Opening Script Output .Right clicking the DataTable provides a menu with the following options:

  • Format as... - Depending on which column the user right clicked, his allows the user to format that column's data as one of the following:
    • Unformated - No formating is applied.
    • String
    • Date
    • Double
    • Hex
    • Octal
    • Binary
  • Add Filter... - Adds a filter to the DataTable.
  • Remove Filter... - Removes a filter from the DataTable.
  • Manually Resize - Allows the user to resize column width without bouncing back to the minimum based on the largest value.

DataGraph Types

Currently there are six graph types built into SystemTap GUI.

These graph types can be used instantiated by using the Graph Wizard once the DataTable is populated. The Graphing Perspective can support multiple graphs from one DataTable. Each are updated and can be viewed by navigating through the tabs shown at the top of each graph.

Bar Graph

The Bar Graph typically uses bars to show frequencies or values.

Creating a Bar Graph will prompt the user for three values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the Y Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.


Multi-Bar Graph

The Multi-Bar Graph is useful for illustrating compounding series data against a fixed interval, such as time.

Creating a Multi-Bar Graph will prompt the user for four values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the first Y Series; here you select one of the series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. The fourth option is the second Y series; here you select the other series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.


Line Graph

The Line Graph is traditionally ideal for horozontally depicting non-cumulative data over, say, time.

Creating a Line Graph will prompt the user for three values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the Y Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. Line.png

Multi-Line Graph

A Multi-Line Graph is useful for contrasting multiple series of data on a fixed interval, such as time.

Creating a Multi-Line Graph will prompt the user for four values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the first Y Series; here you select one of the series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. The fourth option is the second Y series; here you select the other series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.


Scatter Graph

A Scatter Graph uses Cartesian coordinates to show the relation of two or more quantitative variables.

Creating a Scatter Graph will prompt the user for three values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the Y Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.


Multi-Scatter Graph

The Multi-Scatter Graph is useful for comparing two sets of series data with multiple Y values on the same X value.

Creating a Multi-Scatter Graph will prompt the user for four values. The first is the title and is fully cosmetic. The option to turn on and off the title is given to the user, and its off by default. The second option is X Series; here you select which series of data you want to plot along the X Axis. The third option is the first Y Series; here you select one of the series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis. The fourth option is the second Y series; here you select the other series of data you want to plot along the Y Axis.



Filters are screens that you can set on your DataTable to limit the quantity of samples you wish to work with. Filters are very often used in restricting the sheer amount of information available to make data tables and graphs more substantial to people.

The following options exist to work with Filters in the DataTable:

  • Add Filter... - Adds a Filter to the DataTable.
  • Remove Filter... - Removes a Filter from the DataTable.

When you select Add Filter you see the following dialogue box:


What follows is a breakdown of each Filter type:

  • Match Filter - This filter removes everything from the data set where the selected column's

value does not match the chosen value.

Match.png Result: Match2.png

  • Range Filter - This filter removes everything from the data set that is not included in the

selected range of values.




  • Sort Filter - This filter will sort the data set based on the selected column. No data will be


Sort.png Result: Sort2.png

  • Unique Filter - This filter will remove all merge all entries in that data set that share a common

value in the selected column. Data for the removed rows will be aggregated together based on the chosen aggregation method. Unique.png

    • Average Aggregate - This aggregate will return the average of all the items consolidated.
    • Count Aggregate - This aggregate will return the number of items consolidated.
    • Max Aggregate - This aggregate will return the maximum value of all the items consolidated.
    • Min Aggregate - This aggregate will return the minimum value of all the items consolidated.
    • Sum Aggregate - This aggregate will return the sum of all the items consolidated.

Graph Interaction

Each of the Graph Types have similar options that can be used in the Graphical Perspective:

  • Zoom Bar - This enables the user to zoom in and out on the current graph by sliding the bar up and down. The current magnification is shown at the top of the bar. Magnification can range from as high as .0625x to as low as 4x the dimensions of the original graph.<Zoom.png
  • Title - This option turns on and off the title specified in the graph creation wizard.
  • Legend - This option turns on and off the legend, particularly useful in the graph types that show multiple series.
  • Grid Lines - This option permits the user to turn and off the grid lines.
  • Normalization - The option to normalize occurs only in multi-series graphs. By default, series graphs are rendered using normalization which scales them to visuals easily comparable to one another. The user has the option to view the normalization scale by clicking the data in the graph. The user also has the option of disabling normalization by deselecting it.



