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Difference between revisions of "Papyrus-RT/Developer/Developer Guide/DevEnv Mars"

Line 12: Line 12:
*From the "Mars" releases update site at
*From the "Mars" releases update site at
**EMF Eclipse Modeling Famework SDK 2.11.0 or newer (found under 'Modeling')
**EMF Eclipse Modeling Famework SDK 2.11.1 or newer (found under 'Modeling')
**Xtext 2.8.4  or newer (found under 'Modeling' or 'General Purpose Tools')
**Xtext 2.8.4  or newer (found under 'Modeling' or 'General Purpose Tools')
**C/C++ Development Tools 8.8.0 or newer (found under 'Programming Languages')
**C/C++ Development Tools 8.8.0 or newer (found under 'Programming Languages')
**EGit Team Provider 4.0.1 or newer (found under 'Collaboration')
*From one of the '''Papyrus''' update-sites below:  
*From one of the '''Papyrus''' update-sites below:  
Line 26: Line 27:
:''nightly'' update-site:
:''nightly'' update-site:
*From the EGit updates update-site at
**EGit Team Provider 4.0.1 or newer
*From the '''PapyrusRT''' ''releases'' update-site at
*From the '''PapyrusRT''' ''releases'' update-site at

Revision as of 12:43, 9 November 2015

There are several possible ways to make a development environment to work on PapyrusRT, but it's a good idea to follow the steps provided here as we know these work.

Installing Eclipse

  1. Download the plain Eclipse SDK 4.5 (Mars) from, selecting the one specific to your development platform.
  2. Decompress the archive in some target folder. For example: ~/dev/papyrusrt

Installing required development features

Start Eclipse. Install each of the following features by clicking on "Help -> Install New Software..." and selecting the appropriate update site.

  • From the "Mars" releases update site at
    • EMF Eclipse Modeling Famework SDK 2.11.1 or newer (found under 'Modeling')
    • Xtext 2.8.4 or newer (found under 'Modeling' or 'General Purpose Tools')
    • C/C++ Development Tools 8.8.0 or newer (found under 'Programming Languages')
    • EGit Team Provider 4.0.1 or newer (found under 'Collaboration')
  • From one of the Papyrus update-sites below:
    • Papyrus UML 1.1.3 or newer (under 'Papyrus')
    • Papyrus UML Developer Resources 1.1.3 or newer (under 'Papyrus')
    • Papyrus C++ profile, view and and code generation (Incubation) 1.1.1 or newer (under 'Papyrus Extras (Other)')
    • Papyrus C++ profile, view and code generation Developer Resources (Incubation) 1.1.1 or newer (under 'Papyrus Extras (Other)')
Papyrus update-sites
releases update-site:
milestones update-site:
nightly update-site:

  • From the PapyrusRT releases update-site at
    • Papyrus RT Core Feature (Incubation) 0.7.1 or newer
    • Papyrus RT Core Feature (Incubation) Developer Resources 0.7.1 or newer
    • Papyrus RT Feature (Incubation) 0.7.1 or newer
    • Papyrus RT Feature (Incubation) Developer Resources 0.7.1 or newer
    • Papyrus RT Profile Feature (Incubation) 0.7.1 or newer
    • Papyrus RT Profile Feature (Incubation) Developer Resources 0.7.1 or newer
    • Papyrus RT Tooling Feature (Incubation) 0.7.1 or newer
    • Papyrus RT Tooling Feature (Incubation) Developer Resources 0.7.1 or newer

Note: You won't find these features in the PapyrusRT nightly update site at this point.

Optional features (recommended)

The following features, found in the "Mars" releases update site at, are not required, strictly speaking, but they are very useful to do development on PapyrusRT.

  • From the "Mars" releases update site at
    • Ecore Diagram Editor SDK 3.0.0 or newer (found under 'Modeling'; aka EcoreTools; includes Sirius)
    • Mylyn Task List 3.16.0 or newer (under 'Collaboration')
    • Mylyn Task-Focused Interface 3.16.0 or newer (under 'Collaboration')
    • Mylyn Tasks Connector: Bugzilla 3.16.0 or newer (under 'Collaboration')
    • Eclipse XML Editors and Tools 3.6.3 or newer (found under 'Programming Languages' and 'Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development')
    • m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse 1.6.0 or newer (under 'General Purpose Tools')

Clone the repositories

Git repositories are cloned from the "Git Perspective" (Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other... and select "Git")

In this perspective, under the "Git Repositories" view (on the left of the work area), click the "Clone" button (it has a bluish curved arrow). Enter the appropriate URI and credentials.

Once you've entered those, you'll be asked for a branch to clone. Select "master". Then you'll be asked to chose a destination folder and whether to import the projects. Usually you want to import the projects, but for Papyrus itself you might want to say no, as it is very large. It's better for Papyrus to import only some projects as needed to resolve dependencies.

Clone the PapyrusRT repository

  • URI:
  • Host:
  • Repository path: /r/papyrus/org.eclipse.papyrus.git:
  • Protocol: https
  • Port: (leave blank)
  • User/password: You can clone this repository using "anonymous" for your credentials, or use your own Eclipse credentials if you plan to contribute to PapyrusRT itself.
  • Select the appropriate branch. For most users it should be only the "master" branch. You can clone all branches if you like.
  • Select a target directory where the git cloned local repository will be stored.
  • Select "Import All Projects". You may organize them in "Working sets" if desired. This might be useful, for example to have separate working sets for the code generator sources, the tests, etc.

Note: The protocol is https rather than http, and the repository path begins with /r/ rather than /gitroot/.

