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Difference between revisions of "Dali/Indigo/DaliRefactoringParticipants"

< Dali‎ | Indigo
(Phase 1)
(Refactoring Overview)
Line 16: Line 16:
[[Dali_Project/FeatureDocs/DaliRefactoringParticipants#Delete_Mapping_file|Delete Mapping File]],  
[[Dali_Project/FeatureDocs/DaliRefactoringParticipants#Delete_Mapping_file|Delete Mapping File]],  
[[Dali_Project/FeatureDocs/DaliRefactoringParticipants#Rename_Java_Class|Rename Java Class]],  
[[Dali_Project/FeatureDocs/DaliRefactoringParticipants#Rename_Java_Class|Rename Java Class]],  
[[Dali_Project/FeatureDocs/DaliRefactoringParticipants#Rename_Java_Package|Rename Java Package]],
[[Dali_Project/FeatureDocs/DaliRefactoringParticipants#Rename_Folder_-_Source_or_Other|Rename Folder]],
[[Dali_Project/FeatureDocs/DaliRefactoringParticipants#Rename_Mapping_File|Rename Mapping File]],
[[Dali_Project/FeatureDocs/DaliRefactoringParticipants#Move_Java_Class|Move Java Class]],
[[Dali_Project/FeatureDocs/DaliRefactoringParticipants#Move_Java_Class|Move Java Class]],

Revision as of 09:35, 28 June 2010

Refactoring Overview

  • Display changes in the Refactoring preview dialog
  • Support Undo
  • Any XML changes will be done without the user having to check the box 'Update fully qualified names in non-Java text files'. Currently the user can get java type renames to be completed in the persistence.xml by checking that box, but a java type delete will not edit the persistence.xml.
  • Support refactorings in 1 project affecting 1 or more JpaProjects in the workspace
  • Must handle other refactoring participants making changes to the same files. The assumption will be that we are the only ones making changes for JPA spec metadata. So while other refactoring participants can change the same file, they must not make the exact same changes as Dali.

Phase 1

bug 209489 - Participate in Java type level refactorings

bug 318028 - Participate in mapping file refactorings

Delete Java Class, Delete Java Package, Delete Folder, Delete Mapping File, Rename Java Class, Rename Java Package, Rename Folder, Rename Mapping File, Move Java Class,

Phase 2

bug 318174 - Participate in Java field/method refactorings

Phase 3

bug 138622 - Convert annotated JPA metadata to orm.xml

see section Refactoring Contributions

Phase 4

bug 136333 - Participate in Java refactoring to change JPA DB metadata

see section JPA Metadata

Phase 5

Refactoring Participants

Delete Refactoring

Delete Java Class

  • persistence.xml
    • delete corresponding class element
    • A property that references the deleted class will not be deleted. The user will be left with a validation error. This is how JDT handles references to deleted classes.
  • Mappings files
    • Delete entity/embeddable/mapped-superclass element
    • Other references to the deleted class (id-class, map-key-class, etc) will not be deleted
  • Other use cases to handle:
    • Deletion of nested class
    • Deletion of class from another project

These screen shots show a refactoring preview dialog where and are deleted. There were listed in the persistence.xml, orm.xml, and eclipselink-orm.xml files. The other refactorings will follow the same pattern with the one composite change that contains a change for each affected file.

persistence.xml preview changes of deleted java classes orm.xml preview changes of deleted java classes

Delete Java Package

  • all items from Java Class - multiple types will be deleted when a package is deleted
  • package element in an orm.xml
    • for now we will not touch the package element even it it matches exactly. In order to delete the package element we would have to check all types - entity, mapped superclass, idclass, target-entity, etc. Handle with validation bug 193535.

Delete Folder - Source or Other

  • all items from Java Package above
  • persistence.xml
    • delete corresponding mapping-file elements

Delete Java Field/Method

Do we want to do anything? At least lower priority

  • Java files
    • delete attribute/association overrides that reference the deleted field/method
  • Mappings files
    • delete corresponding attribute mappings
    • delete attribute/association overrides that reference the deleted field/method

Delete Mapping File

  • persistence.xml
    • delete corresponding mapping-file element

Rename Refactoring

If 'Update references' is *not* checked on the refactoring dialog then the following changes will not be made.

