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Difference between revisions of "EclipseLink/Development/JPA 2.0/metamodel api"

m (Public API)
m (Constraints Table)
Line 190: Line 190:
| C1 || - || - || Dependency on the APT tool specific to the SUN JDK 1.5.0? Yes (tools.jar)
| C1 || - || - || Dependency on the APT tool specific to the SUN JDK 1.5.0? Yes (tools.jar)
Determine if we are ok running on the IBM J9 JVM and WLS JRockit JVM in SE mode - Yes both have tools.jar.
Determine if we are ok running on the IBM J9 JVM and WLS JRockit JVM in SE mode - Yes both have tools.jar.
| C2 || - || - || Wrap our existing metamodel (Descriptors on a Project hava a 1-1 correspondence to Mappings)

Revision as of 10:19, 10 March 2009


JPA 2.0: MetaModel API

JPA 2.0 Root | bug 266912

Date Committer(s) Description
March 3, 2009 gyorke Initial feature template
March 3, 2009 mobrien Start analysis

Note: this document is in progress as of 20090304 for the next 3-5 weeks, therefore the content is in flux.


In JPA 2.0 the specification has defined standard APIs for representing the structure of a persistence unit model. This is referred to at the MetaModel APIs. There are two main aspects to providing this functionality. The first is the runtime model accessed from EntityManagerFactory.getMetaModel() and the second is the APT generated meta model classes. Our first goal is to provide functionality for runtime access.

For details see section 5.2 and 5.3 of Proposed Final Draft.

Work Estimate

  • Investigate EclipseLink Metamodel
    approx 3 days
  • Develop implementations of MetaModel or refactor current metamodel
    approx 10 days
  • APT investigation and prototype
    approx 5 days
  • APT tooling/testing
    approx 10 days




  • In the context of EclipseLink a metamodel is an abstract view of the managed classes in the persistence unit - we already have one of these that we construct in memory surrounding the class MetadataProcessor - we must transition or refactor this.
  • We use the metamodel to construct a runtime query structure that is "object-based".

Relation to JPQL?

Functional Requirements

Requirements and constraints have traceability down to their associated use cases.

Requirements Table

Req# A# Use Cases# Description
R1 - - Support runtime Metamodel APIs
R1.1 - - Develop, leverage or refactor current Metamodel processor
R1.1.1 - - Implement metamodel.AbstractCollection interface
R1.1.1.1 - - Implement metamodel.Map interface
R1.1.1.2 - - Implement metamodel.Set interface (empty)
R1.1.1.3 - - Implement metamodel.List interface (empty)
R1.1.1.4 - - Implement metamodel.Collection interface
R1.1.5 - - Implement metamodel.Attribute interface
R1.1.6 - - Implement metamodel.Basic interface (currently empty)
R1.1.7 - - Implement metamodel.MappedSuperclass interface (currently empty)
R1.1.8 - - Implement metamodel.Embeddable interface (currently empty)
R1.1.9 - - Implement metamodel.Entity interface
R1.2 - - Dynamic access to the metamodel is provided by the javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel interface
R1.2.1 - - Implement public Metamodel EntityManagerFactory.getMetamodel()
R1.2.2 - - Implement public Metamodel EntityManager.getMetamodel()
R1.3 - - -
R2 A1 - Support APT generation of Canonical Metamodel classes see JPA 2.0 Spec. "Sect. 5.2.1"
R2.1 - - "For each managed class X in package p, a metamodel class X_ in package p is created."

I2: Name collisions with entities that are already named Entity_ in the current package

I3: Package level splitting is incompatible with OSGI

R2.2 - - "The name of the metamodel class is derived from the name of the managed class by appending "_" to the name of the managed class."
R2.3 - - "The metamodel class X_ must be annotated with the javax.annotation.Generated annotation and with the javax.persistence.TypesafeMetamodel annotation."

