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Difference between revisions of "Mylyn/Porting Guide"

(Tasks API)
(Changes in 3.20)
(182 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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This document will have Mylar 2.0 specific API changes added to it as we make them.  If interested in keeping up with these changes we '''suggest setting a watch''' for this page.  Note that changes involving classes moving packages are not listed, use ''Organize Imports'' to resolve.
= Porting from Mylar 1.0 to 2.0 =
= General =
== ''Pending Changes'' ==
Mylyn follows the Eclipse conventions for [[Version_Numbering|version numbering]] and guarantees [[Evolving_Java-based_APIs|binary backwards compatibility]] for minor releases. Internals are binary backwards compatible between service releases.
The following changes are planned but not yet implemented.  Email mylar-dev if any of these pose a problem.
API enhancements can be tracked by searching the source code for the corresponding @since JavaDoc tags or by querying for bugs that have [api] in their summary.
* <code>AbstractRepositoryTaskEditor</code>
= Changes in 3.22 =
** creation of the <code>Composite</code> for "Attributes" section moved out of the <code>createAttributeLayout(..)</code> method into <code>createSections()</code>. So, method <code>createAttributeLayout(..)</code> is now takes that composite as parameter and returns <code>void</code>.
* <code>AbstractRepositoryConnector</code>:
* Connectors that do not provide a task key no longer have their task ID automatically used as the key. Connectors that rely on this behaviour should explicitly set the task key to the ID. This change actually occurred in Mylyn 3.21 but was not added to this page until the 3.22 release.
** rename <code>createTaskFromExistingKey(..)</code> to <code>addExistingTask(..)</code>
** rename getRepositoryType() to getConnectorKind()
* <code>AbstractRepositoryConnectorUi</code>:
= Changes in 3.20 =
** remove hasRichEditor();
* <code>AbstractRepositoryQuery</code>
* <code>AbstractTaskListMigrator</code> and its related extension point have been deprecated. Contributed migrators will no longer be applied when loading the Task List ({{bug|493037}}).
** rename to <code>AbstractRepositoryTaskContainer</code> or merge with <code>AbstractTaskContainer</code>
* <code>AbstractRepositoryTask</code>
= Changes in 3.12 =
** rename getRepositoryKind() to getConnectorKind()
** rename setLastSyncDateStamp() to setLastReadTimeStamp()
** rename getLastSyncDateStamp() to getLastReadTimeStamp()
* <code>IRepositoryConstants</code>
* The SOAP transport was removed ({{bug|421379}}).
* <code>Task</code>
= Changes in 3.11 =
** rename getRepositoryKind() to getConnectorKind()
** rename getDescription() to getSummary()
** rename setKind() to setTaskKind()
* <code>TaskListManager</code>
* The SOAP transport was deprecated ({{bug|423964}}).
** task activity methods might move to a new TaskActivityManager class
* <code>TaskRepository</code>:
= Changes in 3.10 =
** rename <code>getKind()</code> to <code>getConnectorKind()</code>
** Make class final
* Bridges:
** Dtructure bridge: consider changing contentType -> structureKind
== General ==
= Porting from 3.8 to 3.9 =
* Library dependencies have moved to <code>org.eclipse.mylar</code>
== Mylyn Reviews ==
* <code>MylarStatusHandler</code> and <code>IStatusHandler</code>
** moved from <code>org.eclipse.mylar.context.core</code> to <code>org.eclipse.mylar.core</code>
* <code>MylarStatus</code> (place holder, will improve as we solidify this)
The Reviews framework has had a major update which resulted in changes to the core model and API. In consequence, the version was updated to 2.0.
** <code>MylarStatusHandler.displayStatus(dialog title, IStatus status)</code> - call to display error and information dialogs
** When returning <code>CoreException</code> pass in a <code>MylarStatus</code> with appropriate code (see <code>IMylarStatusConstants</code>).
** If <code>IMylarStatusConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR</code> is sent to <code>MylarStatusHandler.displayStatus</code> an error dialog will appear and the error will be logged.
** <code>IMylarStatusConstants.REPOSITORY_COLLISION</code> used for mid-air collision. Pass repository url and appropriate dialog will be displayed.
* <code>WebClientUtil</code>
= Porting from 3.7 to 3.8 =
** moved from <code>..mylar.tasks.core</code> to <code></code>
* Methods that do I/O operations now take an <code>IProgressMonitor</code> parameter ([ #143011])
No API changes that affect integrators.
== Tasks API ==  
= Porting from 3.6 to 3.7 =
Sorting is alphabetical.
== Mylyn Commons ==
* <code>AbstractQueryHit</code>
* {{bug|305782}} Restructuring of Mylyn Commons features
** <code>setDescription(..)</code> renamed to <code>setSummary(..)</code>
* <code>AbstractRepositoryConnector</code>
The Mylyn Commons components were restructured and provisional packages were promoted to API. Several bundle IDs, package names and extension IDs were changed in the process. Classes in provisional packages were kept but marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future release. None of the changes break API backwards compatibility but integrations that consumed internal packages or extensions points may need to be adapted.