This section of the Graphing User Guild is intended to provide help pages for common tasks that the user may wish to perform in the Graphics Perspective.

Importing/Exporting Data Sets

From time to time the user may want to preserve the script results for continued work at a later date/time or to share findings with others. The Importing and Exporting options provide an easy way to do this.

Importing a Data Set

In order to import a Data Set the user must first have one either from running a script or from another user. To import the Data Set select File->Import Data Set. The user will be prompted with an Open File dialogue box. Navigate to the Data Set file you wish to open and select it. Keep in mind Data Set files can have any extension type, though the user may want to use .set for consistency. Import.png

Exporting a Data Set

In order to export a Data Set the user must first have a populated DataTable from a previously running script. To export the Data Set select File->Export Data Set. The user will be prompted with an New File dialogue box. Navigate to the location you wish to export the Data Set to and save it. Keep in mind Data Set files can have any extension type, though the user may want to use .set for consistency. Export.png

Generating Graphs

In order to graph SystemTap scripts you must have a script open in the IDE Perspective, and the Run->Run w/ Chart option must be used. If you are unfamiliar with how to load or write a SystemTap script, please review the IDE Tutorial in the SystemTap IDE User's Guide.

A Graphing Tutorial has been written to guide the user through the execution and charting of a provided script. Any script can be used however that provides consistent data along with a regular expression (regex). For instructions on using regex see our Guide to Regular Expressions .

Opening Script Output

This option allows the user to open a text file containing the output of a SystemTap script, and to parse it as it would real time data from a running script. Select File->Open Script Output. Navigate to the file you wish to open and select it. The DataTable will populate with the data, at which point you can graph the results.

Saving a Graph Image

The Graphics Perspective provides a unique feature to users that allows them to save their graphs in a standard image format. In order to do this use the menu option File->Save Graph Image. This opens a dialogue box where the user can navigate to the location they desire to save the image file.


SystemTap Dashboard

Welcome to SystemTap GUI help pages. Here you will find wide selection of help pages covering the Dashboard Perspective of SystemTap GUI.

Dashboard Tutorial

The Dashboard Perspective is the most advanced part of SystemTap GUI. It is designed to allow users to browse and run prebuilt Modules in order to see multiple graphs updating in sequence.

For this tutorial we'll use one of the prebuilt modules to illustrate how the Dashboard perspective is used. Each module is part of a module family, a collection of related modules. To start, switch to the Dashboard perspective. On the left you should see a browser titled "Modules".


The Modules Browser contains a list of modules available to run. Notice that there is another tab, "Active Modules", in the same pane. The Active Modules Browser allows you to browse the modules you currently have running. At this point, however, it will be empty; there are no modules currently running. Open the module family "Hard Disk" by clicking the arrow next to it's name. This will display each module associated in the "Hard Disk" module family. We are going to be running the Disk Access module. This can be accomplished two ways. You may select it and Run->Run Script. You can alternatively click the Run Script button in the Toolbar. SystemTap GUI will request the details of the Remote Server(ip address, username, password), enter the details to proceed. You should see a display similar to the following:


The Dashboard shows three graphs, each obtaining data from one script, each analyzing different components of disk access - bytes read, bytes written, and a multi-line graph illustrating both.


Each graph comes with graph-specific options:

  • ExpandButton.png - Expand Graph - This option opens a set of graph-unique options:
    • Zoom - This option allows the user to increase and decrease the no of x-axis ticks.
  • Rightleft.png - Close Zoom bar - This hides the zoom bar.
  • CloseButton.png - Close Graph - This removes the graph from the viewer pane.

Take a moment to interact with these options to familiarize yourself with them.


Multiple Module Execution

SystemTap GUI supports the execution of more than one module at one time. The currently running script does not not to be halted and the currently open graphs do not need to be closed, though they may be if desired. To execute another module, simply select and run it as described above. If you were to run a module in the Memory module family for example, a new tab will be opened titled 'Memory' in addition to the current tab for 'Hard Disk'.