The example Order_ metamodel class is missing these two annotations in the spec sect p.161

R2.4 - - "If class X extends another class S, where S is the most derived managed class (i.e., entity or mapped superclass) extended by X, then class X_ must extend class S_, where S_ is the metamodel class created for S."
R2.5 - - "For every persistent non-collection-valued attribute y declared by class X, where the type of y is Y, the metamodel class must contain a declaration as follows:"
public static volatile Attribute<X, Y> y;

(and where javax.persistence.Attribute is imported by the class X_ )

R2.6 - - For every persistent collection-valued attribute z declared by class X, where the element type of z is Z, the metamodel class must contain a declaration as follows:
R2.6.1 - - Collection if the collection type of z is java.util.Collection, then
public static volatile Collection<X, Z> z;

(and where javax.persistence.Collection is imported by the class X_ )

R2.6.2 - - Set if the collection type of z is java.util.Set, then
public static volatile Set<X, Z> z;

(and where javax.persistence.Set is imported by the class X_ )

R2.6.3 - - List if the collection type of z is java.util.List, then
public static volatile List<X, Z> z;

(and where javax.persistence.List is imported by the class X_ )

R2.6.4 - - Map if the collection type of z is java.util.Map, then
public static volatile Map<X, K, Z> z;

where K is the type of the key of the map in class X (and and where javax.persistence.Map is imported by the class X_)

R2.7 - - Import statements must be included for all classes X, Y, Z, and K. specification down to the level of import statements vs fully qualified names - is a pending decision
R2.8 - - Sect "When generated metamodel classes are used, they must be specified as part of the persistence unit."
R2.9 - - Sect "When the entity manager factory for the persistence unit is created, it is the responsibility of the persistence provider to initialize the state of its metamodel classes."
R2.10 - - No extra runtime paramenters are required beyond existing -javaagent runtime flag

Assumptions Table

A# Req# Use Cases# Description
A1 - - Java 5 is the minimum compile target we support (unchanged)
A2 - - Runtime environment for metamodel construction is SE and compilation time only

Constraints Table

C# A# Use Cases# Description
C1 - - Dependency on the APT tool specific to the SUN JDK 1.5.0? Yes (tools.jar)

Determine if we are ok running on the IBM J9 JVM and WLS JRockit JVM in SE mode - Yes both have tools.jar.

C2 - - Wrap our existing metamodel (Descriptors on a Project hava a 1-1 correspondence to Mappings)

Metamodel Interfaces

The criteria API runs on top of the metamodel API and expects that classes of the form X_ exist. It is the responsibility of the metamodel to create and compile these enhanced classes. An ATP tooling library will either need to be developed, extended or imported.

ATP Tooling Library

This section discusses requirement #2 in enhacement 267391.

Issue 4: Develop, Extend or use an ATP tooling library

We require an ATP tooling library that has implementations of AnnotationProcessorFactory and AnnotationProcessor classes for metamodel types such as List, Collection, Map, Set, Attribute and Basic.


As of 20090306 we will defer to the provider of the RI for JPA 2.0 to submit a binary ATP tooling implementation jar and/or the source so it can be extended. In the future we may extend or refactor this tool to provide extended support - see enhancement#

Running APT to create AnnotationProcessorFactory classes

APT Static Usage

  • Start with the following APT tutorial by SUN that shows how to list class names
  • Create an SE JPA project - remember to include the provider resource \jpa\org.eclipse.persistence.jpa\resource\META-INF\services\javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
  • Add the EclipseLink classpath variable TOOLS_LIB = tools.jar so we can import com.sun.mirror
  • Create an AnnotationProcessorFactory class
  • Create a pointer to this class
    • Create a UTF8 no extension text file com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorFactory with the content org.eclipse.persistence.apt.MetamodelAnnotationProcessorFactory
    • Delete the 3 chars upside down ?.. before the same - so we do not get Illegal provider-class name: ?org
    • Place this class into META-INF/services
  • Compile and verify the following inner classes were created
    • MetamodelAnnotationProcessorFactory$ListClassAp$ListClassVisitor.class
    • MetamodelAnnotationProcessorFactory$ListClassAp.class
  • Run APT in this project