** <code>getLastSyncTimestamp(TaskRepository repository, Set<AbstractRepositoryTask> changedTasks)</code>: added  (may change as part of [ bug#176934])
** <code>getSupportedVersions()</code> has been removed ([ #1768159])
** <code>createTaskFromExistingId()</code> is no longer abstract and takes care of task creation
** <code>updateTaskFromTaskData(TaskRepository, AbstractRepositoryTask, RepositoryTaskData, boolean retrieveSubTasks)</code> added. Must be implemented to handle updating information on the <code>AbstractRepositoryTask</code> with data from the <code>RepositoryTaskData</code>
** renamed <code>updateTask</code> to <code>updateTaskFromRepository</code>
** <code>createTaskFromExistingKey()</code> renamed to createTaskFromExistingId() and is final
** <code>makeTask()</code> added. Connector specific repository task construction
** <code>setTaskDataManager()</code> added. Manager set upon connector construction in TasksUiPlugin. If being used headless, will need to manually set for offline support.
* <code>AbstractRepositoryConnectorUi</code>
The following bundles were renamed:
** <code>openRemoteTask(String repositoryUrl, String id)</code>: removed, this method no longer needs to be implemented by the connector.  Instead classes can rely on the new <code>openRepositoryTask(..)</code> method, and override it if necessary.
** getRepositoryUrl and all ID/URL methods: now final, change via setters
** + findHyperlinks(...) override to detect hyperlinks in editors
** handlesDueDates() added. Override and return true if connector capable of handling due dates.
** getTaskKindLabel(RepositoryTaskData) returns suitable label for task kind (default is 'Task') override to suit
* <code>AbstractRepositoryQuery</code>
org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity      -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity.core
** <code>setMaxHits()</code> removed and constrctor no longer takes number of hits. Connectors can use QueryHitCollector.MAX_HITS (currently 5000) when setting max number of hits to return.
org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.notifications -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.notifications.ui
org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories  -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.core
 +          -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui
*<code>AbstractRepositorySettingsPage</code> validation changes.
A complete list of renamed and added bundles can be found on bug 305782 on [ comment 13].
**<code>setNeedsValidation(boolean needsValidation)</code>  if true validate button will be visible
**<code>getValidator(TaskRepository repository)</code> return an instance of <code>Validator</code>.  
* <code>AbstractRepositoryTask</code>
The following packages were renamed:
** <code>Task</code>: constructor no longer takes newTask bookean, use setCreationDate(new Date()) for creating a new task instead
** constructor now requires taskId (now immutable)
** getIdentifyingLabel() -> getTaskKey()
** getLastRefreshTimeInMinutes(Date) removed
** no more static methods (use RepositoryTaskHandleUtil)
** Replace this idiom:
    String handleIdentifier = AbstractRepositoryTask.getHandle(repository.getUrl(), taskId);
    ITask task = TasksUiPlugin.getTaskListManager().getTaskList().getTask(handle);
** with:
    ITask task = TasksUiPlugin.getTaskListManager().getTaskList().getTask(repository.getUrl(), taskId);
** isDirty() and setDirty() removed
** isDownloaded() removed
** getTaskData(), setTaskData() removed
** isSubmitting(), setSubmitting() added
* <code>AbstractRepositoryTaskEditor</code>
org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity    -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity.core
** <code>attachContext()</code> Added <code>IProgressMonitor</code> parameter ([ #143011])
  org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.core
**<code>attributeChanged()</code> Anything that needs to be saved must be in attribute form and passed to this method. Most if this is all done for you but if you override AbstractRepositoryTaskEditor.createCustomAttributeLayout() then you will want to ensure that attributeChanged is called upon editing. Utility method createTextField() handles this call.
+      -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui
** <code>createLabel()</code> Utility method added. It will put an '*' at the front of the label if the attribute has been modified. Eventually this will be applied upon editing but currently only happens after re-freshing or re-opening the editor.
** <code>createTaskFromExistingId()</code> Added <code>IProgressMonitor</code> parameter ([ #143011])
** <code>handleNewBugPost()</code> Added <code>IProgressMonitor</code> parameter ([ #143011])
** <code>SECTION_NAME</code> is an enum that holds default titles for the default sections. To override these default titles, set the appropriate (SECTION_NAME, new name) in <code>alternateSectionLabels</code> on <code>AbstractRepositoryTaskEditor</code>.
** <code>updateEditor()</code> refreshes editor with new input in-place.
** <code>uploadTaskFromRepository()</code> Added <code>IProgressMonitor</code> parameter ([ #143011])
The following provisional packages were promoted to API (see {{bug|360301}}):
