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Difference between revisions of "Menu Contributions"

(Proposed new menu)
Line 84: Line 84:
= Edit->Copy =
= Edit->Copy =
Some Copy Stuff.
= Action Set 01 =
Provide a basic action set.  Assume you have 2 commands defined, <code></code> (Registry Find) and <code></code> (Registry Replace), and you want to add them to the main Search menu at <code></code>.  Your commands already have their images defined in the <code>org.eclipse.ui.commandImages</code> extension point.
Define the action set:
      description="The collection of registry search actions"
      name="Registry Search Action Set"
And here is a possible view of the menus extension point:
      <location type="menu">
          <menu id=""/>
          <order after="dialogGroup"/>
          <with variable="activeContexts">
            <iterator operator="or">
                <equals value=""/>
      <location type="menu">
          <menu id=""/>
          <order after=""/>
          <with variable="activeContexts">
            <iterator operator="or">
                <equals value=""/>
Hmmmm, so to programmatically do this, you would have to go through the IMenuService.
ICommandService commandServ = (ICommandService) getSite().getWindow().getService(ICommandService.class);
IMenuService menuServ = (IMenuService) getSite().getWindow().getService(IMenuService.class);
Command findCmd = commandServ.getCommand("");
SLocation findLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU, "");
findLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "dialogGroup"));
SItem findItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU, ""));
findItem.define(findCmd, findLocation, "d");
menuServ.contribute(findItem, new ActionSetExpression(""));
Command replaceCmd = commandServ.getCommand("");
SLocation replaceLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU, "");
replaceLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, ""));
SItem replaceItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU, ""));
replaceItem.define(replaceCmd, replaceLocation, "p");
menuServ.contribute(replaceItem, new ActionSetExpression(""));
= Action Set 02 =
You can use the extension point to contribute a control to the toolbar.  You use the <widget/> element instead of the <item/> element.
      <location type="toolbar">
          <menu id=""/>
          <with variable="activeContexts">
            <iterator operator="or">
                <equals value=""/>
The widget class must implement [ org.eclipse.ui.menus.IWorkbenchWidget], and provide <code>fill(CoolBar parent, int index)</code> for a toolbar.
I'm not sure how far to go with IWorkbenchWidget.  We already use this interface for adding controls to the trim, and there are open bug requests about adding arbitrary controls to the toolbars.
Will menus take arbitrary controls?
= Action Set 03 =
Like the Undo action, sometimes menu items would want to allow their label to be updated.  This is currently handled through the Command objects and the handlers.  IMenuStateIds and INamedHandleStateIds define some states that we currently support.
This can be used to update the menu item label:
          description="Targetted Undo Command"
It's placed in the menus just like any other command:
      <location type="menu">
          <menu id="edit"/>
          <order after="edit.ext"/>
As a handler becomes active and implement IObjectWithState (for example, derives from AbstractHandlerWithState) it is notified about any states that the handler's command contains.  The states can be updated at that time.
class FileDeleteUndoHandler extends AbstractHandlerWithState {
    public final void handleStateChange(final State state, final Object oldValue) {
        if (INamedHandleStateIds.NAME.equals(state.getId()) && oldValue==null) {
            state.setValue("Undo File Delete");
    public final Object execute(final ExecutionEvent event) {
        // undo a file delete using EFS ... very cool
        return null;
= Editor Actions 01 =
This should basically be the same as [[#Action_Set_01]] with a different visible when clause.
          <with variable="activeEditorId">
            <equals value="com.example.registry.RegistryEditor"/>
So programmatically, that just translates into a different visible when expression:
menuServ.contribute(editorFindItem, new ActiveEditorIdExpression("com.example.registry.RegistryEditor"));
The menu items must be uniquely identified by their id.  Since they only have one location, they can only have one activation in the service at a time.
= Editor Actions 02 =