Up to 8 graphs may be open in each tab at any given time. Drag and drop support is included for the graph types, permitting re-arrangement for ideal analysis. In addition, Pausing is also implemented in SystemTap GUI. You may pause any module by selecting Run->Pause Module, or by selecting Pause from the toolbar. Know that this method of pausing is an illusion; the graph data is simply not updated while the script continues to run. This inability to truly pause is inherent in SystemTap itself. You can also stop the script using the above methods. This will halt the running script of that module and remove the graphs entirely from the view pane. It will not affect graphs or scripts associated with any other modules. If at any time you are unsure of which modules are currently active you can check this by navigating to the Active Modules Browser


This section of the Dashboard User Guide details conceptual topics of the application; the major components, what they do, and how how you interact with them.


A module is a package used in the Dashboard perspective, containing a SystemTap script and associated metadata.

Module Families

Modules are grouped in "module families", groups of modules that are related. One example is the Hard Disk module family which contains the module Disk Access:


Multiple Graphs

Often, as in the case of the Disk Access module, modules will spawn multiple graphs on execution.


There are a number of different module families constructed for different analysis sets.

Modules Browser

The Modules Browser displays all the modules available to run, categorized by module families. Modules in each family can be viewed by expanding the appropriate module family name.


From the Modules Browser the following options are available on right-clicking a module:

  • View Script - Opens the module's SystemTap script in the IDE Perspective.

To view the currently active modules, switch to the Active Modules Browser .

Active Modules Browser

The Active Modules Browser displays each module currently active.


The following right click options exist for the graphs embedded in each of the active modules:

  • Stop Graph - Stops the graph from updating.
  • Activate Graph - Instructs a formerly stopped graph to continue updating.

To view all modules available, switch to the Modules Browser .


This section of the Dashboard User Guild is intended to provide help pages for common tasks that the user may wish to perform in the Dashboard Perspective.

Creating Modules

SystemTap GUI allows for the creation of custom modules. In order to do this the user must have a script that returns data in a consistent pattern along with providing a regular expression to interpret it; the same requirements as any script run in the Graphics Perspective. Creating a module can be done in two ways

Export Script

Using the Export Script option in the File menu of the IDE Perspective. This will create a module from a script that is currently open in the IDE. The module will consist of the script and metadata information stored as a '.dash' file on the local system(where SystemTapGUI is running).The user is first prompted for regular expression details (just like in the Graphing perspective) after which a dialog box similar to the following shows up:


The dialogue box has the following properties:

  • Display - This is the name of the module. This is the text that will show up under the specified

module family.

  • Category - This field requires the name of the module family the module should be placed in.
  • Graphs - This box allows you to added one or more predefine graph types to spawn each time the

module is ran.

When you click ok your module will be added into the Module Browser in the Dashboard Perspective.


Create Module

Using the Create Module option in the dashboard or IDE toolbar. This will create a module from an example script that available on the remote System, Users will have to specify the location of the examples directory and the path to the script.The module will consist of only the metadata information stored as a '.dash' file on the local system(where SystemTapGUI is running). The script will not be packaged with the module, the location specified will be used to run the script directly on the remote system. The user would have to first enter the script details, and then follow the same set of steps as in the previous option.

Script details.gif


Make sure your script works fine with the regular expression and the graphs are as desired using the IDE/Graphing perspectives before creating a dashboard module using the script.


The script should adhere to the below constraints to add it to the dashboard:

  • The script should regularly output rows/tables of data that will confirm to the same regular expression, i.e, you cannot have two sets of output in the same script
  • The script should not have exit() statements
  • Since the dashboard supports dynamic graphs the script should output data periodically
  • Users should remember that the dashboard currently does not support any processing of the output data.

Importing Modules

The Dashboard Perspective allows for the import of modules by using the option File->Import Module Location. Simply navigate to and select the module file you wish to import, and SystemTap GUI will add the module to the Modules Browser in the Dashboard Perspective.


Running Modules

The Modules Browser contains a list of modules available to run.

Running modules in the Dashboard Perspective can be accomplished in three different ways. You may select it and Run->Run Script. You can alternatively click the Run Script button in the Toolbar. SystemTap GUI will request the details of the remote system(IPAddress,username,password).Enter these details and make sure that the username has sufficient access to execute SystemTap scripts You should see a display similar to the following, graphs differing based on what module you chose to run and Module Browser differences based off of your current module include list:


Multiple Module Execution

SystemTap GUI supports the execution of more than one module at one time. The currently running script does not not to be halted and the currently open graphs do not need to be closed, though they may be if desired. To execute another module, simply select and run it using one of the two methods described above.