*<code> AttributeContainer</code>
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.core        -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.core
**<code>getAttributeFactory()</code> new method
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui          -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui
                                                            -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench
                                                            -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench.browser
                                                            -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench.editors
                                                            -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench.forms
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui.actions  -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui.commands -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench.texteditor
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui.dialogs  -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui.dialogs
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui.editor  -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench
In some cases provisional packages do not map directly to API packages but classes were distributed among several packages.
** constructor no longer takes a TaskList
** getChildern() requires taskList parameter
* <code>DateRangeContainer</code>
The following extension points have moved:
** getChildren() now returns set of underlying task objects (not DateRangeActivityDelegates which will be deprecated)
** getDateRangeDelegates() returns the delegate formerly returned by getChildren()
* <code>DelegatingTaskExternalizer</code>
+ -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui.newWizards
** <code>readTaskInfo(..)</code> and <code>readQueryHitInfo(..)</code> are now called automatically and are private. Use your <code>createTask(..)</code> or <code>createQueryHit(..)</code> methods to customize reading additional attributes.
* <code>DelegatingTaskExternalizer</code>
The following extension IDs have changed:
** init() removed
** readTaskData() removed
* <code>IAttachmentHandler</code>
+ -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui.navigator.Repositories
** <code>downloadAttachment()</code> Added <code>IProgressMonitor</code> parameter ([ #143011]). The data is now written to an <code>OutputStream</code> instead of a <code>File</code> ([ #]186070). A default implementation for this method which uses <code>getAttachmentAsStream()</code> for retrieving the attachment is provided in <code>AbstractAttachmentHandler</code>.
+              -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui.category.Team
** <code>getAttachmentData()</code> has been replaced by <code>getAttachmentAsStream()</code> which now returns an InputStream for reading the attachment data ([ #]186070).
** <code>uploadAttachment()</code> Added <code>IProgressMonitor</code> parameter ([ #143011]). Attachment properties are now passed as an object of type <code>ITaskAttachment</code>. This interface provides a <code>createInputStream()</code> method to create a stream for reading the data source ([ #]186070).
* ITask
= Porting from 3.0 to 3.6 =
** <code>setDescription(...)</code> renamed to <code>setSummary</code>
* <code>ITaskDataHandler</code>
See the <b>[[Mylyn/Porting Guide/3.x]]</b>
** <code>getChangedSinceLastSync()</code> method moved to <code>AbstractRepositoryConnector</code>
** New comment now held in an attribute: <code>RepositoryTaskAttribute.COMMENT_NEW</code> will need to update handler and factory to produce connector specific attribute
** <code>getTaskData()</code> Added <code>IProgressMonitor</code> parameter ([ #143011])
** <code>initializeTaskData(TaskRepository repository, RepositoryTaskData data, IProgressMonitor monitor)</code> called by NewTaskWizard to initialize new taskData objects (currently only in use by Trac but will adopt).
** <code>getAttributeFactory(String repositoryUrl, String repositoryKind, String taskKind)</code> signature changed
** <code>getDateForAttributeType(...)</code> moved to <code>AbstractAttributeFactory</code>
** <code>postTaskData()</code> Added <code>IProgressMonitor</code> parameter ([ #143011])
* <code>ITaskListElement</code>: now extends <code>java.lang.Comparable</code>, so Collections support of sorting can be used, since task list elements have a natural ordering. Default implementations are provided for tasks and containers. ([ bug 171590])
= Porting from 2.0 to 3.0 =
* <code>ITaskListExternalizer</code>
See the <b>[[Mylyn/Porting Guide/3.0]]</b>
** <code>readTask(..)</code> renamed to <code>createTask(..)</code>, no longer needs to set taskId, label, or repositoryUrl
** <code>createQueryElement(...)</code> requires additional TaskList parameter
** <code>getQueryHitTagName()</code> removed
** <code>createQueryHitElement()<code> removed (hit read/write now handled by framework)
** <code>canReadQueryHit()</code> removed
** <code>createQueryHit()</code> removed
* <code>QueryHitCollector</code>
** MAX_HITS constant can be used as standard default number of hits handled per query. User notified when >= hits returned.
* <code>RepositorySynchronizationManager</code>