Note: Whenever you update either the Papyrus or Papyrus-RT features, you should do a git pull on the relevant git repositories. In the case of Papyrus, a mismatch between the "production" version (the installed feature) and the "development" version (the cloned repository) may result in many runtime errors.

Clone the Papyrus repository (optional)

You don't need the Papyrus git repository but it may be useful, specially if you are going to work on the tooling side of PapyrusRT.

  • URI:
  • Host:
  • Repository path: /gitroot/papyrus/org.eclipse.papyrus.git:
  • Protocol: http
  • Port: (leave blank)
  • User/password: You can clone this repository using "anonymous" for your credentials, or use your own Eclipse credentials if you plan to contribute to Papyrus itself.
  • Select the appropriate branch. For most users it should be only the "streams/1.1-maintainance" branch if working on Mars, and "master" if working on Neon. Note that Neon is not supported yet in PapyrusRT.
  • Select a target directory where the git cloned local repository will be stored.

Note: It is recommended *NOT* to import all Papyrus projects. There is a very large number of projects and importing them all will cause Eclipse to try to build them all, which might take a very long time and even stall. For working with PapyrusRT you only need those projects cloned, not imported.

Configure your git repositories

On each of the repositories you should do a "Gerrit Configuration":

  1. Select and unfold the repository
  2. Select and unfold "Remotes"
  3. Right-click on "origin"
  4. Click on "Gerrit Configuration" (a small green icon appears on the repository)
  5. Click on "Finish".
  6. Select and unfold "Branches"
  7. Select and unfold "Local"
  8. Right-click "master"
  9. Click on "Configure Branch..."
  10. Set "Remote" to "origin"
  11. Set "Upstream branch" to "refs/heads/master"
  12. Set "Rebase" (tick the checkbox)
  13. Click "OK"

Configure your preferences

To commit code, every Git commit must have the correct credentials. (E)Git must be configured with your name and e-mail used as an Eclipse committer.

  1. Go to Window->Preferences... (or Eclipse->Preferences... on a Mac)
  2. Navigate to Team->Git->Configuration
  3. Under "User settings" check if there is a "user" field with "name" and "email" sub-fields.
    1. If the fields are present and the values correct, nothing needs to be done.
    2. If the fields are present and the values are incorrect, edit them by clicking on the value.
    3. If the fields are not present, click on "Add Entry..." And enter "" (resp. "") as key, and the appropriate value. Click OK.

To be able to compile Xtend code from the code generator, the Eclipse editors must be set to use UTF-8 encoding.

  1. Go to Window->Preferences... (or Eclipse->Preferences... on a Mac)
  2. Navigate to General->Workspace
  3. Under "Text file encoding" check that it is UTF-8. If not, select UTF-8 from the listbox and click OK.

Also, the Java editors should be configured so that code is not re-formatted with every save action, because otherwise, when pushing a change-set to Gerrit, formatting changes will be passed on as "real" changes.

  1. Go to Window->Preferences... (or Eclipse->Preferences... on a Mac)
  2. Navigate to Java->Editor->Save Actions
  3. Ensure that "Perform the selected actions on save" is unchecked.

Generate code for EMF models

The code generator has several internal EMF (meta)models. The repository stores these meta-models but not the generated Java source code for them, which is needed to compile the code generator. These meta-models are found in the 'model' folder of the following projects:

  • org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.common.model
  • org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.platform.model
  • org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.platform.cpp.model
  • org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.umlrt.model

To generate these source code you need to do the following for each of these projects:

  1. Open the project org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.XXXX.model
  2. Open the folder model
  3. Open the file called XXXX.genmodel (e.g. common.genmodel)
  4. A tree editor appears, showing the root element. Right-click on the root element.
  5. Select "Generate Model Code"

Once you finish, you might want to do a clean build: Project -> Clean....

Depending on your setup, some projects might show errors, in particular the projects for the runtime and the tooling, but the codegen projects should show no errors.

Define run/debug configurations (optional)

To quickly launch PapyrusRT either as an Eclipse product or as a stand-alone generator, it is convenient to define debug/run configurations. This can be done by selecting Run->Run Configurations... or Run->Debug Configurations.... Below, we describe the settings for an Eclipse-based run, and for a stand-alone run.

Eclipse-based run/debug configuration

On the left pane select "Eclipse Application" and click the "New" button.

  • On top, enter the name for the new run configuration, e.g. "papyrusrt".
  • On the Main tab:
    • Under "Workspace Location" choose a location of your preference.
    • Under "Program to Run" select "Run a product" and choose org.eclipse.sdk.ide
    • Under "Execution Environment" choose Java 1.7
  • On the Arguments tab:
    • Under "VM Arguments" add -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms512m -Xmx2048m

Standalone run/debug configuration

On the left pane select "Java Application" and click the "New" button.

  • On top, enter the name for the new run configuration, e.g. "papyrusrt".
  • On the Main tab:
    • Under "Project" select org.eclipse.papyrusrt.codegen.standalone
    • Under "Main class" select org.eclipse.papyrusrt.codegen.standalone.StandaloneUMLRTCodeGenerator
  • On the Arguments tab:
    • Under "Program Arguments" enter
-d -l ALL -s -p <path-to-eclipse-plugins-folder> -o <output-folder> <input-model>


The <input-model> is the .uml file.


  • -d : debug mode
  • -l ALL : log all messages (debug, info, warning, error)
  • -s : print the stack trace in case of an exception
  • -p <path-to-eclipse-plugins-folder> : specify the <path-to-eclipse-plugins-folder> which can be a ':' separated list. It's useful to include the plugins/umlrt folder of your local git repository (e.g. .../git/org.eclipse.papyrus-rt/plugins/umlrt)
  • -o <output-folder> : The <output-folder> can be any folder. It's a good idea to make it specific for your model.

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