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(The IPU Activator)
(Test Scenario)
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= Test Scenario =
* To check that the "sensor_0" and "lamp_0" applications are successfully created, run the NSCL and GSCL products.
* Then go to the GSCL OSGi console and enter the ''ss'' command to list all deployed plugins. Start the "org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu" plugin (id=28 in this example) by typing the following command: start 28.
* The interworking proxy plug-in creates all required resources to enable to monitor and control sensor and lamp remotely and in a standardized way.
Open the NSCL web interface (, and move to the GSCL resource tree. Click on the "applications" resource to list all registered applications. You will find the following resources:
* "lamp_0": an application resource enables to handle lamp 0.
* "sensor_0": an application resource enables to handle sensor 0.
[[File:applications.png|thumb|center|800px|Lamp and sensor applications]]
This figure illustrates a contentInstance description.
[[File:contentInstance.png|thumb|center|800px|ContentInstance resource]]
* Execute a command using the following uri: "" to switch on the lamp. A message box will appear with the message "The lamp is switched on".
[[File:execute.png|thumb|center|800px|Switch on the lamp: the command]]
[[File:box.png|thumb|center|800px|Switch on the lamp: the message box]]

Revision as of 15:37, 12 February 2015

Add a new plug-in to OM2M

Create a new plug-in project

  • Create a new plug-in project called org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu via File → New → Other → Plug-in Project.
  • Enter the data as depicted in the following screenshots.
create a plug-in project: step 1
create a plug-in project: step 2
  • Uncheck the Create a plug-in using one of the templates checkbook and press the Finish button.
create a plug-in project: step 3
  • As result the following project is created.
sample ipu plug-in

Convert the plugin into maven project

  • Open the file in XML and update the src attributes as depicted in the following figure.
build-properties build
  • Select the created plug-in "org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu" → right click → configure → convert to maven project.
  • Enter the data as illustrated in the following and press the Finish button.
maven conversion: POM edition
  • Once the plug-in is converted, open the pom.xml file to edit the parent filed.
  • Click on "select Parent" icon and enter "org.eclipse.om2m" in the "Enter groupId, artifactId or sh1 prefix or pattern" field.
  • Select "org.om2m.eclipse" and press ok.
maven conversion: Parent edition
  • We end this step by updating the plug-inf project. For this, select the "org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu" project → maven → update project.

Add the plugin as a maven module to the OM2M parent project

  • In this part, we will add the created plug-in as a module to the om2m platform:
    • Open the pom file of the org.eclipse.om2m package.
    • Go to the modules tab and press Add button.
    • Select the org.eclipse.ipu.om2m.sample.ipu plug-in and press ok.
    • Build the om2m package and its sub-projects. To do this, select the "" package → right click → Run as → maven install.
    • Check the org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu was successfully built. At the buid end, we should get this result.
om2m build
  • Remark: To keep the same display pattern for all the platform' plugins, you can add description and name tags to the org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu' pom.xml file.
  <name>org.eclipse.om2m :: sample ipu</name>
  <description>org.eclipse.om2m :: sample ipu</description>

Add the plugin to the OM2M product(s)

  • The final step consists of adding the created plug-in to one of om2m platform products, i.e the gscl or the nscl executable. In the following, we choose to add the org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu plug-in to the gscl product:
  • select the package.
  • open the om2m.product file.
  • Press Add button and Type org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu
  • Click on ok button and save.
  • Build the om2m package and its sub-projects: select the "" package -> right click -> Run as -> maven install.
  • To check that the "org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu" was successfully added to the gscl product, run the gscl and verify in the console if the "org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu" is displayed.
gscl product

Add required dependencies

Add plugin dependencies

  • Open the manifest file of the created plugin and select Dependencies tab.
  • Add the dependencies depicted in the following figure.
plugin dependencies

Add jar dependencies

If you want to add specific jar libraries to your plugin, you can follow these steps:

  • Create a "libs" folder on your plugin project.
  • Put required specific jar on the "libs" folder.
  • Open the manifest file of the created plugin and select "runtime" tab.
  • Go to the "classpath" tab and click on the "Add" button.
  • Select the required jar and click on "ok" button.
plugin specific jar dependencies

