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This document defines the plan for participating in the yearly Simultaneous Release.
This document defines the plan for participating in the yearly Simultaneous Release.
== Mandatory Requirements for Participation ==
== Current ECF Releng Needs to Complete a Release ==
The requirements and conditions stated in this section are the basic minimum required for a project to claim they are part of the yearly Simultaneous Release.
*Complete build of appropriate version via the [ R-HEAD-sdk.feature project on the ecf builder]. Once this build has completed successfully, there will be a new directory of same name as is specified by the parameter given when starting the R-HEAD-sdk.feature build in ECF's staging directory at  ECF's download area is in 'rt/ecf' so the staging directory is in 'rt/ecf/staging'.  For example, for version 3.9.1 specified as the version when starting the R-HEAD-sdk.feature build, there would be a new directory in 'rt/ecf/staging/3.9.1'.  Within this directory will be a directory name '''site.p2''', which contains the built and signed version of the ECf p2 repository, as well as a zip of the entire repo named (for example):  ''''''.
Some of those are required to be completed '''earliy in the release cycle'''.
=== State intent early (M4)] ===
Action: Scott
How to announce your participation.  
The ECF download URL is of the form:<ecf area>/
=== Formal (standard format) plans, early (M4) ===
== Mandatory Requirements for SR Participation ==
All projects must have their project plan in the Eclipse Foundation standard XML Format (a normal Eclipse requirement). Committing to be in the Simultaneous Release means you commit to having these plans available early: by M4 at the latest. Naturally, plans will change as development continues, and we encourage teams to update them periodically, such as every milestone, to reflect reality and progress, but an initial version is required by at least M4 and the final version, due by the release in June, should be a clear statement of what was planned, what was achieved, and what was deffered. Every plan, for any release, should have some specific items covered, such as ''Target Environments'' and ''Compatibility with Previous Releases'' but we give some specific guidance here since these are so important to adoption. In addition, we do ask for one extra "theme" item,
The requirements and conditions stated in this section are the basic minimum required for a project to claim they are part of the yearly Simultaneous Release.
that is technically required only for the Simultaneous Release. What you plan, is up to each project, we just want to be sure its clear for adopters and downstream projects.
Some of those are required to be completed '''earliy in the release cycle'''.
==== Target Environments ====
Exactly what platforms and runtimes a project supports is up to them and their community, but it is required all projects document what platforms they support, especially if they have native (non-Java) code and especially if it is
different than the [ set of platforms supported by the Eclipse Platform itself].
For additional information see - [[SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Requirements/Appendix#Target_Environments | Appendix: Target Environments]]
==== Compatibility with Previous Releases ====
It should be part of every project's plan to have a section detailing compatibility with previous releases. This should not only include commitments to API and binary compatibility, but ideally would also include plans for source compatibility, workspace compatibility, and project "coexistence" compatibility. See the template in [[Development_Resources/Project_Plan| standard plan reference]] and for examples, see the plans for the [| Eclipse Platform] and the [| Web Tools Platform project].
For additional information see - [[SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Requirements/Appendix#Compatibility_with_Previous_Releases | Appendix: Compatibility]]
=== IP Documentation and Logs (RC1) ===
Projects must have their IP logs approved (a normal Eclipse requirement) but follow the earlier deadlines set by EMO and IP staff. The IP log deadline is typically mid-week RC1.
For additional information see - [[SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Requirements/Appendix#IP_Documentation_and_Logs_.28RC1.29 | Appendix: IP Logs]]
=== Release Review and compliance to requirements documentation (RC3) ===
The release review documentation must be complete by the date specified by the EMO, which is earlier than it would be for other releases. (Typically mid-week during RC3.) In addition to normal release plan requirements, for a Simultaneous Release, Project Leads must document their verification that the project complies with all extra requirements of this Simultaneous Release document, as they apply to their project, and document any exceptions, there in the release review documentation. This is intended to be a few short sentences or paragraphs, not a detailed checklist.
For additional information see - [[SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Requirements/Appendix#Release_Review_and_compliance_to_requirements_documentation_.28RC3.29 | Appendix: Release Review]]
== Mandatory Requirements for the Simultaneous Repository and EPP ==
The requirements in this section were historically called "the must do" items -- they are a "must" not for the release, but must be met for a project to be on the common, central repository (e.g. /releases/kepler). The common repo is for end users to discover easily and therefore (per EPP Policy) are the minimum requirements to be included in EPP Packages. The criteria in this section are designed to make sure projects work relatively well, and work well together and can be installed together. This is especially required for adopters who may be using these projects in complicated, interwoven ways so each piece of the puzzle must fit together well and be dependable and be maintainable, as well as being on time and IP clean.