Up to 8 graphs may be open at one given time in any given tab. Stopping the script will halt the running script of that module and remove the graphs entirely from the view pane. It will not affect graphs or scripts associated with any other modules. If at any time you are unsure of which modules are currently active you can check this by navigating to the Active Modules Browser

Graph Interaction

The graphical options used in the Dashboard perspective:

  • Zoom.pngZoom Bar - This enables the user to zoom in and out on the current graph by sliding the bar to the left and right. The current magnification is shown at the top of the bar. Zooming would increase the no of x-axis ticks therefore allowing the user to see more(or less) data at a point in time.
  • ExpandButton.png - Show Zoom bar - This displays the zoom bar.
  • Rightleft.png - Close Zoom bar - This hides the zoom bar.
  • CloseButton.png - Close Graph - This removes the graph from the viewer pane.


Views and Editors

This section details the views and editor in relation to the IDE Perspective.


The IDE Perspective consists of 5 views and and two editors.

  • Probe Alias Browser - A list of all probe aliases currently available in your version of Systemtap. Covered in detail here .
  • Function Browser - A list of functions currently supported in your version of Systemtap. Covered in detail here .
  • Kernel Source Browser - Used to display the kernel tree. Covered in detail here .
  • Console - The console view is where all of the output from the running script is shown. If more then one script is running at the same time you are able to switch between which console is currently displayed by clicking on the "Display Selected Console" button. The script can halt execution here if the user selects the Stop button. The user also has the option of saving the console output to a file, which can be done by clicking the Save log output button at the top of the console.IDEConsole.png
  • Error Log - If the script you tried to run contained errors, this view will become active and display the errors. You can double click on the eror message to jump to the line in the file where the error occured. ErrorLog.png


Three editors are available in Systemtap GUI.

  • STP Editor - This editor is the most commonly used; it is used for the authoring and editing of Systemtap scripts. It is invoked when the user starts a new file or opens a file with the .stp extension. It provides syntax highlighting, code completion, and run support.
  • C Editor - This editor is available for the read only viewing of kernel source. It is invoked when the user opens a file of extension .c. Syntax highlighting is supported in this mode.
  • Plain Text Editor - A plain text editor is also implemented for the user should they need it.


What follows is a comprehension list of the menu options available within the IDE Perspective of Systemtap GUI.


  • New File - This option will bring up a dialog to create a new file. You may specify any location. Files ending in a .stp or .c extension will have syntax highlighting and code completion features as appropriate. (Shortcut: Crtl+L)


  • Open File - This option will bring up a dialog to select a file to open. Once a file is selected it will open in the editor window. (Shortcut: Crtl+O)


  • Close - This option closes the file in the editor pane that currently has the focus. (Shortcut: Crtl+F4)
  • Close All - This option closes all files in the editor pane. (Shortcut: Shift+Crtl+F4)
  • Save - This option saves the file that currently has the focus. (Shortcut: Crtl+S)
  • Save As - This option prompts the user for a new location and file name and saves the file that currently has the focus under that new name and location.
  • Save All - This option saves all files currently open in the editor pane. (Shortcut: Shift+Crtl+S)
  • Revert - This option discards changes to the file currently under the focus replaces it with the last saved version.
  • Print - This option prints the file in the editor pane currently holding the focus. (Shortcut: Crtl+P)
  • Export Script - This option prompts the user to enter metadata associated with the Systemtap script to be exported and used in the Dashboard perspective. See the Creating Modules guide for instructions.
  • Import Tapset - This option allows you to include additional tapset directories when you run a script. (Shortcut: Crtl+I)


  • Exit - Exits Systemtap GUI.


