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* [ New and Noteworthy in 3.0]
* [ New and Noteworthy in 3.5]
* [[GEF/New and Noteworthy/3.6| New and Noteworthy in 3.6]]
* [[GEF/New and Noteworthy/3.7| New and Noteworthy in 3.7]]
* [[GEF/New and Noteworthy/3.8| New and Noteworthy in 3.8]]
* [[GEF/New and Noteworthy/3.9| New and Noteworthy in 3.9]]
== General ==
The Eclipse 3.10.0 (Mars) release provides minor releases for Draw2d (3.10.0), GEF (MVC) (3.10.0), and Zest (1.6.0), as well as initial versions (0.1.0) of all new GEF4 components.
All GEF4 components are purely provisional, that is no API is exposed yet. While the Common, Geometry, MVC components have been mostly written from scratch, the Graph, Layout, DOT, Zest, and Cloudio components are (at least partially) based on the former Zest2 code base. In contrast to the prior Zest2 code base, everything contributed to the 3.10.0 (Mars) release will be completely self-contained, i.e. none of the GEF4 components relies on API provided by Draw2d/GEF (MVC) 3.x, or Zest 1.x.
An overview of all GEF4 components and detailed documentation on each can be found under [[GEF/GEF4 | GEF4]].
== Draw2d 3.10.0 ==
=== Tooltip Delay (3.10.0 M1) ===
<code>TooltipHelper</code> now allows clients to set the tooltip delay (see [ Bug #323656]).
== GEF (MVC) 3.10.0 ==
=== Redoing Commands (M2) ===
Added <code>Command#canRedo()</code>, which by default delegates to <code>Command#canExecute()</code> but can be overwritten to decide whether a command is redoable or not. The <code>CommandStack</code> now evaluates this when checking of the command on its top can be redone (<code>CommandStack#canRedo()</code>) (see [ Bug #332351]).
== Zest 1.6.0 ==
== GEF4 Common 0.1.0 ==
=== Creation of Component (M1) ===
GEF4 Common component was created by extracting generic components from GEF4 MVC and GEF4 FX, including some generic abstractions like <code>IActivatable</code>, <code>IAdaptable</code>, or <code>IPropertyChangeNotifier</code>, as well as related helper/utility classes.
=== Introduction of AdapterMap-Binding-Support (M1) ===
To combine the <code>IAdaptable</code>-mechanism with Google Guice-based dependency injection, a specific map-binding was introduced, which allows to inject adapters into <code>IAdaptable</code>s.
=== Support for registering/querying adapters with parameterized types (M4) ===
Augmented <code>IAdaptable</code> to enable registration and retrieval of adapters based on <code>TypeToken</code> keys. This way, registration of adapters can not only be performed based on raw types (e.g. <code>Provider.class</code>) but also using parameterized types (e.g. <code>Provider<IGeometry></code> or <code>Provider<IFXAnchor></code>) (see [ Bug #453119]).
=== Added IPropertyStore and PropertyStoreSupport (M4) ===
You can use an <code>IPropertyStorey</code> to manage properties for which changes can be observed using the <code>IPropertyChangeNotifier</code> mechanism.
== GEF4 Geometry 0.1.0 ==
=== Introduced support for computing nearest intersection w.r.t .to reference point (M2) ===
Extended the <code>ICurve</code> interface with a method (<code>getNearestIntersection(ICurve, Point)</code>) that allows to compute the intersection point with another <code>ICurve</code> nearest to some reference point. This is e.g. quite handy when computing anchor position within <code>FXChopBoxAnchor</code>.
== GEF4 Graph 0.1.0 ==
=== Added methods to alter a Graph's nodes, edges, and attributes (M4) ===
=== Added support for nested graphs (M4) ===
A <code>Node</code> can have a nested <code>Graph</code> assigned to it. The node containing the nested graph is referred to as the 'nesting node'.
=== Migrated GraphCopier from GEF4 Dot (M5) ===
== GEF4 Layout 0.1.0 ==
=== Cleaned-up layout interfaces (M4) ===
Moved the sugiyama-specific abstractions (<code>LayerProvider</code>, <code>NodeWrapper</code>, <code>CrossingReducer</code>) into the <code>SugiyamaLayoutAlgorithm</code> as nested classes. Removed the <code>ExpandCollapseManager</code> from the <code>LayoutContext</code>, as it is specific to the <code>SpaceTreeLayoutAlgorithm</code>.
=== Migrated some Zest.Core layout examples (M5) ===
The examples demonstrate different layout algorithms. Therefore they rather belong to the GEF4 Layout component. Moreover, the original examples use Zest.Core for the visualization, which is replaced by Zest.FX in the migrated examples.
== GEF4 DOT 0.1.0 ==
=== Re-created DOT Graph Viewer based on GEF4 Zest (M3) ===
Replacing the former Zest2 code within <code>org.eclipse.gef4.zest.ui</code> that still depended on Draw2d, a new GEF4 DOT Graph Viewer was introduced, which is based on Zest.FX and Zest.FX.UI and thus uses JavaFX for visualization purposes (see [ Bug #441129] for details).