=== Integrate Early and Often ===
First-time participants are expected to be in an aggregation build by M4, at the latest. Then, once in, always in. This firstly means by agreeing to be in the yearly release, in June, you will also participate in the two planned Simultaneous Service Releases. But, even more than that, it is assumed that once you are in one Simultaneous Release, you will continue to be, so the following year, it is assumed you will be in M1 ... that is, you should not wait until M4 every year, even though that is the deadline for first-timers.
Put another way, being
part of the Simultaneous Release is not a &quot;one time&quot;
activity, covering only the release part of the development cycle.
Instead it is a commitment to stay
&quot;simultaneous&quot; on an on-going basis. Once in, if a project
decides to not be part of future simultaneous releases, they need
to communicate that widely, and as early as possible, since could
affect adopters or downstream projects.
=== Communication  ===
At least one person from each project in a Simultaneous Release must subscribe to [ cross-project mailing list], since that is the primary communication channel for issues related to the Simultaneous Release. Also, at least one person from each project must subscribe to cross-project bugzilla inbox (add to the "Add users to my watch list" box at the bottom of your [ Bugzilla email preferences] page), as that is the primary bugzilla components for bugs that are truly cross-project, or bugs which are not known to be in one particular component.
Your representative to the Planning Council, either from PMC or Strategic Member, must attend Planning Council meetings and represent you there. Presumably, of course, after meeting or communicating with you and the other projects they represent, so they can fairly bring forward concerns and vote on issues that affect all projects, if required. Put another way, by committing to be in the Simultaneous Release, you agree to abide by all the Planning Council decisions and rules, so be sure your representative understands your project and your situation.  
A build-team member or release engineer from each project must be "on call" during the aggregation or integration periods to make sure any issues can be addresses quickly.
=== Required Bundle forms and formats ===
==== Version Numbering ([[#Testing_of_Simultaneous_Release_Repository|tested]])  ====
Projects must use 4-part version numbers following the common semantics described in the [[Version Numbering|Eclipse version numbering]] document.
==== OSGi bundle format  ====
All plug-ins (bundles) must use the true bundle form. That is, provide a file, and not rely on the plugin.xml file being 'translated' into a file at initial startup. With that, empty plugin.xml files in the presence of a file should not be included in a bundle. (For some old history, see {{bug|130598}}.)
==== Execution Environment ([[#Testing_of_Simultaneous_Release_Repository|tested]]) ====
All plug-ins (that contain Java code) must correctly specify their [[Execution Environments|Bundle Required Execution Environment (BREE)]]. Resource-only bundles do not need a BREE since it doesn't matter which version of Java they are used with.
==== Signing ([[#Testing_of_Simultaneous_Release_Repository|tested]]) ====
Projects must use [[JAR Signing|signed plugins using the Eclipse certificate]].
==== Jarred Bundles  ====
Projects must use jarred plug-ins (with unpack=false) unless there are technical reasons not to (i.e. require the directory form).
==== License text consistency ([[#Testing_of_Simultaneous_Release_Repository|tested]]) ====
Use standard forms of license documents so it is displayed in the most usable, and concise way during install and update. It is a normal requirement to use a standard [ Eclipse Foundation "about" template], but where those templates are edited by each project, care must be taken to be sure they are edited in similar ways. That is, substantial differences are fine, if required, but we need to avoid minor differences based on case, dates, and formatting. Note that the Eclipse Foundation's license or user agreement files may change from year to year (such as, see {{bug|316152}} but since Indigo, it will be easier to point to a "symbolic" representation of the license, that is inserted at build time, so it will be accurate with less manual updates from each project (see {{bug|306818}}).
=== Re-use and share common third party code (partially [[#Testing_of_Simultaneous_Release_Repository|tested]])===
Any third-party plug-ins that are common between projects must be consumed via [ Orbit]. The Simultaneous Release must not have duplicate third-party libraries (note that this only applies to versions of the libraries; thus if project A requires foo.jar 1.6 and project B uses foo.jar 1.7, that's normally ok, different service versions a little less ok, such as 1.7.1 vs 1.7.2 (those should be explained, if required), and a qualifier-only difference is definitely not ok).
Note: the "partially tested", for this case, means there is a report of "Non Unique Versions used in repository" which can catch issues of not using common bundles. See [ current report] for an example.
=== Provide optimized p2 repository ([[#Testing_of_Simultaneous_Release_Repository|partially tested]]) ===
Projects must provide their own project p2 repository for their own project and updates. Projects must [ optimize their p2 repositories] to reduce bandwidth utilization and provide a better install and update experience for users.
In addition, they must provide their artifacts and metadata in a specified format and method to allow at least parts of their repository to be aggregated and mirrored to a common repository. The [[Simrel/Contributing_to_Simrel_Aggregation_Build|current process]] may be modified throughout the year, if improvements can be made.