Develop an Interworking Proxy Unit (IPU) plugin

IPU Activator

package org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.eclipse.om2m.core.service.SclService;
import org.eclipse.om2m.ipu.service.IpuService;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;
public class Activator implements BundleActivator {
	private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Activator.class);
	private ServiceTracker<Object, Object> sclServiceTracker;
	public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {"IPU started");"Register IpuService..");
		context.registerService(IpuService.class.getName(), new Controller(),
				null);"IpuService is registered.");
		sclServiceTracker = new ServiceTracker<Object, Object>(context,
				SclService.class.getName(), null) {
			public void removedService(ServiceReference<Object> reference, Object service) {"SclService removed");
			public Object addingService(ServiceReference<Object> reference) {"SclService discovered");
				SclService sclService = (SclService) this.context.getService(reference);
				final Monitor IpuMonitor = new Monitor(sclService);
				new Thread() {
					public void run() {
						try {
						} catch (Exception e) {
							logger.error("IpuMonitor error", e);
				return sclService;
	public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {"IPU stopped");

IPU Monitor

package org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu;
import org.eclipse.om2m.commons.resource.*;
import org.eclipse.om2m.core.service.SclService;
public class Monitor {
	static SclService core;
	static String sclId = System.getProperty("org.eclipse.om2m.sclBaseId", "");
	static String reqEntity = System.getProperty("org.eclipse.om2m.adminRequestingEntity", "");
	static String ipuId = "sample";
	static String actuatorId = "MY_ACTUATOR";
	static String sensorId = "MY_SENSOR";
	static boolean actuatorValue = false;
	static int sensorValue = 0;
	public Monitor(SclService sclService) {
		core = sclService;
	public void start() {
	public void createSensorResources() {
		String targetId, content;
		targetId = sclId + "/applications";
		ResponseConfirm response = core
				.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetId, reqEntity,
						new Application(sensorId, ipuId)));
		if (response.getStatusCode().equals(StatusCode.STATUS_CREATED)) {
			targetId = sclId + "/applications/" + sensorId + "/containers";
			core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetId, reqEntity,
					new Container("DESCRIPTOR")));
			core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetId, reqEntity,
					new Container("DATA")));
			content = Mapper.getSensorDescriptorRep(sclId, sensorId, ipuId);
			targetId = sclId + "/applications/" + sensorId
					+ "/containers/DESCRIPTOR/contentInstances";
			core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetId, reqEntity,
					new ContentInstance(content.getBytes())));
			content = Mapper.getSensorDataRep(sensorValue);
			targetId = sclId + "/applications/" + sensorId
					+ "/containers/DATA/contentInstances";
			core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetId, reqEntity,
					new ContentInstance(content.getBytes())));
	public void createActuatorResources() {
		String targetId, content;
		targetId = sclId + "/applications";
		ResponseConfirm response = core.doRequest(new RequestIndication(
				"CREATE", targetId, reqEntity, new Application(actuatorId,ipuId)));
		if (response.getStatusCode().equals(StatusCode.STATUS_CREATED)) {
			targetId = sclId + "/applications/" + actuatorId + "/containers";
			core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetId, reqEntity,
					new Container("DESCRIPTOR")));
			core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetId, reqEntity,
					new Container("DATA")));
			content = Mapper.getActutaorDescriptorRep(sclId, actuatorId, ipuId);
			targetId = sclId + "/applications/" + actuatorId
					+ "/containers/DESCRIPTOR/contentInstances";
			core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetId, reqEntity, 
			content = Mapper.getActuatorDataRep(actuatorValue);
			targetId = sclId + "/applications/" + actuatorId
					+ "/containers/DATA/contentInstances";
			core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetId, reqEntity,	
	public void listenToSensor() {
		new Thread() {
			public void run() {
				while (true) {
					sensorValue = 10 + (int) (Math.random() * 100);
					String content = Mapper.getSensorDataRep(sensorValue);
					String targetID = sclId + "/applications/" + sensorId
							+ "/containers/DATA/contentInstances";
					core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE", targetID,reqEntity, 
					try {
					} catch (InterruptedException e) {
	public void listenToActuator() {
		new Thread() {
			public void run() {
				boolean memorizedActuatorValue = false;
				while (true) {
					if (memorizedActuatorValue != actuatorValue) {
						memorizedActuatorValue = actuatorValue;
						String content = Mapper.getActuatorDataRep(actuatorValue);
						String targetID = sclId + "/applications/" + actuatorId
								+ "/containers/DATA/contentInstances";
						core.doRequest(new RequestIndication("CREATE",targetID, reqEntity, 
					try {
					} catch (InterruptedException e) {