=== Refactored grammar definition and fixed parsing problems within DOT editor (M4) ===
Refactored grammar definition and fixed several parsing issues within DOT editor (see [ Bug #451097] for details).
=== Added concise lexical and semantic syntax coloring to DOT editor (M4) ===
Add proper support for lexical and semantic syntax coloring within DOT editor (see [ Bug #450448] for details).
=== Added proper outline view for DOT editor (M4) ===
Implemented a proper outline view for the DOT editor (see [ Bug #452650] for details).
=== Refactored tests and examples (M5) ===
Mainly, unnecessary classes were removed and classes with similar purpose were merged.
== GEF4 FX 0.1.0 ==
=== Integrated SwtFX as FX.UI (M1) ===
Integrated and refactored SwtFX into FX.UI as part of the GEF4 FX component (see [ Bug #441464]).
=== Removed SwtFXScene (M1) ===
Removed the need for specific SwtFXScene implementation by ensuring that <code>FXControlAdapter</code> (formerly <code>SwtFXControlAdapter</code>) can work with an arbitrary JavaFX <code>Scene</code> (see [ Bug #441463]).
=== Added FXGridLayer (M2) ===
A new <code>FXGridLayer</code> is now provided, which can be used as a background layer.
=== Revised IFXAnchor API (M2) ===
<code>IFXAnchor#attach()</code> and <code>IFXAnchor#detach()</code> now take an additional <code>IAdaptable</code> argument, which may be used to provide additional information to the specific anchor. In case of an <code>FXChopBoxAnchor</code>, this mechanism is used to pass in a <code>FXChopBoxAnchor$ReferencePointProvider</code>, thereby replicating the old <code>FXChopBoxHelper</code> mechanism which involved direct coupling. Furthermore, an <code>FXChopBoxAnchor$ComputationStrategy</code> interface has been extracted from the <code>FXChopBoxAnchor</code> (an implementation can be passed in via its constructor), so the strategy, which is used to compute anchor positions, can be replaced (see [ Bug #442971], [ Bug #444009]).
=== Introduced IFXConnectionRouter (M2) ===
An <code>IFXConnectionRouter</code> interface has been extracted from <code>FXConnection</code>. It can be passed in via <code>FXConnection#setRouter()</code> and is responsible of computing a curve geometry from the passed in (manually provided) waypoints of the connection (see [ Bug #443781]).
=== Introduced ScrollPaneEx (M5) ===
The ScrollPaneEx is an alternative to JavaFX's ScrollPane. The ScrollPaneEx provides a set-up which is suitable for graphical viewers/editors, i.e. an "infinite" canvas with viewport transformation, <code>reveal(Node)</code> functionality, fully controllable behavior, etc. .
== GEF4 MVC 0.1.0 ==
=== Added grid layer and implemented snap-to-grid support (M2) ===
The <code>FXRootPart</code> now creates an <code>FXGridLayer</code> as underlying layer by default. Visibility of the layer can be controlled via a <code>GridModel</code>, which is to be registered as an <code>IViewer</code> adapter. The <code>GridModel</code> allows to select the grid cell height and width and whether the grid is to be zoomed with the contents layer or not. It can also be used to enable/disable snap-to-grid, which is respected by the <code>FXResizeRelocatePolicy</code> and <code>FXBendPoliy</code>.
=== Added support for hover handles (M3) ===
=== Add support for transaction-based execution of operations (M3) ===
The <code>IDomain</code> now allows to open/close transactions, executing a set of related <code>IUndoableOperation</code> as an atomic (composite) operation. This way, several (transaction) policies can independently execute operations during an interaction, while undo/redo is performed for the overall transaction.
=== Introduced ContentPolicy and moved responsibility for content operations into IContentPart (M3) ===
=== Added support for creation of new content via the CreationPolicy (M4) ===
The <code>CreationPolicy</code> uses the <code>ContentPolicy</code> to create new content. In the MVC example, a simple creation-menu is implemented which can be activated using the secondary mouse button.
[[Image:GEF4MVC-simple-creation-menu.png|Simple creation menu]]
== GEF4 Zest 0.1.0 ==
=== Created Zest.FX and Zest.FX.UI as a replacement for Zest2 Core (M1) ===
=== Implemented Pruning/Unpruning of child nodes (M3) ===
=== Extract dependencies to GEF4 Layout into adapters (M4) ===
=== Renamed "subgraph" to "pruning" (M4) ===
The term "subgraph" does now refer to the combined rendering of multiple hidden nodes. Whereas "pruning" refers to hiding nodes, without visualizing them.
=== Implemented navigating nested graphs (M4) ===
Only one level of a hierarchy is rendered as once, but you can open a nested graph by double clicking the corresponding node.
[[Image:GEF4Zest-nesting-node.png|Nesting node]]
=== Implemented rotation of nodes (M5) ===
=== Implemented rendering of nested graphs (M5) ===
=== Implemented navigating nested graphs with continuous zoom (M5) ===
== GEF4 Cloudio 0.1.0 ==
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Latest revision as of 10:18, 9 June 2017

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