Note that a project's repositories must contain original (conditioned) jars, and pack.gz files (where original jar means the jar produced by the build, but which has been conditioned for pack200). This is mentioned since in some scenarios, only the pack.gz files needs to be left there ... but, that practice is controversial so for now we ask for both ... as one example, there are problems with Java 7 unpacking pack.gz files with nested jars ({{bug|361628}}).
Feature "includes" must be strict, that is "include" an exact version of that other feature. This is required so installs and builds can be repeatable independent of the exact day of the install or the exact repos enabled. This is the way things are, and have been for years, and this statement is just making it explicit since technically it is possible for people to use some p2 publishers that don't have this predictability or repeatability (which can certainly be appropriate in some contexts, just not the Simultaneous Release repository). While there may, in the future, be new mechanisms that allow some "line up collection" to be specified, it will be something new, not changing the meaning of feature "includes" element via p2 metadata.
For similar reasons, the repositories produced and contributed must use p2 publishers that produce greedy='false' in the content metadata for runtime-optional dependencies. See {{bug|247099}} and the [ p2 Publisher wiki] for some history and details on this issue of greedy vs. non-greedy requirements. But in brief, to have a runtime-optional dependency be non-greedy is important for several reasons, especially in an IDE environment. First it gives ultimate control over what is installed to the user, based on their feature selection, instead of depending on what happens to be available from the repositories they are pointing to at that moment it time. It also makes it much easier for adopters to be able to predict (and maintain) what their users have installed. In fact, if something is runtime-optional, but pulled into an install because someone did not specify greedy='false' meta-data, there is no way an adopter can provide a patch feature to one of their customers if that optional bundle causes a bug.
Everyone's p2 repositories must make use the of p2.mirrorsURL property. For "how to" information, see [[Equinox/p2/p2.mirrorsURL|p2.mirrorsURL wiki]]. Note: this is not really a "Simultaneous Release Requirement" but is required of any p2 repository on Eclipse Foundation infrastructure, and is just documented here to help spread the word and educate newcomers.
Similar to p2.mirrorsURL attribute, a well behaved, well optimized p2 repository should contain a p2.index file. This is especially important for "composite repos" and prevents unnecessary "round trips" to server looking for files. See {{bug|347448}} for history and for how-to instructions, see the [[Equinox/p2/p2_index| p2 wiki]]. Again, this is not so much a "Simultaneous Release Requirement" but is recommended of any p2 repository on Eclipse Foundation infrastructure, and is just documented here to help spread the word and educate newcomers.
=== Branding  ===
Each major project (as determined by participating PMCs) must have an 'About' dialog icon with hover text that displays the provider name. Every plug-in and feature must specify a descriptive provider-name (for features), or Bundle-Vendor header (for plug-ins), as determined by the project's PMC (e.g. "Eclipse Modeling Project" rather than ""). Also, Projects should contribute to the welcome page when appropriate.
=== Do No Harm  ===
Projects must work together in any combination of any install. Put another way, this means that users can install any subset of the projects participating in Simultaneous Release, and each of the installed projects will work as well as if it had been installed independently. If such a problem is identified, the affected projects must track down and fix the problem, to be in the simultaneous release repository.
== Optional Requirements ==
The items in this category are, in a sense, optional. That is, what, exactly, is done by a project is optional, but
it is required for projects to '''document''' what they do. These are often "best practices" that many projects have found essential at driving good adoption, plus the items sometimes speak to the quality of the project (quality as an Eclipse "good citizen", as opposed to their code quality or architecture). But, their importance is not as universally relevant to all projects and their adopters, hence it is only required that each project document what they do for these items, but exactly what they do is up to the best judgment of the project and their community.
Please see the appendix for a detailed list of these items: [[SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Requirements/Appendix#Required_for_good_adoption | Appendix: Required for good adoption]]
= Additional Information  =
* [[SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Requirements/Appendix#Planning_Council_Exception_Process | Planning Council Exception Process]]
* [[SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Policy_FAQ| Simultaneous Release Policy FAQ]]
* [[SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Requirements/Appendix#Testing_of_Simultaneous_Release_Repository | Testing of Simultaneous Release Repository]]
[[Category:Mars| ]] [[Category:Luna| ]] [[Category:Kepler| ]] [[Category:Juno| ]]
! Action
! Who
! When
! Finished
| State Intent
| Scott
| M4
| Formal Plans
| M4
|IP Documentation and Logs (RC1)
| RC1
| Integrate Early and Often
| RC1
| Communication
| Wim/Scott
| M4
| Done
| Required Bundle forms and formats
| Build
| RC1
| Re-use and share common third party code
| Wim
| RC1
| Provide optimized p2 repository
| Build
| RC1
| Done
| Branding
| RC1
| Do No Harm
| RC1