IPU Mapper

package org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu;
import obix.*;
public class Mapper {
	public static String getSensorDescriptorRep(String sclId, String appId, String ipuId) {
		Obj obj = new Obj();
		Op opGet = new Op();
		opGet.setHref(new Uri(sclId + "/applications/" + appId
				+ "/containers/DATA/contentInstances/latest/content"));
		opGet.setIs(new Contract("retrieve"));
		// OP GetGet from SCL IPU
		Op opGetDirect = new Op();
		opGetDirect.setHref(new Uri(sclId + "/applications/" + appId + "/" + ipuId));
		opGetDirect.setIs(new Contract("retrieve"));
		return ObixEncoder.toString(obj);
	public static String getActutaorDescriptorRep(String sclId, String appId, String ipuId) {
		Obj obj = new Obj();
		Op opGet = new Op();
		opGet.setHref(new Uri(sclId + "/applications/" + appId
				+ "/containers/DATA/contentInstances/latest/content"));
		opGet.setIs(new Contract("retrieve"));
		// OP GetGet from SCL IPU
		Op opGetDirect = new Op();
		opGetDirect.setHref(new Uri(sclId + "/applications/" + appId + "/" + ipuId));
		opGetDirect.setIs(new Contract("retrieve"));
		Op opON = new Op();
		opON.setHref(new Uri(sclId + "/applications/" + appId + "/" + ipuId + "/true"));
		opON.setIs(new Contract("execute"));
		Op opOFF = new Op();
		opOFF.setHref(new Uri(sclId + "/applications/" + appId + "/" + ipuId + "/false"));
		opOFF.setIs(new Contract("execute"));
		return ObixEncoder.toString(obj);
	public static String getActuatorDataRep(boolean value) {
		Obj obj = new Obj();
		obj.add(new Bool("data", value));
		return ObixEncoder.toString(obj);
	public static String getSensorDataRep(int value) {
		Obj obj = new Obj();
		obj.add(new Int("data", value));
		return ObixEncoder.toString(obj);

IPU Contoller

package org.eclipse.om2m.sample.ipu;
import org.eclipse.om2m.commons.resource.StatusCode;
import org.eclipse.om2m.ipu.service.IpuService;
public class Controller implements IpuService {
	public ResponseConfirm doExecute(RequestIndication requestIndication) {
		String[] parts = requestIndication.getTargetID().split("/");
		String appId = parts[2];
		String value = parts[4];
		if (appId.equals(Monitor.actuatorId)) {
			Monitor.actuatorValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
			return new ResponseConfirm(StatusCode.STATUS_OK);
		} else {
			return new ResponseConfirm(StatusCode.STATUS_NOT_FOUND, appId + " not found");
	public ResponseConfirm doRetrieve(RequestIndication requestIndication) {
		String[] parts = requestIndication.getTargetID().split("/");
		String appId = parts[2];
		String content;
		if (appId.equals(Monitor.sensorId)) {
			content = Mapper.getSensorDataRep(Monitor.sensorValue);
			return new ResponseConfirm(StatusCode.STATUS_OK, content);
		} else if (appId.equals(Monitor.actuatorId)) {
			content = Mapper.getActuatorDataRep(Monitor.actuatorValue);
			return new ResponseConfirm(StatusCode.STATUS_OK, content);
		} else {
			return new ResponseConfirm(StatusCode.STATUS_NOT_FOUND, appId + " not found");
	public ResponseConfirm doUpdate(RequestIndication requestIndication) {
		return new ResponseConfirm(StatusCode.STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
				requestIndication.getMethod() + " not Implemented");
	public ResponseConfirm doDelete(RequestIndication requestIndication) {
		return new ResponseConfirm(StatusCode.STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
				requestIndication.getMethod() + " not Implemented");
	public ResponseConfirm doCreate(RequestIndication requestIndication) {
		return new ResponseConfirm(StatusCode.STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
				requestIndication.getMethod() + " not Implemented");
	public String getAPOCPath() {
		return Monitor.ipuId;

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