= Porting from 1.0 to 2.0 =
** <code>updateOfflineState</code> is now <code>saveIncoming</code> and <code>saveOutgoing</code>.  
** <code>discardOutgoing</code> discards any pending outgoing changes
* <code>RepositoryTaskAttribute</code>
See the <b>[[Mylyn Porting Guide 2.0]]</b>
** getID() -> getId()
**constructor now requires a task kind (string) (i.e. <code>Task.DEFAULT_TASK_KIND</code>)
**<code>getTaskKind</code> return the task kind
**<code>setNew(boolean)</code> signifies that this is unsubmitted task data. Used by editor factory to determine if existing or new editor to be opened.
* <code>SynchronizeQueryJob</code>
** renamed setSynchTasks() to setSynchChangedTasks()
* <code>Task</code>
** constructor no longer takes newTask boolean, use setCreationDate(new Date()) for creating a new task instead
** <code>dropSubTasks</code>: added, removes all subtasks
** <code>getTooltipText()</code>: deleted, not used
** Due dates are now supported <code>getDueDate(), setDueDate()</code>
** handleIdentifier: now private
** get/setUrl are now get/setTaskUrl (to disambiguate with get/setRepositoryUrl())
** <code>getElapsedTime()</code>: removed, not used previously, use <code>TaskListManager.getElapsedTime(ITask)</code> instead (note this method might move)
** <code>setElapsedTime()</code>: removed, not used
** <code>getParent()</code> removed
** <code>setParent()</code> removed  (tasks can have multiple parent tasks)
** <code>isCategory()</code> removed
** <code>setIsCategory()</code> removed
** <code>addSubTask(), removeSubTask(), dropSubTasks()</code> removed Task extends AbstractTaskContainer so task containment semantics handled by parent. ''To ADD subtasks use TaskList.addTask(child, parent) getting and dropping of subtasks can be performed via methods on the Task (inherited from AbstractTaskContainer)remove(), clear()''
* <code>TaskContainer</code> and all others extending <code>AbstractTaskContainer</code>
** constructor no longer takes tasklist parameter
* <code>TaskEditor</code>
** <code>protected void pageChange(intNewPageIndex)</code> method removed (only called super)
* <code>TaskList</code>
** <code>getChangeListeners()</code>: returns a <code>Set</code> instead of <code>List</code>
** <code>getRootCategory</code> renamed to <code>getUncategorizedCategory</code>
* <code>TaskListImages</code>
** renamed to <code>TasksUiImages</code> (still an internal class, should move to API)
* <code>TaskListManager</code>
** <code>setDueDate()</code> used to set due date on a task and cause notification of local info changed.
** <code>isDue(ITask)</code> true if task's due date isn't null and date has past
* <code>TaskListWriter</code>
** <code>setTaskDataManager()</code>  removed
* <code>TaskRepository</code>
** (-) TaskRepository.getDefaultProxy()  (Renamed and moved to WebClientUtil.getPlatformProxy())
* <code>TasksUiUtil</code>
** <code>openUrl(String url)</code>: moved to <code>openUrl(String url, boolean useRichEditor)</code>
** <code>getImageDescriptorForPriority(..)</code> moved to TasksUiImages
** <code>getImageForPriority(..)</code>moved to TasksUiImages
== Context API ==
* <code>AbstractContextUiBridge<code>
** removed: <code>restoreEditor(IMylarElement)</code> use <code>open(IMylarElement)</code> instead
* <code>AbstractContextStore</code>
** <code>notifyContextStoreMoved()</code>: change to <code>contextStoreMoved()</code>
* <code>AbstractContextStructureBridge</code>
** <code>getDegreesOfSeparation()</code>: moved to <code>AbstractRelationProvider</code>
** <code>getRelationshipProviders()</code>: moved to extensions point, e.g.:
  <extension point="org.eclipse.mylar.context.core.bridges">
* <code>IMylarContextListener</code>: renamed to <code>IInteractionContextListener</code>
** <code>contextCleared(..)</code>: added
** <code>presentationSettingsChanging(..)</code>: removed, not used
** <code>presentationSettingsChanged(..)</code>: removed, not used
** <code>UpdateKind</code>: removed, not used
* <code>IMylarContext</code>: renamed to <code>IInteranctionContext</code>
** <code>getHandleIdentifier()</code>: added to facilitate mapping
* <code>IMylarElement</code>: renamed to <code>IInteractionElement</code>
* <code>IMylarObject</code>: renamed to <code>IInteractionObject</code>
* <code>IMylarRelation</code>: renamed to <code>IInteractionRelation</code>
* <code>IContextWriter</code>: renamed to <code>IInteractionContextWriter</code>
* <code>IContextReader</code>: renamed to <code>IInteractionContextReader</code>
* <code>IMylarContextListener</code>: renamed to <code>IInteractionContextListener</code>
* <code>MylarContextManager</code>: renamed to <code>InteractionContextManager</code>
== Monitor API ==
*<code>MylarMonitorUiPlugin</code>: renamed to <code>MonitorUiPlugin</code>
** (-) setInactivityTimeout(...)
* <code>org.eclipse.mylar.monitor</code>: split into <code>monitor.core</code> and <code>monitor.ui</code>, organize imports and update extension point IDs
* <code>HandleObfuscator</code>
** moved to <code>InteractionEventObfuscator</code>
* <code>org.eclipse.mylar.monitor.usage.core</code> and <code>org.eclipse.mylar.monitor.usage.ui</code>
** moved to <code>..mylar.monitor.core</code>, <code>..mylar.monitor.usage</code> and <code>..mylar.monitor.usage.internal</code>