  • Undo - Undos the previous editor related action. (Shortcut: Crtl+Z)
  • Redo - Redos the previous editor related action removed by Undo. (Shortcut: Crtl+Y)
  • Cut - Removes the selected text from the editor pane and places it in the clipboard. (Shortcut: Shift+Delete, Ctrl+X)
  • Copy - Copies the selected text from the editor pane and places it in the clipboard. (Shortcut: Ctrl+Insert, Crtl+C)
  • Paste - Copies the text from the clipboard to the location of the focus in the editor pane. (Shortcut: Shift+Insert, Crtl+V)
  • Select All - Selects all text within the file in the editor that the focus is currently in. (Shortcut: Crtl+A)
  • Find/Replace - Opens the Find/Replace dialogue in which users may specify a text string to find and/or replace, with options to search forwards or backwards, the entire document or just the selected lines, and whether or not they want the following options:
    • Case sensitive
    • Wrap Search
    • Whole Word
    • Incremental
    • Regular expressions

(Shortcut: Crtl+F) Findbox1.png

  • Find Next - Finds the next instance of the search string in the direction indicated in the Find/Replace dialogue box. (Shortcut: Crtl+K)
  • Find Previous - Finds the previous instance of the search string in the direction indicated in the Find/Replace dialogue box. (Shortcut: Shift+Crtl+K)
  • Incremental Find Next - Finds the next occurrence of the text and updates the selection after each character typed. To use Incremental Find:
    • In the text (or Java) editor, press Ctrl+J or select Edit > Incremental Find Next from the menu bar.
    • The workbench status line displays "Incremental Find:". The editor is now in the Incremental Find mode.
    • As you type, the editor finds the next occurrence of the text and updates the selection after each character typed.
    • Navigate to the next or previous match by pressing Arrow Down or Arrow Up.
    • Undo the last action within the Incremental Find mode by pressing Backspace.
    • You can leave the Incremental Find mode by pressing Esc
  • Incremental Find Previous - Operates as illustrated in above bullet but in the reverse. (Shortcut: Shift+Crtl+J)
  • Select All - Selects all the text in the file that currently has the focus. (Shortcut: Ctrl+A)
  • Word Completion - Completes the string being typed by using the last example typed by the user. (Shortcut: Alt+/)


  • Forward - Navigates to the next file in sequence as they were opened in the editor pane. (Shortcut: Alt+Right)
  • Back - Navigates to the previous file in sequence as they were opened in the editor pane. (Shortcut: Alt+Left)
  • Last Edit Location - Moves the focus to the file containing the last known edit. (Shortcut: Crtl+Q)
  • Goto Line... - Moves the focus to the specified line number, with the range of line numbers listed in the dialogue box. (Shortcut: Ctrl+L)Gotobox1.png


  • Run - Available when a Systemtap script is loaded into the editor, this feature runs the script. You will be prompted to enter details of the remote machine running the systemtapgui server.ShortCut(Ctrl+F5)


  • Run w/Chart - Available when a Systemtap script is loaded into the editor, this feature will prompt the user for the number of columns for the chart, in addition to their titles and regular expressions. The regular expressions are used to parse the console output for the script and determine the values of each column at a certain sample point. The combined regular expression is shown at the bottom of the dialogue box. The user has the option to use Command Line Options as well. When you click OK you will be prompted to enter the details of the remote machine running the systemtapgui server. When the script is executed the application will switch into the Graphing perspective. A Data View chart is populated with live data, in addition to the output in the console. More information regarding the Graphing perspective is available here.


  • Stop - This option terminates the script thread associated with whichever script currently has the focus. (Shortcut: Ctrl+F9)


  • Open in New Window - This option opens a new instance of SystemTap GUI.
  • Open Perspective - This submenu lists each of the available perspectives to open:
    • IDE Perspective
    • Graphing Perspective
    • Dashboard Perspective
  • Show Views - This submenus lists each of the available views to open:
    • Console
    • Error Log
    • Functions
    • Kernel Source
    • Probe Alias
    • Other - Lists all views in the application.


  • Preferences - Due to the breath of this topic it is covered in another section. Please see Preferences .


This section details each of the options listed under Window->Preferences. The Preferences dialog is the dialog used to set user preferences. The Preferences dialog pages can be searched using the filter function. To filter by matching the page title, simply type the name of the page you are seeking and the available pages will be presented below. The filter also searches on keywords such as appearance and java.