APT Dynamic Usage



Metamodel and Criteria packages interfaces API

  • The following static UML class diagram that illustrates the relationship between the Criteria and Metamodel API's will serve as a basis for the metamodel API part of this work.
  • Step 1) determine which interfaces will be extended by concrete classes and which are abstract - this will affect how we deal with multiple inheritance.
    • Basic, Embeddable, Entity, Map, Set, List, Collection are concreate.
    • AbstractCollection, Attribute, ManagedType are all abstract as they implement 2 interfaces.
  • Note that the internal API access path to the EclipseLink mappings is via the entityManager --> AbstractSession --> Project --> Mappings

Uml class diagram metamodel criteria packages.gif

JPA Reference Interfaces Diagram

  • UML class diagram for reference

Eclipselink uml class jpa.gif

EclipseLink Mapping Interfaces Diagram

  • UML class diagram for reference

Eclipselink uml class mappings.gif

EclipseLink Query Interfaces Diagram

  • UML class diagram for reference

Eclipselink uml class query.gif

Design Issues

DI4: QueryBuilder Interface Implementation

  • See section 5 of the spec.
  • The new javax.persistence.criteria.QueryBuilder interface in section 5.4.1 has getter functions in EntityManager* in sect 3.1.1 and 6.4 that return javax.persistence.QueryBuilder.
    • This existing unimplemented Criteria API EntityManager.getQueryBuilder() function that returns an instance of javax.persistence.QueryBuilder for the 2.0 spec that in EntityManagerImpl needs to be either removed or extended.
     * @see javax.persistence.EntityManager#getQueryBuilder()
     * @since Java Persistence API 2.0
    public QueryBuilder getQueryBuilder() {
        // TODO - May change as Query API is redefined
        throw new PersistenceException("Not Yet Implemented");
EntityManagerImpl and EntityManagerFactoryImpl will require modification
Alternative #1: Remove javax.persistence.QueryBuilder
  • Can we change the signature of getQueryBuilder to return a javax.persistence.criteria.QueryBuilder instance instead?
  • I assume the existing functions in the old javax.persistence.QueryBuilder interface will be discarded.
package javax.persistence;
public interface QueryBuilder {
    QueryDefinition createQueryDefinition();
    DomainObject createQueryDefinition(Class root);
    DomainObject createSubqueryDefinition(PathExpression path);
Alternative #2: Extend javax.persistence.QueryBuilder
  • Or, if the 3 functions above are still required can we make javax.persistence.criteria.QueryBuilder inherit from the 1.99/2.0 javax.persistence.QueryBuilder?
public interface QueryBuilder extends javax.persistence.QueryBuilder
  • However, In this situation a client will still need to cast which is not advisable.
QueryBuilder qb = (QueryBuilder)entityManager.getQueryBuilder();
  • I expect that since the Criteria API is new to JPA 2.0 that we do not have to deprecate the existing javax.persistence.QueryBuilder interface.
  • Alt #2 : The existing javax.persistence.QueryBuilder interface will be removed and replaced by the updated javax.persistence.criteria.QueryBuilder interface.

Public API

Eclipselink uml class metamodel impl.gif

Internal API

Annotation Processors

We require a design time annotation processing tool to create metamodel class files X_. The APT tool that has shipped since JDK 1.5 will be used to process and create our annotation factories.


APT is the annotation processing tool that has been shipped since Java 5.

Design Criteria

  • The APT tools needs to perform as fast as normal javac compilation.
  • We have a compile time dependency on tools.jar for the com.sun.mirror packages.

Use Cases

Use cases have traceability back to their requirements and constraints via their id# and have a 1-1 correspondence with test cases.

