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(Security Filters)
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=== Security Filters  ===
=== Security Filters  ===
The security filters need to be included as extensions in the server's <code>plugin.xml</code> as extensions. The configuration of these extensions points works as defaults, but is overriden by the [[#Settings in config.ini]].
==== Settings in config.ini ====
For every filter you can set the four options (example with the <code>BasicSecurityFilter</code>).
The settings determine, whether the security filter is used for a given kind of authentication. The various types are:
;process:This is where all Scout internals are connect, i.e. the calls from the client to the server. This also includes the automatic updates of the client.
;updatesite:Authentication for users connecting to the updatesite (via browser) to download the client.
;test:Authentication for test servlets
;services:Authentication for webservices, this will probably always be the <code>BasicSecurityFilter</code> as the other side's implementation has the credentials configured somewhere as well.
Determines, whether the filter should deny access, if not successfully authenticated (<code>false</code>) or if the next filter should try to authenticate (<code>true</code>).
== Granting  ==
== Granting  ==

Revision as of 03:04, 8 July 2010



Scout architecture overview.png

Main Parts of a Scout Project

Client,shared,swt,server Equinox client server

Client / Server Communication

Service Tunnel

Proxy services, Service Factories Entry point server (servlet) Outgoing point client

Message Structure

Base64 encoded Serialized objects

Session Handling




Client Concepts

Separation of UI and GUI

Scout gui representation.png

Job Queue

Component Model

Client components.png

Client Session

The client session is the main entry point for client-server communication.


The desktop is the entry point of every Scout client application. It can (may) consist of top-level menus, active message box stack, set of available outline, active outline, active tableview, active detail form, active search form, form stack (swing: dialogs on desktop as JInternalFrames; eclipse: editors or views), dialog stack of modal and non-modal dialogs (swing: dialogs as JDialog, JFrame; eclipse: dialogs in a new Shell).


Typically a Desktop holds multiple outlines. They represent different entry points for the navigation within the application. For every outline a tree is available which allows navigating within the application.


A form is both a model structure of a ui concept known as dialog or view and also a model of a wizard page. Wizard buttons are added automatically to the main box if missing.

Form fields

Form fields are the basic elements for user inputs fiels within a form. Examples are:

  • TextField
  • SmartField
  • NumberField
  • DateField
  • FileChooser
  • ListBox
  • TreeBox
  • CheckBox
  • RadioButton
  • ToogleButton

Futhermore there exists composites fields like:

  • GroupBox
  • TabBox
  • SequenceBox
  • SnapBox
  • RangeBox
  • RadioButtonGroupBox


The menu component include all links, functionalities, etc... available within the application.


Tool component is used for grouping or dividing different views. This can be used for building business views on datas or just structuring your own application.


Wizards support a user to work in a process driven approach on a task.

Server Concepts

Server Side Equinox

Jetty, ServerApplication as Startup Point

Transaction Handling


SQL Support

Statement Builder


Inside of the config.ini in the server it is possible to override the member variables of services.

For example: dbcConnection=true

If the service SqlService has a setter method for the member directJdbcConnection then the member has at runtime the value true.

With Scout Eclipse this works for all classes which extends AbstractService

For other classes it must be done by yourself for example with the class FilterConfigInjection at startup.


Authentication and Authorization


Security Filters

The security filters need to be included as extensions in the server's plugin.xml as extensions. The configuration of these extensions points works as defaults, but is overriden by the #Settings in config.ini.

Settings in config.ini

For every filter you can set the four options (example with the BasicSecurityFilter).


The settings determine, whether the security filter is used for a given kind of authentication. The various types are:

This is where all Scout internals are connect, i.e. the calls from the client to the server. This also includes the automatic updates of the client.
Authentication for users connecting to the updatesite (via browser) to download the client.
Authentication for test servlets
Authentication for webservices, this will probably always be the BasicSecurityFilter as the other side's implementation has the credentials configured somewhere as well.

Determines, whether the filter should deny access, if not successfully authenticated (false) or if the next filter should try to authenticate (true).


Describe the Permisssion Classes, the permission store, ACCESS....





Scout has moved to slf4j. slf4j is a logging facade, which is implemented by various loggers.

slf4j also offers bridges that map calls to the "old" loggers to slf4j.

The development environment contains just Logback, impl.simple, impl.nop and the bridges.

Logger Usage

Scout code should only use the IScoutLogger.

  private static IScoutLogger logger = ScoutLogManager.getLogger(MyOwnClass.class);

The IScoutLogger-Interface is implemented by SLF4JDelegateLogger, which is returned by the above call to ScoutLogManager.getLogger(Class). This wrapps one of the various possible log implementations.

In your config.ini you can set the property org.eclipse.scout.commons.logger.level. If set to another value than -1 it will override all other configurations for logging. You will probably want to not set this property and configure the logging in a logback.xml (see Using slf4j/Logback).