Programmatically we have to take the editor action handlers into account.
One of the advantages of EditorActionBars is the lifecycle of the actions that are added.  They're created when the first editor of that type is loaded and exist until the last editor of that type is closed.
Our service hierarchy has 2 levels, IWorkbenchWindow and IPartSite.  Handlers registered with IWorkbenchWindow are active as long as the window is active, and are disposed when the window is disposed.  Handlers registered with IPartSite are active and available as long as that specific part is active and available.  When the part is closed, the handlers are disposed.
Two possibilities are:
1. Provide a service locator for the in-between case.  Tied to a part type.  The service locator expression makes the activation correct and the service locator disposes of them correctly.  Basically, we would make IActionBars returned from each IPartSite a service locator as well.
2. Move these actions up to the IWorkbenchWindow level.  With the correct expression the handler activation would be correct.  But once created they would live as long as the workbench.
= View Actions 01 =
View actions have to specify their menus as they are self contained.
<command id="z.ex.editor.commands.SampleViewAction"
    name="Sample View Action"
    description="Sample View Action command"/>
    <image commandId="z.ex.editor.commands.SampleViewAction"
Placing the action (which is specifically a menu or button linked to a command) can be accomplished with the org.eclipse.ui.menus
extension point.
          label="Sample Menu">
      <location type="viewMenu">
          <part partId="z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView"/>
      <location type="viewMenu">
          <part partId="z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView">
            <menu id="z.ex.view.SampleViewMenu"/>
      <location type="viewMenu">
          <part partId="z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView">
            <menu id="z.ex.view.SampleViewMenu"/>
          <order after="z.ex.view.SampleViewGroup"/>
Hmmmm, so to programmatically do this, you would have to go through the IMenuService.
ICommandService commandServ = (ICommandService) getSite().getWindow().getService(ICommandService.class);
IMenuService menuServ = (IMenuService) getSite().getWindow().getService(IMenuService.class);
SMenu viewMenu = menuServ.getMenu(new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU,
viewMenu.define("Sample Menu", new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU,
        "z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView"), "M");
SGroup viewGroup = menuServ.getGroup(new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU,
viewGroup.define(new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU,
        "z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView/z.ex.view.SampleViewMenu", false);
Command viewCmd = commandServ.getCommand("z.ex.editor.commands.SampleViewAction");
SLocation viewLocation = new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU,
viewLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "z.ex.view.SampleViewGroup"));
SItem viewItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU,
viewItem.define(viewCmd, viewLocation, "V");
= Popup Actions 01 =
Popups can be targetted at any registered context menu, or at all of them
<command id="z.ex.view.commands.SampleContributionAction"
    name="Sample Context Action"
    description="Sample Context Action command"/>
    <image commandId="z.ex.view.commands.SampleContributionAction"
Placing the action (which is specifically a menu or button linked to a command) can be accomplished with the org.eclipse.ui.menus
extension point.
      <location type="contextMenu">
          <menu id="#EditorContext"/>
          <order after="z.ex.editor.contextGroup"/>
          <with variable="selection">
            <adapt type="org.eclipse.ui.handlers.IHandlerActivation"/>
It's probably that the default variable for core expression evaluations would be <b>selection</b>, so you wouldn't need the <with/> clause.  There would probably also be a short-hand to tie the visibility to an active handler.  Maybe <visibleWhen handler="true"/>
Hmmmm, so to programmatically do this, you would have to go through the IMenuService.
Command contextCmd = commandServ.getCommand("z.ex.view.commands.SampleContributionAction");
SLocation contextLocation = new SLocation(SBar.CONTEXT_MENU, "#EditorContext");
contextLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "z.ex.editor.contextGroup"));
SItem contextItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.CONTEXT_MENU, "#EditorContext/"));