Latest revision as of 18:59, 16 November 2014

ECF Simrel Plan for Mars

Contact: Scott Lewis

Derived from SimRel/Simultaneous Release Requirements

This document defines the plan for participating in the yearly Simultaneous Release.

Current ECF Releng Needs to Complete a Release

  • Complete build of appropriate version via the R-HEAD-sdk.feature project on the ecf builder. Once this build has completed successfully, there will be a new directory of same name as is specified by the parameter given when starting the R-HEAD-sdk.feature build in ECF's staging directory at ECF's download area is in 'rt/ecf' so the staging directory is in 'rt/ecf/staging'. For example, for version 3.9.1 specified as the version when starting the R-HEAD-sdk.feature build, there would be a new directory in 'rt/ecf/staging/3.9.1'. Within this directory will be a directory name site.p2, which contains the built and signed version of the ECf p2 repository, as well as a zip of the entire repo named (for example):

The ECF download URL is of the form:<ecf area>/

Mandatory Requirements for SR Participation

The requirements and conditions stated in this section are the basic minimum required for a project to claim they are part of the yearly Simultaneous Release. Some of those are required to be completed earliy in the release cycle.

Action Who When Finished
State Intent Scott M4
Formal Plans M4
IP Documentation and Logs (RC1) RC1
Integrate Early and Often RC1
Communication Wim/Scott M4 Done
Required Bundle forms and formats Build RC1
Re-use and share common third party code Wim RC1
Provide optimized p2 repository Build RC1 Done
Branding RC1
Do No Harm RC1

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