  • Logging
    • Enable logging - This option turns on and off the ability to log data from the console.
    • Logging level - This dropdown box allows you to select one of our levels of logging.
      • Debug - A very large quantity of debug information, difficult to identify what you are looking for but extremely exhaustive.
      • Info - Displays most information regarding program execution; the default level.
      • Critical - Lists only critical errors duration execution.
      • Fatal - Lists only fatal errors during execution.
    • Log to' - Specifies where you wish the logging to be written:
      • Console - Writes the debug information directly to the console.
      • File - Write the debug information to a file.
    • File - The location of the file that logging sends the debug information to.
  • SystemTap - This section contains options relevent to SystemTap itself.
    • Remember window state - Preserves the state of the window on exitting SystemTap GUI.
    • Dashboard Preferences - Preferences relate to the Dashboard Perspective.
      • Additional Modules - Provides for the addition of more modules to the Dashboard. Modules are files containing a SystemTap script and associated metadata.
    • Environment Variables - Allows the user to set specific values to the following environment variables
      • PATH
    • Graphing - Preferences related to the Graphing Perspective.
      • Refresh Delay (ms) - Milliseconds in between re-painting the graph.
      • Data Table - Preferences related to the data table.
        • Jump to the newest entry - Determines whether the scroll bar maintains its location at the newest entry.
        • Auto resize columns - Determines whether columns automatically resize to the width of the contents or whether they remain placed when moved.
        • Max data items - Maximum number of entries that the table shows, though the table itself may have more not visible.
      • Graph - Preferences related to graphs.
        • Show grid lines - Turns on and off painting of the grid lines.
        • Viewable data items - Number of maximum samples plotted at any time.
    • IDE - Preferences when loading the IDE Perspective.
      • Use stored tapset trees - Loads the stored tapset trees on initialization.
      • Editor - Preferences related to the editor.
        • Editor Background Color - Sets the color painted in the background of the editor pane.
        • Show Line Numbers - Option to turn on and off line numbers in the editor pane.
        • Code Assist
          • Use Code Assist - Turns on and off the option to use Code Assist, which is a method that predicts what you are typing based on existing probe aliasi and opens a window that allows you to scroll down and select and/or continue typing for refined results.
          • How Code Assist adds code - Method used in Code Assist.
            • Insert - Inserts the selected text directly into the cursor point.
            • Overwrite - Overwrites as you type.
          • Activation Delay (requires restart) - Delay in milliseconds before the code assist routines attempts to run.
          • Activation Trigger - This is the key that actives Code Assist. For SystemTap GUI it is set to the divider between tapset and probe alias.
        • Syntax Coloring - These options assign color values to identified types within the .stp and .c editors.
          • STP editor
            • Default Color - Color of normal code.
            • Keyword Color - Color of keywords.
            • Embedded C Color - Color of embedded C code.
            • Embedded Color - Color of embedded code.
            • Comment Color - Color of comments.
            • Type Color - Color of items identified as types.
            • String Color - Color of strings.
          • C editor
            • Default Color - Color of normal code.
            • Keyword Color - Color of keywords.
            • Preprocessor Color - Color of preprocessor code.
            • Comment Color - Color of comments.
            • Type Color - Color of items identified as types.
            • String Color - Color of strings.
        • Typeing - No options available at this time.
      • Path
        • Kernel Source Directory - Location of the directory that the kernel source code is pulled from.
        • Stap - No options available at this time.
          • Tapsets - Preferences related to tapsets.
            • Additional Tapsets - Allows you to specify additional tapsets scripts to be added in with every script.
    • Remote Server - Details regarding the remote machine running the systemtapgui Server
      • Host Name - IP address of the remote machine
      • Port - Port used for communication. Default is 22462.
      • User Name - User name that has sufficient permissions to transfer and run the script on the remote machine.
      • Password - Password for the above user.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section details frequently asked questions relating to the IDE Perspective.

Where can I find information regarding the Systemtap scripting language?

A: The best place to look for up to date information regarding Systemtap itself is its homepage -

How do I run a script once I've written it?

A: There are different options as far as running your Systemtap script. Please visit the Menus to learn more about the four ways of running Systemtap scripts.

Why does the application seem to hang when switching to the IDE Perspective?

A: If this is the first time you are trying to open the IDE perspective, or have recently gotten a new version of SystemTap this is expected. In order to generate a full list of all of the available probes, and functions the GUI has to run the stap command. If there are tapsets that do not run correctly using the 'stap -up2' comamnd this takes a long time. In order to build as complete a list as possible it will use a binary filtering algorithm to figure out which tapset function is broken and generate data for all of the others.