If 'Update fully qualified names in non-Java text files' is checked we must not conflict with the platform making changes. If it is unchecked our changes will still be made as long as 'Update references' is checked.

Rename Java Class

  • persistence.xml
    • udpate class element
    • EclipseLink properties - rename if the class matches
      • eclipselink.session.customizer
      • eclipselink.descriptor.customizer
      • eclipselink.logging.logger
      • eclipselink.session-event-listener
  • Mapping file
    • If a package element is used we will ignore it and force a fully-qualified name in for any of the below classes that is renamed. This is the same as the current behavior in adding classes to an orm.xml mappings file. See bug 176261
    • rename entity/embeddable/mapped-superclass class element
    • rename other class references
      • id-class element
      • 1-1/1-m/m-1/m-m target-entity
      • element-collection map-key-class
      • 1-m/m-m map-key-class
      • EclipseLink
        • entity/mapped-superclass/embeddable customizer
        • entity class-extractor
        • entity/mapped-superclass cache-interceptor

Rename Java Package

  • all items from Rename Type
  • Mapping files
    • Rename package element - this can be a fragment

Rename Java Source Folder

Rename Java Field/Method

  • Java
    • rename mappedBy
    • rename MapsId
    • rename MapKey
    • rename AttributeOverride/AssociationOverride name
    • update @OrderBy
  • Mapping files
    • rename corresponding mapping
    • rename mapped-by
    • rename maps-id
    • rename map-key
    • rename attribute-override/association-override name
    • update order-by
    • rename pre-persist, post-persist, pre-remove, post-remove, pre-update, post-update, post-load

Rename Mapping File

  • persistence.xml
    • update mapping-file reference
    • Rename the default orm.xml/ecliselink-orm.xml file we could add a reference to it in the persistence.xml if it does not exist

Move Refactoring

Push Down Refactoring

  • Java
    • Annotations move with the method/field
    • What if there are attribute overrides on the subclass for the fields that are being move?
      • Remove the attribute overrides?
      • Take that metadata and put it on the attribute? what if it is different from what already exists?
      • We can check for all of this information in the refactoring participant and decide whether there is anything we can do.
  • Mapping files
    • we would have to move the mappings to the subclass entity in orm.xml. If the subclass entity does not exist we create it.

Pull Up Refactoring

  • Java
    • Annotations move with the method/field
  • Mapping files
    • Move the mapping to the superclass entity in orm.xml, creating the entity if necessary. Moving this information isn't as important for EclipseLink since it supports mapping inherited attributes.

Extract Superclass Refatoring

Extract Class Refactoring

JPA DB Metadata Refactoring Participants

bug 136333

We need a JPA project preference for these since it would only apply for someone who is not generating their schema.

  • Rename/Move Type
    • Add @Table if name is not currently specified(only if it currently matches a table on the database? - would have to be connected)
      • Entity name specified - no need to add @Table
      • Inheritance SINGLE_TABLE strategy - no need to add @Table if not the root
    • Add @JoinTable if not currently specified to any relationship mappings that default to a JoinTable either owned by the renamed type or where the renamed type is the target.
    • Add @CollectionTable to an ElementCollection owned by the renamed type if it is not currently specified.
  • Rename attribute
    • Add @Column if name is not currently specified
    • Add @MapKeyColumn
    • Add @JoinColumn
    • Add @MapKeyJoinColumn
    • Add @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
    • Add @CollectionTable if the mapping is an ElementCollection and the collection table is not currently specified

Refactoring Contributions

Move Annotations to XML

bug 138622

Move XML to Annotations

Move XML to XML

  • Move an XML entity to another mapping file

Change Access Type

  • move annotations from fields to properties (1 or more) or vice versa. Would have to include creating the appropriate fields or properties or choosing the ones that match.

bug 265344

Rename Sequence/Table Generator

  • rename the generated-value->generator references in java and orm.xml

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