Latest revision as of 14:59, 7 February 2017


Mylyn follows the Eclipse conventions for version numbering and guarantees binary backwards compatibility for minor releases. Internals are binary backwards compatible between service releases.

API enhancements can be tracked by searching the source code for the corresponding @since JavaDoc tags or by querying for bugs that have [api] in their summary.

Changes in 3.22

  • Connectors that do not provide a task key no longer have their task ID automatically used as the key. Connectors that rely on this behaviour should explicitly set the task key to the ID. This change actually occurred in Mylyn 3.21 but was not added to this page until the 3.22 release.

Changes in 3.20

  • AbstractTaskListMigrator and its related extension point have been deprecated. Contributed migrators will no longer be applied when loading the Task List (bug 493037).

Changes in 3.12

Changes in 3.11

Changes in 3.10


Porting from 3.8 to 3.9

Mylyn Reviews

The Reviews framework has had a major update which resulted in changes to the core model and API. In consequence, the version was updated to 2.0.

Porting from 3.7 to 3.8

No API changes that affect integrators.

Porting from 3.6 to 3.7

Mylyn Commons

  • bug 305782 Restructuring of Mylyn Commons features

The Mylyn Commons components were restructured and provisional packages were promoted to API. Several bundle IDs, package names and extension IDs were changed in the process. Classes in provisional packages were kept but marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future release. None of the changes break API backwards compatibility but integrations that consumed internal packages or extensions points may need to be adapted.

The following bundles were renamed:

org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity      -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity.core
org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.notifications -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.notifications.ui
org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories  -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.core          -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui

A complete list of renamed and added bundles can be found on bug 305782 on comment 13.

The following packages were renamed:

org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity     -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity.core
org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.core      -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui

The following provisional packages were promoted to API (see bug 360301):

org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.core        -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.core
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui          -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui
                                                           -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench
                                                           -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench.browser
                                                           -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench.editors
                                                           -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench.forms
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui.actions  -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui.commands -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench.texteditor
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui.dialogs  -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui.dialogs
org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.provisional.commons.ui.editor   -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.workbench

In some cases provisional packages do not map directly to API packages but classes were distributed among several packages.

The following extension points have moved: -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui.newWizards

The following extension IDs have changed: -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui.navigator.Repositories               -> org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.ui.category.Team

Porting from 3.0 to 3.6

See the Mylyn/Porting Guide/3.x

Porting from 2.0 to 3.0

See the Mylyn/Porting Guide/3.0

Porting from 1.0 to 2.0

See the Mylyn Porting Guide 2.0

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