Use Case ID# Assumptions# Requirements# Description
UC1 - - Construct object-based query definition object

Concrete Use Cases

Details on each use case.


  • Preconditions
  • Postconditions
  • Path
  • Exceptions

Variant Use Cases

Details on each variant (negative test) use case.


Module Reuse

How much of the existing JPA annotation processor will be used or transitioned?

Modified Modules

javax.persistence 2.0

  • From
Export-Package: javax.persistence;version="1.99.3",
  • To
Export-Package: javax.persistence;version="1.99.3",


package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa;
public class EntityManagerImpl implements org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaEntityManager {
    // 266912: Criteria API and Metamodel API (See Ch 5 of the JPA 2.0 Specification)
    private javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel metaModel;    
    public javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel getMetaModel() {
        return metaModel;

New Modules


Example Code

Order Entity

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
    public class Order {
        Integer orderId;
        Customer customer;
        Set<Item> lineitems;
        Address shippingAddress;
        BigDecimal totalCost;

Order_ TypesafeMetamodel

  • The following class has been generated from the Order entity above
    • Note the @Generated and @TypesafeMetamodel annotations
    • Note the static volitile elements of type (Attribute, Set, Collection or List)
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.Attribute;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.Set;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.TypesafeMetamodel;
// added annotations from
// from JPA 2.0 spec section 5 p.162
public class Order_ {
    public static volatile Attribute<Order, Integer> orderId;
    public static volatile Attribute<Order, Customer> customer;
    public static volatile Set<Order, Item> lineitems;
    public static volatile Attribute<Order, Address> shippingAddress;
    public static volatile Attribute<Order, BigDecimal> totalCost;

Test Results

Open Issues

This section lists the open issues that are still pending that must be decided prior to fully implementing this project's requirements.

Issue # Owner Description / Notes
I1 20090304 mobrien compile time dependency on tools.jar for com.sun.mirror packages
I2 20090305 mobrien Name collisions with entities that are already named Entity_ in the current package - see the spec 5.2.1 #1
I3 20090305 mobrien Package level splitting is incompatible with OSGI - see the spec 5.2.1 #1
DI4 20090309 mobrien Alt#1: The existing javax.persistence.QueryBuilder interface will be removed and replaced by the updated javax.persistence.criteria.QueryBuilder interface

20090305 Meeting

  • How to handle broken annotations? skip?
  • How to handle dependent annotations that are broken
  • performance (javac/apt) should be very fast
  • dynamic regeneration on all modifications - should be automatic with -javaagent type ide hook
  • For non-typesafe string based metadata accessors - if we verify type internally we have incremental type safety
  • verify all examples in the spec work with get and not just the static metamodel
  • Is there state for the metadata entity - states it must be initialized
  • Name collisions with entities that are already named Entity_ in the current package see
    • package level splitting is incompatible with OSGI
  • multi-level fetch joins(there are 3) (with multiple . operators) must be supported
    • The query api must support paths

20090306 Architecture Meeting

  • We will concentrate on R1 and the Metamodel exposure work
  • The metamodel will be built separately in the JPA codebase
    • The EclipseLink descriptor off the session contains all the mappings we require to build implementations of the new Metamodel API interfaces
      • The MappedSuperclass interface is currently empty in the spec - so it will require no mapping work
      • The mapping of join metadata may be an issue
  • We are not reusing the code from the existing runtime in memory metadata package code in JPA
    • The following issues may have occurred
      • Lazy loading will have a partial metamodel load
      • The entityManager may not be available yet


This section lists decisions made. These are intended to document the resolution of open issues or constraints added to the project that are important.

Issue # Description / Notes Decision


Wiki and formal documentation links here.

Future Considerations

During the research for this project the following items were identified as out of scope but are captured here as potential future enhancements. If agreed upon during the review process these should be logged in the bug system.

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