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=[[EIG:Integrators Guide|Introduction]]=
=[[EIG:Integrators Guide|Introduction]]=
Hi, Welcome to the ECF Integrators Guide. This guide was created because the community felt the need for documentation of the ECF code base. Proposed as an Eclipse project in 2003, ECF's code base and functionality has grown over the years to reach the point where it is no longer possible to know all functions by memory and where not one single person knows everything.
The reason to start this guide was born out of the need to be able to read into the complexity of ECF without having to wade through source code, blog postings and unfamiliar API.
This guide is a result of a community effort. The list of people that has contributed to this guide in alphabetical order:
* Wim Jongman - Remain Software
* Martin Petzold -
* your name here
{{:EIG:Who should use this guide}}
{{:EIG:Who should use this guide}}

Revision as of 09:11, 26 February 2011


Hi, Welcome to the ECF Integrators Guide. This guide was created because the community felt the need for documentation of the ECF code base. Proposed as an Eclipse project in 2003, ECF's code base and functionality has grown over the years to reach the point where it is no longer possible to know all functions by memory and where not one single person knows everything.

The reason to start this guide was born out of the need to be able to read into the complexity of ECF without having to wade through source code, blog postings and unfamiliar API.

This guide is a result of a community effort. The list of people that has contributed to this guide in alphabetical order:

  • Wim Jongman - Remain Software
  • Martin Petzold -
  • your name here

Who should use this guide

This guide was written for Java and OSGi programmers that want to extend their system to include:

  • communications between humans,
  • communication with web and peer based services,
  • communication between components

The reader should have some basic idea of networking and communications but does not need to be an expert. Some experience with OSGi and Eclipse is recommended.

How can I use the Network in My System

If this is the question on your mind when you were looking for information then you have reached the correct spot. This manual will explain how you can re-use the framework components of ECF.

The manual will enable you to:

  • Include p2p communications in your application
  • Make your Java objects available through the network
  • Use a distributed event admin
  • Understand the ECF API and Design


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur porta vehicula accumsan. Pellentesque in eros urna. Suspendisse sollicitudin molestie nibh semper viverra. Nullam fermentum diam lectus. Aenean metus arcu, ultrices quis feugiat nec, vehicula at enim. Aenean elit nisi, fermentum sed congue vel, consequat in libero. Pellentesque interdum tempor nisi sed aliquam. Nullam lacinia, enim et suscipit aliquet, neque quam laoreet tortor, eu dictum sapien libero vel felis. Donec viverra, nisl vitae molestie placerat, enim sapien lacinia diam, ac gravida nibh elit vitae erat. Suspendisse rutrum turpis pellentesque diam suscipit in ornare felis rhoncus. Vestibulum vitae metus metus. Fusce ut est est. Praesent interdum metus vitae diam hendrerit quis volutpat sapien condimentum. Curabitur mollis ornare lorem, et ultricies lacus cursus et. Vestibulum eget massa eu dui condimentum imperdiet. Phasellus porta, eros et dignissim semper, felis elit pretium libero, vel condimentum est magna quis purus. Ut tincidunt urna ac massa aliquam eget varius tellus interdum. Praesent quis nibh purus.

Duis nunc enim, lacinia et rhoncus ac, ornare ut lacus. Maecenas at arcu erat, nec tempor massa. Etiam ligula tellus, pharetra a scelerisque at, tempus sed tortor. Ut velit nulla, ultrices eget vestibulum a, egestas sit amet orci. Curabitur sed eros at dui blandit imperdiet quis et libero. Suspendisse iaculis semper enim, sit amet lacinia metus ullamcorper at. Etiam consectetur scelerisque tempus. Proin eros nisi, feugiat a accumsan vitae, ultrices tempus nulla. Aenean euismod cursus sapien in luctus. Mauris aliquam nunc at sem fringilla facilisis posuere orci faucibus. Nunc facilisis fermentum velit ultrices dapibus. Maecenas vel pharetra nulla. Vestibulum mattis dui quis justo aliquet eu hendrerit lorem egestas. Donec vestibulum dignissim odio, eget dictum lorem vehicula et.

Nulla mi lorem, ullamcorper eu sollicitudin non, fringilla et urna. Mauris sit amet diam ipsum. Vivamus risus nisi, pulvinar eu pretium lacinia, porta vel nunc. Maecenas pretium, felis sit amet malesuada molestie, lectus justo fermentum mauris, id euismod nisl lectus at quam. Nam congue lectus ac justo lacinia a placerat turpis sodales. Pellentesque sagittis nisi justo, a suscipit mauris. Vivamus consequat tempor lectus, et pretium urna pellentesque a. Aliquam posuere, massa a ullamcorper feugiat, magna augue gravida augue, at imperdiet metus neque in orci. Phasellus aliquam, massa eu tempus tempor, magna lorem posuere augue, id aliquet lorem ante in leo. Donec odio ante, blandit facilisis fringilla scelerisque, pharetra dignissim justo. Phasellus lobortis justo sed lectus volutpat malesuada sed in mi.

Basic Download Instructions

Installation via Marketplace

In Eclipse open the Eclipse Marketplace "Help -> Eclipse Marketplace..." and search for ECF.

Installation of ECF

The ECF Remote Services implementation depends upon some bundles included in Eclipse, so you should download and use (at least) Eclipse 3.6, You can download Eclipse here.

The ECF Remote Services bundles are included in the ECF SDK, which can be downloaded or installed via Marketplace or p2.