contextItem.define(contextCmd, contextLocation, "C");
menuServ.contribute(contextItem, new SelectionAdaptExpression("org.eclipse.ui.handlers.IHandlerActivation"));
= Popup Actions 02 =
There will be a reserved popup ID, "org.eclipse.ui.menus.context.any" that will allow contributions to any popup menu.
Command contextCmd = commandServ.getCommand("z.ex.view.commands.SampleContributionAction");
SLocation contextLocation = new SLocation(SBar.CONTEXT_MENU, "org.eclipse.ui.menus.context.any");
contextLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "additions"));
SItem contextItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.CONTEXT_MENU, "org.eclipse.ui.menus.context.any/"));
contextItem.define(contextCmd, contextLocation, "C");
menuServ.contribute(contextItem, new SelectionAdaptExpression("org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile"));
The contribution should look exactly the same as a normal contribution.
= Override Actions 01 =
It should be possible to override the visibility of menu contributions.
IMenuService menuService = (IMenuService) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(IMenuService.class);
SItem findItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU, ""));
menuService.addOverride(findItem, new OverrideAdapter() {
  public Boolean isVisible() {
    return Boolean.FALSE;
The idea is to provide this ability at the product level.  For example, an RCP app should be able to hide any menu items that it doesn't want but picked up through the inclusion of a plugin.
That implies that it might not be part of the general IMenuService interface.  Or (taking a page from the IExtensionRegistry) it might use a token that's available from the WorkbenchWindowAdvisor so that products can use the interface, or even expose the ability to their users.
If it returns <code>null</code> the next level of visibility is evaluated.  The <code>null</code> case is to keep it consistent with other overrides.
= Dynamic Menu 01 =
You want to add a dynamic "Previous Searches" submenu to the main Search menu.
          label="Previous Searches"
      <dynamic class=""/>
      <location type="menu">
          <menu id=""/>
          <order after="additions"/>
You can programmatically accomplish the same thing:
ICommandService commandServ = (ICommandService) getSite().getWindow().getService(ICommandService.class);
IMenuService menuServ = (IMenuService) getSite().getWindow().getService(IMenuService.class);
SMenu recentMenu = menuServ.getMenu(new SLocation(SBar.MENU,
SLocation menuLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU,
menuLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "additions"));
recentMenu.define("Previous Searches", menuLocation, "c", new RecentMenu());
When your menu is about to show, you should get the callback:
public class RecentMenu implements IDynamicMenu {
    public void aboutToShow(IMenuCollection menu) {
        String[] searchIds = getSearchVew().getPreviousSearches();
        Command findCmd = commandServ.getCommand("");
        SLocation findLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU, "");
        for (int i=0; i<searchIds.length && i<4; i++) {
            SItem item = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU,
                "" + i));
            ParameterizedCommand parmFindCmd = ....; // findCmd + the searchId parameter
            item.define(parmFindCmd, findLocation);
    public SearchViewPart getSearchView() {
        return ....;
= Dynamic Menu 02 =
You can have a group dynamically insert elements as a menu is shown.
      <dynamic class=""/>
      <location type="menu">
          <menu id="file"/>
          <order after="mru"/>
When the File menu is about to show, you will be called with your group IMenuCollection (not the entire File menu).  But basically, it looks the same as the dynamic menu case.
public class RecentSearchEditors implements IDynamicMenu {
    public void aboutToShow(IMenuCollection menu) {
        String[] editorIds = getSearchVew().getPreviousOpenEditors();
        Command openCmd = commandServ.getCommand("");
        SLocation fileLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU, "file");
        for (int i=0; i<editorIds.length && i<4; i++) {
            SItem item = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU,
                "file/searchOpenEditor" + i));
            ParameterizedCommand parmOpenCmd = ....; // openCmd + the editorsId parameter
            item.define(parmOpenCmd, fileLocation);
    public SearchViewPart getSearchView() {
        return ....;