Example SystemTap Scripts

What follows is a few SystemTap Scripts that you may use in SystemTap GUI, taken from and linked to

There is also a description of the examples -

top.stp - Prints the top 20 system calls (

#!/usr/bin/env stap 
# This script continuously lists the top 20 systemcalls on the system

global syscalls

function print_top () {
	log ("SYSCALL\t\t\t\tCOUNT")
	foreach ([name] in syscalls-) {
		printf("%-20s\t\t%5d\n",name, syscalls[name])
		if (cnt++ = 20)
	delete syscalls

probe kernel.function("sys_*") {

# print top syscalls every 5 seconds
probe {
	print_top ()

prof.stp - Simple profiling (

#!/usr/bin/env stap

# This is an example of profiling a specific command or pid.
# It works by recording the time when a system call is entered
# exited. 

# Usage: prof.stp -c "top -n5"
# Will start up "top" and after 5 iterations, will exit.
# Usage: prof.stp -x 3323
# Will profile pid 3323 until it ^c is hit.

probe kernel.function("sys_*") {
	if (target() = tid())
		calltime[tid()] = gettimeofday_us()

probe kernel.function("sys_*").return {
	if (target() != tid())  next
	now = gettimeofday_us()
	c = calltime[tid()]
	if (!c) next
	ttime[probefunc()] <<< now - c
	delete calltime[tid()]

probe end {
	foreach (x in ttime)
		printf("%-20s\tcalls:%6d\tavg time (ms):%5d\ttotal(ms):%7d\n", 
			x, @count(ttime[x]), @avg(ttime[x]), @sum(ttime[x]))

global calltime, ttime

keyhack.stp - Modifying variables in the kernel. (

#! /usr/bin/env stap

# This is not useful, but it demonstrates that
# Systemtap can modify variables in a running kernel.

# Usage: ./keyhack.stp -g

probe kernel.function("kbd_event") {
	# Changes 'm' to 'b' .
	if ($event_code = 50) $event_code = 48

probe end {

kmalloc.stp - Statistics example. (

#! /usr/bin/env stap

# Using statistics to examine kernel memory allocations

global kmalloc

probe kernel.function("__kmalloc") { 
	kmalloc <<< $size

# Exit after 10 seconds
probe { exit () }

probe end {
	printf("Count:   %d allocations\n", @count(kmalloc))
	printf("Sum:     %d Kbytes\n", @sum(kmalloc)/1000)
	printf("Average: %d bytes\n", @avg(kmalloc))
	printf("Min:     %d bytes\n", @min(kmalloc))
	printf("Max:     %d bytes\n", @max(kmalloc))	
	print("\nAllocations by size in bytes\n")

kmalloc2.stp - Example using arrays of statistics. (

#! /usr/bin/env stap

# Using statistics and maps to examine kernel memory allocations

global kmalloc

probe kernel.function("__kmalloc") { 
	kmalloc[execname()] <<< $size

# Exit after 10 seconds
probe { exit () }

probe end {
	foreach ([name] in kmalloc) {
		printf("Allocations for %s\n", name)
		printf("Count:   %d allocations\n", @count(kmalloc[name]))
		printf("Sum:     %d Kbytes\n", @sum(kmalloc[name])/1000)
		printf("Average: %d bytes\n", @avg(kmalloc[name]))
		printf("Min:     %d bytes\n", @min(kmalloc[name]))
		printf("Max:     %d bytes\n", @max(kmalloc[name]))	
		print("\nAllocations by size in bytes\n")

Guide to Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are used in SystemTap GUI to define how the GUI interprets information that it recieves from the script file. If the user wishes to change the regular expression during runtime they may do so by selecting Edit->Modify Parsing Expression.