Install into Eclipse

To install ECF Remote Services (and/or other parts of ECF) into Eclipse:

  • From the Eclipse main menu, select Help->Install new software...
  • In the upper right of the dialog, click on Add... to add the ECF repository location
  • In the Name: field put: ECF 3.6, and in the Location: field put: and click ok


  • Select the parts of ECF you would like and choose Next->. For example


  • Follow the rest of the install process

Download Source Code

ECF uses the git revision control system. You need to install git before you can get the sources. Installing git from Eclipse is described on the EGit project page [1]. Once completed, open the "Git Repository Exploring" perspective.

Copy this link in your clipboard "git://". Then open the "Git Repositories" view and press the "Clone a Git repository .." button in the toolbar of the view as depicted below.

Before you do that,copy one of the following URLs into your clipboard:

This will fill in the repository location automatically.

EIG getting source 01.png

This will start a wizard:

EIG getting source 02.png

Make sure the repository is filled correctly in and press Next>.

EIG getting source 03.png

Press "Deselect All" and select the "master" branch and press Next>.

EIG getting source 04.png

Select a local directory to clone the repository and press finish.

Browsing the Source Tree

EIG getting source 05.png

After installation, the source repository will show in the "Git Repositories" view. Right click on the "Working Directory" node to import projects into the workspace.

The source tree is divided into several main topics.


ECF comes with a lot of examples in the Eclipse ECF source tree. Besides these examples, there are also a lot of examples contributed by Pavel Samolisov on the ECF Github repository. The Github repository contains a lot pf ECF stuff that is not (yet) cleared by the Eclipse Foundation. This could be caused by using non-EPL code or simply because we did not yet ask the Eclipse Foundation to look at it.

Google for the terms "ECF Github" to get to that repository.

Source for the Hello Examples

The following projects are located in the ecf git repository. These hello example projects are underneath root/examples/bundles.


For the org.eclipse.ecf.examples.remoteservices.hello.consumer.edef bundle see also the documentation about this new file-based discovery format in Discovery with the Endpoint Description Extender Format.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac bibendum augue. Nunc massa massa, consequat a mattis vel, molestie ut mi. Curabitur vehicula elit ut lacus faucibus interdum. Aliquam a consequat nisi. Mauris at dui felis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, porttitor quis blandit a, laoreet ultrices tellus. Maecenas adipiscing euismod lorem. Etiam fermentum molestie risus nec bibendum. Proin placerat est ut lectus sodales fermentum. Nulla sit amet elementum est.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac bibendum augue. Nunc massa massa, consequat a mattis vel, molestie ut mi. Curabitur vehicula elit ut lacus faucibus interdum. Aliquam a consequat nisi. Mauris at dui felis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, porttitor quis blandit a, laoreet ultrices tellus. Maecenas adipiscing euismod lorem. Etiam fermentum molestie risus nec bibendum. Proin placerat est ut lectus sodales fermentum. Nulla sit amet elementum est.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac bibendum augue. Nunc massa massa, consequat a mattis vel, molestie ut mi. Curabitur vehicula elit ut lacus faucibus interdum. Aliquam a consequat nisi. Mauris at dui felis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, porttitor quis blandit a, laoreet ultrices tellus. Maecenas adipiscing euismod lorem. Etiam fermentum molestie risus nec bibendum. Proin placerat est ut lectus sodales fermentum. Nulla sit amet elementum est.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac bibendum augue. Nunc massa massa, consequat a mattis vel, molestie ut mi. Curabitur vehicula elit ut lacus faucibus interdum. Aliquam a consequat nisi. Mauris at dui felis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, porttitor quis blandit a, laoreet ultrices tellus. Maecenas adipiscing euismod lorem. Etiam fermentum molestie risus nec bibendum. Proin placerat est ut lectus sodales fermentum. Nulla sit amet elementum est.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac bibendum augue. Nunc massa massa, consequat a mattis vel, molestie ut mi. Curabitur vehicula elit ut lacus faucibus interdum. Aliquam a consequat nisi. Mauris at dui felis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, porttitor quis blandit a, laoreet ultrices tellus. Maecenas adipiscing euismod lorem. Etiam fermentum molestie risus nec bibendum. Proin placerat est ut lectus sodales fermentum. Nulla sit amet elementum est.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac bibendum augue. Nunc massa massa, consequat a mattis vel, molestie ut mi. Curabitur vehicula elit ut lacus faucibus interdum. Aliquam a consequat nisi. Mauris at dui felis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, porttitor quis blandit a, laoreet ultrices tellus. Maecenas adipiscing euismod lorem. Etiam fermentum molestie risus nec bibendum. Proin placerat est ut lectus sodales fermentum. Nulla sit amet elementum est.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac bibendum augue. Nunc massa massa, consequat a mattis vel, molestie ut mi. Curabitur vehicula elit ut lacus faucibus interdum. Aliquam a consequat nisi. Mauris at dui felis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, porttitor quis blandit a, laoreet ultrices tellus. Maecenas adipiscing euismod lorem. Etiam fermentum molestie risus nec bibendum. Proin placerat est ut lectus sodales fermentum. Nulla sit amet elementum est.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac bibendum augue. Nunc massa massa, consequat a mattis vel, molestie ut mi. Curabitur vehicula elit ut lacus faucibus interdum. Aliquam a consequat nisi. Mauris at dui felis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, porttitor quis blandit a, laoreet ultrices tellus. Maecenas adipiscing euismod lorem. Etiam fermentum molestie risus nec bibendum. Proin placerat est ut lectus sodales fermentum. Nulla sit amet elementum est. EIG:Applications

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