Revision as of 12:56, 18 October 2006

Placement examples that try to descript the old to new way.

Example Matrix

Example Location visible when enabled when defined by placed by handled by comments
File->Exit global menu always always Workbench IDEApplication IDEApplication
Edit->Copy global menu always there is an enabled handler Workbench IDEApplication active part (what about Trim??) enablement determined by handler
Global toolbar->Save global toolbar always the active part needs saving Workbench IDEApplication Workbench
Global toolbar->Open Type global toolbar Java Navigation action set is enabled Java Navigation action set is enabled JDT UI JDT UI JDT UI
Global toolbar->Toggle Mark Occurrences global (editor) toolbar any Java editor is active any Java editor is active all Java Editors all Java Editors active Java Editor push button state is updated based on active editor


Current RCP using ActionBarAdvisor

The ApplicationActionBarAdvisor should add the exit menu. The QuitAction is already coded and the exit command is already defined.

// create the file menu
MenuManager menu = new MenuManager(IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_file, IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_FILE);
// ...
quitAction = ActionFactory.QUIT.create(window);
ActionContributionItem quitItem = new ActionContributionItem(quitAction);
quitItem.setVisible(!"carbon".equals(SWT.getPlatform())); //$NON-NLS-1$

Current RCP or Eclipse plugin using an actionSet

Using an actionSet, you can also place the action in the main menu.

         label="Exit Actions"
            tooltip="Exit Eclipse">

Proposed new menu

With the new structure, you would have to turn the action into a handler.

   <handler commandId="org.eclipse.ui.file.exit"

Then you can place it in the menu:

      <location type="menu">
         <menu id="file"/>
         <order after="fileEnd"/>

You can globally place your exit menu in the file menu, or tie it to an actionSet using the <visibleWhen/> clause.


Some Copy Stuff.

Action Set 01

Provide a basic action set. Assume you have 2 commands defined, (Registry Find) and (Registry Replace), and you want to add them to the main Search menu at Your commands already have their images defined in the org.eclipse.ui.commandImages extension point.

Define the action set:

      description="The collection of registry search actions"
      name="Registry Search Action Set"

And here is a possible view of the menus extension point:

      <location type="menu">
         <menu id=""/>
         <order after="dialogGroup"/>
         <with variable="activeContexts">
            <iterator operator="or">
               <equals value=""/>
      <location type="menu">
         <menu id=""/>
         <order after=""/>
         <with variable="activeContexts">
            <iterator operator="or">
               <equals value=""/>

Hmmmm, so to programmatically do this, you would have to go through the IMenuService.

ICommandService commandServ = (ICommandService) getSite().getWindow().getService(ICommandService.class);
IMenuService menuServ = (IMenuService) getSite().getWindow().getService(IMenuService.class);
Command findCmd = commandServ.getCommand("");
SLocation findLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU, "");
findLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "dialogGroup"));

SItem findItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU, ""));
findItem.define(findCmd, findLocation, "d");
menuServ.contribute(findItem, new ActionSetExpression(""));

Command replaceCmd = commandServ.getCommand("");
SLocation replaceLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU, "");
replaceLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, ""));

SItem replaceItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU, ""));
replaceItem.define(replaceCmd, replaceLocation, "p");
menuServ.contribute(replaceItem, new ActionSetExpression(""));

Action Set 02

You can use the extension point to contribute a control to the toolbar. You use the <widget/> element instead of the <item/> element.

      <location type="toolbar">
         <menu id=""/>
         <with variable="activeContexts">
            <iterator operator="or">
               <equals value=""/>

The widget class must implement org.eclipse.ui.menus.IWorkbenchWidget, and provide fill(CoolBar parent, int index) for a toolbar.

I'm not sure how far to go with IWorkbenchWidget. We already use this interface for adding controls to the trim, and there are open bug requests about adding arbitrary controls to the toolbars.

Will menus take arbitrary controls?

Action Set 03

Like the Undo action, sometimes menu items would want to allow their label to be updated. This is currently handled through the Command objects and the handlers. IMenuStateIds and INamedHandleStateIds define some states that we currently support.

This can be used to update the menu item label:

         description="Targetted Undo Command"

It's placed in the menus just like any other command:

      <location type="menu">
         <menu id="edit"/>
         <order after="edit.ext"/>

As a handler becomes active and implement IObjectWithState (for example, derives from AbstractHandlerWithState) it is notified about any states that the handler's command contains. The states can be updated at that time.

class FileDeleteUndoHandler extends AbstractHandlerWithState {
    public final void handleStateChange(final State state, final Object oldValue) {
        if (INamedHandleStateIds.NAME.equals(state.getId()) && oldValue==null) {
            state.setValue("Undo File Delete");
    public final Object execute(final ExecutionEvent event) {
        // undo a file delete using EFS ... very cool
        return null;

Editor Actions 01

This should basically be the same as #Action_Set_01 with a different visible when clause.