Basic regex (taken from " ) -

 Summary of regular-expression constructs

Construct 	Matches
x 	The character x
\\ 	The backslash character
\0n 	The character with octal value 0n (0 <= n <= 7)
\0nn 	The character with octal value 0nn (0 <= n <= 7)
\0mnn 	The character with octal value 0mnn (0 <= m <= 3, 0 <= n <= 7)
\xhh 	The character with hexadecimal value 0xhh
\uhhhh 	The character with hexadecimal value 0xhhhh
\t 	The tab character ('\u0009')
\n 	The newline (line feed) character ('\u000A')
\r 	The carriage-return character ('\u000D')
\f 	The form-feed character ('\u000C')
\a 	The alert (bell) character ('\u0007')
\e 	The escape character ('\u001B')
\cx 	The control character corresponding to x
Character classes
[abc] 	a, b, or c (simple class)
[^abc] 	Any character except a, b, or c (negation)
[a-zA-Z] 	a through z or A through Z, inclusive (range)
[a-d[m-p]] 	a through d, or m through p: [a-dm-p] (union)
[a-z&&[def]] 	d, e, or f (intersection)
[a-z&&[^bc]] 	a through z, except for b and c: [ad-z] (subtraction)
[a-z&&[^m-p]] 	a through z, and not m through p: [a-lq-z](subtraction)
Predefined character classes
. 	Any character (may or may not match line terminators)
\d 	A digit: [0-9]
\D 	A non-digit: [^0-9]
\s 	A whitespace character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]
\S 	A non-whitespace character: [^\s]
\w 	A word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9]
\W 	A non-word character: [^\w]
POSIX character classes (US-ASCII only)
\p{Lower} 	A lower-case alphabetic character: [a-z]
\p{Upper} 	An upper-case alphabetic character:[A-Z]
\p{ASCII} 	All ASCII:[\x00-\x7F]
\p{Alpha} 	An alphabetic character:[\p{Lower}\p{Upper}]
\p{Digit} 	A decimal digit: [0-9]
\p{Alnum} 	An alphanumeric character:[\p{Alpha}\p{Digit}]
\p{Punct} 	Punctuation: One of !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
\p{Graph} 	A visible character: [\p{Alnum}\p{Punct}]
\p{Print} 	A printable character: [\p{Graph}\x20]
\p{Blank} 	A space or a tab: [ \t]
\p{Cntrl} 	A control character: [\x00-\x1F\x7F]
\p{XDigit} 	A hexadecimal digit: [0-9a-fA-F]
\p{Space} 	A whitespace character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]
java.lang.Character classes (simple java character type)
\p{javaLowerCase} 	Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isLowerCase()
\p{javaUpperCase} 	Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isUpperCase()
\p{javaWhitespace} 	Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isWhitespace()
\p{javaMirrored} 	Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isMirrored()
Classes for Unicode blocks and categories
\p{InGreek} 	A character in the Greek block (simple block)
\p{Lu} 	An uppercase letter (simple category)
\p{Sc} 	A currency symbol
\P{InGreek} 	Any character except one in the Greek block (negation)
[\p{L}&&[^\p{Lu}]]  	Any letter except an uppercase letter (subtraction)
Boundary matchers
^ 	The beginning of a line
$ 	The end of a line
\b 	A word boundary
\B 	A non-word boundary
\A 	The beginning of the input
\G 	The end of the previous match
\Z 	The end of the input but for the final terminator, if any
\z 	The end of the input
Greedy quantifiers
X? 	X, once or not at all
X* 	X, zero or more times
X+ 	X, one or more times
X{n} 	X, exactly n times
X{n,} 	X, at least n times
X{n,m} 	X, at least n but not more than m times
Reluctant quantifiers
X?? 	X, once or not at all
X*? 	X, zero or more times
X+? 	X, one or more times
X{n}? 	X, exactly n times
X{n,}? 	X, at least n times
X{n,m}? 	X, at least n but not more than m times
Possessive quantifiers
X?+ 	X, once or not at all
X*+ 	X, zero or more times
X++ 	X, one or more times
X{n}+ 	X, exactly n times
X{n,}+ 	X, at least n times
X{n,m}+ 	X, at least n but not more than m times
Logical operators
XY 	X followed by Y
X|Y 	Either X or Y
(X) 	X, as a capturing group
Back references
\n 	Whatever the nth capturing group matched
\ 	Nothing, but quotes the following character
\Q 	Nothing, but quotes all characters until \E
\E 	Nothing, but ends quoting started by \Q
Special constructs (non-capturing)
(?:X) 	X, as a non-capturing group
(?idmsux-idmsux)  	Nothing, but turns match flags on - off
(?idmsux-idmsux:X)   	X, as a non-capturing group with the given flags on - off
(?=X) 	X, via zero-width positive lookahead
(?!X) 	X, via zero-width negative lookahead
(?<=X) 	X, via zero-width positive lookbehind
(?<!X) 	X, via zero-width negative lookbehind
(?>X) 	X, as an independent, non-capturing group                                                                    
Match a position that is not a word boundary.

Information regarding regular expressions can be found all over the Internet. A few examples have been listed below:

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