### Logging
# sets the default loglevel, -1=INHERITED (definitions from logback-test.xml),
#  1=ERROR, 2=WARN, 3=INFO, 4=DEBUG, 5=TRACE, if set and to another value than -1 this will take precedence to all configurations in logback-test.xml

Logger Implementations

The native implementation and a successor to log4j
Redirection of slf4j calls to std-out
Redirection of slf4j calls to log4j
Redirection slf4j calls to jcl
Redirection of slf4j calls to jul
Redirection of slf4j calls to "nothing"

Using slf4j/Logback

To use slf4j/Logback the following fragments / plugings are required. Include them as dependencies in your product-file.

  • ch.qos.logback.core
  • ch.qos.logback.slf4j
  • org.slf4j.api
  • org.slf4j.ext
  • org.slf4j.jcl (optional)
  • org.slf4j.jul (optional)
  • org.slf4j.log4j (optional)
  • a dedicated fragment:

Additionally a dedicated fragment is required (the name is up to you of course). The fragment contains the configuration file for logback and a manifest.


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Logback Fragment
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier
Bundle-Vendor: ....
Fragment-Host: org.slf4j.api;bundle-version="1.6.0"
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6


<configuration scan="true">
  <appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
    <!-- encoders are assigned the type
				ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder by default -->
      <pattern>%d{ISO8601} %-5level [%thread] %logger: %msg%n</pattern>

  <logger name="org.eclipse.scout.commons.ConfigIniUtility">
    <level value="WARN" />
    <level value="WARN" />
    <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />

bin.includes = META-INF/,\

Logback Configuration

Different Configuration for Production and Development

You probably do not want the same configuration for production / deployment and development. An easy way to solve this is to have two configuration files. A logback.xml for production / deployment and a logback-test.xml for the development (both in the fragment Then you edit the so the logback-test.xml is not included in the build.

If you start the Scout application from Eclipse, the logback-test.xml takes precedence.

And for the deployment there is only the logback.xml, so nothing to worry about either.

Limitations: This does only allow for two configurations and only one that is deployed. If you have several systems with different configurations you need another solution. You will probably want to have your xml file somewhere else and not included in the application.

Automatically Rescanning the Configuration

The automatic scanning for configuration changes is enabled by the attribute scan="true" in the configuration xml.

  <configuration scan="true">

  • TODO: Where does it look for the configuration?

Scout Services

Scout services.png



  • The instance for the Job is only created exactly once. Every run of a job is by the same instance.
  • The timer (when to start) is hardcoded (see example).


  1. Derive a class from AbstractSchedulerJob
  2. implement a constructor calling super(groupId, jobId);
  3. implement / override execAcceptTick
  4. implement / override run
  5. In the ServerApplication you need something like
public class ServerApplication implements IApplication{
  public Object start(IApplicationContext context) throws Exception {
    //start the scheduler
    Scheduler scheduler=new Scheduler(Activator.getDefault().getBackendSubject(),ServerSession.class);
    scheduler.addJob(new LoadJobs());
//    scheduler.addJob(new FetchMailSchedulerJob());
    scheduler.addJob(new LdapSchedulerJob());
    scheduler.addJob(new UpdatePLAOrdersJob());


public class MyJob extends AbstractSchedulerJob {
  private static IScoutLogger s_logger =ScoutLogManager.getLogger(MyJob.class);
  private final static String groupId = "MyGroup";
  private final static String jobId = "MyJob";
   * <p><code>true</code> the job is currently running, <code>false</code> else</p>
   * <p>Access needs to be guarded / synchronized by <code>this</code>, because it is possible, that the same reference to the job
   * is called twice.</p>.
  private boolean m_running;

  public MyJob() {
    super(groupId, jobId);

  protected boolean execAcceptTick(TickSignal signal, int second, int minute, int hour, int day, int week, int month,
      int year, int dayOfWeek, int dayOfMonthReverse, int dayOfYear, int secondOfDay) {
    return (second==0 && minute%10==0); /* start every 10 minutes */

  public void run(IScheduler scheduler, TickSignal signal) throws ProcessingException {
    synchronized (this) {
      if (m_running) { /* prevent the job from being started twice */
        s_logger.warn("The Job " + getGroupId() + "." + getJobId() + " is already running, but should be started. Job was not started.");
      m_running = true;
    try {"Started scheduled job: " + getGroupId() + "." + getJobId() + ", process all PLA Orders.");
      IXYZService service = SERVICES.getService(IXYZService.class);
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        s_logger.error("Error in Job " + getGroupId() + "." + getJobId(), e);
      }"Finished scheduled job: " + getGroupId() + "." + getJobId() + ", process all PLA Orders");
    } finally {
      synchronized (this) {
        m_running = false;

Client Notification

Scout SDK

Idea Behind Scout SDK

Main Features

Building Forms and Outlines

Generation of DTOs (form data, field data)

NLS Editor

Support for Webservices

Architecture of Scout SDK

Describe how JDT and PDE is used

Back to Scout

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