         <with variable="activeEditorId">
            <equals value="com.example.registry.RegistryEditor"/>

So programmatically, that just translates into a different visible when expression:

menuServ.contribute(editorFindItem, new ActiveEditorIdExpression("com.example.registry.RegistryEditor"));

The menu items must be uniquely identified by their id. Since they only have one location, they can only have one activation in the service at a time.

Editor Actions 02

Programmatically we have to take the editor action handlers into account.

One of the advantages of EditorActionBars is the lifecycle of the actions that are added. They're created when the first editor of that type is loaded and exist until the last editor of that type is closed.

Our service hierarchy has 2 levels, IWorkbenchWindow and IPartSite. Handlers registered with IWorkbenchWindow are active as long as the window is active, and are disposed when the window is disposed. Handlers registered with IPartSite are active and available as long as that specific part is active and available. When the part is closed, the handlers are disposed.

Two possibilities are:

1. Provide a service locator for the in-between case. Tied to a part type. The service locator expression makes the activation correct and the service locator disposes of them correctly. Basically, we would make IActionBars returned from each IPartSite a service locator as well.

2. Move these actions up to the IWorkbenchWindow level. With the correct expression the handler activation would be correct. But once created they would live as long as the workbench.

View Actions 01

View actions have to specify their menus as they are self contained.

<command id="z.ex.editor.commands.SampleViewAction"
    name="Sample View Action"
    description="Sample View Action command"/>
   <image commandId="z.ex.editor.commands.SampleViewAction"

Placing the action (which is specifically a menu or button linked to a command) can be accomplished with the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point.

         label="Sample Menu">
      <location type="viewMenu">
         <part partId="z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView"/>
      <location type="viewMenu">
         <part partId="z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView">
            <menu id="z.ex.view.SampleViewMenu"/>
      <location type="viewMenu">
         <part partId="z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView">
            <menu id="z.ex.view.SampleViewMenu"/>
         <order after="z.ex.view.SampleViewGroup"/>

Hmmmm, so to programmatically do this, you would have to go through the IMenuService.

ICommandService commandServ = (ICommandService) getSite().getWindow().getService(ICommandService.class);
IMenuService menuServ = (IMenuService) getSite().getWindow().getService(IMenuService.class);

SMenu viewMenu = menuServ.getMenu(new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU, 
viewMenu.define("Sample Menu", new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU, 
        "z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView"), "M");
SGroup viewGroup = menuServ.getGroup(new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU, 
viewGroup.define(new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU, 
        "z.ex.view.keybindings.views.SampleView/z.ex.view.SampleViewMenu", false); 

Command viewCmd = commandServ.getCommand("z.ex.editor.commands.SampleViewAction");
SLocation viewLocation = new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU, 
viewLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "z.ex.view.SampleViewGroup"));
SItem viewItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.VIEW_MENU, 
viewItem.define(viewCmd, viewLocation, "V");

Popup Actions 01

Popups can be targetted at any registered context menu, or at all of them

<command id="z.ex.view.commands.SampleContributionAction"
    name="Sample Context Action"
    description="Sample Context Action command"/>
   <image commandId="z.ex.view.commands.SampleContributionAction"

Placing the action (which is specifically a menu or button linked to a command) can be accomplished with the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point.

      <location type="contextMenu">
         <menu id="#EditorContext"/>
         <order after="z.ex.editor.contextGroup"/>
         <with variable="selection">
           <adapt type="org.eclipse.ui.handlers.IHandlerActivation"/>

It's probably that the default variable for core expression evaluations would be selection, so you wouldn't need the <with/> clause. There would probably also be a short-hand to tie the visibility to an active handler. Maybe <visibleWhen handler="true"/>

Hmmmm, so to programmatically do this, you would have to go through the IMenuService.

Command contextCmd = commandServ.getCommand("z.ex.view.commands.SampleContributionAction");
SLocation contextLocation = new SLocation(SBar.CONTEXT_MENU, "#EditorContext");
contextLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "z.ex.editor.contextGroup"));
SItem contextItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.CONTEXT_MENU, "#EditorContext/"));
contextItem.define(contextCmd, contextLocation, "C");
menuServ.contribute(contextItem, new SelectionAdaptExpression("org.eclipse.ui.handlers.IHandlerActivation"));

Popup Actions 02

There will be a reserved popup ID, "org.eclipse.ui.menus.context.any" that will allow contributions to any popup menu.

Command contextCmd = commandServ.getCommand("z.ex.view.commands.SampleContributionAction");
SLocation contextLocation = new SLocation(SBar.CONTEXT_MENU, "org.eclipse.ui.menus.context.any");
contextLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "additions"));
SItem contextItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.CONTEXT_MENU, "org.eclipse.ui.menus.context.any/"));
contextItem.define(contextCmd, contextLocation, "C");
menuServ.contribute(contextItem, new SelectionAdaptExpression("org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile"));

The contribution should look exactly the same as a normal contribution.

Override Actions 01

It should be possible to override the visibility of menu contributions.

IMenuService menuService = (IMenuService) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(IMenuService.class);
SItem findItem = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU, ""));
menuService.addOverride(findItem, new OverrideAdapter() {
  public Boolean isVisible() {
    return Boolean.FALSE;

The idea is to provide this ability at the product level. For example, an RCP app should be able to hide any menu items that it doesn't want but picked up through the inclusion of a plugin.

That implies that it might not be part of the general IMenuService interface. Or (taking a page from the IExtensionRegistry) it might use a token that's available from the WorkbenchWindowAdvisor so that products can use the interface, or even expose the ability to their users.

If it returns null the next level of visibility is evaluated. The null case is to keep it consistent with other overrides.

Dynamic Menu 01

You want to add a dynamic "Previous Searches" submenu to the main Search menu.

         label="Previous Searches"
      <dynamic class=""/>
      <location type="menu">
         <menu id=""/>
         <order after="additions"/>

You can programmatically accomplish the same thing:

ICommandService commandServ = (ICommandService) getSite().getWindow().getService(ICommandService.class);
IMenuService menuServ = (IMenuService) getSite().getWindow().getService(IMenuService.class);

SMenu recentMenu = menuServ.getMenu(new SLocation(SBar.MENU, 
SLocation menuLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU, 
menuLocation.setOrder(new SOrder(SOrder.AFTER, "additions"));
recentMenu.define("Previous Searches", menuLocation, "c", new RecentMenu());

When your menu is about to show, you should get the callback:

public class RecentMenu implements IDynamicMenu {
    public void aboutToShow(IMenuCollection menu) {
        String[] searchIds = getSearchVew().getPreviousSearches();
        Command findCmd = commandServ.getCommand("");
        SLocation findLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU, "");
        for (int i=0; i<searchIds.length && i<4; i++) {
            SItem item = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU, 
                "" + i));
            ParameterizedCommand parmFindCmd = ....; // findCmd + the searchId parameter
            item.define(parmFindCmd, findLocation);
    public SearchViewPart getSearchView() {
        return ....;

Dynamic Menu 02

You can have a group dynamically insert elements as a menu is shown.

      <dynamic class=""/>
      <location type="menu">
         <menu id="file"/>
         <order after="mru"/>

When the File menu is about to show, you will be called with your group IMenuCollection (not the entire File menu). But basically, it looks the same as the dynamic menu case.

public class RecentSearchEditors implements IDynamicMenu {
    public void aboutToShow(IMenuCollection menu) {
        String[] editorIds = getSearchVew().getPreviousOpenEditors();
        Command openCmd = commandServ.getCommand("");
        SLocation fileLocation = new SLocation(SBar.MENU, "file");
        for (int i=0; i<editorIds.length && i<4; i++) {
            SItem item = menuServ.getItem(new SLocation(SBar.MENU, 
                "file/searchOpenEditor" + i));
            ParameterizedCommand parmOpenCmd = ....; // openCmd + the editorsId parameter
            item.define(parmOpenCmd, fileLocation);
    public SearchViewPart getSearchView() {
        return ....;

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